The Story of L. Chapter 2
It was a few hours earlier that L had arrived, escorted from the car, and ushered through the velvet-walled reception.
Dan had noticed her the moment she had been accompanying into the blinde, drawn to her smile, laughter, and free flowing conversation. This was not a newbie, who had read a blog in a magazine about a sex club and thought is sounded quite fun, and was now nervous About what she had agreed to do. No, this was a lady exuding confidence, relaxed, and prepared to be taken advantage of in every way in which this particular Venue was, in certain circles, well known.
And what a body! Only just out of the cold night and she had unfasted the fabric belt of her coat. It was flapping open giving glimpses of suspenders, a corset, and… He was consciousness he was staring but he could have sworn that her breasts were already uncovered. That corset…there was a band that ran both ways from the bottom of her cleavage and it didn’t seem that there was anything above it. She was slim, beautiful legs, white heels. Just a guess at this stage but for certain she would have a gorgeous taut ass.
“Hi, I’m L”. The clear voice jolted him out of his lustful trace. The openness of her approach brought an instant smile to his face. L turned and leaned over the bar, parting her coat to provide added essential to the barman to move swiftly in her direction. As she did so her ass was thrust backwards, teasing her admirers, which now included a significant proportion of the room. “Let me hang this up”. Her companion slipped the coat from her shoulders and revealed what Dan had imagined. Her back arched down to the cream of her bottom, and her ass shimmered in the light. Her escort had slung the coat over one arm but now before heading to the cloakroom he took Dan’s wrist and drew his hand between L’s legs.
Dan was stunned. A regular of this vendor, and in his mid-30s quite good looking if he said so himself. But never had he experienced such a bold invitation within a minute of a couple entering. But shy he was not, and what had happened was clearly quite deliberate. Dan pressed his middle finger against the fabric between L’s legs and then had his third shock of the evening. She was sopping wet. Her panties were positively wringing wet already. If he pressed any harder perhaps it would actually squeeze juice out in droplets on the floor. He brought a second finger alongside the first and slide both along the line of her pussy lips.
L’s completely bared breasts had elicited a drink in lightning speed and a glass of champione was now in her hand. She took a sip and tried to do as she had been told. Not that it was much of a hardship. In other circumstances she would have been impatient to wheel around and kiss her suitor, run her hands over his torso and feel the weight between his legs. But she was to stay as she was, bent forward, letting Dan (or whoever it happened to be, because Dan had been an entirely random, albeit it rather good-looking, choice) do whatever he wanted.
Had anyone asked Dan what he wanted his brain would probably have had a meltdown in the face of yet another level of totally unexpected licence. Once recovered his brain would have said rip those panties off and sink both fingers into this sopping wet hole. Go down on your knees and bury your tongue between her legs and drink deeply of her pussy juice. Part her ass-cheeks with your hands and tease her asshole with your tongue. With instant haste free your desperately constrained cock from your jeans and plumge it inside her. Reach round and feel those glorious breasts. Pinch her nipples, hard. Fuck her harder, and harder. Abandon all plans to stay the course of the evening and cum hard inside her now and let your cum drip out of her pussy onto the floor, right here beside the bar, whilst everyone else watches.
But no one asked Dan what he wanted and he wasn’t quite sure how far his licence extended, so he began tenatively, expecting at any moment to be politely asked to stop. But at no point did L make such a request, for her instructions were clear, that she was to submit to whatever was sought of her.
For L the sensings were sublime. She was not blindfolded, as she anticipated would come later, but as she was lent over the bar her field of vision gave no clue as to what was coming next. Her pussy had have been begging for that first touch of his fingers, and she feel her wetness increase with the relief of the determined pressure he applied. She was grateful as a light, teasing touch would have been unbearable.
Those fingers had now withdrawn and the next touch was light, and unmistakably a palm exploring the curve of her ass cheek, like a potter in the final smoothing action on his masterpiece. But there was a trailing sensing, slippery, that she finally realized was her own juices on the undersides of his fingers.
Now a firmer touch joined the party at the top of her left suspender and drawing upwards until both her cheeks were cupped. And lifted slightly. He must be squarely behind her now. Was his cock still trapped in his jeans or would she have the joy of his erection between her legs so soon?
No, he was taking his time. The exploration had moved south and he was stroking her stockinged legs upwards from her slim ankles. On the outside at first but then switching through that deliciously sensitive fold at the back of the knees to inside her tighs as his hands glided upwards. The pressure was increasing again as his thumbs neared her pussy, and she twigged that he must have slipped to his knees. Presumably he was gazing up between her legs, admiring the delicate pink panties, the darker patch of her wet crotch, and the folds and contours where the material was clasped to her labia. The thought of his penetrating, intimate examination sent a tremor through her pelvis.
That tremor intensified as his thumbs reached their target. She felt the gusset of her panties hooked and slide aside, the tip of his thumb glancing across her lips as he did so. Now he had an unobstructed view. She shifted her weight slightly and widened the parting of her legs a fraction. She wanted to expose herself fully to him, to tease and invite. OMG she wanted more. She was aching for that feeling of penetration.
And then it came. Presumably his other thumb, taking advantage of her panties held aside, sliding into her folds, searching out her opening. She was surprised her cunt wasn’t open to him anyway. Perhaps it was and he was just teasing too. But now she was convulsed in a shudder as his thick digit slipped in, just half an inch, but enough to be unambigly inside her. Her legs felt weak and she wanted to drop down onto him and impale herself much More deeply. But her instructions were clear and she let the sensings course through her body and waited to see what he would do next.
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