My brother won an island cruise for two. I pointed out that he’d chose just the right moment as my holidays had just come due. He and I could go on the cruise while Marie, his wife, stayed home and watched the shop. Selfish bastard wouldn’t be in it. He pointed out that my holidays had fallen due at just the right moment to allow him and his wife to go on the cruise while I stayed home and watched his shop for him.
I debated the issue vigorously. He explained that if he went on the cruise without his wife he’d come back to find no wife, no house and no shop. Marie also suggested that, as she paid for the winning ticket, maybe I should butt out or I might have no balls. After considering their quite logical arguments and the possible fate of my testicles I admitted that their argument was reasonable and agreed to watch the shop for a couple of weeks.
Now don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t going to be standing behind a counter serving customers for the next couple of weeks.n I asked Sid if he expected me to be on the floor serving customers he looked at me as though I was mad. Kind of me to offer, he reckoned, but he’d rather keep his customers. No, I was going to be the back room boy. There to sign cheeses and things. More of a managerial presence than anything else as his staff could handle the shop without any problems. I was an authority figure in case of emergency. My sweet sister-in-law told me that there had better not be any emergencies.
I waved Sid and Marie off on their cruise. They waved back and then Sid gave me one last bit of information.
“You won’t need to worry about Debra,” he told me. “She’s doing fine.”
For a moment I’m like, who’s Debra, and then it clicked. Marie’s little sister. My sweet testicle-threatening sister-in-law is an angel compared to her little sister. Why would I want to worry about Debra?
Sid must have seen my puzzled look because he laughed.
“She works for me now,” he said. “She’s excellent with customers.”
“Works for you?” I said. “In your shop?”
“That’s right. Like I said, you won’t need to worry about her.”
The rotten man then turned and ran up the gangway and onto the ship. He ran because if he hadn’t he’d have had to swim, the swine. He damn-well knew that Debra and I did not get on too well. Did you ever mix baking-soda and vinegar at school to make a volcano? If so, you know the sort of reaction that occurs when you add Debra to my placid life. And now I was stuck with her for two weeks.
Perhaps I should explain a little bit further about my new position in the store. My brother had an excellent number two, name of Andy, who handled almost everything that needed to be handled. My brother rarely needed to provide input into the day to day management, concentrated on long term strategy for expanding and the tactics that would be used.
I can hear you asking, so why am I needed? In the normal course of events I wouldn’t be. My brotherwould take his vacation and Andy would run the place. The problem was, when my brother took a vacation he was still contactable, which was a source of great comfort to Andy. Andy is the quintessential number two. He can do everything that the boss requires, except take full responsibility. He needed someone above him as the final arbiter. That’s where I came in. I was now the man responsible while Sid floated around on the briny blue.
I had discussed my filling-in for Sid with Andy and he had no problems with it. I’d leave him alone to run the store and he wouldn’t both me. That suited me down to the ground. All I had to do was turn up for an hour or so each day looking important and then go home. Andy could call me if he had to.
He didn’t need to call me. He had my first problem waiting for me as soon as I arrived on the Monday. It appeared he had an issue with a member of staff who wasn’t dressed as per staff guidelines.
“So why is that an issue for me?” I asked him. “Just tell her to go home and come back properly attired.”
“She insists that she is properly attired as per store rules,” Andy said irritably. “Normally I’d just ignore her take on what the rules mean.”
He stopped and looked at me meaningfully. So why wasn’t he just leaning on the errant staff member? He was fully capable of it. Then I twigged.
“It’s Debra, isn’t it?” I said, trying not to snarl. It would be. It can be hard to lean on the boss’s sister-in-law, especially seeing the boss was out of touch. That dumped it straight in my lap.
“Send her in,” I said with a sight.
Debra came waltzing in the door, happy as Larry, everything right with her world. I could see straight away what Andy’s objects were. Although there was nothing about Debra’s outfit that you could legitimately criticize it was just wrong for the store image. It would have been perfect for a Miss Teenager type shop, but not for Sid’s more upmarket clothing emporium.
“How longhave you been working here, Deb?” I asked, keeping it polite.
“About six months,” she replied, still smiling.
“Uh-huh. Six months and all through that time you’ve been wearing clothes that fell within staff guidelines. Why the change?”
