The Stonebriar Kennels Ch. 04

Rachel waited a few moments to be sure Sebastien wasn’t coming back before looking around her cell. The position she was chained in made looking around difficult.

The cell was clearly a converted hotel room that had been reinforced. The walls were the same grey cinderblocks as the hallway. The wall appeared to have been built over the existing wall. Predictably, there were rings bolted to the wall in various places. The window had been walled over, save for a narrow barred opening at the top that allowed the orange light of the setting sun in. There was a full length mirror on the wall by the door next to the metal cabinet. Cameras were mounted high on 2 of the walls.

Along one wall sat 3 small cages, bolted to the floor, far enough apart that one couldn’t reach another one from inside of one. The bars were thick and secure, easily as thick as the bars of the door. The cage looked to be too short for an adult to sit up fully inside. The opposite wall had 3 cots padlockedto it.

The floor was bare concrete. There were 2 other ring and chain combinations, like the one Rachel was attached to, spaced evenly along the center of the room. Several drains were in the floor. A bold, red square was painted in front of the door, indicating that a slave left loose in the cell should not approach the door.

There was no bathroom. The wall had been removed, as had most of the fixtures. A steel toilet sat in the corner. Next to it on one wall, a shower head emerged with a ring on the wall below it. On the other wall, a sink and mirror combination was mounted low. One would need to be kneeing to use it. A steel drawer with a keyhole was mounted to the bottom of the sink. Vanity lights surrounded the mirror.

There were no other objects or furniture in the cell.

Rachel’s survey of her surroundings was interrupted by the familiar buzz and click at her cell door. She was surprised to see Samantha standing in the doorway.

Rachel felt specially embarrassed now, chained to the floor of a prison cell.

Samantha entered and approached Rachel. She was carrying something, but Rachel could not make out what it was as she walked behind her and knelt down. Rachel struggled to look at her, but then remembering what she had been told in the lobby, put her forehead on the floor. She didn’t want another slap. She felt something cold rubbed on her left buttock, followed by a singing pain as the needle went in. Rachel closed her eyes tight and sucked air through her teeth as the singing continued for several seconds until Samantha completed the injection.

Rachel was relieved to have the need taken out as the singing was replaced by a dull pain that radiated through her hips.

“Well that’s done. Give it about 20 minutes and you are officially available to use.” The blonde said, as she walked around in front of Rachel. She knelt down and lifted Rachel’s face up from the floor, looking her in the eyes.

“It’s a shame the administrative staff isn’t allowed to use the slaves…at least not here. I saw how you looked at me in the lobby”

Rachel flushed with embarrassment.

“Are you still wet?” She asked. Rachel whimpered as Samantha touched her needy pussy, tweaking her swollen clip in the process.

“Yes, dripping.” The blonde said. “That’s a shame. I think we need to keep you cuffed longer to keep you out of trouble. Maybe all night.”

Rachel’s heart sank. She knew better than to try and masturbate, but her muscles were starting to strain.

“I suppose I can give you a little relief, though.” She continued.

Rachel indeed felt relieved as she started undoing the anal invader and slowly removed it. She felt the gap of her ass as it was left empty. It was a strange feeling.

“Did you eat before you came in?” Samantha asked.

“No ma’am” Rachel replied meekly.

“That’s too bad. Getting you processed in took too long and you already missed dinner. They should be coming back soon. I guess you’ll get to eat in the morning.”

Rachel was disappointed by this news. She expected to eat out with Evan so she only ate a small salad for lunch. She was absolutely starving now.

“Do you need to use the bathroom?”

“Yes ma’am” Said Rachel.

“I’ll have Sebastien come take you when he finishes putting away the dinner crowd. I’ll tell him to bring you a drinker so you can have your first try at that before bed.” Samantha said, standing up and smoothing her skirt. She stopped to give Rachel a kiss on the forehead before continuing to the door. She stopped at the door and looked back at Rachel.

“You are going to love it here, sweetie.”

And with that she slammed the cell door, leaving Rachel alone again. She listened as the click of the blonde’s heels faded down the hallway to the ding of the elevator and then silence.

Rachel lay down on the hard floor facing her cell door and started sobbing. What had she got herself into? What had Evan done to her? She was incredibly hungry. She needed to pee. She was sore all over from falling and Sebastien’s slapper. Her leg muscles ached from balancing herself in the heels. Her pussy burned from shaving dry. Her asshole felt greasy from the plug lube. Her pussy juice was running down her leg and she NEEDED to touch herself, but couldn’t.

