The market was hot, the sun beating down over the tented boots that displayed their wares. Some merchants were selling handmade, high end jewelry, each piece costing more than most houses. Other merchants were selling silver spoon sets, tea sets, and other such things which were meant for only the wealthy. However, most of the merchants were selling us.
Highly-trained slaves, meant for one thing; pleasures of the flesh. We were all bred in captivity, raised from birth for the sole purpose of pleasure and obeying our masters. At the age of 18 it was legal to sell us to whoever was willing to pay for us.
I was standing, completely nude, with my hands tied above my head. Next to me was a sign which read: Third Tier Training, 18, Virgin, $50 Million.
My body was buzzing with all the eyes that were on me. The occasional hand would reach out and cup my breasts, tweak my nipples, or pinch my ass. I’d never seen so many people in my life, and I couldn’t wait to meet my new master. At the training house all the girls would chatter about what their masters would be like once they were sold.
It was also the first time I had ever seen a male slave, as they were kept separate from us during training. In fact, I’d never seen a man naked in person, having been trained with photos and dildos. My pussy was of course untouched, but both my ass and mouth had been trained to perfection.
A few men and women stopped at my booth, talked with my trainer, and then went on their way. The sun was high in the sky when a tall, dark haired man stopped and talked with my trainer. He had dark eyes, and strong looking hands. Out of all the people who had stopped to look at me, he created the most visceral reaction in my body. At the thought of his strong hands forcing me on all fours, or around my throat, my pussy began to drip. I wanted nothing more than to rub my thighs together in an attempt to appear the burning, but I know better than to make a spectacle of myself.
The man smiled at me, his hands cupping my breasts and grabbing my ass. “Lorenzo, my friend, your slaves are always the most beautiful.”
My trainer smiled and shook his hand, “She is my most recent product. Isn’t she absolutely lovely? And she is perfectly behaved, I think she might be my best so far. Are you looking for a new one?”
The man nodded, “Yes, some guests are coming to stay with me from out of town, and my other two may not be enough to please both me and my guests. And once they’re gone, it couldn’t hurt to have three slaves all myself.”
My trainer laughed, “Certainly not. And because you have bought your other two from me, I will give her to you for $40 million. How does that sound?”
“Lorenzo, you insult me. I couldn’t do that to a friend. Not only do I insist on the original price, but I will give you an extra ten. Before we make a deal, may I see her properly?”
My trainer nodded and snapped at the massive guard who was standingbeside the booth. The guard came around behind me, squatted, hooked his arms around my knees, and lifted me against his chest with my legs spread wide.
I’d never been bared to a complete stranger before, and I could feel heat creeping across my face as the stranger gently spread my lips. “Lovely, as usual.” He tweaked my clip, making me gasp. He drew one of his fingers into his mouth, wetting it before he probed my ass, inserting one, and then two fingers. After moving them around a bit, he withdraw them, and then proceeded to inspect my mouth.
“Do you find her acceptable?” My trainer asked.
The stranger gestured for the guard to put me down, and wiped his hands on a wet towel. “More than acceptable, my friend. Well worth the amount I offered you. Do we have a deal?”
My trainer shook the man’s hand, accepted his check, and untied me. My trainer turned to me and said, “This is your master now, you are no longer mine. Do you understand?”
I feel as if my heart would burst from my chest. This was it, the moment I’d thought of for my entire life. I nodded, “Yes, trainer.”
The stranger placed a possessive hand behind my neck. His touch was firm yet gentle as he guided me out of the market and to his limousine. The interior smelled of cigar smoke, the leather seats creaked as I climbed in, sitting in the seat opposite him as he gestured me to. He closed the door behind us, and car began driving.
Despite my extensive training, I was so nervous, wanting to say something to him but having to wait until he wanted me to speak. I kept my hands claped firmly in front of me and my eyes on the floor. I wanted desperately to look up at him, to smile at him, tell him how excited I was to be his. But I couldn’t do any of that.
“What did Lorenzo call you?” He asked.
“Anya, Master,” I responded, my eyes still on the floor.
“I like for my slaves to keep the name they are given by Lorenzo, so I will continue to refer to you as Anya. I have high expectations, but I will also always treat you well. I may spank you until you have blisters, but I will never truly harm you.
