“I was visiting a small town, not far from here named Escoba, and had ran into a bit of trouble.” She began, remembering the first meeting quite well.
“Ah, this one in trouble? I don’t believe it!” Lord Talon exclaimed.
“She gets into more trouble than what you would think dear friend.” Lord Greyon said almost laughing.
“Ah…mmm, go on my dear” Lord Talon said refocusing His attention back on her.
“Yes M’Lord, I did get into some trouble, and still do from time to time. And this time was no different.” She began again. “See I have been away from my home land and family for quite sometimes and by the time I had reached Escoba; I had ran out of food and money and had to resort to stealing, pick-pocketing, and some things that are just not very pleasant to speak about.”
At this Lord Talon and Lady Arianna nodded, they knew full well what she was speaking of….they had seen it many times.
“It was during my…um…servitude, at one place that Lord Greyon sawme. Actually we met only because I was brave enough to try to take his wallet.” At this she smiled at Lord Greyon and he returned her smile with one that was full of nothing but pride and love, and at seeing it she continued. “He actually caught me. He grabbed my wrist and politely told me in a whisper, let me see how did he put it…oh yes ‘That’s not a very smart way to earn what you are really Wanting my darling.’ I couldn’t do anything but stare at him, until he looked me in the eyes and I lowered mine. My heart was beating so hard I swore that couple next to us heard it. But I knew he was not going to call the constable to come get me, something just told me that. But that didn’t explain why I thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest.”
“Ah, my dear Kala, I know the Feeling all too well!” Lady Arianna said as she smiled at Lord Talon and reached across the table to take his hand.
“As do I my dear,” Lord Talon said as he took Lady Arianna’s hand and smiled lovingly back at her. “As do I, but please continue my dear”
“Well, I couldn’t say anything but ‘Sorry M’Lord’ as he stood there with his hand around my wrist. For some reason I felt compelled to go to my knees, I had never done that before…even for royalty, but for some reason I had to do that with him. “
“When I got on my knees, I could feel him look down at me, and I heard him says ‘No need for that here my dear, for that is an honor that should only be bestowed upon those who have earned it.’ He reached down and placed his hand under my chin and lifted it up. ‘Now my dear rise and sit with me. I would like to know more about you’ At this I stood up and sat at the table where he was and proceeded to tell him who I was and where I was from.”
“After several hours of talking about things he asked if I would like to come and keep him company that night, I said I would. It was agreed upon and I went with him. And I haven’t left since.” At this she looked to him, as if asking him a question, he nodded and smiled at her, as if answering. At this she stood and walked to him, and kneeeled at his side and looked up at him. He stroked her head lovingly and had her stand. He kissed her on the cheese and whispered “No my dear Thank You.” At this she let a tear slide down her face and he wiped it away, and held her close., whispering in her ear “And I love you very much as well my dear, I don’t know what I would do with out you here.”
At this she went and sat back down, Lady Arianna and Lord Talon looking happily at them. Both very glad to see their good friend so happy finally.
“I am happy to see you so much in love my friend, it has been so long since I have seen you this happy.” Lady Arianna told him, smiling happy.
“As am I my dear friend,” at this Lord Talon picked up his glass “A toast then, to our good friend and his Lady Kala, may they live happily until the moon falls to the earth”
“Harrah!” Lady Arianna added
She just smiled and blushed slightly not sure what to say. Lord Greyon smiled at Lord Talon and said “And also to you my dear friend, may you have the same with Lady Arianna!”
At this all drank their wine and dinner was served.
All during dinner, as Lord Greyon and Arianna talked, Lord Talon could do nothing but gaze at her, and she was not unaware of this, for this made her extremely nervous.
After dinner, she and Lady Arianna went upstairs for a bit, giving the Lord’s time to talk.
“You find her quite lovely do you not old friend?” Lord Greyon asked his friend once the Ladies were out of earshot.
“I do…she is a remarkable creativity my friend, I am only slightly jealous of you.” Lord Talon returned
“Yes she is quite lovely…but why be jealous dear friend, for you have the very beautiful Arianna, one that I am jealous of you for.” Lord Greyon remarked at his friend’s statement.
At this the two men had a laugh. Then Lord Greyon said
“You know, it’s a good thing that we are friends…for one outside of knowing us would think that we would be fighting each other, and suspicious of each other over this…”
“Yes my friend, but it’s a good thing we were taught to share, no?” Lord Talon returned
“Ah Yes! Quite my dear friend, quite true.”
Upstairs in her sitting room, Kala and Lady Arianna were talking. She had something she wanted to tell Lady Arianna, but wasn’t exactly sure how to tell her.
“Well my dear I know you have a question or something to say to me, so say it….aloud don’t think it….” Lady Arianna said to her matter-of-factly.
She was caught off guard. Was she thinking about it that loudly that Arianna had heard it? How could she word it? “Well, M’Lady, I’m not sure how to put this….”
“You like Lord Talon quite a bit do you not my dear” Lady Arianna asked as she put her hand on Kala’s leg.
“You know? I..I didn’t want to start trouble M’Lady that’s why I was hesitant in saying something.”
Lady Arianna smiled and replied “My dear, I’ve known since you laid eyes on him. But have no fear, for I am not upset, actually I don’t mind at all. My mother taught me to share quite well. And to be quite honest I have liked Lord Greyon for sometimes now. And….” Lady Arianna moved her hand further up Kala’s leg and looked her in the eye “I like you quite a bit also.”
She didn’t know what to say, for she loved Lord Greyon, with all her heart….but she was starting to have feelings for Lord Talon AND Lady Arianna. This couldn’t be. She was only supposed to have these feelings for one person only, not three!
“But M’Lady…” she tried to say
Lady Arianna put a finger over her mouth “hush now little one…I believe we should be getting back downstairs. The Lords are probably waiting on us as we speak. And do not worry, you shall work everything out….and it will work our dearheart.”
They stood and made their way downstairs where Lord Greyon and Lord Talon were waiting on them.
“I take it everything is ok my dear,” Lord Greyon said as he kissed her on the cheek, “no problems?”
“No M’Lord,” she responded and smiles “None at all”
“Ok then, my dear Kala I believe that Lord Talon has something to ask You, Don’t you old friend?” Lord Greyon said as he looked from her to Lord Talon
“Ah, Yes indeed I do. Kala, if it is ok with Lady Arianna, I would like for you to join me tonight as Lady Arianna keeps Lord Greyon company.” Lord Talon asked as he made his way toward her and took her by then hand.
“Well, um..M’Lord…I …I, ” she started, then looked to Lord Greyon who was standing not far from her. “If it will please you and M’Lord Greyon, I shall do it.”
“That is not what I asked my dear. I asked if YOU wanted to keep me company in my bed chamber this night.”” Lord Talon asked again looking deep into her eyes.
“Y…Yes M’Lord I would like that very much.” Kala responded back quickly, and then glanced towards Lord Greyon, and wheren she saw him smiling, she eased up some.
“Then it is settled then. Ah I believe that we all shall have fun this night, do you agree with me old friend?” Lord Talon asked of his friend.
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