My name is Joe and my wife of 16 years is Becky. We’re both in our mid-forties and physically, show signs of a sedentary lifestyle. I’m 6’3″ tall, 200 pounds, and still have the look of my younger, more athletic self. However, my youth is long past and I readily admit that I’m no longer as fit as I once was. Becky is much shorter than me; she’s 5′ tall and pleasantly plump. She has 40DD breasts, which on her small frame, appear quite massive. In her younger days, she wasn’t as heavy, but was never thin, either. Regardless of appearances, she was and still is quite attractive. We fell in love somewhere around our third date and married a year later.
When we first got married, we had sex three to four times a week for the first few months, but that slowed over time and by the five-year point in our marriage, it was less than once a week. Our sex play was unimiginative and failed to meet our personal years. I felt a need to be submissive in bed, but Becky’s personality didn’tAllow her to fill a dominant role. She wasn’t submissive, but lacked self-confidence and desire to take charge in our love-making. We both wanted the other to be the leader and when that didn’t happen, we stagnated and grew sexually distant.
A year ago, we finally became open with one another about our deteriorating marriage. We were still deeply in love and that was probably what blinded us to the cracks that started to appear in our relationship years before. We both just assumed that our deep love would make everything magically get better, only it didn’t. As we talked one evening, we finally admitted to ourselves and each other that our sex life, or lack of a fulfilling one, was the main factor in our growing unhappiness. Becky shared that she felt unattractive to me and that was the main reason she started seeing a personal trainer three times a week over the past year. I told her I always thought she was incredibly attractive and then added that she looked even more amazingover the past few months.
Becky broke down in tears. When she recovered, she told me that she had just broken off a two-week affairs with one of her co-workers because she realized that going outside our marriage only made her feel worse, not better. He had made some kind remarks about her changed appearance, which led to more explicit flirting. Before she knew it, they were kissing and grouping each other in a closed office and afterwards, she felt breathless. Kissing and fondling quickly gave way to oral sex and then sexual intercourse, all in his office over the next week and a half. Their relationship was based purely on physical lust and she felt no emotional connection to her office lover. It was right after he fucked her that Becky realized that hook-up sex still left her feeling empty inside. Her guilt was eating her up inside, so she broke off the relationship.
She begged for my forgiveness. I was deeply hurt – who wouldn’t be? However, I recognized that while she could have kept it a secret, she couldn’t live with her guilt because she was still in love with me. I accepted her apology and whether it was right or not, I felt some degree of fault for making her feel like her only option was to look for sex outside of our bed.
I considered telling her of my own search for sexual fulfillment online. While I had never thought a physical affairs, for several years, I had been visiting chat sites that catered to sexual play and in particular, BDSM. I used these chat rooms to explore my own interests and found that I was attracted to being the submissive partner in a D/s relationship. I also found the idea of watching my wife have sex with another man was arousing to me. That memory triggered my next comment.
“Honey, I’m sorry that I don’t meet your sexual needs and just want to tell you that if you really want to have sex with another man, it’s okay with me. All I ask is that you don’t keep it a secret.”
Becky looked at me like I had lost my mind. “You can’t be serious. You want me to have sex with another man?”
“I don’t know that I want you to, just that I understand that you have needs that I’m not meeting, and if sleeping with another guy gives you some sexual relief, then I’ll understand,” I answered.
“That’s the most fucked up thing I’ve ever heard you say!” she answered. It may have been my imagination, but despite her words, I didn’t hear any real anger. I wondered if she was seriously considering what I suggested.
Needless to say, the whole discussion put a chill on our relationship for several days. I ended up sleeping in the guest room for the next two nights before she felt lonely and invited me back to our bed. We made love for the first time in a month, but even then, our affectionate gears felt empty.