“When you are not serving me, you will have access to servants who will do your hair, cleanse you, wax you, get you food, and attend to any other needs you may have. When you are serving me, your devotion must be absolute. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. If you do something in a way I don’t particularly like at the moment, you will be punished. Sometimes I will punish you simply because I feel like it. I’m sure Lorenzo has prepared you for all these possibilities, yes?”
I nodded, “Yes, Master. I am yours.”
“Very good. Feel free to look around, Anya. Unless I tell you otherwise, I don’t want your eyes on the floor all the time.”
I smiled and looked up at him, “Thank you, Master.”
He sat with one arm over the seat, and his legs spread, looking at me with a glimmer in his eye. “Have you ever had an orgasm, Anya?”
“No, Master.”
He grinned, “Good. I enjoy giving a woman her first orgasm, and it will please me especially to watch you understand under me.”
My heart jumped, making my body hum with both nervous and excited energy. “Thank you, Master.” His mouth twitched as his eyes wandered out the window, seeming independent to my presence. The ride took what I estimated to be about an hour before we pulled into a circular driveway which laid out in front of a large mansion.
The door opened seemed to be of its own according, and a service appeared. My master climbed out first, “Come, Anya.” The gravel crunched under my bare feet, making me wince as its sharp edges pinched my feet. Master’s eyes followed my movements, and, determined to be graceful in front of him, I ignored the singing of my feet, straightened my back, and walked forward, always sure to be behind him.
The steps to the front door were smooth, warm stone, soothing my feet. Master snapped his fingers and istantly a service and a guard appeared on either side of me. “Make sure she is prepared, my guests are arriving this afternoon, and entertainment is scheduled for 9pm. Make sure the grooms are aware of the schedule.”
The service bowed his head and gestured for me and the guard to follow. We entered through a side door into a hallway which led to a group quarters. Although the environment I had been raised in was quite comfortable, this kind of luxury was completely foreign to me. The walls were made of marble with gold trimming, the lush carpet was thick under my feet, and there were three massive beds, each topped with thick comforters and a myriad of pillows. Two naked women were sitting on one of the beds, going silent as we entered the room.
The service turned to me, “Your groom will be introduced to you this Afternoon. In the meantime please feel free to become acquainted with your quarters and fellow slaves, but do not leave these quarters. If you need food you can use the intercom, if you need drink there are refreshments in the fridge.” He and the guard left the room, leaving the three of us alone.
The two women immediately jumped up from their bed and left over to me. The first one quickly embedded me, followed by the second. “You’re finally here!” The first one squealed, “Master told us he was buying another slave, but that was a few months ago.”
The second one nodded, “You’re going to love it here.”
I smiled, relaxing. “I’m Anya.”
The second one laughed, “Oh gosh, where are our manners? I’m Mia, and this is Olivia.”
Olivia smiled, “Do you have any questions?”
“Other than not leaving the quarters, what are we not allowed to do?”
“That’s mostly our Only rule when we’re not serving Master. We can watch whatever movies we want, eat whatever we want-“
“As long as we don’t eat too much,” Mia cut in.
Olivia nodded, “We can have fun with ourselves and with each other. Actually, Master encouragesthat. He says that the more we use our kegels, the tighter we will be for him. We also have to do whatever our grooms tell us, but they mostly just keep us clean and prepared for Master.”
“Are the servants and guards allowed to use us too?”
“Not unless Master is there. But sometimes if it’s someone’s birthday or something he lets them have fun with us.”
Mia giggled, “Or if he just wants to watch.”
Olivia blushed slightly as Mia surprised neverly.
“Is he mean often?”
They thought for a moment and Mia answered, “Sometimes, but not unbearably. And we’re always taken care of afterwards.”
Olivia took my hand and led me towards a bed, “This one is yours.”
“It’s huge! This is all for me?”
She nodded, “Master takes very good care of us. Do you want to rest a bit before your groom arrives?”
I really very much did, “It’s been a long day, if you don’t mind.”
She smiled, “Of course not! We’ll be on Mia’s bed if you need anything.”
