My name is Stephanie Jones. I used to be a happy married woman. I used to live life in the fastlane. My husband and I were very Rich. We had 3 Giant Mansion. We own our own helicopters and private planes. We always drive one of our many sports cars or Just rode in our Limousine. We had an amazing time together. I miss him dearly.
I am currently 40 years old. I am a straight female who is enslaved to my sister-in-law who controls my entire life now. I have Brown hair and green eyes. My height is 5 ft 7. I am slim. I have been enslaved for 5 years now. My Mistress keeps me nude 24/7. I am never allowed to wear clothes.
My Mistress fired all the maids that worked for me. So now I am expected to cook and clean. Now I know what Many of you are thinking. How did a happy Married Straight woman becomes a lesbian sex slave?
Well, Seven years old my Husband Robert passed away Suddenly. This Devastated me dearly. I truly loved him. I still do. Robert used to deal with allthe financial stuff. I never understood or cared to deal with it before Robert’s death. However when he did pass that chore fell to me.
As I said before I am not at all good at Financial stuff. Within two years I almost lost everything. The two Other Mansions were foreclosure on by the bank. They also reprocessed the Helicopter and the airplane. I had to sell many of the fancy sports cars to make ends meet. I was at my wit’s end. I had no idea what I was doing. So I made the biggest mistake of my entire life. I decided to call my sister in law for help. This is where my Story begins.
It was a dark and stormy night. I was sitting in the living room of my last Giant Mansion. I was crying because I had no idea what to do. I was on the Verge of losing everything. Suddenly the power went out. I closed my eyes in Desperation. I forgot to pay the power bill. I just felt like crawling into a ball and never coming out again. Suddenly a maid walked into the living room.
“Mrs.Jones, Your Sister in law Kimberly Jones has arrived.” Said The Maid.
“Ok. Bring her in. Please.” I Replied.
Kimberly Suddenly walked in. The maid walked out. Kimberly has Blond hair and Blue eyes. She was 30 years old. She is 6 ft tall. She has an athletic body. Slim. Big breasts and a round ass.
I stood up as Kimberly walked over and hugged me. Her hug was a bit tight which assumed is due to her height and Strength. Kimberly legs were extremely defined. There was no fat at all, just muscle. You could tell she works out. Her arms were feminine muscled as well. She could definitely handle herself in a fight.
“I feel like a loser.” I said. “I completely failed Robert. I lost our Fortune in under two years.” I Replied.
“It will be ok, Sweeney. I am here now.” Replied Kimberly.
“Yeah.” I said in a Weakened tone.
Kimberly looks me in the eyes. She sights. “When was the last time you slept?” She asked.
So I must have looked like a train wreck. The truth was I was tired. I hadn’t slept in days. I was filled with too much worry to sleep.
“It has been a couple of days.” I Replied.
Kimberly rumbles through her pursuit. She pulls out two blue pills and hands them to me.
“Take these.” She said.
“What are these?” I asked.
“Sleeping pills. Take them. Go ahead and get some sleep. When You wake up I will have a solution to all your problems.” Kimberly ensured me.
I shrugged my shoulders and took them. I thanked her and went upstairs to my master bedroom. My bedroom was the size of a small living room. My bed was a custom super king size bed. My closet was the size of an average bedroom. I had lots of shoes and expensive dresses. My bathroom in the master bedroom was decent sized as well. My bathtub had a Jacuzzi feature on it. A stand alone shower next to it and a toilet made of Solid gold.
I just hoped in my bed and let sleep overtake me. I woke up several hours later. I was awoken by the soundsof birds chirping outside. I looked towards a neary window to see the sun shining bright outside. I sat up in my bed. There was a nightstand near me. On that night stand was a bell I would use to call the maids. I grabbed the bell and rang it. I waited a few minutes. But nobody came. That was strange I thought.
I rang the bell again. Still nobody came. I rang it a third time and even hollered for the maid, yet no one came. Where were they to serve me my breakfast and dress me I thought. I rang it one more time as hard as I could but no one came. I was getting angle. I got up from the bed and walked over to my Closet. I guess I am dressing myself, I thought to myself. I was shocked to discover that everything in my Closet was gone.
