Several hours later I got back to my hotel room and sat down. My mind raced over the events of the night. Did I really just do all that? With a total stranger?
As I went into the washroom and got out of the skimpy dress my friends had sent me and looked at my reflection in the mirror. That’s when it all sunk in. What I did, what had really happened in that alley.
My mind went over the details of the night. Did I want to be his fucktoy for the night? Would I let him have his way with me, knowing that he said I may not enjoy some of the things he’d do to me?
The marks were light, but they were slowly starting to show. His hand impression around my neck, his bite marks all over my body, my ass still singing from all the swats it got. As my fingers traced over the marks lightly, pausing at each one a moment to remember the moment I received it and how he gave me that mark. A faint smile on my mouth quickly turned into me moaning and whimpering as my free hand startedfingering myself like I was a sex-starved wild animal in heat, instead of the satiated woman I was when we parted.
In that alleyway, After he asked me if I wanted to be his fucktoy for the night. My mind raced for what seemed to be hours, but was really only moments. Before I knew what I was doing, I replied. “Oh God yes make me your fucktoy!” I shocked myself with my reply. What happened After that, oh God I want it to happen again, but how? We agreed, no names, no way to contact each other. A one night random encounter.
But I just can’t get him out of my mind! Or his taste off my lips, his smell out of my nose. I remember the way his body pressed against mine felt. How intoxicating it all was, being used in a dark, dirty alley! Once I said my reply, his fingers were on my neck, gripping but not squeeze. Holding me against the wall, while he unzipped his pants with his other hand. Once they were, his fingers let go but went to the back of my head and pushed me down ontomy knees and towardss what was poorly the biggest cock I’ve ever seen!
“Prove you want this. Prove you need for me to use you. Prove you really want to be my fucktoy tonight. Show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do with this big thick cock!”
I was already salivating from the sight. I was on my knees, my lips wrapped tight around the head and quickly I was sliding my mouth up and down his cock. Moaning from my first taste of his dick. Fuck he tastes delicious! Once he sees how eager I am to suck his cock, his hand let’s go from the back of my head and he relaxes and enjoys what I’m doing. Thank goodness one thing none of my ex’s ever complained about was how I sucked their cocks. One even said he stayed with me longer than planned because I was so good at it.
Once I knew I had the freedom to truly savor his cock, I showed him what I’m good at. One hand started massaging his balls, while my mouth slide up and down easily. Head bobbing up and down his cock, moaning and humming as I go. I always have a habit of humming as I suck cock. I’m just so happy to be sucking cock it makes me want to sing.
Massaging his big heavy balls, humming as I suck his cock. The humming sends victorys up their dick and through their body. For some reason men seem to love the effect it has. I love how it makes them throb and pulsate in my mouth. The humming makes me feel victorys as well. I slide my way as far down as I can go. My eyes look up and into his beautiful blue’s, before he can say or do anything I push my mouth down further. Gagging, cought, and choking myself on his dick. I hear him growl as I see the look of lust filling his features. I let my long fingernails lightly trace his balls. I see him shiver slightly from that. I slide my mouth up and off.
“God your dick is delicious. I love the taste and fuck how it feels throbbing in my mouth! I can’t wait to feel you using it on me elsewhere. Please this time, as I start to gag and choke, pinch my nose. I’ll tap your leg with my free hand when I need air.”
Before he could reply, I was back down to the base of his cock, gagging, coughting and choking. My eyes look up at him, begging him. His fingers close over my nose and pinch it. I feel my eyes well with tears, my lungs burning with need for oxygen. I can feel my head getting light, my eyes blinking slowly. Gagging and choking more. I tap his leg, and he lets go of my nose and grabs my head and pulls me off. He leans over and kisses me on the lips.
