Author’s note: This story contains graphic descriptions of semi-consensual corporate punishment in the form of caning. If this is offensive to you, please be warned, and don’t read on.
All the participants in this story are adults over the age of eighteen years. As usual, none of the characters depicted are real and any similarity to real places or people living or dead is purely coincidental.
Please comment and score. Any constructive criticism positive or negative is welcome. Far too few folk score and even fewer make comments, especially after reading BDSM stories.
As always, any errors in editing are mine and mine alone.
The Story of Thao (Part 2)
Six weeks after I first helped Aimee to cane Christopher, my part-time career started. It wasn’t planned but it just happened.
One evening in early September, there was a tap on my kitchen door at the back of the house, and when I lookedThrough the window, Aimee was standing on the patio outside. I opened the door and beckoned her inside.
“I’m not interrupting anything, I hope,” she said.
“No. I’ve just eaten and was about to make coffee. Would you like a cup?”
Aimee sat at the kitchen table whilst I made the coffee and returned with two mugs of steaming liquid. As she sipped her drink, I spoke.
“How’s Christopher?”
“Behaving himself – unfortunately. Don’t worry I’ll find an excuse soon, and you can try your paddle on him.”
She was referring to a hickory wood paddle that had been made to order and had arrived by post a week earlier. She paused.
“In the meantime, I want to ask you something.”
My ears priced up.
“Why do I wonder what’s coming?” I asked. “The last time you asked me for a favour I ended up with a cane in my hand.”
Aimee laughed.
“You’ve read my mind. Will you listen to what I have to say?”
“Fire away.”
“Have Iever spoken to you about Julia?”
“Julia. She is one of my oldest friends. We’ve known each other all our lives. She’s exceptionally intelligent and hardworking and I have always admired her, and we were inseparable for all our time at school. She’s married to a real bastard whom I have never liked. I never understand their marriage. She’s short and plain-looking, but bright, bubble, intelligent, humourous, and generous, whilst he’s tall and handsome, but stupid, lazy, and idle. She owns her own company and is filthy rich, so I understand why he married her. She even gave him a management position. What I never understand is what she sees in him.
Last week, she rang me to ask me out for lunch and a catchup chat. We have both been very busy lately and I hadn’t seen her for a month or two, but from the tone of her voice, I wondered if something was wrong. It turned out that I was right.
When I had lunch with Julia today, she told me that Bill, her husband, had being having an affair. The dull bastard left a phone he used to contact his mistress, where Julia could find it. He’s been shagging his secretary for the last six months. Julia was living and was planning to divide him when I spoke to her today. He’s pleased with her to give him a second chance and has promised her he will end the affair. He was discrete at least, and nobody else knew anything was going on. He’s desperate because he signed a prenup and will walk away with no money and no job after four years of marriage.
Julia told me that she’s not sure that she ever loved him, and knows her marriage is one of convenience for both.
‘He’s good-looking, can play the part, is useful to have on my arm for business meetings, and he’s a wonderful fuck. Even when he was fucking his bitch he was still able to give me plenty. He married me for my money, and not my looks although I am a fucking good screw and remarkably oversexed’ she said.
I told her that I was confused by why she would worry if a man she didn’t love had sex with someone else. She explained that it wasn’t the act that concerned her but the damage to her reputation that it risked, and in her business report and money were inextricably linked.
‘His secretary! My employee! He was shitting on my doorstep,’ she said.”
Aimee paused before continuing to speak.
“That was when I thought of you.”
“Aimee, you didn’t?”
“Oh, I did.”
“What did you say?”
“I asked her what she wanted most, and she told me that she wanted him to be punished and suffer for what he had done, and while marriage to him was convenient, she couldn’t see how it could continue even If she wanted it to. That was when I told her how she could have her cake and eat it. I suggested she takes him to a dominatrix for a damn good bare-bottom caning and a promise of more if he ever strayed again, and any talk of dividend could go on hold. I told her that not only was a proper Judicial caning excceedingly painful but that it was also a fitting punishment – pain for illicit physical pleasure.
At first, she was unconvinced, but then she asked me how I knew so much, and I told her I knew a lady who might be willing to help…”
“What have you told her about me?”