What the hell? I thought to myself. I Must have been robbed. All my shoes and Clothes were just gone. I immediately went downstairs to see if I could find anyone. I found Kimberly sitting at the Kitchen table sipping on a cup of coffee.
“Ithink I’ve been Robbed. All my shoes and Clothes are gone. Have you seen any of the maids?” I asked.
“Yes, I had to let them go, last night you can’t afford them anymore.” Replied Kimberly.
“What? You fire them?” I asked.
“Don’t worry I gave them a nice severe package and had to pay that out of my own pocket.” Replied Kimberly in a rude manner.
“Oh my god, they must of Robbed me.” I said.
“No. That was me. I took all your clothes.” Said Kimberly. She said it was so calm.
“What? You stole my clothes? What Am I Supposed to wear. Why did you steal my clothes?” I yelled.
Kimberly laughed. “Because you don’t deserve them.I spoke to the maids. You forced them to dress you and bring you breakfast in bed?. Do you even know their names?” She asked.
“Yeah, their names are um um maids.” I was embarrassed. I didn’t even know the women’s names who worked for me for years.
“Their names were maids?” Asked Kimberly. She raises her eyebrow just like the rock from wwe does.
“No.” I replied embarrassingly. I felt like a child that was getting in trouble.
Kimberly surprised before answering me. “All you’ve been doing is spending my brother’s life savings without any thought. No wonder you’re broke. You don’t have an income. You treat your workers like crap. You spend money on pedicures and expensive dress rather than paying your bills. You need to be taught a very hard life long lesson.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“I am about to change your entire life. From now on you’re going to my personal Bitch. You spend your entire life being served, now you’re going to see what it is like to actually serve another.” Replied Kimberly.
“What the Fuck? What are you even talking about? Where the fuck is all my clothes?” I began to yell.
Kimberly calmly got up from the kitchen table. She walked over towards me. She then suddenly slapped me in the face. The slap was so hard that I fell to the ground. Kimberly then grabbed me by my long brown hair. She forced me to look her in the eyes.
“Listen to me bitch! You don’t ever disrespect me! I am your Mistress. I own your mind, body and Soul.”said Kimberly angrily.
“You can’t do this to me!” I cried.
“Watch me!” Yelled Kimberly.
Kimberly began to rip off the clothes that I was wearing. It didn’t take her too long either because I was wearing a red tank top and a black skirt. The same outfit I had on last night. I had on a black throng and no bra.
Kimberly ripped off my skirt like it was nothing. She then forcibly took off my tank top. I was almost completely nude. I tried to cover my breast. Kimberly spanked me one good time on my ass. She then grabbed my chin and made me look her in the eyes.
“You don’t ever cover up. Your body is to always be on display. I own you. You are my property now.” Said Kimberly.
I had no idea what to say or do. I was frozen. My mind was trying to figure out how to get out of thissituation.
Kimberly looked me up and down. She walked around me looking at every inch of my body.
“Removed the Throng.” Kimberly ordered.
“No.” I Whispered.
“Do it or else, I will do it for you and trust me you don’t want me to do it.” Replied Kimberly in a harsh tone.
I told. I then slip off my thong revealing my vagina to Kimberly. I will admit I had a hairy Vagina only because I hadn’t been with anyone since Robert’s death. Kimberly ran her hand through my pussy’s hair. I felt extremely uncomfortable with her touching me.
“I guess it is time to go over the rules and how everything is going to be from here on out.” Said Kimberly. “Rule one, you are always to be nude no matter what. I don’t care about who sees you or anything like that, you will be nude 24/7. Rule two you are responsible for all the cooking and cleaning. I expect your daily chores to be done by 6pm. I expect to have my dinner every night at 7. No excuse for why it’s late. Rule three. Your body is mine to do with however I please. Rule four. Punishment will result in spankings, floggings, and whippings.” Kimberly explained.
“Your Crazy. ” I said.
“Oh I am the crazy one? You’re the one who spend all your money on nonsense stuff causing you to go broke. But you want to call me crazy?” Said Kimberly in a mocking tone.