“Such a good slut. You are proving you want to be my fucktoy for the night. If you weren’t from out of town…”
He left that unfinished, but I knew. Somehow I knew what he was thinking and mean. I blushed and smiled, thinking this gorgeous sexy man would want plain boring me. Then again, why wouldn’t he? He didn’t know plain boring me, he only knows me from tonight and I’m nothing like my usual self.
He can tell I’m thinking. He lightly slaps my cheek.
“Stop thinking bitch! Tonight you don’t need to think. Just go with what feels good. I’ll do the thinking.”
With that he slaps my cheek again, a little harder. I surprise myself with a moan instead of a scream from pain. What pain? It feel good. No it feel amazing. The sting and the burning from the slap hurt but it made me drip juices from my cunt onto the ground beneath me. I feel tears run down my cheeks from the slap, but not because I’m not enjoying this. It’s just involuntarily doing it. His eyes locked onto mine. He growls as he slapped me. Then there’s that sexy looks he’s giving me. Fuck I need more of this!
That was hours ago. Now here I am, back in my hotel room. Fingers deep inside my aching wet pussy. I think about how he fucked me. The way he used me. Not just for his pleasure, though he was thoroughly pleased. No, my pleasure too. My pleasure was like never before. More orgasms and more intense than usual. I need to be used like this and often, I realise.
After some time I managed to calm down and pulled my fingers out. I went to the sink to wash them but stopped, I could still hear his voice in my head and in my ears.
“No matter where you go, no matter what you do with the rest of your life. Even if you never have another encounter the rest of your life like you did with me tonight, remember you’re an amazing woman. But remember More than that, you’re my dirty filter whore. If life brings us together again somehow, no matter if you’re single or not I will have you again. I will claim you again. You are my whore, for my use anytime, anywhere. When you masturbate to the memory of tonight, and you will I know that, think of what I would want you to do. Imagine me watching you as you finger your tight wet cunt. Do what would please me. You’re mine now. My slut, never forget that.”
I shivered. Before tonight if a man spoke to me like that I would of kicked him in his balls and told him where to go. But when he saidit, that stranger, I wasn’t offended. He only spoke the truth. I am his now. I am his dirty whore. I don’t know what that means completely, but I’ve never felt so sure of myself or so free to be myself than I do now.
I looked at my fingers soaked in my juices and put them in my mouth and cleaned them off. I could feel his eyes on me, watching me. I could imagine him smiling and nodding His head in approval as I moaned at my own taste.
Once done I decided to clean myself up from the night. My hair was messed up and I had his cum dried all over me. I can’t even imagine what the people in the lobby or on the elevator thought of me. Yet for once in my life I honestly didn’t care what anyone thought of me. I only worried about what he thought of me. His approval is all that matters to me now.
I drew a bath and got inside. I sank into the tub full of hot water and let it ease my sore muscles. Wow I never realized how sore my body was from my encounter in the alley until now. I leaned my head back and thought of him. Will I ever see him again? We remain strangers. I don’t know his name, nor he mine. I know he was at that bar tonight, but I have no idea if he goes there often. He had said that tonight would be a one time thing, and yet I need more. I have to find a way to see him again, to be used by him again, to be his whore again.
A couple of hours later as I curled up in the bed drifting off to sleep when the hotel phone rings. I answered it expecting it to be one of my friends checking in. I was surprised by a male voice on the other end.
“Do you miss me yet whore?”
I recognized his voice instantly.
“Yes Sir, I do.”
“What room are you in?”
“You called me, how did you manage that without Knowing…”
He cut me off.
“Let’s just say I know somebody who works there. What room are you in?”
“Room 578”
“Be at your door in 15 minutes, naked. I will knock three times in a row, then you will open it.”
Before I could reply, he hung up. My mind was racing as I tried to figure out how he tracked me down but my body was obeying what he had told me. First I put my pursuit and identification in my luck and locked it. Placing the keys to it someplace that I hoped only I would know to look. I fixed the bed and got out of my nightdress and moved to the door and waited.
