It should be no surprise to me that I ended up this way. The day started with everything going wrong, so why did I think it would end up better? What did that t-shirt says, “I’d be an optimistic, but it just wouldn’t work?”
In some vain hope to make my day better I ended up, late at night, at the local combination strip club and adult bookstore. As I was watching a gorgeous mocha skinned goddess with large, firm melons dance onstage I was unknownly also being watched. Suddenly I was distracted by the feel of long, silicalken hair cascading down my back.
Hands massed my tight, broad shoulders better than any masseuse ever has and my tensions just slipped away. Moaning, my attention drifted between the lovely lady on stage and whoever was massaging me.
Gradually, very gradually, the dancer’s swinging motions and the massage put me in so relaxed a state of mind that I eventually must have fall asleep. Awakening, however, seemed to be as much a fight as falling asleep wasn’t. My vision, though I thought I had opened my eyes, still had yet to return to me. Coming to took some time and, when reality returned to me, it was then that I realized my eyes were indeed open although seeing was not something I could do. “A blindfold,” I thought, “and a professional quality one at that—no light at all gets through.” Even more interesting than the blindfold was the fact that My feet and hands were attached to each other and behind my head. Worse, though my right hand and right foot were attached to each other and behind my head, they were linked to my left hand and foot, similarly connected to each other, by a long, hard, immovable bar.
Spread wide, blindfolded, was bad enough until I heard someone enter clicking scissors. The worst of thoughts went through my head, “Oh God,” I thought, “I am gonna get Lorena Bobbitted by someone I can’t even see!!”
When I awoke again, after passing out from fear, I realized my clothes had been cut off and I could no longer hear as well.
“Damn,” I thought, “what has happened to me?”
One by one my senses were removed from me. It didn’t surprise me all too much then as a full face mask was put over my face that fully plugged my nose and forced me to breathe through my mouth. Every sense had been basically stolen from me except touch and all I could feel was the mask and the restraints on me then and There.
My skin was soon stimulated with the touch of a feather on every piece that was exposed. As the feather worked its way across my body it responded the only way it could—it grow larger (at least one part in particular did anyway). Of course in that position it means it was also inching closer and closer to my mouth.
Without warning I felt a slight tug on the mask as a part of it was ripped off and someone sat upon me thereby forcing my leg muscles to stretch and my cock to enter my own mouth. If I was small in that department I might never have got a taste of it, but I am neary 10″ long, and with someone bouncing on me, eventually I was beginning to gag on my thick member as it entered my throat. Have you ever swallowed your own cock? Ever known with absolute certainty that eventually you would be made to cum down your own throat? That you’d be made to swallow every drop of your own cum?
“All of this because I was horny one evening,” I thought to myself.
The feather was just a warm-up. Next came a blistering ass paddling that had me screaming at the top of my lungs even though I tried my damnedest not to. I most certainly felt the pain of the paddle, the buggy whip, the flogger as I was savaged and screamed myself hoarse.
Yet, through all this abuse, I had not seen my “attacker”, or attackers for all I knew. I had no idea whether they were male or female, black, white, yellow or green. I knew nothing about them except for the fact that they were making me do things I did not know I was capable of, desired or dreamt of before in my wildestDreams. Unknown sensings from the simple to the unique were introduced to me a little at a time, then, gradually, multiple sensings started simultaneously.
It became evidence that, though I could neither see nor hear anyone, the sensings came from more than one person. I was being paddled while ticked with feathers; my cock was gently stroked as my balls were stretched at the same time and then encased in Something that felt like butter soft, extremely confident leather. As my balls were lifted and separated a very soft hand moved slowly from where it was on my cock past my sensitive perineum to my ass.
That hands ministries seemed to coincide with my arousal level increasing to a level that allowed one, two, then even three fingers to slip inside my ass whereupon they began to manipulate my insides even better than the did my outside previously. Relaxation seemed to settle upon me, my consciousness mind subsided and pure animal instinct took over. Also, as I relaxed, the muscles did too and the body sitting on me was therefore able to descend lower forcing even more of my own cock down my throat.
I must have looked truly like some sort of submissive male slut—I sure feel like one. What made me feel like a slut even more though was when my ass was so relaxed I barely felt a thick, hose-like implementation going up my ass. Whatever it was soon enough, after working in and out of me a bit and teasing my prostate mercilessly, released a large torrent of moisture within my bowels.
My body was, by this point, simply a fucktoy to be used by whomever or whatever wished to use me. My mind was in a similar state. I feel my arms being pulled downward a bit thereby making my open and very sore, though thoroughly aroused ass, even more open and available for usage.
Every nervous ending was in a Complete state of excitement. The body on top of me got slowly off of me, letting my cock slide out momentarily as another body was suddenly on top of me.This time, however, I felt the heavy weight of large, pendulous, female breasts against me as they worked their way down my shoulders, slowly along my spine and ended up at my ass whereupon I was teased with the nipples on my swollen and sensitive rosebud.
Each breast took its turn teasing my ass then, after some simulateneous stimulation, I began to feel the most amazing thing—a breast going slowly into me, filling me, fucking me in my ass. I did not think it could be done, but suddenly I was more full then if I’d been fucked with a dildo. Whoever she was her breast slowly expanded again once it was inside me.
The full feeling of her inside me, hitting my prostate with her nipple no less, combined with her pinching of my nipples and a very forceful kiss in which she shared my cum with her (for I had, by this point, cum down my own throat several times). This made the already in overload nerves I had got even more excited. One hand held my lips to her and the other alternateed spanking and massaging my ass cheeks. Whoever she was she was very talented, very oral and very gentle. If she let me actually speak I think I probably would have proposed on the spot.
Numerous, at least so it seemed, people took advantage of my unusual position and bondage to have me please them. Whether it was a real cock or a fake one shoved in my ass I never really knew but there were plenty of them and they savaged me to the point that I passed out from the combination of both pleasure and pain. All I was now simply a series of holes to use and abuse.
Between having my mouth filled with my cum as well as numerous others, having my ass used repeatedly and spanked, flogged and whipped, my nasal passage plugged, my loss of hearing and being blindfolded I felt like a horse that had been ridden hard and put away wet. Although most of the wetness was cum drying and rather sticky now.
Suddenly, before my eyes, now slowly focusing after my blindfold was ripped from my face—which also freed my hearing somehow—was a blurry blonde vision. The vision eventually solidified into, gasp, my wife—all 5’9″ of blonde sex goddess.
“You cheating whore of a man,” she screamed, “What I don’t give you enough sex and love to satisfy you? You have to go look at strippers and fuck whores? Well, don’t worry dear, you’ll get all the fucking you can handle and then some. This whorehouse now owns your ass, mouth, cock and every other part. I sold you to them. Fuck you very much!!!” And thus ended my life as a man.
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