For the first time in her journey, Rachel felt truly helpless. When Evan bound her, she always felt that if she begged or seduced him enough, he would let her go. It was all play to her.

Now she was alone. Naked. Chained to the floor in a locked cell in a strange place full of strangers who were in charge of her. A stranger could fuck her and there was nothing she could do about it. In fact, she knew it was just a matter of time before one did. Even if she managed to escape her chain and get the cell door open, the tag on her collar ensured that the next door she came to would be locked. Even if she got past that, her clothes were gone and she had no idea where to get more.

She looked at her window slide. It was dark outside now. She had no idea what time it was. She just wanted to go to sleep and get this day over with.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a ruckus down the hall. She frozen and listened intently. The sound was footsteps. Several sets of heels. Chains jingling. The sound stopped. She heard the buzzer of a cell door, then more chains jingling, then the door slamming. The footsteps and chains started moving again and the process repeated itself several times, getting closer each time. Finally the group approached Rachel’s door.

She dared not move as they went by. First she saw a man, shorter than Sebastien, with dark hair and wearing the same uniform. He was pulling a chain, which as he went by Rachel saw was attached to the collar of a woman. Nude and hands cuffed behind her back, her head bowed as she walked. From her collar a short chain led to the collar of anotherer woman, also nude, cuffed, and head bowed. Sebastien brought up the back of the line, slapper out and ready to be used if needed.

They went a little further down the hallway and Rachel heard the sound of 2 more cell doors opening and slamming. She remained motionless until Sebastien and the other man came back, quietly talking as they went. Sebastien motioned to her cell and said something as they went by, and the Other man nodded.

At this point, the hall seemed to cautiously come alive. She heard chains desperately jingling. Toilets flushed. Sinks ran. Rachel thought she heard a woman moaning down the hall. The moans continued for a few minutes until they were punctuated by the unmistakable crescendo of a female orgasm. Rachel tried rubbing her pussy on the floor in vain, but remembered the cameras and Sebastien’s slapper, along with whatever other punishments awaited her here and stopped.

A short time later, Sebastien appeared at her door carrying a large cylinder with both hands. He set it down to open the door and then brought it in, closing the steel bars behind him. He left the device near the door and approached her with his key ring in hand.

“You need to save yourself and a drink?” He asked.

Rachel nodded, getting back up on her knees. He unlocked the padlock from the ring, but left the chain attached to her collar. Holding the chain, right at her throat, he pulled her to her unsteady feet, and without loosening his grip, led her to the toilet in the corner. Rachel was a bit glad to have the extra support as she struggled in the heels. He used his strong hold on her tether to forcibly sit her on the toilet before letting go and standing with his arms crossed.

“I guess I’m doing this cuffed…” Rachel said, almost to herself. Sebastien nodded.

Rachel waited a moment and Then asked “I guess you are going to watch me go?”.

Sebastien leaned over so he was face to face with Rachel, grabbing her chain again. His nose nearly touched hers and she could smell his sour breath.

“In here, you are animal. Animals have no privacy. They shit in field, everybody watches. Animals have no rights either. I think I’m going to feel your tits while you go.”

With that, he dropped her chain and firmly and painfully grabbed both of Rachel’s breasts. She closed her eyes and concentrated on peeing and Not what was happening to her as Sebastien’s rough hands kneaded her breasts like a baker with dough. After a moment the flow started and she finally felt relieved. She opened her eyes and looked around but didn’t see any toilet paper.

Sebastien finally let go of her breasts and reached behind the toilet, where he pulled out a shower head. He twisted the head until it had the setting he wanted and aimed it at her vagina.

“AH!” Rachel yelped as the ice cold water hit her womanhood. She nearly jumped off the toilet but Sebastien reacted quickly, forcing her back down with a hand on her shoulder. When he was satisfied with his work, he put the shower away and helped Rachel back to her feet.

He led her back to her ring, where she now knew she was expected to knee.

Sebastien again used the free padlock to shorten her chain, but this time she was relieved that he left it long enough for her to remain kneeing. He went over to the door and picked up his cylinder and carried it over so it was sitting in front of Rachel. The device was wait high, and she soon understood why.

Sebastien opened a hatch in the back of it and took out a rubber penis and balls. He showed it to her before fitting it to the machine. It was blue and about 6 inches long. In various seemingly random places on the shake and balls were metal contacts. He fitted the penis to a short plastic tube on the device and then pulled a wire from the side and clipped the end to her collar.

“Drink” he said.