I stopped visiting the chat room sites for a couple of weeks to try and repair things with Becky. However, lacking affection and needing someone to talk to, I eventually gave into my lust and temptation. I was on one of those sites to “feed my need”, when I was contacted by a man who read my profile as a submissive man looking for play that also included my wife. Of course, Becky was not actually there with me in the chat room; she was just a virtual character. He and I exchanged some brief notes about what we were each looking for and then we had an interesting session where he played the role of my Dom and made me watch as he fucked my wife. There was more to it than just that, but I found the entire scenario very enjoyable. Afterwards, he asked,
[Master_Blaster] Would you be interested in doing something like this IRL? [sub_guyJoe] What do you mean? Watch someone really fuck Becky?
[Master_Blaster] Yes. If you are really interested in doing that, let me Know and I may be able to help you.
[sub_guyJoe] What do you mean? You would come here? How would that work, exactly?
[Master_Blaster] It probably wouldn’t be me. However, I have contacts across the country who may be able to help your situation at home by giving you and Becky what you are both looking for. If you let me know what town/state you live in, I’ll see if there is someone nearby and have that person contact you.
[sub_guyJoe] I need to think about that and also talk to my wife. She doesn’t know the kinds of things I do here and I’m not sure that she would go along with it.
He and I exchanged email addresses and I promised to let him know what I/we decided. It took me a couple of days to convince myself to at least bring up the topic with my wife, and then another couple of days to work out what I was going to tell her. When I felt I was as ready as I would ever be, I deliciously brought up the idea in bed after we had already started talking more about how we might be able to fix our sex life and marriage.
I started with an admission to some of my online chatting activities and how I found out about my submissive nature. She was initialy shocked and then upset that I was chatting in sexually explicit and intimate terms with other women. In the back of her mind, I’m sure that she thought I was going to have an actual, physical affairs with one of them.
“It’s not like that at all, in fact, the last time I was on, I was actually chatting with another man. He knew I was married and made up a scenario where he was my Dom and he made me watch him fuck my wife.” That was not the way I planned to broach the topic and I immediately regretted my words.
Becky stared at me speechless. “You watched another man having sex with me?” she finally said slowly.
“Not with you, of course. It was just an imagineary person. The guy I was chatting with doesn’t know anything about you, so he just made it up and I went along,” I replied weakly. I felt myself founding as I sought to get the discussion back to a less disturbing path.
“And you got aroused during that?” she continued as if not hearing my last comment. Hertone was total disbelief and shock.
I had to look away and thought about downplaying my reaction, but decided to be honest with her. “Yes, I did.”
“How excited were you? Did you masturbate while you watched us?” she asked. Although all the thoughts and feelings that must have been swirling through her mind, Becky’s voice became neutral, almost clinical. I had a growing coldness in the pit of my stomach that our marriage was suddenly crashing to an end.
“No, not while we were chatting,” I said miserably.
“But you did masturbate, right?”
“Yes…, afterwards,” I admitted.
“Tell me the whole story that you two acted out. I want to know,” she demanded. “Better yet, can I read it?”
I told her there was no written copy to show her and gave her as much as I could remember of the details, including the man’s offer afterwards. She listened without interruption until I finished and then said, “I want you to send him an email telling him what he needs to know and then I want to meet whoever contacts us before agreeing to go further. But, be assured, I am going to find another man who will satisfy me in bed, whether you’re there to watch or not!”
Her voice was calm, firm, and icy. I had no doubt that at that minute, Becky was completely serious and committed to doing what she said. Whatever guilt she felt about her previous affairs was wiped from her conscience After my revelations and I was already thinking about where and how soon I would move out.
“Why are you still sitting there?” she asked. “Get off your ass and do what I said!”
Hoping against hope, I left our bed and sent the email from our home computer. Then I returned to our bedroom to let her know that it was done.
“Good. Now get your ass out of here. You’re not sleeping in my bed!” she said in a heated tone. I spent that night in the guest room and I don’t think I slept a wink.