“Nothing at all. I told her I would speak to you first and get back to her, and that discretion on everybody’s part was very important. I think she believes that you have paid Christopher for me even though I said nothing regarding this. What happens next is up to you. Just promise you’ll think about it. You’ll get the opportunity to tie a selfish, adulterous, male bastard down and cane his naked arse, and you’ll be paid to do it.”
When it was put like that, it was obvious what my answer would be.
Two evenings later, the phone rang. When I picked up, I heard a soft female voice at the end of the line.
“I’d like to speak to Miss Nguyen please.”
“Hello, I am Julia Lawton.”
“Oh hello, I’ve been expecting your call. Aimee told me that you might ring.”
“I’m a little embarrassed. I haven’t arranged anything like this before.”
Inwardly, I smiled, that makes two of us, I thought.
“Don’t be,” I said. “I offer a discrete and extremely proficient service. Have You decided that you wish me to punish your husband?”
“I have.”
“And has he accepted this?”
“Very well. But before we go on I need to meet you to make the arrangements, and for me to speak to your husband before his beating. I will need you to pay for the hire of a hotel suite with a heavy wooden table, or if you prefer I can visit you in your home. The fee for my services will be five hundred US dollars, payment in advance. I trust that will be satisfied?”
“Have you ever witnessed a caning, and do you wish to watch his punishment?”
“No, and yes. But Aimee has told me thathe will be tied over a table naked, and you will can his bare bottom. Is it very painful?”
“Good. He deserves everything he’s going to get. How many strokes do you think he should receive?”
“Eightteen will be plenty I assure you.”
A few minutes later, when I put the phone down, I had arranged to meet Julia and Bill the following Thursday Evening at their home. I knew that Aimee was working the day shift that month and had asked Julia if Aimee could accompany me to the meeting if she was free, and Julia was happy for her to come along.
Two days later, at precisely eight in the evening, Aimee pulled her car into the driveway of a large mansion in Rosedale. Before we could pull the bell chord for the front door, it opened, and I saw a small mosy-looking woman with straw-coloured hair standing in the doorway. She was wearing a shapeless blue dress, and my first impression was that she was a maid. It was only when Aimee stepped through the door, and they embraced, that I realized this must be Julia.
“Do come in, Miss Nguyen. I’m so pleased to meet you.”
“Good evening I’m pleased to meet you too, Mrs Lawton.”
We followed our host into a large sitting room at the front of the house. It was expensively furnished with minimalistic Scandinavian furniture sitting in a vast expansion of pale cream, shag carpet. My eyes were drawn to a large and imposing piece of abstract art that had been hung on the far wall.
Julia saw me looking at it.
“It’s a Miro.”
Aimee was right. She was very rich, and for a moment I wondered whether I was undercharging.
A few moments later, a maid entered the room with a pot of coffee and poured us each a cup before leaving and closing the door firmly behind her.
Julia looked expectedly at me, and I realized she was waiting for me to speak.
“Is your husband in his room as I requested?” I asked.
“He is.”
“Very well. If you are sure that thisis what you want, I will talk to him.”
“I want him properly paid, Miss Nguyen. Can you do that?”
“Please call me Thao, Mrs Lawton. You can call me Miss Nguyen in front of your husband. And yes, he will be properly paid, I assure you. I will provide a lesson he will not want to repeat.”
“Thank you. Please call me Julia.”
“Where would you like him caned?”
“Here, in the house. I have a heavy dining table you can use. I can show it to you if you like.”
“Thank you. I’d like to see it before I speak to Mr Lawton. There’s one other thing, Julia.”
“What’s that?”
“Aimee will also be present during the punishment to help me tie him down and then watch and add a degree of shade to it all.”
Julia nodded.
“How many servants do you have? He may be a little noisy.”
“Two. But I can ask them to take the evening off so that we have the house to ourselves. The dining room is at the back. Nobody will hear a thing.”
“Do they have a regular night off?”
“Most Fridays.”
“Are you free, a week on Friday in the evening? It will give him the weekend to recover and eight days to dwell on what he will get.”
“That will do very nicely, thank you.”
“OK, I’d like to see the table first, and then talk to your husband. Where can I talk to him?”
“You can use my study.”
