I’ve done a lot of odd things in my time for being a “good girl”. I’ve been tied up, played domination games and made sure to get myself in all sorts of trouble of that sort since I became seriously interested in role-playing and bondage a few years ago. (I am now 21, and a junior in college!) Even so, letting a friend of a friend enter my home on a somewhat random date with the intention of his tying me to a chair and tormenting me in various ways was probably the single crazy thing I had ever agreed to. Sure, he had a good history with my friend and he and I managed to trade my assuring e-mails. This was still pretty darn crazy, as you never know what kind of situation you will get yourself into, this was beyond risk, and it was also the single most exciting thing I had put myself through up to that point.
On the e-mail we had agreed that he could come at any time between two random dates, and that he could have a set of my keys at his disposal (which I mailed to him) sothat he could enter my home at any time he wanted. He also had full power to subdue me, as long as he did not use any weapons or leave any lasting marks. He was able to pursue me unless I managed to leave the property. Otherwise, the rules were not to harm me seriously and that he was responsible for keeping me in his control, as my escape would cost him a serious amount of money as a reward for being able to be free of him. Otherwise, he had full reign on how he kept me bound and gagged, and a choice to torque me in any way that did not cause direct contact with my lower private parts and that which would cause me permanent physical damage. Otherwise, all other various forms of his imagination could be satisfied. I was also supposed to wear sexy, and classy outfits at all times, down to my undergarments which were to be the classiest and most expensive he could afford. He wanted to capture me at my best; apparently the torture would be much worse if he found me in average clothing.
After three weeks of agreement on a date it seemed as if he would never come. Part of me was very relieved to think that maybe this crazy idea would just be forgotten. I had gone most of the month long waiting period having trouble sleeping as I never know when the man could arrive to make my life a little more exciting. Of course though, the chaos began on the one morning I wish it had not. After waking up at 6:30am to attend an early class meeting I made sure to get dressed as well as I could, wearing a long black skirt, a black silk blouse and carefully chosen stockings and black silk undertakings I was late already and just as I burst out of the door I felt hands close around the front of my face causing me to scream. The scream was quickly cut off and I was pulled to the floor by heavy hands. Part of me was terrified, part of me was Extremely worried about missing a class meeting, and it was an odd mix of emotions. Due to my instincts I fight heavily throwing my arms around and biting as much as I could to make my constant kicking even worse. It was a losing situation despite my efforts; as I soon found myself face down with my arms handcuffed behind me. I tried to yell put the strong hands that grabbed me forced a piece of black electric tape over my mouth which kept me relatively quiet for the next ten minutes.
When he was done he carried me to the living room/kitchen area of my small apartment and began to tie me with my hands tightly bound to the top of a chair. I was standing, but the chair kept me standing upright with my hands by my sides and my legs tied to the chair legs. Disappearing into the house I began to fight my gag and the tape slowly peeled off of my face. I started to shout a little bit I was disappoint with confusion and a slight bit of fear so much so that I wasn’t able to make much noise. When he returned I found that he had a pair of my white silk undergarments in his hand and he demanded that I open my mouth. I refused very vehemently and begged to be allowed to go to my class. Through his masked face I could see his eyes anger at the fact that I wasn’t taking this game very seriously and he told me that fun time was already over. He stood back and said what I had been wearing was perfect but that it had to come off. He slowly removed my shirt and took out his cigarette light. After lighting a cigarette he asked me again to open my mouth to allow him to gag me with my underwear. Angered, he placed a clothes-pin on my nose to make me open my mouth to breath. Familiar with this trick, I started to breath through clenched teeth. He became even more frustrated and pulled down my bra just enough so my nipples were exposed. I swore he could not break my will and I challenged him to do so however he could and he pulled the dirty trick I could have ever imagined out.
He placed his lighter under my nipple and told me to open my mouth. I was shocked and I refused to thinking it was just a bluff. A few flicks of the lighter later and I was ready to open my mouth and accept the gag just to escape those little flickers of flame. I told him frustrated that I was ready to take what he wanted to give me and I opened my mouth. I had been gagged with panties before, but usually the majority of the panties were left outside of my mouth and it was easier to function with the gag my boyfriends or I had put on. This was a different story Altogether. He took my panties and balled them into a tight ball and started to push them into my mouth, once they hit the comfortable point I made a small sight but he continued to push. I clamped down with my teeth but the lighter re-appeared and I got a stern warning to open my mouth. I did and he spent at least half an hour working the panties so that very little would actually be exiting my mouth. Next a bandage was wrapped around my face with three layers of electric tape meant to hold it all in. It was very difficult to breath though he had made sure my throat was clear and that I would not choke. I was deeply worried about what was to come next, as I should have been.
