For those of you confused as to why the first chapter was primarily before the store slavery and what not. Don’t worry. There are a few shows who do their stories in this way of telling them. I honestly didn’t think to put a reason why he wouldn’t be going to get the shoes himself. Though in my head i had it that he had only one pair of shoes since he has ginormous feet. Probably explained itself in my mind. Apparently it didn’t. Also, those of you that don’t agree with what is going on. Go and read something that actually interests you instead of my stuff.
Hey guys. Now I know some of you may be wondering why I was the one to go get my brother his new shoes. Truth is, he was under house arrest. He had was under investigation for apparently beating someone up. However, there were zero witnesses so the cops decided to put him on house arrest. Normally, they’d just consider it a prank and not investigate but the person that my brother beat up… happened to bethe son of the Mayor. It was quite the scandal. In any case. I know you guys are impatient to learn what happens next. Since I don’t really feel like telling the story for a year I’m going to do a timeskip to the end of my slavery.
Today I’m being pulled by a chain connected to a collar towards the room where this morning’s job will be located. However, I’ve been feeling under the weather lately. That’s why my movements have been slow this day, and also why my neck is hurting like h-e-double hockey sticks. My owner has been pulling on me hard each time I falsetered. However, the pain only made me more excited which kept slowing me down. Once we arrived he pulled me into one of those weird medieval head and arm locking devices. Once it was locked he blindfolded me and put one of the ring gags into my mouth. After an hour or so I heard the tell tale sounds of people walking into the room.
“Damn,” said one of the voices which was strangely female, “Look at that bitch. She’s very fine. You want to go first dear?”
“Hell yeah mom,” sneered a teen voice before the sound of a zipper could be heard.
“Hurry up kid,” barked an impatient older man.
“Hold your horses old man,” snarked the teen as he positioned himself behind me as he whispered to me, “You’re going to love this you little slut.”
I only flexed my asscheeks in anticipation which Acquired a few chuckles from the surrounding people. The next second he had pumped his entire flesh rod into my cunt causing me to moan. While he was pumping in and out of me I heard someone walk forward then felt another flesh rod enter my mouth and pump in and out. When everyone had their turn with me, women included, I slumped out of exhaustion and pleasure then fell into unconsciousness. If I could see myself I would see jizz oozing out of all three of my holes as well as jizz all over my face and body dripping onto the ground. When I woke up I had felt as if I had no muscles at all, so when my ownerreleased me from the device to drag me to the bathroom I fell to the floor like a rag doll.
“Get up whore,” ordered my owner but when he saw that I didn’t move he frowned and knelt down to see what was wrong. When he removed the blindfold he saw that I had a blank look in my eyes.
“Well shit,” groaned my owner, “I lost another one just like I lost my sister.”
The next thing I knew I was in a hospital where I jerked up out of fear of my surroundings and of the clothes I had on.
“Hey hey hey, relax Caroline. You’re safe now,” said a familiar voice.
When I looked towards the voice I saw my cousin who I hadn’t seen for years.
“Leonard?” I wheezed since I hadn’t used my voice for years except for groaning and moaning.
“Yeh it’s me,” Leonard replied with a smile, “When Lisa and I heard that you were in the hospital I rushed over since. Unfortunately Lisa was unable to make it. Listen, Doc says that you have to stay in the Hospital till they manage toput put your body into a healthy condition.”
“They should kill me,” I said bitterly, “My body has been ruined for life.”
“Don’t say that Caroline,” Leonard said seriously, “You’re family and Snarts always look after family. I’ll find a way to fix your body.”
“You’re father doesn’t seem to agree with that sentiment,” Caroline said with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah my father’s a jerk,” Leonard conceded, “That’s why he’s not around any more. He’s on a forced leave of absence. Sleep little cousin. You’ll be just fine.”
From then on I haven’t seen Leonard at all, but he did make good on his promise. I was released after a few months and I was approached by a blonde woman in a wheelchair who offered me a job. I Immediately accepted because this was my only chance to get a job that was not in the form of being screwed to near death. That is the end of my slave life.
Very short I know, but I just wanted to end it. I would’ve just not done this part instead of redoing it, but I didn’t want to leave you at a cliffhanger and I couldn’t exactly change the title of the first part. In any case, I have gained more hate and since i had to completely redo part two, because the moderators hated my previous version of part 2, i’m ending it with this one. No longer a trial. I’m also done with smut entirely. Especially since my sadistic streak is not allowed on This site. I don’t care what you guys think anymore. Since everything on this site has to have everyone enjoying it unlike in the real world where such scenarios occur where only one person enjoys it I’m not meant for this site since my sadistic streak prefers one-sided enjoyment. As i said before i’m done.
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