“This outfit is within the store guidelines,” she replied.
“Andy says it is not and Andy, I might point out, is the manager. You may not agree with his ruling but he is the manager and you have to go along with it. You will go home and change into the sort of clothing that you normally wear.”
“There is nothing wrong with the outfit I’m currently wearing,” Debra said flatly, defying me to say there was.
“I didn’t say there was,” I replied. “I said it has been ruled as to not be within the store’s clothing guidelines. Guidelines that you obviously know as you’ve been following them for six months. If you think the guidelines are too narrow then by all means put in a suggestion to that effect. However, until the guidelines are changed you will follow them as interpreted by management. Andy in this case.”
“And if I say there’s nothing wrong with this outfit and I’m going to continue wearing it?”
“That will be your choice,” I said calmly. “I’ll regret having to accept your resignation but if that’s the way you want to go. . .”
She looked as though she couldn’t believe what I was saying.
“I didn’t say anything about resigning,” she spluttered.
“Resignation is far better than being fired for failing to obey your manager’s legally directive,” I pointed out. “If you can’t follow staff guidelines as interpreted by management then this is obviously not a place where you should be working.”
“Sid wouldn’t let you fire me.”
“Sid isn’t here. I am. I notice you didn’t try this nonsense while he was here.”
Debra glared at me but captured.
“Fine. I’ll go home and change.”
“Don’t be too long about it,” I said genially. “Your working day doesn’t start untilyou arrive at the shop properly dressed. You don’t get paid for not being here.”
“You’re docking my pay?” she said, aghast.
“That’s up to Andy,” I pointed out. “He’ll probably give you the option of working back to make up the lost time.”
Debra departed, much to my relief. I informed Andy of what had happened, suggesting that he lean on her if she tried anything else.
“Yes, I’ll do that,” he said. “I’ll also explain to her sister that it was your idea when she comes hunting blood.”
“OK,” I groaned. “Refer her to me if you have to.”
I was just hoping that cruise ship would sink and Sid would be on a lifeboat, rowing back to home and his store. A nice dream but I didn’t think it would happen.
The incident with the Correct attire was just the first of a series. Each day Debra seemed to be finding some way to stretch the limits. There wasn’t a single case where she was in the right but she always had a plausible reason for her actions. Andy didn’tEven both to correct her. He just pointed me in her direction and got out of the way. That’s the trouble with having the boss’s relatives working under you. You find it hard to give them a good kick up the bum when it’s needed.
By Friday I’d had it up to my back teeth with Debra. When she fronted up smiling to discuss her latest misdemeanour I didn’t even refer to it. I came straight to the point.
“Debra, you’re deliberately stuffing around and causing needless problems. You weren’t doing it while Sid was here so I can only assume that you’re doing it for my benefit. Go away and consider your behavior. Come and see me after work with a valid explanation and a sincerity apology, or your resignation. If I don’t see you after work then I’ll tell Andy that you’ll be taking unpaid leave until Sid get back. Now go away. I don’t want to see you until after work.”
With that I ushered her out of the office, ignoring anything that she might have wanted to say. Then I went home.
I had finished dinner when the knock came on the door. I answered and there was Debra, not in a happy mood from the look on her face.
“Ah, Debra,” I said genially. “I’ve been expecting you. Come on.”
“Why weren’t you at work?” she demanded. “I fronted up to the office after my shift had finished and you were gone. You’re the one who said I had to see you after work.”
“And you’re seeing me. What’s the complaint? I’ve invited you in, haven’t I? You couldn’t seriously expect me to hang around the store all day. I don’t really work there, you know. I’m only there as a place-holder for Sid. Andy runs the place quite well without my input.”
“Then why have you been there all week?”
“Because Andy feels it’s not up to him to discuss the boss’s sister-in-law. He’d rather Sid or I do it. Tell me, just how do you think your antics of the past week enhanced your chances of promotion? Do you really think you’re going to make Andy’s short list if one of the senior staff leaves?”
“Geez. Why do you get so uptight about these things? I was just having a little fun.”