Twenty minutes later, I met Bill Lawton. We sat alone on opposite sides of a large tea desk. We had not shaken hands. He was everything I had imagined him to be – over six feet tall, slim, blond, good-looking, with an air of insufferable arrogance. We got off on the wrong foot when he called me by my first name, and I was forced to correct him.
I remember exactly what I told him.
“Mr Lawton, I said. We are not, and never will be, friends. Please show me the respect of calling me, Miss Nguyen. My wife has hired me to punish you for your behavior and I have agreed to administrator eighteen strokes of a rattan punishment cane to your bare buttocks. If you ever disrespect me again I will add penalty strokes. Is that clear?”
He looked at me and smiled.
“Yes, Miss Nguyen.”
And it occurred to me that he was a stupid, unimaginative, and vacuous man who had no idea what he had agreed to. That wasn’t my problem, of course. It was his. I had already had a view of his taut Trousered bum cheats when he turned to shut the door after entering the study, and now I had a mental image of him naked and stretched over the dining room table as I measured the cane across his waiting nates. I knew that I would enjoy hurting him and I started to feel moist between my legs.
I forced myself back to the present and spoke.
“I need to be clear. Do you agree to be able by me?”
“I’ve already said I do–several times.”
“Are you fit and well?”
Very well. This is what is going to happen. You will be punished at nine o’clock in the evening, a week tomorrow.You will go to your room at eight o’clock, toilet and shower, and wait naked until your wife fetches you. You will drink no alcohol during the day before your caning. Julia will bring you to the dining room where Aimee will tie you bent over the table, and I will administrator eighteen hard strokes of the cane to your bum. You will need to be tied to enable me to strike accurately and stop you from jumping up during the punishment. I assure you It will hurt very badly. I will not stop once I have started. You can shout, swear, and scream. I expect you to, but I will not tolerate any disrespect to Julia, Aimee, or myself. That will earn you punishment strokes. Is that all clear?”
“Does Aimee have to watch?”
“I am not negotiating with you, Mr Lawton. I am telling you what is going to happen. Now, is that clear?”
“Do you have any further questions?”
Good. I look forward to our next meeting with pleasure. I don’t expect you to.
As we pulled out of Julia’s driveway and into the street, I heard Aimee’s voice.
“Thank you for inviting me.”
“I thought you’d enjoy watching him get what he so richly deserves. It was your idea anyway.”
“Maybe, but thanks anyway.”
“Now I’ve met him, I’m even more determined to do a good job. I don’t like men, I don’t like adulters, and I most especially don’t like him.”
I paused.
“If you really want to thank me. I have a favour to ask.”
“Oh, yes?”
“I’m horny enough sitting here right now. Next week, after caning Bill, I know I’ll need a fucking.”
Aimee interrupted.
“You want me to send Christopher over to you? No problem.”
“Why not? I’ll give Kevin a ring. He’s a guy at work who fancies me. I’ve been planning to fuck him and that would be an ideal time to get into his trousers.”
Later that night, I went to a cupboard in the bedroom and extracted a yard-long, three-quarter inch thick, smoked rattan cane and four leather buckled and ringed wrist/ankle straps. I had bought them, with the paddle, to use on Christopher, but now they would be put to a different use.
I put the red leather-handled punishment cane where I could see it, stripped myself naked, lay back on the bed, spread my legs wide, and fed a dildo deep inside myself, before putting my wand hard against my clitoris. Then with my eyes fixed firmly on the cane I imagined what I was going to do, first to Bill, and then to Christopher. They would both squirm, grunt, and squeal under my ministers – one in agoy and the other in ecstasy, and with that thought in mind, I enjoyed a half-minute-long, back-arching, thigh-quivering, arse-puckering, cunt clamping on dildo, toe-curling orgasm.
Almost exactly eight days later, a few minutes after nine in the evening, I stood in Julia’s dining room. Bill lay naked, over the end of the heavy oak table, He was held firmly in place by the wrist and ankle straps attached firmly to the table legs with rope. Two further lengths of rope bound his thighs firmly to each table leg and his buttocks were completely immobilised. Julia stood at the far end of the table with the flats of her hands pushing down on his upper back. I had placed a large floor mirror behind where I stood so that Jula would be able to see the impact of the cane and the damage it was doing. Meanwhile, Aimee leaned against the wall somewhere behind me, with a cigarette in one hand and an ashtray in the other.