“Thank you, for everything.” I moved the pillows to one side and pulled back the covers, climbing into the soft bed. It was more comfortable than anything I’d ever feel, the mattress molding to my body but supporting it at the same time, and the thick covers covering me to my chin. It took almost no time at all for me to fall into a deep slumber.
I don’t know how long I slept before I feel a hand gently shaking me awake. My eyes opened to an unfamiliar face, a middle aged man. He smiled kindly, “Hello, Anya. Are you feeling well-rested?”
I blinked and sat up, yawning. “Yes, thank you.”
“My name is Jerald, I’m your groom. I don’t want you to feel nervous around me, so let me assure you that I am not at all interested in touching you beyond what my job entails. I’m here to serve your master by making sure that you are kept healthy, clean, and ready for him at all times. We have some time before you need to be ready to serve him and his guests, do you have any questions for me?”
I was very used to being handled by people who kept me well-groomed, and this was likely to be the most familiar and easiest part of my day. “I don’t think so. How long do we have?”
“About two hours. I wanted to make sure we could take our time if needed. Are you ready to begin?” I nodded, stepping out of the bed.
He led me to a large bathroom which contained three grooming tables, motioning for me to lay on one, and I did so with my legs spread as was habitual for me. “It looks as though your trainer waxed you very recently, but I will be removing the bit of hair he left on your nethers.”
I relaxed under his ministries as the warm wax settled, and my hair was removed. The twining of pain was quite familiar to me, and I hardly noticed it. He then took a shower head attached to a long hose and rinsed me down with a fragrant soap. I saw happily when he massaged oils into my skin and powered my crevices. When he was finished I felt silky smooth all over, and the smells of the soap and oils was wonderful. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt so clean.”
He smiled, “Your master hired me out of hundreds of applicants because of my skill. Go ahead and sit in the styling chair so that I can do your hair and makeup.” After curling my hair and applying a basic covering of makeup, he declared me ready.
I took stock of myself in the mirror, marveling at the job he had done of making me look ravishing and yet still myself. “Oh…my.” I felt tears began to form at the edges of my eyes, “Thank you so much. I couldn’t have ever imagined looking this amazing for the first time with Master.”
“I’m glad you’re pleased. And more importantly, I think you master will be even more so.” I glanced over at the other styling chairs and saw that Mia and Olivia were looking equally amazing, and once again I felt an overwhelming emotion at the thought of how pleased Master would be.
After they had finished with us, the grooms clapped collars around our necks, each of which was a unique color and had our names etched onto a gold plate. Jerald checked his watch, “I think it’s time for us to make our way towards the sitting room.”
I dutifully followed him through a series of hallways and turns until we reached an empty room with two large couches on either side of what looked like a submission table. Around the room there were various chairs, toys, and tools. I began to grow wet at the prospect of being at the hands of Master, of submitting to him completely.
Jerald and the other grooms led us to the center of the room, where he instructed me on how to properly stand with my hands at my sides and my feet shoulder width apart. Each slave had their groom standing beside them with their chain held in the air as if presenting us. The few moments that passed before the double doors opened seemed like a lifetime to my nervous self.
When they did finally open, Master and five other people entered the room, thedoors closing behind them. Master gestured to the couches, “Please, my friends, make yourself at home while I inspect the girls to be sure that they are suitable for our…plans.” He strolled over to us, taking a cursory glance over us, cupping Mia’s breasts and slapping Olivia’s ass.
When he got to me he came in from behind and bent me over the table, running his hand over the top of my pussy. “This one is brand new, I purchased her earlier today for our entertainment.” He brought me back up to a standing position, “What do you think of her?”
One of the older gentlemen answered first, “She is exhaust. But of course I would expect no less in your household.” There were murmurs of agreement between the various men and women..
He extended his hand towards a woman, “Come, my dear, and tell me What you think of her.” The woman who was obviously Master’s wife took his hand and came around to me. Her hands were delicate and gentle as she ran them over my body, cupping myass and coming around to softly cares my breasts.
Turning me to face her, she cupped my cheek and bent her head to kiss me, running her other hand down to briefly stroke my clip. My body melted as I welcome her kiss, flicking my tongue over her lips, taking her cues to advance or retreat. After a moment she ended it, her hands leaving my body. “I have to say, sweetheart, you did a marvelous job picking her out. Is she a virgin?”
