The Story of M the Virgin Ch. 01

M was dressed up, and her face made. Her chamber maid, Marie, a couple of years older than M herself, had done her best to make M look stunning yet ladylike. And for no reason less than that she would today meet her future husband, Sir G, for the first time.

Her future husband was a man who could save M’s father from a financial disaster. A rich man, willing to ignore the loans M’s father owed to him, and to help M’s father financially. So that Dear Dad could keep her estate, and continue his, well, sort of, upper class lifestyle. Sir G however demanded M to become his new wife. His earlier wife had died recently, thus a new young wife was in demand. And M was well known for her beauty and decline. Well, decline in the public, at least.

Besides, as she admitted herself, at the age of 20 years, M would soon be too old to be properly married. So, here her future husband will arrive!

Down from his ship he came, with his escort: a not so bad looking and not quite too fat old man at the age of 60 years or so.

M gulped. Yet, she curtseyed deep.

– My Lord, I am so pleased to meet you.

– My dear Lady, likewise, seeing you just made that sea voyage worthwhile!

And he gently helped M up.

She was thinking, that here is the man who will save my father financially. I must marry him. Thus, so be it! It is my duty as a daughter.

A delicious, abundant supper followed in the evening. The rather modest kitchen staff of M’s father had indeed exceeded themselves, and M’s fiancé was tucking in with a healthy appeal. And had plenty of wine, the finest which could be purchased in these parts of the land. With the funds of M’s father, anyway.

And polite “good night” wishes, kisses on cheeses, and everybody went into their bed chambers.

In M’s bed chamber, her chamber maid Marie was already sitting on M’s bed in her nightgown.

– My darling, let me help you undress!

And soon M was in her nightgown as well. Sitting next to Marie on the bed.

– Well, what do you say?

– It’s my fate to marry him, what can I say?

– So sad, you deserved so much better, as a man. Although he is rich. But here we are, again, come here, dear.

And as M’s fiancé Sir G suddenly arrived into M’s bed chamber, he saw the two women passwordately kissing and caresing each other, with their night gowns on. They were in the early stages of their lesbian lovemaking, a habit which Marie had taught M about two years ago, soon after being hired as her personal servant.

– May I ask what you are doing here, Sir!

– My dear, please mind how you speak to your future husband! I need a woman, and your father suggested that I try that maid of yours, Marie is her name I suppose. According to your father, she is quite promiscuous and lewd.

– She is indeed, no matter how much I punish her, she lets my father fuck her. No matter though, she seems to be quite infertile, but it is awful, isn’t it?

– Punish her?

– Yes, she tells me what he has done with my father, and I give her a good whipping for that, here in my bedroom. But I think he secretly enjoys it, she once said that awaiting the future punishment makes having sex with my father more intensity.

– Any marks of whipping now?

M hesitated, but Marie eagerly pulled her nightgown off and bent over to show her bottom to the man. With her breasts on the bed and legs spread, so that her pussy was clearly visible too. Indeed, her bottom showed some clear marks of the whippings M had carried out to discuss her maid. Marie then spread her buttocks and opened her anus in an inviting way.

She had her reasons for the dispatch. She was a common country woman of 22, voluptuous and a bit plump but good-looking; M’s father could not afford hiring a fine lady-in-waiting for M. Now, she wanted to follow M to her new home, instead of being left behind as a mere fuck toy for M’s father. Or to be sacked and thus in practice forced to marry some tenant of M’s father. Perhaps M’s fiancé would take interest in her?

He did. But she was interested in M ​​as well.

– My dear lady, may I most respectfully ask you to remove your nightgown as well, so that I can have a look at your nude body.

– But we are not married yet!

– True, but I want to examine my future wife Before our official engagement ceremony the day after tomorrow. Not to have to be disappointed later.

With hesitation M pulled off her nightgown, on her knees on her bed. Yet, there was a strong titillation: no man had ever seen her bare body. And she was proud of her bare body: she was a slender woman, had nice but not too large breasts with large and dark nipples and areolas, and her pubic hair was fair to match her blonde hair. After all, she admitted to herself, she wanted to show herself to this man.

Sir G looked at her approvingly.

– Now, get up and come here.

M obeyed, got up and walked to SirG, shivering. What was he going to do to her?

There turned out to be no reason for fear. G simply cared M’s bare skin here and there, pushing her breasts and buttocks a bit to verify their firmness, but not squeeze them. Then he suddenly placed his hand at M’s vulva and she jumped back, started.