This time I had dressed for the occasion – blue jeans, a short-sleeved, loose-fitting tee shirt with no bra, and trainers.
I examined my target, a pair of milky white and well-muscled globes of flesh, their pallor accentuated by his deep tan. I remember thinking that they would not remain white for much longer and could easily accommodate eighteen strokes, or more if needed. Then I lay the cane gently across the centre of his closest buttock with thetip nestling in the crack.
“Time to pay the price Mr Lawton. You are about to experience something you truly deserve and will never forget. Eightteen strokes of the cane in three sets of six.”
I flicked the cane high over my head and behind me, and then in one fluid movement, I brought it slicing, in an arc, down and across his buttons. The supplement cane had bent almost double as I raised it skyward behind my back, then straightened and flexed forward as it descended and bit into his flesh. I added further venom to the stroke by bending and then straightening my knees as I struck and used my wrist to drive the tip deep into his far bum cheat. I had not tried to aim for the skin but for a point inside his far buttock and the cane did not bounce away on impact but dug into the soft plumpness, then appeared to stick until I lifted it away.
The effect was immediately. Several things happened at once. Bill grunted loudly and his entire body seemed to stiffen and shake as JuliaThrew her weight onto his back and held him down. Simultaneously, I heard her voice.
I lifted the cane away and already a firey red six-inch long stripe was rapidly forming on each side of his bum crack.
“Oh my,” said Julia in admission.
I waited exactly thirty seconds and struck again. The cane whistled on the up-stroke and again on the down-stroke before impacting with a loud crack against the centre of his buttocks, which energeticly jumped and jerked before a second red line appeared just below the first. This time he groaned, and I saw Julia smile.
“Two,” she said.
The third, fourth, and fifth strokes fell at thirty-second intervals. As he waited for the sixth stroke I watched Bill’s bum muscles violently clnch and relax in anticipation of What was coming. Then I looked across at Julia, and It was apparent that she too was aroused by her husband’s suffering. Her face was flushed, her lips were moist, and her eyes sparkled.
“Does it hurt dreadfully my darling?” I heard her say. “I do hope so. Your bum is such a mess and Miss Nguten is not yet one-third through with you.”
That was when I hit him again, and his buttocks rotated right–then left. and back again, in a vain attempt to alleviate the age that I knew he must be feeling. As he groaned, I heard Aimee speak.
“I almost feel sorry for the bastard.”
He lay still. Six cord-like welts traversed the centre of his bottom and were slowly turning from a bright red to a darker purple-blue. I ran my finger over his bruises which were hot to the touch and felt the ridges I had carved deep into his flesh.
I had been so focused on placing hard accurate strokes that I had failed to notice what my body was telling me. I was aroused. Horny as hell. My nipples were hard and rubbing against the fabric of my tee shirt and my panties were wet with my juices. Just for a moment, I worried that I enjoyed hurting men but then it occurred to me thatI had only hurt two, and one needed the pain, and the other deserved everything that he had received and was still going to get. And then, as soon as the thought had crossed my mind it was gone, and all that remained was a feeling of power and an overwhelming desire to dominate and hurt him.
I didn’t need to be reminded that he was a male and an adulterer and had chosen this punishment because he was greedy. It occurred to me that, up until that moment, I had been doing a job – one that I enjoyed – but a job, nonetheless. It was then that I became angry with him. Not a hot, spur-of-the-moment, blind rage, but a smoulding, how dare you make me doubt myself kind of anger.
So, five minutes later, as I stood behind him with the rod in my hand, I was ready to start again with a renewed purpose. I had promised Bill that he would never forget his caning, and Julia that he would not want to repeat it, and I was determined to keep my word.
I scowled and swung the cane rapidly through the air and watched Bill’s buttocks flinch as he heard the loud whistling of the rod. I wished that I had promised a harsher punishment – two dozen at least.
In the meantime, Aimee had moved to the head of the table and was standing next to Julia. Aimee looked across at me and saw my announcement. I watched her bend down, cup his chin gently with her right hand, and raise his head until their eyes met.
“Bill,” she said gently. You’ve upset Thao. You’re really in for it now.
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