The Story of M the Virgin Ch. 02


While M and her maid Marie were sailing to M’s fiancé for M to be married to him, their vessel was captured by pirates. The two of them, and the wife of the captain survived, while the pirates killed all men in the vessel crew.


M, Marie, and captain’s wife were taken to the deck of the vessel, in front of the cheering crowd of the pirates. With horror, they looked at the dead bodies of the crew members. Captain’s wife rushed to the still warm body of her husband, hugging him and crying out loud, which seemed to amuse the pirates a lot.

The captain of the pirates said:

— Well, that old hag is not worth much. Except as our play toy perhaps. Shark bates we do have by chopping those dead bodies to pieces. But these two other women we can sell to a brother in our destination port.

M protested:

— No way! I am maiden going to my wedding, and Marie here is my maid.

— And there is a good ransom, if we return you untouched? Your maid an untouched maiden as well?

M hesitated, and captured noticed it.

— Well, I’ve tried this return for a ransom thing a time or two. Luckily avoided the noise every time, but just with my good luck. A perfect way to get hanged, that is. The simplest way is to sell what you have got. Now, you are saying that you are a virgin?

M blushed. She was in the hands of merciless pirates.

— Yes, I am indeed.

— What about this maid of yours? We don’t have any women on board, captured, to be sold into brothers or harems in black Africa. Yet some harems pay a lot for untouched white women. You look good, but my men need sexual entertainment. Hard to keep them on bay with three women on board. Marie might help there.

— I will. But leave my mistress untouched!

So bravely Marie said, quite excited. M now realized what a slut Marie was, she could not help her desire to be used by an entire band of brutal pirates. Ah, M thought, would that not be an experience worth pursuing?

— So be it, take them to our own ship, and burn this vessel down and sink it, worthless as it is for our purposes.

— Marie, thank you for sacrificing yourself. Captain, I will insist that Marie follows me wherever my destiny takes me. No next port brother!

— So be it. She’s not that good looking, but she will be given in the bargain to the harem which buys you. Until then, my men will use her, but not harm her. She does not seem to be against that idea, does she? But if she will be pregnant, we will throw her overboard. There’s no market for pregnant women.

— I am infertile.

So said Marie, and her days as the pirate crew plaything soon began. Marie enjoying it, M looking with deep envy at all the wild things they did to her. Nobody touched M, except, of course, the three women on board had sex between themselves, being shut in the same cabin in the pirate vessel.

Since M was blonde with blonde pubic hair, she was ordered to sunbathe on the deck. While white flesh was valued in Africa, the tan would make her sexier, and pick a better price of her. Therefore, on the deck she lied, longer and longer periods, slowly masturbating every once in a while; edging and sometimes giving herself an orgasm. The crew members used to urinate on her, while she was reclining there, using her as their pee toilet. She loved this her first contact with men, the warm pee covering her body, and the cooling effect it provided while evaporating from her bare skin. She quite enjoyed, too, the horny looks at the men’s faces, while they with their penises out looked at a beautiful woman they were not allowed to touch. Except with that golden shower. And some semen onto her nude body at times.

As to the elderly wife of the killed captain of M’s vessel, it turned out that she was a good cook, and quite nice foodstuff had been found in the captured vessel. So she was saved, as a cook for the pirates, and graduatedy the sex mate of the pirate captain, who was about her age. One day she explained to M:

— My husband fell in love with me while I was a prostitute in a port brother, and later married me. Due to my whorehouse experience, I know quite a few tricks to bring men sexual pleasure. Would you like to watch?

Thus M, and Marie too, sometimes watched the lovemaking between she and the pirate captain, and indeed learned a lot. M was hot and her vagina and anus aching of desire. When would it be her time to get the penis of a man inside her body? In that harem, eventually. She was waiting for it.

The mission of this pirate ship was not sea robbery as such, but selling robbed goods and, now, female slaves in Africa, and buying black slaves to be sold for profit in the Caribbean. Nevertheless, seeing M’s helpless vessel, they had decided to overtake it. With reasonable losses it had succeeded, since only three pirates were killed in the battle. The fever pirates to split the profit with.

Approaching their destination, M was taught how to dance strictly, and ordered to stop masturbating, to be as horny as possible when being sold.

In the destination port, M and Marie were taken to the harem of the local overlord. M was dressed in fine garments rented from a local merchant, to be slowly stripped in front of the overlord. The captain said:

— Now, we have treated you nicely, haven’t we? In return, do your best to pick us as good a price as possible for you, won’t you? And try not to soil those garments, and to strip them away without tearing them, since they are pricey, and must be returned in good condition.

The harem. Guards, walls, a gate, and then an oval courtyard. Daytime, sunshine. Into the courtyard M stepped, her head bent low, but noticing that there was someone in the middle, her future owner perhaps. And there were other people around near the walls, with all their eyes on her.

Some words in an unknown language were said, the captain touched M on the shoulder, and she throw herself on the ground. A word again, and M was going forward on all fours. I must be dreaming this, she thought, but is this a bliss or a nightmare?

Soon there was a pair of feet, and herself kissing the toes.

Another word, and she stood up, took a few steps back, and sensitively dancing began her slow striptease.



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