Kimberly Sighed. “You know what? You have been extremely disrespectful this entire morning. I think it’s time for a little spanking.” Said Kimberly.
Kimberly grabs my hair again and makes me crawl on all fours like a dog. She walked me over to the Coffee table she had been sitting at earlier. She takes a seat in the chair. She easily throws me over her lap like I was a small child. She was so strong, I realized there was no use in fighting back. She completely overpowered me. She just immediately began spanking me as hard as she could.
My behind was startedg to turn red. I wince with every blow Kimberly was giving me.
“You know what your problem is?” Asked Kimberly.
“The fact that you’re an insane dyke.” I rudely Replied.
Kimberly spanked the crab out of me for that comment. She hit me even harder for that.
My entire body strung for the blow. A single tear fell from my left eye.
“NO! Your problem is that you don’t value the things and people in your life. You took it all for Granted. Now you’re spending your morning getting spanked by me.” Said Kimberly. “Had you just had a little bit of respect. I wouldn’t have to enslave you. Now you’re going to spend the rest of your life licking my pussy and serving me.” Continued Kimberly.
She continued to spank me.
I started crying. My butt was all red now. Tears were falling from my eyes. Kimberly continued to spank me.
Kimberly finally let me up. My ass was now cherry red. Tears were still falling from my face. Kimberly was still sitting in the chair. She looked unsympathetic towards me. I was now standing and rubbing my sore ass.
“This is what happens when you disrespect me or choose not to follow my commands. You do well to remember your place. ” Said Kimberly.
“Ok.” I replied as I cried. I started wiping my tears away. Kimberly stood up. She towered over me. She grabbed the bottom of my chin once more. She made me look her in the eyes.
“From here on out, You are only to refer to me as Mistress or Ma’am.” Ordered Kimberly.
“Yes, Mistress.” I replied.
Kimberly looked down toward my behind. She began to softly rub my sore ass.
“You really do have a nice ass. I can’t wait to see what would all fit in it.” Said Kimberly.
She brushes my hair back behind my ears. She then softly whispers in my ear. “Go stand in that corner and don’t move until I tell you too or else you’ll get another Spanking.” Said Kimberly. She pointed to the corner she wanted to stand.
I embarrassingly walked to the corner and stood there. Kimberly then left the kitchen. I stood there for what felt like hours but in reality was only 40 minutes. I felt embarrassed. I was completely nude and a grown adult standing in a corner as punishment after receiving a spanking. All my rich wealthy friends would make fun of me for this.
I told. Not knowing what to expect next. I just knew there was going to be more. Suddenly Kimberly walks back in. She had rope, a red ball gagged, A black bull whip and a black flogger and a purple 12 inch Strapon Dildo. She places these Items on the kitchen table. I gulped seeing these things. I knew she wanted to use them on me.
“Are you going to use them on me?” I asked in a frightened tone.
“You just earned yourself another Spanking. Didn’t I tell you to face that corner?” Kimberly said Harshly.
“Technicallyyou just told me to stand in the corner and not to move.” I said.
Kimberly angrily told. “You should 100% know what I mean. Stop being a smartass. You’re a grown woman for god sakes.” Replied Kimberly.
Kimberly picks up the whip and marches towards me.
“Hands against the walls with you ass sticking out!” Kimberly Demanded.
I immediately put my hands over my head and against the wall. I bent over a little bit so that my butt was sticking out as Commanded. Kimberly did a practice run with the whip. She whipped thin air. The whip was thick Enough that it could be heard even when hitting nothing. I gulped one more time.
Kimberly surprised. She takes a deep breath before beginning my second punishment.
“You’ve been a bad girl. Running your smartass mouth and not following my direction. You 100% deserve this.” Said Kimberly.
She has the whip in her hand. Her arms flys back. She brought it forth as hard as she could. When the whip made Contact with myback and ass, I could hear a cracking noise. I winced from the pain as the whip continuously made Contact.
I grinned my teeth during every blow. I actually thought the whip would be more painful but it wasn’t that bad. Don’t get me wrong it hurts like hell but it wasn’t no where near as bad as I thought it would be. Kimberly continued to whip me.
