Suzy stood outside the large industrial building and hesitated. She looked again at the letter in her hand then pushed the door bell button beside the large steel door. Almost immediately the light over the door came on, then more than a minute passed. The door finally opened and a young woman with blonde hair, wearing a tank top tee shirt and a pair of jeans appeared. She looked at Suzy and offered her hand. Suzy took it and the young woman led her inside. The steel door slammed shut behind them.
Inside the building the lights were very dim. A few naked bulbs lit what was obviously a large workshop. In what little light there was Suzy could make out a number of large machines along one side of the room. As her eyes adjusted to the dark she could see that a workbench ran much of the length of the side of the room. The other side was even more unfamiliar, the tools there had an ancient, unfamiliar look. She could see flames flickering in what appeared to be an old time forge and before it stood an anvil, surrounded by blacksmith’s tools. At the end of the room, lit by several flamencing torches, stood a large wooden frame, a cube almost twelve feet high. The woman led her through the workshop to the cube.
“I’m CJ”, she said, introducing herself. “I am the Artist’s assistant tonight. I will be helping him”. She sat down in a corner and lowered her head, saying nothing else.
Suzy looked around. There were numerous chests and boxes stacked around the frame, and the walls were covered with shelves holding objects of all descriptions. It looked like a fantastic bric-a-brac shop where you could probably find anything you wanted. She looked at the woman sitting in the corner. She was quite small, wasn’t even wearing shoes. Didn’t seem to be very outgoing. Suzy had come prepared for a special evening as the letter she had received had instructed her, and had forgotten a special dress, a black cocktail dress with spaghetti strips. The fabric clung to her and showed off her ample breasts well. Her long red hair had been curled and finished nicely, she wore thigh high stockings but no underwear for thathad been specified in the letter. The sight of the frame and the knowledge of what it was for, sent a shiver of excitement up her spine.
The man known as the Artist entered the room. He wore black trousers and a black shirt and as he approached the frame CJ rose to her feet. He looked at Suzy.
“Good Evening” Suzy said, her voice a little nervous.
“It is good” said the Artist “And we will try to make it better. I see you have met CJ. Now Suzy do you know why you are here?”
“The letter said I was to be the subject of some trials”
“That’s correct” said the man “I manufacturing several types of bondage equipment, some of them of custom design. Tonight we will be testing some of them. I hope you can prepare to experience them”
Suzy looked down obediently. “Yessir I did”
“Fine. First you must be fitted for a collar. CJ will you please measure Suzy’s neck and see if we have a collar that will fit her”
CJ stepped up to Suzy and took out a tape measure and wrapped it around Suzy’s neck. Then she walked over to a shelf where there were several silvery objects. She returned with a metal collar, made of hammered steel. It formed a complete circle with a hinge at one side and a latch at the other. Around Its circuit ference were four loops equidistant from each other. The collar was an inch and a half wide and fitted around Suzy’s neck snugly. She held her chin up as CJ put the collar on and snapped the latch. There was a large mirror on the wall and she could see herself wearing the collar, the silver grey iron contrasting with her skin. She had forgotten leather collars before but this, this was heavy, cold steel, pressing around her neck. She feel her heart beat a little faster.
The Artist spoke: “Now Suzy if you will come into the center of the frame please. You see we have a seat for you” The odd contraction looked like a bicycle seat on a pedestal.
“Please sit down on it. You may use this bar to keep you balance”. He swung a long bar out from the frame and Suzy put her hands on it as she sat down on the small seat, her feet barely touching the floor.
The Artist continued: “Now we will show you what the loops on the sides of the collar are for. CJ if you will”
CJ moved quickly and attached light chains to each of the four loops, which she then attached to hooks at the corners of the frame. The length of each chain was such that, when adjusted, held Suzy exactly in the centre of the frame by her collar, she could move neither right, left, forwards or backwards. And she was still carefully balanced on the infernal seat which was now pushing up into her crotch in a terrible way.
The Artist watched CJ as she attached the light chains and smiled, knowing that she herself had frequently been bound by them.
“Now Suzy I am going to apply some manacles to you, my own design. Unlike most menacles that have a simple latch these have a screw mechanism, so that when we put them on your wrists we can clamp them very snugly, you see here? ” Suzy nodded
“The hooks here allow me to attach a chain of any length, so they can be used as simple handcuffs, or that can be attached to the overhead winches you see above us. The final feature is the most diabolical. Do you see these three little knobs here?”. He pointed to three silver knobs on the menacles.
“They each control a needle that drives into the flesh. As you turn them the needle punctures the skin and causes the subject to bleed. By turning the knob only slightly you get just a small amount of bleeding. When the bleeding stops you simply twist it further to start it again. This way you can Keep a subject bleeding for several hours, without them passing out from loss of blood. “
Suzy sucked in her breath a little at hearing this and seeing the menacles. The Artist andCJ placed them on her wrists and screwed them down firmly. He then took two chains hanging from overhead and attached them to the menacles that held her wrists. Pulling another chain he started to win up the chains holding her wrists, slowly, inexorably. He operated the win until her arms we over above her head, although still quite loose, not yet stretched out. Suzy sat on the seat balancing, her hands chained above her head. The Artist swung the bar back out of the way.
