The Stranger in the Alley Pt. 01

I’ve always been the good girl. I have never done anything wild, or adventurous. Kink? what the hell is that? The kinkiest thing I know or heard about to date was the name of the city I lived in, Dildo. Yes I’m from Dildo Newfoundland. And it never gets old the looks on people’s faces when they ask you.

“Where do you live dear?”

“I live in Dildo.”

If they are of a certain age or older, they will make you repeat that several times before moving on without even asking about the name. Honestly I’m not sure where our city got it’s name, but Dildo is where I live.

Honestly until I went to college in Toronto (talk about culture shock!), I never knew that there was anything wrong with the name Dildo or that it was a sex toy!

As my 30th birthday approached, my best friend since childhood planned a trip for me. A solo trip. I’ve never been on a trip by myself. It was her gift to me. I told her that I couldn’t accept it but she wouldn’t hear it. She was sending me to Las Vegas. Big trip for a gal from Dildo. Did people in Vegas even know of Newfoundland? I can guarantee they have never heard of Dildo!

So the Friday before my birthday arrived and off I went to Vegas. Got to my hotel and checked in. A gift awaited me in my room from my friends back home. A skimpy dress, something I would never ever look at in a store let alone wear! The note was to the point.

“Shelly what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Let your fucking hair down for once. Enjoy!”

I put the note and dress back in the box and went to freshen up. While in the shower I thought over that note and decided they were right. I always did right thing, what was expected of me. I am very much the good girl. Well for this week I’m in a place where nobody knows me. They don’t know my reputation or anything. I can be anybody I want to be.

After I dried I went to my luck to find an outfit to wear to dinner, but something stopped me. I went to the box and took out that dress. I looked it over and decided I should at least try it on, take a pic and text it to the girls and we’ll have a good laugh over it when I return home.

I went to put it on and realized it’s meant to be skin tight. I can’t possibly wear underwear in this thing. Oh they are so going to get it when I get home! Yet something inside me made me put it on. I fixed my hair and makeup and selected my heels that went with the dress best. I stood back and looked myself over in the mirror then snapped the selfie. I texted my friends and kept my message simple.

“Got your present, thanks gals!”

I did something new, I turned my cell off and put it in my luck. I kept looking in the mirror at myself. When did I get such a shaped figure? I have got some nice curves that I don’t remember having before. I fill out this skimpy number rather in all the right places. How did my friends know? I never wear anything close to this.

I laughed and went to get an outfit to change into for dinner when the room phone rang. I answered and it was the girls.

“Don’t you dare change. Hang up from us, grab your purse and go paint Vegas red! It’s your once in a lifetime opportunity. Go do it for us!”

Then they hung up. They knew better than to give me a chance to argue with their logic. I sat on the bed and stared at the phone. Their words echoing over in my mind. Along with some other ones, my ex’s words. When we broke up he didn’t hide why he was ending things.

“Shelly you’re great. You’re incredibly intelligent, sexy and beautiful but you’re a good girl. You’re boring. You’ll make someone a terrific wife. Goodness knowledge you will be an amazing mom one day. But I need spice in my life and you’re bland.”

I am bland. So bland that I wouldn’t be surprised if you looked up the meaning of the word bland, you’d find a picture of me next to it. I do everything that’s expected of me. I’m so predictable and punctual that my coworkers joke about settingtheir clocks by me.

Well not anymore. I’m not happy with something in my life. Maybe this trip wont change any of them, but screw it I wont know if I don’t try.

I grab my purse and the room key and go to dinner. I ask my waitress about clubs or places to go to dance. She recommends someplace near my hotel. After dinner I go back to my room to leave my purse. I take just my room key and a few dollars for drinks and head to the club she mentioned.

I’m not normally much of a dancer, but that’s the point of this right. To do stuff I don’t normally do?

Once inside the club I see it’s packed. Fuck there’s more people in this club than possible in the entire city of Dildo. Hmmm I bet the people in here own more actual dildo’s than there are number of people living in Dildo. Ok maybe that’s not accurate but fuck it’s crazy.

I finally get myself a drink and walk around a little, trying to see what’s going on. I eventually make my way onto the dance floor and start dancing to the music. Suddenly I feel it. Hands on my shoulders. I tilt my head to see whose behind me. That’s when I see him.


The single most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on! And he’s dancing with me. His hands are on me! He’s smiling at me!

Back home nobody notices me, but here in Vegas, thousands of miles from home, this grogeous man noticed me. I keep dancing but find a way to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.

He smiles and keeps dancing. His hands have a firm grip yet gentle in feel. He wasn’t being inappropriate and yet I was wishing he would be a little. His hands moved from my shoulders down to my hips and rest softly there. We danced sensitively but enjoyed our time. After several songs he ushered me off and got us Some drinks. We stepped out onto the outdoor patio of the club where we could hear each other talk, and get some fresh air.

I started to introduce myself when he held a hand up and smiled at me.

“You’re not from here are you?”

“No, I’m not. How did you?”

“You’re accent. Where are you from?”

“Newfoundland Canada.”

His eyes looked me over, I could feel him undressing me with his eyes. Normally I’d shy away from that, or try and hide. This time, however, I stood tall. I actually enjoyed the attention and appreciation he was giving me and my body.

“I had no idea that Newfoundland had women as hot as you.”

My cunt actually quivered as I heard that. It’s never quivered before in my life! Not even during orgasms. But it quivered and clenched and I felt my thighs getting slick with my juices. I tried to be casual and took a drink from my beer and just smiled coyly at him.