“You may have been having a little fun. Andy was trying to run a business. Your fun means disruption to his schedule, things deferred, him working back to catch up. It also showed that you’re not mature enough to face additional responsibility at work and therefore not ready for promotion. I’m on holidays so your stuffing around doesn’t affect me too badly, just irritates me that I have to deal with it. Has it occurred to you that Andy may seriously recommend to Sid that you find another job?”
“He wouldn’t. Would he?” Suddenly Debra sounded a little doubt and a little worried.
“I expect that that depends on you and your attitude from this point on. If your behavior continues as per the past week then he probably would and I’d have to back him. Not that I would want to, but if you’re a liability to the store I would have to tell Sid that. Somehow Idon’t think being his sister-in-law will help if he thinks you’re messing with his store.”
“But, but, . . .” Her voice trailed away. I know what she wanted to say. She’d just been mucking around because I was there. That made it my fault. She was good at her job. Etcetera, etccetera. But she had stuffed up and now it was starting to dawn on her.
“I suggest that first thing Monday morning you speak to Andy and apologise for the problems you’ve been causing. Then get on with your work. Sid told me before he left that you’ve been doing an excellent job. I expect to see that excellence in action next week. Got it?”
Debra nodded. She might not like it, but she certainly got it. I had no doubt that she’d apologise very nicely and be back to her hard-working self, come Monday.
“Then as far as the store is concerned we can consider the matter closed.”
I put that out there and waited, watching as she considered the statement with some suspicion. Sure enough, she bit. She’d have been wiser to take it at face value and depart.
“What do you mean, as far as the store is concerned?” she asked, speaking carefully.
“I’m glad you asked that question,” I said, all happy smiles. “We both know that you’ve been acting up all week just to get my attention. Now you have it. Whether you’re going to be pleased with the results of getting my attention is another matter entirely.”
She blinked and I could see it slowly dawn on her that she was in deep doo-doo where I was concerned. As soon as it registered she spun around and headed for the door. Too late as I’d been ready and already had a hold of her arm.
“If you lay one finger on me I’ll have you arrested,” she snapped.
“Ah, you’re remembering my promise, are you?”
You may have guessed that I had a bit of past history with Debra. Make that a lot of past history. She’d been going out of her way to annoy me for years. Her last effort had been just after she turned eighteen. I’dhave visited my brother at the same time as she’d been visiting Marie. I’d just politely nodded and gone out to the shed with Sid to help him with his car. Debra had impolitely pinched my car keys and took my beloved MG for a spin. I had explained to her at that time that the only reason she wasn’t bent over my knee and getting her bottom tanned was because it would embarrass her sister. (My brother would have fully Understood.) Next time, I’d promised, she was getting spanked. This was the next time.
I strolled over to the couch. Seeing I was holding her arm, Debra strolled along with me, albeit a trifle reluctantly.
“I can see that you were anticipating this and dressed according,” I said as I sat down.
I was referring to the fact that Debra was wearing a short, rather loose, skirt. She also had bare legs, having just slipped on some sandals.
“I most certainly did not,” she protested. “Don’t you dare strike me. Marie will kill you.”
“Oh, I think that you won’t want to involve Marie in our little argument,” I told her. “After all, she might want to know what you were doing to earn this.”
With that I dropped onto the couch, pulling Debra across my knee as I did so. I flicked her skirt up out of the way and had to choke back a laugh. Looking at one of the briefest bikini things I’d ever had the privilege to see I was surer than ever that she had expected this.
Not that the abbreviated nature of her thong prevented me peeling them down. I hooked my finger under the waistband and slowly pulled then free, accompanied by a vigorous protest from Debra.
“What are you doing? You don’t need to pull my thong down. You can see my bottom perfectly well without taking my panties off.”
“It’s the principle of the thing,” I explained, sliding them down her legs. “Where do you draw the line at which pair of panties have to come off and which can stay on? Far easier to just take them all off. More fun, too.”
From the wordsDebra was muttering under her breath she didn’t consider it fun. Didn’t matter. I did and it was my opinion that counted in this matter.
“So, Deb, where do we start this spanking from? Do I go back to you taking my MG for a drive? Maybe even earlier? Mm?”
“What are you talking about? You already had a go at me about that. It’s old stuff. You can’t bring that up now.”
“I can bring up anything I want to,” I pointed out. “It won’t worry me because this is not my bottom.”