“We have similar cuffs for your ankles.”
CJ passed him two more metallic objects which he secured to Suzy’s ankles. “this time however instead of chains we will use a solid spreader bar which will keep your ankles apart. CJ passed him a bar which he attached to one cuff, then pushing Suzy’s legs apart attached to the other. CJ helped Suzy keep her balance as he did this.
With her legs held apart the Artist begin to operate the win once more and the chains holding Suzy’s arms tightened, pullingher off the small seat She groaned as her shoulders took all the weight of her body and finally the chains stopped rattling and she hung suspended by her wrists, slowly spinning in front of the Artist and CJ
“Damn” said the Artist
“What is it” said CJ and Suzy together, both worried that the man was upset.
“Look at her We didn’t take her clothes off”
He was right Suzy was still Wearing her nice dress. Her breasts were pushed out against the material. She had likely created the back of it sitting on the silly seat. But it was still all right. That was good. It had been an expensive dress for Suzy had wanted to look good tonight. And she was sure she did look good, even if she was now hung in chains.
The Artist moved to a box marked with a red cross, obviously a medical supply chest and opened it. He removed a pair of crash scissors, the kind parameters use when cutting clothes off accident victims. Blunt ended they can be used rapidly, with little danger tothe subject. Suzy thought of protesting, but though better of it as he approached with the scissors. She noticed that CJ had resumed sitting in the corner, however she did not have her head down turned as before, rather she was watching intently as the Artist began to cut Suzy’s dress away.
He began at the hem and worked up, cutting a slit up the front across her navel and between her breasts. He could have simply cut through the neckline and the dress would have fallen away. but he stopped. He began to cut again at the hem, a few inches from the first slit. Suzy felt the blunt steel against her skin. It moved up across her belly and this time touched her nipple as proceeded to cut upwards. He stopped again just short of the neckline and started another strip, working around her body, reducing the dress to a series of ribbons. Then, cutting horizontally he cut the ribbons away and Suzy felt herself being exposed to the air as her moved around her, her expensive new dress, lyingin rags on the floor. Finally he cut the shoulder straps away and she hung there naked.
Suzy moaned. Her arms were on fire from hanging there. Her feet held apart by the spreader bar. Now naked she felt helpless as the man approached her. He ran his hands over her body roughly squeezed her breasts and pinching her nipples. Then he slide his hands under her crotch and smiled when he discovered the wetness There.
“Our subject is aroused. Excellent. Let’s begin the punishment CJ”
CJ brought forth a long thin box and opened it, making sure that Suzy could see its contents. In it, nestled in red velvet were a selection of birch canes. The Artist ran his fingers along Suzy’s white skin, then touched the canes in the box. Using his ring finger to measure he selected one and lifted it out of the box. CJ closed the box and took it away. Suzy trembled as she realized what he was going to do. He swung the cane through the air with an evil hiss.
“Nooooooooo” Suzy screamed “please don’t whip me”
The man called the Artist smiled. CJ sat in the corner, watching, licking her lips in anticipation.
He tapped the cane against her ass lightly. Suzy whimpered. Then he raised it and brought it full force down on her, the cane cutting into her. Suzy screamed. A bloody red welt appeared on her buttocks. A second time the cane hissed through the air, another red hot contact on her ass another scream. Suzy screamed again.
“Do you want me to gag her?” CJ asked “Her screams are awfully loud”
“No,” said the man sadistically. “I like hearing her scream. No one can hear her”
The canined continue. He would pause, waiting, watching her, listening to her as she begged him to stop. The he would strike another blow. . Every stoke left a red welt across Suzy’s ass, the lines cruss crossing her white skin. He know that too many blows would render her unconscious and so dealt them out slowly, knowing that the anticipation only increased her pain. And his pleasure. Finally, her buttocks bloody from the wicked caning, he stopped.
“Are your arms getting tired Suzy?” he asked with a wicked smile. Suzy nodded as best she could, her arms burning with pain. “OK then we should get some of the weight off them. CJ get the other seat out”
CJ rose and moved another pedestal out. It was similar to the first except that this one had a stainless Steel dildo protruding from the seat. She slide it underneath Suzy’s spread legs. Once positioned the man began to operate the win chains lowering Suzy onto the dildo, CJ crouched by it and guided it into Suzy’s vagina. Suzy gasped as the cold steel entered her, splitting her apart and pushing into her. Slowly, inch by inch she was lowered onto the dildo until most of her weight rested on the seat. The dildo filled her vagina and she squirmed, feeling it within her. Now not only was she restrained by the chains but she was impaled on this steel thing which prevented her from moving her hips andwas causing her pussy to get even wetter as she felt it inside her.
Suzy gasped. It felt so good to have the weight off her arms. But the feeling of the dildo in her vagina sent new thrills through her body. Her breathing was rapid. Her arms were still chained above her head., her legs still held apart. She could she that the bleeder needs were still doing their infernal work with trickles of fresh blood on her wrists and ankles. Then she saw CJ and the Artist opening yet another box.