I may be a good girl, I might be boring- but I saw my friends do this with men before. I know what to do and how to act. He smiled at me and took a drink of his drink before stepping close to me.

He sat his drink down on the table, his hands grabbed me by my hips and pulled me against him. Then I could feel his erection through his pants. He whispered into my ear.

“I don’t know you, you don’t know me. But the sexual tension is off the charts. I don’t know what kind of men you normally go for, but I’m likely not like them. I’m probably further from the type of guy you go for. I don’t know how long you’re in town for and I don’t care. I am not asking to see you again after tonight. What I’m offering, however, is tonight. One night with me. One night where I will ravish you, ravish your entire body. It can be in your hotel room if you want. it can be at my apartment if you want. Or If you want someplace neutral I’ll rent us a hotel room. But I am going to fuck you tonight, and I know you want me to fuck you.”

With that one of his hands had moved and was running along my inner thigh. He had spotted the wetness which must of being glittering in the light. He grewled as he could feel the heat coming from my pussy. His hand moved higher and brushed againt my clip. His body was blocking me from being seen by anybody else.

“What happens tonight and where it happens is your choice gorgeous. I don’t want to know your name and you don’t need to know mine. Just tell me what you want.”

My mind was racing. An entire night with this beautiful man. With this stranger! Could I? Would I? Back home in Dildo there really aren’t strangers, we know everybody else pretty much. Can I handle that? Do I want it? An entire night? With a total stranger? With someone whose name I’ll never know? He is right, I do want to fuck him and I most certainly want him to fuck me. But where? If it’s just tonight there’s no need in getting too familiar with my hotel accommodations or where he lives. But getting a room together Someplace “neutral” could also be dangerous.

He doesn’t say another word while I’m thinking. His hands keep gently running along my skin, teasing my pussy lips. I hear his grunts and growls now and then. Finally whimpering softly I give him my reply.

“Here? Well not here at the club, but someplace close by. Outside. Someplace slightly hidden from everyone. I wont know where you live. You wont know where I’m staying, and no offense but if You try to force me into something I don’t want, I’m close enough to scream and run for help.”

I heard him open his mouth but I pressed one of my hands against his bulge, “I’ll never last through an entire night of sex. My day has been long enough with my flight and layover to get here. I want to fuck you. I want you to fuck me, and I certainly don’t want to waste time getting to some neutral hotel to fuck you. I need you now.”

He bit my earlobe and slide a finger inside my wetness then as he removed his finger he licked it clean. The look on his face as he did so took my breath away.

“Follow me.””, he said.

He took me by my hand and lead me out of the club and down the street, further away from my hotel, but still close by the club and getting help if I need it. Something told me, however that I wouldn’t. Then he led me down an alley. We walked down till we were far enough away from the main road so as not to be seen by people walking by. There were buildings around us but most had their lights off, obviously they were closed for the night.

He looked around and pushed me against the wall of a building. His body pressed against me and his weight held me there. His mouth found mine and his hand found my wetness and three fingers slide easily into me. I’ve never been this turned on in my life. I’ve never been this wet before. I’ve never done anything like this before. Oh God if my ex could see me now! I moaned into the kiss as my hands were grabbing hold of him wherever I could.

He broke the kiss but kept his fingers fucking me. His eyes looked into mine as he did. We just stood there, not a word spoken as he fingered me. He made me cum more times than I can remember with his fingers.

As he removed them he broughtThey to his mouth, but I grabbed his hand. I wasn’t even myself at this point, I was who he wanted me to be. I took his hand and licked his fingers clean myself. He moaned, and I could feel his cock twitch in his pants.

His eyes were on me as I’m cleaning his fingers of my juices. Certainly something I’ve never done before and the next words out of his mouth changed me for the rest of my life.

“That’s it slut. Lick your cunt from my fingers.”

I stopped what I was doing and stared at him. My eyes were huge circles. I was stunned by those words. Who talks like that to a woman? And why is it turning me on even more? I’m wetter than I was when he was fingering me?

As I stood there, his fingers in my mouth but not cleaning them, my eyes wide open. He looked back at me, sizing me up.

“I don’t care who you are or anything about your life before tonight bitch. Tonight you’re my whore. Tonight you’re my slut to fuck. You probably have never experienced what you’reabout to experience, but I promise you, you will love it. You will dream about it for years to come. Hell you will probably fantasize and masturbate to it for the rest of your life.”

I swallowed hard, his words sinking in. Scared yet more turned on than I have ever been. I know he’s right somehow. I will love this.

“Do you understand? You’re going to be my fuck toy for the night. Do you agree to that?”

“What do you mean…”

“Shhh just a little kinky fun.”


That word, I heard before but really paid no attention to.

He laughed at my question.

“How about this then, you will be my fuck toy for the night. I will do what I want, BUT if I start to do something you don’t want you just say the word stop. then I’ll move on to something else. Do you agree to that?”

My mind was racing wondering what I had just got myself into. I’m certainly not in Dildo anymore. I’m in an alley in another country with a total stranger! He’s talking about using me however he wants and realizes I may not like some of it. Who would want that? Who would agree to that?


I can’t..


I shouldn’t..


There’s no way on earth!


No, no, no, no, no, no!

I shook my head but when I opened my mouth to say so, what I ended up saying was: “Yes, please. Oh God please make me your fucktoy.”


What have I gotten myself into?


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