After my gag was tight and ready he told me that we were going to play a game of trivial pursuit. If I did not get an answer right on a true or false question I would be punished. For this he stripped my stockings and skirt down around my knees which left me feeling very exposed and raw in a way I had never felt before. I had never even met this man! He asked me many questions, I don’t remember how many and most of them I got wrong. Each time I made a wrong answer he would suffer some form of torque. For a space of time I had my hair pulled, my nipples teased with fire and clothes pins added to them. I was also spanked and verbally humiliated. I got the last question correct, and when he decided to torment me anyway I felt both enraged and somewhat turned on. The more he tormented me and the more helpless I felt, the more I rubbed my legs together and wished I could relieve the “other” tension building inside of me. Deciding that I had been deserving of a break, he left me drenched in sweat and half-dressed in the kitchen to ponder my thoughts before exposing me to another element of surprise.
After the torment on the chair he decided to drag me to the outside. Placing me over his shoulder I attempted to fight but he let me know that to fight on the outside would surely be a long fall and that he might leave me outside to be eaten alive by the blood sucking bugs that were flying all around me. After securing me to a tree he exposed my breasts and let the insects bite at them for a short time. The game was that I had to fight the fierce gag on my mouth and get it out before I could return to the inside of my part of the house. I don’t know how long I fought valiantly, but I do know that watching him sit and smoke a cigarette and I fiercely tried to spit out the ball of silk in my mouth was terribly frustrating. I fought extremely hard and I managed topush the silk out, I was exhausted and he rewarded me by pushing a scarf with a knot in the middle and pushing it back in my mouth. Then he began to cover it with another one until I could barely make a sound. He than carried me back inside for more “fun”. My thighs were still tingling and the sexual tension was still terrible for me.
Back inside I could see that it was getting later, he managed to re-gag me with the panties I had been wearing and I had a pair of my stockings worked as a guard between my skin and the six layers of electric tape wrapped around my head, keeping the panties in. I tried to beg for my hands to be free from the new chair in my bedroom he had tied me to. He picked up my phone during the ordeal and when he heard it was one of my college age friends he made me listen to the person asking where I was. It was amazing to try to make words and not be able to, the fullness of my mouth was almost sexual in some ways for the first time since my first experiences with gags and I was delicious with sexual energy and frustration at my lack of being able to get free. He continued his torque by applying ice cubes, teasing flames, pinching and fondling my breasts. He ticked my feet and continuously poured his glass of ice cold water on my head as I desperately struggled to break free. The tortures he gave combined with the desperate need to just “get off” were driving me absolutely crazy. I wanted nothing more to get one hand free and relieve the sexual fury that was building up inside of me. The constant torture just confused me more and pushed me to a mental breaking point. Then came a break in which he left me alone in the room for quite some time, I struggled and fought like a hero but it was clear that I was tied up far too well. I was crying from frustration at this point and I was desperate for our game to end so I could enjoy the fruits of it.
When he returned from an apparent nap (or so he said) he sat in front of me and pulled outHis wallet and left many dollar bills of a large amount on the counter in front of me and he offered me a deal. He would leave his cell phone with me, and if I could escape enough to call him by 12:00pm that night he would let me keep the phone, and the money, if not, I owed him by promise (and my word is golden) that I would owe him another game run on his rules that would be much more involved and much more strict. Seeing the money and wishing to have a cell phone I agreed, to make it fair he tied my hands with scarves instead of tape and left me, with the cell phone cruelly placed in the between my legs by my crotch, and he turned me facing my desk clock so I could keep track of the time. When he finished the last knots I fought terribly hard to get free. The sexual frustration, the need for freedom and the temptation of the money was blinding. The complex system of many scarves and knots was far too complex for me and by the time the phone “buzzed” between my legs (nearly making me come) I knew the battle was lost. I heard the footsteps coming down the hall and my captor took his phone, his money and told me in great detail how much fun he planned on having with me the next time. He kindly left me handcuffed in the basement, with a key on the living room coffee table poised for my eventual escape. By the time I claimed the key and saved myself of the tension I was ready to pass out on the couch, barely making sure my gag was removed. It was one of the most intense orgasms ever, leaving me shaking and terribly weak.
I awoke to the next morning to an e-mail instructing me on future happenings and what I owed following my failure to escape…a part of me couldn’t wait.
(This is a true story based on the dust and most rewarding bondage experience of my life!!)
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