The next morning, I received a reply from my chat partner who said thathe knew several people in a neary large city and he had already sent them emails to see if any were interested in helping me. I told him I wasn’t sure there was much help they could really give me. After the previous night, I was certain my marriage was over and I would be on my own fairly soon. He made some kind, reassuring comments and promised to get back soon.
That afternoon, I received an email from an unfamiliar address and discovered that it was one of my chat partner’s friends. Instead of getting involved in a slow and involved series of emails going back and forth, I offered to talk to him on the phone. He countered with an offer to meet
with both Becky and me at a coffee shop that wasn’t too far away from us. I agreed, but said I couldn’t guarantee that my wife would be there, or what kind of mood she would be in. We planned to meet the next day after I had a chance to tell my wife.
Becky received the news without any excitement. I had mentally prepared myself for a round of criticism of how screwed up I was and how I failed in my duties as a husband, but all she did was acknowledge the meeting time and tell me that I would be driving both of us to the coffee shop.
That night, I was back in our bedroom, but the atmosphere was still chilly between Becky and me. Despite the emotional stress, I was so physically tired that I slept through the night and woke up feeling mostly rested.
The next afternoon, we arrived together at the coffee shop and found a table that was reasonably isolated. Minutes later, a tall man who appeared about our age walked in, looked around and came over when he spotted us.
“Joe and Becky?” he asked. Once we confirmed he had the right people, he introduced himself as Keith before sitting down. He explained that he Actually operated a business for helping couples who were having difficulties in their sexual relations. Rather than having them come sit in an office and talk to him, he preferred a more “hands-on” approach that involved spending time at their homes. He also stated that it generally took several sessions and actual sexual activity would be involved, but from what he was told about us, he didn’t think that would be an issue. After explaining his fees, he asked if we were still interested in his services.
I looked at Becky who nodded and I replied, “Yes,” for both of us. Keith smiled and began our discussion with some questions. We gave him some general background on ourselves, including the type and extent of our marital and extramarital sexual activities, and how we thought that we were both unhappy because we both wanted our partner to take charge in bed.
He had us take out our cell phones and gave us a website to visit for a survey. It turned out to be a rather lengthy set of questions on how we viewed or identified with statements on various BDSM roles and actions. When we each finished, the survey results were generated to provide an overview of wherere we fell across the range of BDSM personality types. Not surprisingly, I showed a high degree of submissiveness, but at the bottom of the scale, I showed little to no interest or arousal in sado-masochistic activity.
Becky’s profile was similar to mine in many respects, but she showed a much higher level of dominant traits even though she was still more submissive than dominant. It also indicated that she had a Propensity for switching between both roles and had no interest in S-M activities. Keith reviewed the results from both our surveys and had copies sent to his phone for future reference.
Cutting to the challenge, he began talking. “First, I can see why your personalities are causing some unresolved issues in bed. That said, I think I can help you. My goal would not be to try and make you change into someone who is not the real you, but to help you find some middle ground so that you both get what you need so that you can focus on repairing any damage to your relationshipip that stems from your sex life.”
“How would you help us, exactly?” Becky interrupted.
“I would spend some time at home with both of you together to guide you through some activities that will highlight or reveal parts of your personality and sexual interests that are either neglected or unknown to you,” Keith answered.
“Becky, from your survey results, You are not well-suited to being Joe’s Domme. However, you have a stronger personality that you give yourself credit for. Joe, you have a need to feel tightly controlled for several reasons. From a psychological perspective, it may have something to do with feeling the nursery love that your mother gave you when you were very young and were totally dependent on her. I also think that you Both have a desire to try different sexual activities, but are unwilling to take responsibility for those decisions. If someone makes you do something that you secretly desire, then you are able to feel blowless since it wasn’t your decision.”