Fifteen minutes never passed by so slowly in all my life. It seemed like 100 minutes. But then I heard his three knocks and opened the door. I heard myself gasp in my breath as I saw him again. But not because of how beautiful he is, but because he wasn’t alone.
He kissed my cheek and walked in with five of his friends. I placed the do not disturb sign on the handle before closing and locking the door behind me. I stood still, unsure what to do and really begin to doubt the choices I had made tonight. Maybe this wasn’t the wisest decision.
He came up behind me, his fingers traced over my body then lifted my chin and turned my head back to face him. Once my eyes were looking into his he spoke.
“Fear not beautiful, nothing will happen that you don’t want. My friends are here to watch. They only join in if you beg for them to join in. You will have to beg for them to join in for me to know you want them joining us. You will beg for each person individually.”
Just then he turned my head to look at his friends who had removed their coats, each shirt had a picture of an animal on it, each different from the other. Into my ear he continued to speak.
“If you want them to join you will beg and ask for them by the animal on their shirt. This way you don’t know their identity. Don’t worry about hurting anyone’s feelings my whore, they are here to watch. None of them expect to join in.”
I couldn’t speak, I merely nodded and hmm’d a reply to let him know that I had heard him and understand.
Goosebumps started forming on my body as I could feel their eyes on me.
Goosebumps started forming on my body as I could feel their eyes on me.
“Now let them get a good look at you my pretty fuckdoll.”
With that, he pushed me into the center of the room and they slowly walked around me one at a time. Their eyes taking in every inch of my body. They were rather respectful considering the circumstances, but I certainly wasn’t used to this at all.
And yet, there I stood tall, proud. I wanted them to be jealous of this stranger. He was calling me his in front of them and I desperately wanted to make him proud.
Where was this coming from?
Then the men all stepped aside and spoke with him for a few minutes. They looked around the suite I had and talked a little more. He walked over to me, pulled my body tight against his. I could feel his arousal trough his pants, his mouth claimed mine with a kiss. I can only say it claimed my mouth because I’ve never been kissed like that before in my life. If you have ever been claimed by a kiss, you know what I mean. There are no words to describe it. It just claimsyou.
His hands grabbed my ass and lifted me up. He slapped my ass and I know to wrap my legs around his waist. He broke the kiss and smiled at me as he walked us towards a wall and pressed me against it. His eyes flashed with a darkness I hadn’t seen in him before, not even in that alley way. Gone was his friendly smile as it was replaced by something darker.
“Do you still trust me slut?”
I hesitated to answer for a brief moment. Looking at him, in this situation, remembering that I didn’t know him. Doubts filled my mind. Was I completely insane?
“Good”, he said. “Doubt your trust a little. We’re still strangers aren’t we?”
I nodded quickly, unsure if I was really to speak my answer.
“Remember if I start something you don’t like, say stop and I stop it and move on. Ok?”
For a moment his eyes were tender as he spoke that and asked me that.
Nodding, I licked my lips and replied.
“Yes, that’s good.”
Then there was no more talking, at least not from me. Hell I forgot there was anybody else there but the two of us. In that instant there could have been a hundred people watching, but to me, he and I were alone, in our own world.
His fingers ran over the faith marks on my body. As they did I could hear him growing in remembrannce of giving them to me.
His teeth nibbled my bottom lip and tugged on it while his fingers found my aching clip. His pants bulge was already soaking wet from me. What can I say, his mere presence makes me that wet! His fingers pinched my clip while his teeth kept tugging on my lip. Pulling my lip and letting it go before he spoke.
“Such a good little slut for me. Soaking wet before I even began touching you! You’re enjoying being my dirty little whore. I bet if I offered to keep you in my house as my personal fucktoy you’d eagerly accept and forget all about your life and friends back home.”
I opened my mouth to object, but honestly he wasn’t that far off in what hewas saying. I was enjoying this far more than I ever imagined. If anyone had said I’d be doing this or being treated this way and that I would love it. Well I would of laughed in their face. It was an absurd thought to me, before tonight. I had always assumed women who did this didn’t have any self-respect for themselves, that they were week women and in abusive relationships.