I let my fingers run lightly over her bottom to let her know just whose bottom I was referring to. I was careful. My fingers only roamed across her cheeks, not touching that exclusively floating between her legs. Not quite touching, although I could feel Debra tensioning up Each time my fingertips passed closer than she liked.
Debra was spluttering about it not being fair to rake up old history so I calmed her down.
“You have a point. Let’s just start with Monday and that Miss Teenager costumeyou wore to work.”
“There was nothing wrong with that outfit,” she protected, and then yelled when my hand delivered its first firm spank.
“Nothing wrong with it if you were working in the Miss Teens section of a department store but entirely inappropriate for our store and you damn well knew it.”
I firmly spanked her bottom as I spoke. Then I moved on to Tuesday.
“Wait a minute,” she cried, almost wailing it out. “Are you going to go through every day of the week?”
“Ah, that was my intention,” I admitted.
“You can’t do that,” she protested. “I’ll be black and blue by the time you finish.”
“Oh, I don’t think so. You might have a nice warm and rosy bottom but that will be all. And you’ll be finishing off with a win, so that should cheer you up.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Well, this entire week has been about you getting to me and trying to seduce me. Tonight you’re going to succeed. Now Tuesday, as I was saying.”
I continued with the spanking, listing the various derelictions of duty that had occurred during the week, ignoring her frantic babbling about dispatch being the last thing on her mind and had I seen a psychiatrist lately.
I paused when I reached Friday.
“Ah, a slight problem,” I murmured, rubbing my hand lightly over Deb’s bottom while I considered it. “What did you do this morning that I was supposed to sort out?”
“Nothing,” she quickly replied. “It was just a simple misunderstanding. I sorted it out with Andy with no problems. Ah, will you stop doing that?”
“Doing what? I’ve paused the spanking while I considered today.”
“I know. Um, where your hand is.”
“Oh, sorry,” I havetily said, finding my hand had accidentally drifted down and was rubbing her pussy instead of her bottom. “So you’re saying that I don’t have to lecture you for today?”
“No. Everything was fine. Ah, your hand.”
I glanced down and saw that I’d forgetten to remove my hand. I shrugged and kept on rubbing. Rubbing a bit more firmly actually.
“Well, if the spanking has finished I see no real need to shift my hand.”
“Well, I do. Let me up.”
I shrugged, lifted her up off my lap, spun her around so fast she shrieked with fright, and dumped her back on my lap, sitting up this time.
“Arms up,” I commanded, and was lifting her top up and off before she could gather the wit to stop me.
“What are you doing? Give that back to me.”
While she complained I unfasted her bra, tossing it on the floor next to her top. I also reached down and helped her remove her panties from where they were tangled around her ankles, not that she thanked me for that.
“Will you stop it?” she demanded. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m helping you seduce me,” I explained. “I guess I’m just a sucker for a dominant woman who knows what she wants.”
Seeing she was sitting on my knee and her only article of clothes was a skirtbunched around her wait I thought it would only be polite to sample the goods on display. I bent forward slightly, mouth closing over the nearest breast, while my hand stroked the inside of her thigh, moving steady higher.
Debra was protesting, for some reason, that she wasn’t trying to seduce me and I should stop what I was doing. Unfortunately, it seemed to me that her protests didn’t quite match up with the facts that her hands were clutching at my head instead of trying to pull it away, and her thighs were remaining sufficiently parted for my hand to seek and find her hidden attentions.
Being an equal opportunity molester I made sure I paid attention to both breasts, teasing them into a nice state of arousal, at the same time continuing to raise havoc with her pussy, stroking and massaging. From her reactions she was coming along quite nicely, her little whimpering sounds being quite erotic.
When I suddenly swung her back onto her feet she looked stunned. That changed to anticipation when I undid her skirt and let it drop to the floor, leaving her completely naked. I stood up and undid my belt, letting my trousers and shorts drop to the floor. (Once I’d eased them past my erection, that is.) I sat back down, my erection continuing to stand tall.
Hands on her bottom I pulled her towards me, moving her closer until she was standing straddling my knees. She blushed when I Continued to pull her closer, knowing just what I expected her to do. She climbed onto the couch, covering me, her legs either side of me and started to lower herself. A gentle adjustment and my erection was pressing against her slit, probing against her entrance.
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