The Story of L Ch. 04

The Story of L. Ch. 04

It seemed like a lifetime ago that L had been bent over the bar with Dan tenatively probing her pussy. It was so tame compared to the anal assault to which she had just been treated. But now she could see that the first part of the evening had been designed to gradually heighten her arousal until the point at which she was ready and willing for all of the things to which she was now being subjected.

She remembered preparing herself in the hotel for the hours before they had set out. The pleasure of the warm water streaming over her hair and cascading down her naked body. Even then she had found her nipples getting hard as her mind raced forward to what might be in store. She could see herself sat on the cool leather stool in front of her mirror straightening her hair, and the eyes looking back at her were twinkling with excitement.

The corset was laid out on the bed. A present from some months before, it was the most delicious pink, and a maze of straws drawn together and fastened with a zip at the back. She lifted it into position and strong hands helped her close it. She gazed at herself again in the mirror. She loved her breasts. They were firm and they made her feel confident. The corset didn’t cover any part of them, but instead a wide band of material curved underneath each breast, emphasising their exposure. She felt herself getting wet.

Her panties had been bought separately but matched the colour and had the same delicacy as the corset – a fine weave of lace around a gusset of silk. She drew them on, pushing aside the suspender strraps, and closed her eyes as the silk came into contact with her meticulously shacked pussy. Immediately she felt the damp of her pussy juice wick towards the silk. How wanton to enter the room with her panties already damp. But that was always the case when she went to parties, and her anticipation this time was off-the-scale. It was still more than an hour before they would arrive.She could only start to imagine how soaked they would be by then.

The stockings had been a debate. White to match the heels she loved? Or pink to match the corset? She had tried both. Pink had won. It worked with her nails which were French tipped, the product of a wonderfully relaxing afternoon with her favourite manicurist. She felt fabulous. She felt ready for everything they had discussed, and more.


L’s attention was snapped back into the present by the fingers pressing into her asshole. She was still full of cum and those fingers – it felt like two – were reaming her out. She felt them withdraw then wet, cum-covered fingers were on her lips and forcing their way into her mouth. She loved the taste of cum and was more than delighted to lick clean the fingers that were being drawn across her tongue.

Absorbed in the activity in her mouth she took a moment to realize the renewed pressure inside her pussy. The large glass dildo that had been inserted, freezing cold, a while ago, was being withdrawn. It had been in so long that as well as adjusting finally to the warmth of her cunt, her entrance had closed around its thinner shake, and was now being forced to expand as the much wider part pulled through. Momentarily she felt both loss and relief from being so well filled, but it was seconds at most because something much bigger was now pressing into her. Her eyes dilated as she felt a width she had never experienced before. Fuck! She tensed and swallowed, tasting the cum going down her throat, as her cunt was stretched to a point she didn’t know possible. She was waiting now for the relief of it slipping inside, but that relief never came. The pressing stopped and she was wide, wide open, almost unbearably so.

Her hands gripped and released on the bar as her body adjusted to this new sensing. She felt the weights on her nipples in motion again, tugging gently under gravity. She was just starting to regainher composition when her mouth, already half open, was pushed wider again as someone forced their cock between her lips. It was in many ways what she needed, and wanted. The familiarity of a hard cock in her mouth contrasted with the novelty of everything else being done to her body.

Normally she would have grasped the shake at the base and controlled the pleasure. She would have teased her lover by holding him so only the tip of the cock was on her lips, and played her tongue over it. She would have tightened and released her grip on his shaft to send flashes of sensing along its length. Only later would she take him deep into her mouth, and then she would gaze up at him and use her eyes to tell him she wanted his cum.

Bu tonight she had almost no control. She had ceded the initiative to a room full of men, and perhaps women too, to do whatever they wanted. She was bound so tightly she had very little freedom of manoeuvre. And the hard cock in her mouth was setting an already brisk pace.

The one thing she could control was the tightness of her lips. She loved the smoothness of cocks, and as the inside of her mouth had been coated with cum, taken from her asshole, just a few minutes before, it aided the lubrication. She let her tongue slide under the glans as he worked in and out of her, and made a perfect seal of her lips around his shaft. Occasionally he would pull out almost completely and she let her mouth close over his retreating head, so he, and she, would have the added sensing of pushing her open again.

Just as she was starting to get into this comfortable, familiar, rhythm, she felt his hands on the back of her head. She knew at once what that portended. She relaxed her throat muscles and was just in time as he pushed his balls to her lips. He seemed suddenly in a hurry, withdrawing only a few inches before pushing back to the hilt again. His fingers were tightening in her hair, pulling in a way that was becoming painful, as heused his hands to force her mouth onto his swollen cock.

We need to capture the next thirty seconds in slow motion, or you will miss it. But L could isolate every second in the image of sensing engraved now in her memory. There was the really hard slam into the back of her throat where his head nearly chooked her. As he pulled back again she felt him stiffen even more than before. His shake was tight and straight through Her lips but as he became harder the curvature of his cock increased and his head came into contact with the roof of her mouth.

As he slammed back in again, she felt on her lips the rising heat at the base of his cock. His fingers began to lock together behind her head, his cock twitched, and there was the most incredible spasm through it, as the valves at the base released and gave him what he wanted. The cum surged through his length and he locked his balls against her mouth as the first load couldnoned its way into her throat. He didn’t release, and it was a miracle she didn’t thrown, as a second load followed the first, and finding her throat already blocked, billowed back into her mouth. Only now did he start to relax, his hands first, and his cock throwing a third load as he began to withdraw.

L blinked. She felt once again the huge dilation of her pussy, filled beyond belief, and the still-cold clamps on her nipples. And she felt the space in her mouth as the semi-hard cock withdraw. Cum dripped from her half-open mouth. She imagined looking at herself, looking like that. She swallowed to clear her throat, and feel the warmth of cum working its way down towards her belly. What next?


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