“All that said, I would enter your home as Joe’s Master and Becky, while you would not be my sub, you would still remain deferential to me. We could start with something fairly straight-forward, like the scenario that Joe recently enjoyed in his chat room. Of course, I would control the activities and they would not be exactly the same as he chatted about, but you would Both get a better understanding of your own motivations and desires. Any follow-on activities would accommodate your wishes. How does that sound?”
Becky and I shared looks with each other, before she spoke up. “So, you would actually have sex with me while Joe was in the room watching?”
“Yes, but Joe’s role wouldn’t be solely watching. I would have him involved in ways suitable to his submissive nature and sexual desires,” he replied.
Becky considered his answer as she thought about how far she wanted to go in addressing her own needs. I had already told her that I would go along with whatever she wanted, but I was willing to do anything to make her happy, get our marriage back on solid ground, and enjoy our lives together.
“When would you be able to come to our home?” my wife asked.
“I already have plans for tomorrow, so the next day would be the earliest for me,” he answered with a slight smile.
“How about right now?” she asked.
He paused for a moment before answering. “I would prefer to wait since I need some time to prepare for both of you.”
Becky was disappointed, but agreed. We gave him our address and set the time for his arrival. He said he would email us with conditions and instructions that we needed to accept before he showed up. We then chatted for a few minutes about nothing consequential, before Keith exhausted himself and left. Becky and I dumped our cold coffees and followed right behind him. During our drive home, we spoke very little about what we just signed up for. I think it was because we were both still processingit and wondering if we were doing the right thing.
An hour or so after getting home, we received Keith’s email. In it, he laid down his basic rules.
1. For the time he was here, he owned me and my only function in life was to please him.
2. I would have the master bed made with clean sheets and pillow cases. I would have it turned down for immediate use and room lights would be dimmed.
3. If there wasn’t a chair in the room already, I was to put one in there, preferably one without a cushion.
4. I would address him as either “Master” or “Sir” at all times.
5. I was to obey his orders immediately without question or argument.
6. While Becky was not my Domme or Mistress, I would address her as “Madam” or “Madam Becky”.
7. Becky, even though not his sub, was also to obey his orders without argument or discussion.
8. Becky would dress herself in what she considered her sexiest clothing as if she were going out on a hot date.
9. Iwould remain naked from the moment my Master arrived until he left, unless he gave me permission to wear something.
10. There would be no alcohol or drug use. Everyone was required to have full cognition of their actions and words.
11. Failure to follow any of these rules would result in punishment. The nature and severity of punishment would be decided by both the Master and the individual being punished Based on the person’s behavior up to that point and the nature of the offense.
Becky and I reviewed the list together and while she had some concerns, I fell back on my cyber-sex chat experience and assured her that nearly everything he required was normal for what we asked him to do for us. I sent an immediate reply accept[ting his rules and we spent the next 36 hours in growing anticipation and excitement.
I took off from Work the day before and the day of our appointment with Keith. Becky was in a peculiar state and I watched with interest as she flitted around the house “cleaning” it. She was obsessive about cleanliness and our house was always spotless. I have no idea what she imagined seeing, but I could tell that she wanted to impress our visitor when he arrived. She also went through her wardrobe, trying on several items and discarding most as being too small, too big, or not sexy enough. She finally gave up and went shopping to find something suitable for the moment. I couldn’t wait to see what she picked out.
Two hours before we expected Keith, Becky took a shower and spent another 45 minutes getting ready. She had just pulled on the new dress she bought when the doorbell rang. It was too early for Keith, so I went down to open it while she continued getting dressed. Opening the door, I was stunned to see Keith standing on the porch holding a large bag. He was casually dressed in jeans and a polo shirt and when he saw me, he scowled.
“I told you to be naked when I arrived,” he said with irritation.
“I know, but weweren’t expecting you so soon. You weren’t due here for almost another hour,” I stammered.
“And I also told you to always address me as Master or Sir. That’s two punishments you managed to rack up in thirty seconds. Are you going to go for three?” he sneered.
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