I now realized they were likely like me. Strong, independent women who long for a man, even stronger than them, to take the lead and let them forget about their responsibilities. Someone who wanted to give them pleasure. Ok so the pleasure might not be pleasure for everyone, it might look like abuse. Goodness knowledge if my friends saw these marks they’d pull me to a police station so fast! I never imagined longing for pain to be inflicted on my body like I am right now. I never imagined that once he does that, that I’d be begging him to fuck me, to make me his whore. But that’s exactly what I did earlier, and I’m sure I will be doing that again shortly.
Time passed, but it seemed to stand still to me. I honestly forgot his friends were there. He had brought a toy bag with him, which I hadn’t noticed at the time because I was so focused on his friends. He got one of his friends to bring it to him now.
He moved me from the wall to the bed and laid me down. I had already had numerous orgasms from his hands and mouth and his cock. Fuck don’t even get me started on his cock!
I laid there, looking up at him wondering what he was going to do next when he pulled out a wooden paddle. He held it up and looked at me.
“Turn onto your stomach beautiful. I want to make your ass a beautiful shade of red. Red really is a glorious colour on you.”
I hesitated and looked at him, trying to figure out just what to do. He leaned in and whispered into my ear.
“It’s ok my whore, turn over. I promise you will enjoy this and if you don’t, say stop and I’ll stop and I’ll tendto the pain. Please, trust me. I know you will enjoy it. I know you better than you think I do.”
With that his eyes looked deep into mine and I smiled and turned over. His hands were so soft, tender and gentle. He slowly massaged and cared my ass. His fingers teasing my still wet and needy cunt every now and then. Then the occasional slap with his hand, then more rubbing. Soon he had me moaning and arching my ass up begging him for more.
Seriously who am I? This isn’t me!
Or is it? Maybe this is why I was so boring in past relationships! I hadn’t found a relationship or a man right for me!
Just then, that’s when I feel it. The paddle. I didn’t hear it. I didn’t even notice his hands were off of my body, not until I felt the paddle strike my ass for the first time. My entire body froze. I feel the sting from it throughout my body. I heard the sound of it striking me thundering in my head as my body reeled from it. Then his soft, gentle hands were back. Caressing and rubbing my ass.
This continued until I was a ball of pent up frustration.
“Please fuck me!” I begged him. He chuckled at me. He wasn’t ready. He had other plans.
“If you want to be fucked so bad maybe one of my friends can help you out.”
I froze. Wait just a minute. WTF? Friends? What fri… Then it all came back to me. Those 5 guys he came in my room with. For the first time in a long time I could feel their eyes on me. I do need some kind of release beyond his paddling me or whatever he’s going to do. But do I really want another stranger to fuck me? He could see my face thinking this over. He told his friends to go into the other room for a few minutes and to give us some privacy. Once they did he pulled me onto his lap and held me for a few moments.
“My name is Jack. I know last night I said that what we had had would be only last night, but you got into my blood and I can’t seem to let you go. I want to see you for as long as you’re in Vegas and maybe beyond that if you’re willing.”
My head swirled as this sunk in. His name is Jack. Somehow that name didn’t suit how beautiful he is.
“Hi Jack, I’m Shelly and I’d really like to see more of you and get to know you too. You’ve awakened something in me that I didn’t know existed and yet I know something was missing.”
He kissed me and whispered, “My beautiful Shelly don’t think. Let me do the thinking and worrying. I promise you my friends can be trusted. If you want them gone, I will send them away. But please think it over, this is your chance to really experience whatever you want. After this I want to properly start taking you on dates and getting to know you. My friends will not be a part of anything we do after this. So if you ever wanted multiple men focused on you and your every sexual need and desire now is the time.”
Did I want that? Could I let them even if I did? Oh god what do I want?
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