– Don’t panic, my lady. I just observed that you are quite wet down below for being touched by a man. Not a pure lesbian, but bisexual.

M did not have the fearest idea what the words “lesbian” and “bisexual” means, but sure she wanted men sexually! Hard to have them and preserve one’s virginity though.

– The final check then. Marie, put a pillow at the foot of the bed, and M, my love, lie down on the bed with your buttocks on the pillow and your legs bent and spread. That way, it is easy to verify that you indeed are a virgin.

One hour ago, such an idea would have been unthinkable for M, but now she was so sexually aroused that she obeyed without any hesitation. It was wonderful to fully expose herself to a man!

The inspection was soon carried out, to Sir G’s satisfaction.

– Good. You qualify as my wife in every respect: very beautiful face, perfect body, obedient, virgin, and with good education as I have observed earlier today. Now, as I have studied your private parts, it is just fair that you study mine. Please, my dear lady, knee in front of me, open my trousers, and take my penis and testicles out.

As if mesmerized by her sexual heat, M obeyed, and soon she held a man’s genitals in her hand, for the first time in her life.

– No, without taking my cock too deep into your mouth, lick my cock and balls all around.

They smelled quite disgusting, since in those days men did not wash themselves too often. And his ample public hair was more disturbing than when licking Marie’s private parts. But the growth of Sir G’s penis compensated all that: from the original limp condition it grow and grow, till it was finally larger than M had ever dreamed of, and stone hard too. M could not wait to have that thing into her vagina, but she just had to wait until their wedding night; decency above all.

– Thank you, my love. Now, Marie, take her place and give me head properly.

Sitting next to them on the floor, M watched Sir G to penetrate deep into Marie’s throat, time and again, giving Marie time to breathe at times. Then Sir G said:

– Now, Marie, you filtered slut, lie down on the bed with your legs spread, I want to fuck that twat of yours, you whose of M and her father. You will be the whore of mine tonight. M, my darling, come in the bed as well, you may wish to learn what a man does to a woman by watching me at the job.

While M watched Sir G’s and Marie’s intercourse, Marie being absolutely delighted of it, M’s hand could not help itself, but went on her own cliporis. Could she masturbate here and now, next to her future husband penetrating another woman? But she could notresistant it. She brought herself to the edge and stopped, till G turned Marie into another position, time and again. Finally, all three of them had their orgasms at the same time.

– Ah, Marie, you have exhausted me. Sorry, but I cannot do it another time now. Let’s sleep till morning, there’s room in this bed for three.

But M slowly masturbated herself towards another orgasm, thinking: lovemaking in so many positions for such a long time, and still wanting to do the same again, after some rest! Men are better than I ever thought, and much better than Marie has told me about my father.

And finally, she rubbed her cliporis furiously, until she orgasmed, and then fell in sleep.

In the morning M was tired up by some noise, and she saw Marie on all fours, and Sir G penetrated inside her anus. Marie had told that M’s father had such anal intercourse habits, but M had not quite believed her. Here it was then. And Marie looked enchanted in a most lascivious way, moaning just like the evening before.

– Sir G, my dear, will you do that to me as well, once we are married?

– Of course, puff, the general idea of ​​having a woman, puff, is to use all her orifices. How do you like the idea?

– I would love it, you have such a large cock that I want to experience it inside me in every way and every position possible!

I am now quite far from the modest girl I was yesterday, M thought, used only to innocent woman-to-woman play with Marie, and often playing with myself like a young girl.

In the evening, M gave Marie her due punishment for eagerly having sex with M’s future husband. On the frontside; Marie quite agreed that she deserved it.

The next day there was the engagement celebration of Sir G and M, with guests, speeches, etcetera. Then Sir G sailed back home; M was to follow later in another ship to her wedding, with Marie. Sir G has indeed wanted Marie to follow M as her personal service. Documents had been made to solve the financial problems of M’s father. All was fine.

In a month or so, after a lot of tears, M and Marie bid farewell and sailed away towards M’s new home, with the rather modest trousseau for M’s personal use, in a small vessel with a crew of half a dozen men or so.

Then, during the voyage, one morning, M woke up in battle noise from the deck; pirates had attacked the vessel! Despite the resistance, soon all crew members were killed, and M, Marie, and captain’s wife were hiding in a cabin, quite panicked.

They were found, of course. A rather disappointed looking pirate opened the door and looked at them, with delight.

– Well, here’s some loop anyway! Seems not to be too many valuables on this miserable ship. Come onto the deck from there, let’s have a look at you.



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