“Yes, I purchased her from Lorenzo.”
The woman smiled, “Wonderful. We shall have a fun time indoctrinating her into our household. And you,” she glanced at my nametag, “Anya, may refer to me as Mistress.”
I bowed my head, “Yes, Mistress.” My heart was racing; I’d never dreamed to be so lucky as to have a Mistress as well. Mistress went back to her seat, grabbing Mia by the leash and taking her to knee before her.
“You have all done an amazing job, as usual, you are excused,” Master said to the grooms. He rubbed his hands togetherr, “Now, the real fun begins. Is there anyone who would like to watch and possibly aid me in bringing Anya her first experience?”
A man and woman who looked to be a couple stood to join him. Reading the cues, Olivia went to knee before the remaining two. Master laid me on the table, and restrained my legs up over my head, exposing me completely, with my hands restrained by my sides. My head was laid over the edge of the table and my eyes blindfolded. “Open your mouth,” I heard Master say. As soon as I did a large gag was placed inside it, holding my mouth wide open. Testing the restraints I found that I could hardly move at all, even the ability to close my mouth had been taken from me.
“Do you want me to hurt you?” Master asked.
“If it would please my Master.”
“Do you want your master inside of you?”
I gasped, growing wetter, “Yes, Master.”
A hand found my exposed clit, softly stroking it. Warmth gathered slowly in my belly, and I felt myself beginning to pulse. As I began to feel as though something was about to change, the hand left. Disappointment ran through me, but I keep myself in check. Master chuckled, “No no, it won’t be that easy.”
I hear some steps around me, but couldn’t identify whose they were. A hand pressed against my forehead, holding my head down over the table. Master’s voice appeared softly by my ear, “I I want you to make noise for me, Anya. I want to hear both your pleasure and you pain.”
I made a soft noise of understanding just before a cock pressed into my open mouth, shoving itself down my throat with no hesitation. My well trained throat choked and constricted, but not so much to make me gag. A hand stroked my throat softly as the cock began to move in and out. “Do you like the feel of your master’s cock down your throat?”
My heart leaped at the knowledge that the cock choking me was Master’s. I moaned around his cock, expressing my gratitude as best I could. Another hand, seemingly awoman’s, began to stroke my clip, making me moan louder. I could barely breathe, my breath limited by Master’s thrusts down my throat, and my body was humming with pleasure as my clip was flicked.
With no warning a lash was brought across my ass, bringing with it an intense singing and making me cry out. Master laughed softly, “Your pain makes you tighter around my cock. Does that make my slave happy?” I moaned in agreement, my pussy practically dripping from the combinations of pain, pleasure, and barely having any breath.
Master’s cock continued to slide in and out of my throat, each time pressing his balls against my nose, burying himself as far as he could into my held open mouth. Sometimes he would stay there, not allowing breath to pass through my body for what seemed ages. At the same time the woman Continued to tease my clip just enough to bring me pleasure, but not nearly enough to make me orgasm.
Suddenly another lash was brought across my ass, this one harder than the last. I cried out, the singing lasting a few moments. Then another, and another, each one harder than the last. The pain made me want to shrink away, but I was completely immobilized. The sting turned into intense pain as the lashes continued, making my eyes tear and my throat concrete. Although I was in such age, I could feel Master’s cock twitch each time the lash was brought against me, and my heart surged with joy that I could bring Master such pleasure.
The lashes stopped as suddenly as they had started, and a large hand roughly grabbed my ass. “Look at how red she is, Lorenzo.” Master’s cock left my mouth and the woman’s hand left my clip as he walked around to see what damage the man had forgotten on me. I gasped for air as Master’s hand softly ran along my ass, the sensitive skin stinging with each touch.
“My my, such a lovely shade of cherry red. I love how your skin reacts to abuse.”
“Thank you, Master,” I said around my gag.
“Such a politem, slave. Did you enjoy hurting for our pleasure?”
“Yes, Master.” His hand came down hard on my throbbing ass. I cried out in pain, his hand bringing more hurt than the lash had.
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