Kimberly finally stopped whipping me. She walked over towards me and turned me around so that I was looking directly at her. She grabbed my chin and made me look her in the eyes.
“Are you done being a disrespectful little bitch or do I need to whip you some more?” Asked Kimberly.
“No Mistress. I will be a good girl.” I said with humiliation.
Kimberly walks back towards the kitchen table and picks up the purple Strapon. She straps it around her waist. She then matches towards me. She grabs my long brown hair and turn me around.
“On your knees!” Kimberly Commanded. I immediately dropped to my knees. She still held on tightly to my long brown hair.
“Suck on my purple cock!” Yelled Kimberly.
She shoved the strapon dildo down my throat. I began to choke on it. Kimberly was moving her hips almost like she was humping my mouth. The Purple Dildo Keep going in and out of my mouth. My spit was now covering it completely. I was Gleeking spit like crazy. It was dripping down my mouth towards my chin. Kimberly had me choking on it.
She finally threw me back away from the spit covered Dildo. I took a minute to catch my breath. I was on the floor breathing hard. It took me a minute for my breathing to return to normal. I looked up at Kimberly who was now looking down at me. Kimberly smiled.
“This is your rightful place. On your knees, serving a powerful Mistress.” Replied Kimberly with an evil smile on her face. “Now turn around and spread your cheeses!” She Commanded.
I turned around and did as Commanded. I put my hands on both ass cheats and spread them as far as possible. I suddenly felt something painfully and Violently entered my butthole. Kimberly was now humping me with the Purple spit covered strapon Dildo. The Dildo was going in and out of my very tight butthole. It did hurt however it was also Strangely enjoyable. My pussy was starting to get wet. I would feel it dripping. I could feel a small fire start to burn in-between my legs. My face was starting to feel warm.
“Looks like we got a anal whore here!” Laughed Kimberly.
She started to feel my wet pussy with her hand while She was still humping me with the strapon.
“All the boys would love to pound that ass. I am going to make sure it happens too. However Your pussy is going to be only for women. No man’s dick will ever enter that pussy. Only my Strapon and women’s tongues will have the honor of tasting your Juices.” Said Kimberly.
Kimberly continued to thrust me. She was going fast now. The pressure was building up in me. My pussy was now soaking wet. My eyes were getting blurry. I started seeing dots. Suddenly it hit me. I came harder than I ever did in my life. I fell against the wall. I was trying to catch my breath. Kimberly began to pet the top of my head.
“Good girl. You’re asshole was tighter than I thought it be. Looks like I will have to fist it.” Replied Kimberly.
My eyes grew extremely wide when she said that. Kimberly laughed.
“Don’t worry I won’t fist you unlit tomorrow night. Plus I need to look for a room to set up the sex Dungeon. On top of that I have to move all my stuff in your master bedroom. I have a dog cage for you to sleep in. I probably put you in the Closet You should be more then happy with that arrangement.” Said Kimberly.
I looked down towards the floor in complete humiliation.
“Mmmmm tomorrow is a busy day. Might have to wait until Wednesday to train and Fist you.I think I will go ahead and fix up your dog cage. Then relax while I can.” Said Kimberly.
She grabbed me by my hair and forced me to stand. She then walked me back to my master bedroom or should I say my Former bedroom. She throw me in the closet and locked the door so I couldn’t escape.
I walk a little bit away from the door and lean against the wall. I then slowly fell to the ground. I began to cry. Just a few hours ago I was a free woman. Now I was my insane Sister-in-law’s lesbian sex slave. My ass was extremely sore. This was my life now. I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away.
It took Kimberly a few minutes to return with a large Collapsible cage. It took her a few minutes to set up the cage. Once it was set up she took the large blanket that was on the master bed and throw it in the cage.
“Alright get in.” Ordered Kimberly.
I bowed my head in defeat and crawled into the cage. There was plenty of space for me to lay my entire body down comfortIt’s almost as if you belong in it. I got lots of stuff to do. I will play with you again on Wednesday. Don’t worry I will go to the store and pick up some dog food for you to eat. See, I was here to help you get you out of debt and look like we’re already saving money.” Said Kimberly.
Kimberly turns out the light and locks the closet door. Leaving me in complete darkness.
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