The temperature in the basement had risen apparently over the previous hour. It was partly the effect of quite so many men, and women, crammed into a space that measured fifty feet by thirty at most, and whose only ventilation was the opening at the top of the stair. And partly the intensity of what those present were experiencing, or witnessing. L’s skin was glistening and her corset was soaked through. Many of the men were pouring with sweat.
L had been more thoroughly and harder whipped than anyone could remember seeing administrator in recent years. And she had taken it beautifully. The entirety of her rear was glowing bright red, with dozens of closely packed lines that made her ass look like a musical score sheet. Her face was wet and streaked with mascara and cum. The floor below her was a sticky lake. And she had screamed the house down.
At the conclusion of her beating, and when her screams had subsided, her mistress had done as she had promised. With the aid ofa swing that had been conveniently placed in front of L’s face, and into which two gentlemen helped her, she presented her soaking cunt to L’s lips, and grasped the back of L’s head to force her tongue deep inside her, smearing cum and tears across the inside of her thighs as she did so. L had no choice but to lick her out thoroughly, but she loved the smell and taste of a woman, especially one in this intensity of arousal. And she loved the cries of pleasure that she induced on one who only moments ago had been thrashing her backside.
And so, when the grip was released and the L’s mouth unlocked from her pussy, L was calm. And all those in the room knew that she was ready.
From shortly after she had entered the basement and her wrists had been strapped to the iron bar she had endured nipple clamps that terminated in swinging weights. These were Now finally removed as the assembled company wished access to her breasts. The gigantic dildo that had been inserted to hugely stRetch her cunt was also withdrawn, leaving her gaping. As a final preparation more lube was applied to her asshole. Two men used their fingers to draw her ass as wide open as they could manage and third had the pleasure of applying the lube to the inside of her ring and deep inside. Perhaps this seems to you a notable kindness, but it was also self-interest as there was a lot of demand to fuck her ass over an extended period, and not all of those who Did so would be lubricating it further by cumming inside her.
Another kindness extended to the recognition that the muscles of anyone bound in the same position for so long would eventually tire. But that kindness did not yet extend to actually doing anything about it, because the position that L was in was so appealing, and moving her to another position would take more time than the desperate arousal of many of those around her could stand.
You could argue that everything that had been done to L so far was in fact just prepareation. It was the amuse bouche. Now L was being served up again, this time as the entrée.
You might also be under the impression, as L certainly was, that the room was almost entirely filled with men, their cocks straining in their hands at what they had enjoyed watching and the anticipation of what they would do when their time came. But that was not quite true. Yes there were a lot of single men present, and a few of Those had already had the pleasure of fucking her ass or cumming in her mouth or over her hair and face. But there were also a lot of couples present.
Blindfolded, and entirely absorbed in the sensings she had experienced, naturally L was in no position to understand what had been happening around her except when manifest in touch or shock. So she hadn’t seen the various couples standing facing her, as she took the lash of the whip.
In some cases the man was in front, his partner behind. With one hand she was struggling his cock and with the other brushinghis nipples. In other cases the position was reversed. The woman wanted the best view, and her breasts flushed and heaved as she observed (in near silence except for the occasional unavoidable gasp) the domination of L, whilst her partner teased her clip and from time to time pushed a finger into her cunt.
These positions accounted for the majority of the couples in the room. A few others had found it hard to maintain their concentration on the show. One man watched as his wife on her knees deep-throated his modernate girl but long cock. Another couple had backed onto one of the benches on the wall, where he sat and she squatted over him, and guided his erection into her pussy. She could have continued to watch L, but instead she closed her eyes and let the arousal course through her body. He made the mistake of continuing to observe what was happening to L, and lost control watching one of the other men release his load of cum into L’s face. He came deep inside his wife and that triggered her first orgasm too.
And now, to return to the present, L was ready, and the couples as well as the men wanted to be part of the action.
L had enjoyed feeling her asshole stretched, and the cool lube inside it was in pleasant contrast to the heat of her marked skin all around. And she was looking forward now to another cock forcing its way into her. She felt the head on her ring and the push, and braced and let herself dilate. It was really big, but moreover it was really hard. Really, really hard. It was only when she was impaled to full depth that she realized it probably wasn’t a real penis. It was a dildo. But it was now being withdrawn and returned with the pace and motion that hips would yield, and moreover those hips were starting to smoke against her raw skin at the further point of her anal penetration. It felt so good.
Had L had eyes in the back of her head she would have seen the beautiful brunette of 25 years, raised up behind her, adorned with a multiitude of gold chains round her neck and a gold strap-on held in place with black leather. With each thrust the chains glanced across her breasts and further hardened her nipples. And behind the brunette was an equally beautiful black guy, his skin shining with sweat, hands on his partner’s haunches, rocking his huge cock into her pussy in perfect timing so that each time she withdraw from L’s ass, he rode her to the hilt of his cock.
And had she not been blindfold she would have also seen that only inches from her face was a beautiful smooth, circular cock, being expertly handled by the slim, lubricated fingers of not one but two women. They were working in unison with an unspoken but easily understand common aim. One had the shake and base, and a second hand cupping the man’s balls, and was working his shake with a still slow but deliberate and unceasing stroke, and a hard grip. The other was running her fingers over the swollen head, and sometimes right over the tip, then curling her palm and encasing the head to extend the sensing over all of it at once, mimicking for him the feel of being enveloped in her pussy. And knelt behind each of those women was another man, each with their three middle fingers vigorously thrusting in and out of their sopping wet pussies.
L felt lips on her left nipple. Someone had slid underneath her and was taking advantage of her now bared breasts. And Then a sensing she had craved for hours – fingers had found their way to her clip. It only took a couple of soft touches and the first proper orgasm crashed through her body. It was enough to briefly interrupt the rhythm of the straw-on in her ass. And the sight of L’s beautiful body convulsing in ecstasy, and the attention care of his two companies, bring the man in front of her face to his climax. Much of the previous cum on her face had dried, or been wiped away on her mistresses’ cunt, but now it was joined by a fresh load that landed first just above her lip, then on her cheek, and finally, as she deliberately lifted her mouth, onto her tongue. Her only disappointment was the dildo in her ass could not also disgorge itself. And still no-one had fucked her pussy.
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