Suzy had seen nipple clamps before, even played with them. But the Artist had created special ones. Instead of a simple spring clip these had a screw device that tightened onto the nipple. She hung there helpedly as CJ, in obvious delight, sucked on her left breast, making the nipple hard. The Artist then attached the clamp, twisting the screw gently, but painfully onto the erect bud.. CJ started to suck on her right breast when the Artist stopped her. Instead he ordered Suzy to open hermouth and stick out her tongue. Remembering the caning Suzy did so without hesitation and immediately felt the pain of a nipple clamp being applied to her tongue. With the clamp on her tongue she could no longer close her mouth and her saliva ran down her chin, making her drool like dog.
In another compartment of the box were small shiny discs. CJ laughingly called them nipple weights and they fitted on the hooks on the clamps. They Weighed two ounces each. The Artist put three of the weights on the clamp attached to Suzy’s nipple and one on the clamp on her tongue. She groaned as they were applied.
The Artist and CJ stood and looked at Suzy. Impaled on the dildo in her vagina, mercifully with most of her weight on the pedestal seat. Her neck held by the steel collar, four chains holding it in place. Her arms were held over her head Each wrist in a separate cuff, her arms bleeding from the effect of the needs in the cuffs. Her ankles were held by similar cuffs and were also bleeding, held wide apart by the spreader bar. As she had been lowered onto the pedestal the bar had been placed to the rear and her body was now pitched forward. Her left breast was pulled down by the weights attached to it and her tongue was held out of her mouth by an infernal clamp. Lastly her ass was crisscrossed by a series of red welts the evidence of a caning that had been given to her by the Artist.
The Artist Began to unbutton his shirt and then removed it. CJ went down on her knees and removed his boots. She unbuckled his belt and lowered his pants and he stepped out of them, standing there naked. Without a word the small woman took his penis in her mouth and began to fallate him, stroking him with her hand. He did not look at her, rather he looked at Suzy, hanging in the frame. Suzy could not help but see the scene in front of her. In Only a couple of minutes he was fully erect, his large penis standing at attention. CJ stood up and stepped away.
Suzy found herself staring at the naked man. Out of the corner of her eye she saw CJ getting something else off the shelves. She started as she felt the young woman’s fingers on her ass. CJ spread Suzy’s cheats and began to apply lubricant to her anus. The Artist moved around behind her, watching. The young woman used only a single finger to apply the gel to Suzy’s asshole, to ensure that she didn’t open her up too much, leaving that job to the master’s cock. Once she had Suzy sufficiently greased she applied lube to the Artist’s hard cock smearing it the length of it.
Suzy began to breath hard again knowing what was to come. Chained in place, impaled on the dildo she was now to be sodomized. She sensed, rather that saw the man approach her. She felt his cockhead touch her anus. She had seen his penis and knew it was large. Worse CJ had done nothing to stretch her anus when she had applied the lubricant. Suzy tried desperately to relax knowing what was to come. He wasn’t gentle. He pushed his cock into her hard, her body held significantly by the steel dildo. Suzy gasped in pain as her anus was violent and his cock thrust into her. He drove into her hard, the full length of his cock ramming into her ass. Suzy closed her eyes at this fresh humiliation. The Artist rammed his cock into her hard, pumping fast, his cock slick with lubricant. He grunted as he pushed with steady even strokes. In only a few minutes he was ready to come and he did so in her ass, holding his cock steady, letting it throb and twitch, pumping his hot semen into Suzy’s ass. Suzy could feel him coming, his penis throbbing against her tight sphincter. He held his cock there for a moment, then nodded toCJ. CJ came up to where his penis was plugged tightly into her anus, carrying a small metal bowl. The man withdrawn his penis and CJ held Suzy’s cheats apart with one hand, holding the bowl underneath her with the other. In a moment drops of white semen began to flow from Suzy’s anus into the bowl. The Artist watched this as he wiped himself with a towel.
Eventually CJ had collected a tablespoonful of liquid in the bowl. As the Artist watched she removed the clamp from Suzy’s tongue. CJ then lifted the bowl to her own mouth and swallowed the semen into it. Looking at the Artist, then at Suzy she then kissed Suzy on the mouth, passing the semen took from Suzy’s ass into her own mouth. Suzy choked a little as she swallowed the second-hand butt scum down.
CJ licked her lips and smiled. Suzy wondered what more could be done to her. The Artist smiled. He stepped up to her. ” you did fine Suzy”
He snapped the catch on the neck collar. With a sweep of his hand he activated the emergency releases on all the chains, which dropped to the floor with a rattle. Taking Suzy in his strong arms he lifted her off the seat and carried her to a nearby couch. He quickly removed the cuffs from her wrists and ankles. CJ brought warm wash clothes and he washed Suzy’s body and tended her wounds. Whe was done he dried her with big fluffy towels and covered her in a warm blanket.
He kissed her gently. “There is food and drink for you now Suzy. If you wish you can sleep. You have been a very good subject. I hope we can do this again soon.” He sat on the couch and held Suzy, while CJ knelt at their feet.
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