Rachel reluctantly leaned forward and took the end of the cock in her mouth and sucked. Neverything happened. She went a little deeper with it and sucked harder. Still nothing.

“Do you not know how it works?” Sebastien grumbled, annoyed with the slave’s ignorance. “It’s just like the real thing. You must touch all the contacts with your tongue to start the pump.”

Rachel nodded coyly and began exploring the phallus with her tongue, searching for places where the rubber taste changed to the metallic taste of the contacts. For several minutes she searched for the right contact to start the device. When she got to the one at the base of the shake, gagging herself in the process, she heard the pump start up. Water shot into her mouth in short bursts, nearly choking her, and she wound up cought most of it up.

Soon, she found that in order to get a drink of water, she needed to continuously switch contacts up and down the shake, and on the balls, and time her bobbing and swallowing with the squirts or else she would choke or the water would run down her chin.

“This fucking thing is training me on blowjob technique!” She suddenly realized.

After a few minutes, and with her chin and chest soaked with water and spit, she got the rhythm down and was finally able to take several long drinks of water.

Panting from her efforts she looked at Sebastien and nodded. He quietly packed up the drinker and carried it out into the hall, leaving it outside her cell as he slammed the door.

“I’ll be back soon to tuck you in” He joked before he disappeared down the hallway.

Rachel was starting to get a hint of excitement about what other surprises awaited her here. With her longer chain, she could move around a little more and get a better look around. It was hard to tell, but she figured at full length she could reach most of her cell on her chain. She also figured the cell could accommodate 3 slaves at a time, judging by the 3 cots, 3 cages, and 3 chains. She noted that the chains appeared to be different lengths, judging by the size of the neighbor coils they were arranged in on the floor. They were not very heavy, but no doubt stronger than any slave they would be locked to. The opposite end wasn’t locked to anything, rather it disappeared into the concrete floor, like the chain was mounted before the floor was poured, making it a permanent part of the floor. The one at the back of the cell appeared longest, so that slave could reach the bathroom fixtures at the front of the cell, but the one at the front was at least a few coils shorter, as that slave would have no need to reach the back of the cell. Rachel was attached to the middle chain and presumed that it was a length in between the other 2. She wondered how much of the cell she could reach and if she would ever get the chance to find out.

She also noticed that the rings on the walls were not randomly placed, but rather 3 identical sets, arranged so that 3 slaves could be shackled to the wall with their hands over their heads. The cots were mounted to the wall by a hinge at the base that ran the width of the frame. The cots were simple and spartan; a metal rectangular frame with a sheet of canvas stretched to the edge and lashed on with a black cord. The only legs were at the top- or the foot when it was unfolded, the hinge at the head was the other support. A pair of padlocks at the foot held each cot vertical against the wall, presumably to prevent unauthorized use.

Rachel tried to look at herself in one of the mirrors, but the length of her chain prevented her from seeing anything but wall in either of them. It was then she realized that everyone had inspected her new cuffs but her. She tried alternate hands trying to pull one of her cuffed hands far enough in front of her to get a good look at but she wasn’t flexible enough. She tried to feel her wrist cuffs but they were locked to close together to give her the dexterity to. She reached under her and felt her ankle cuffs. She ran her fingers along one of them all the wayaround. Sure enough, it was a solid, unbroken band. She felt for a seam but couldn’t find one. Next she looked for a ring. Running her finger along the inside, she felt something. She tried to figure out how to get it out, but in her condition, she couldn’t.

“I can see it if I sit on the floor” She thought.

Carefully she re positioned herself on the floor, her injection spot was still tender and hurt as she put her weight on it. Using her cuffed hands for support, she leaned back with her knees bent and brought her left calf to rest on her right thigh. It wasn’t perfect but she could get a good look at the cuff. It was reflective silver with etched designs. She couldn’t make out the design like this but there were definitely hints of gold in it and even a few tiny jewels. It could almost pass as jewelry! Rachel was elated that she wouldn’t have to worry about explaining them to strangers on the street when she went out.

“What do you think you are doing?”

Her excitement was cut short by Sebastien at the door. She scrambled back to her knees as he throw open the door and stormed over to her, slapper at the ready.

“I’m sorry!” Rachel blurred out.

“Sir!” Sebastien barked.

“I’m sorry, Sir” Rachel corrected herself.

“I thought you were a quick learner after earlier, but it seems we still have something to work on.”

“Yes, Sir” Rachel replied, bowing her head.

“Face on the floor.”

Rachel compiled and was rewarded with 8 blows to her buttocks from Sebastien’s slapper.

“Bedtime” He said abruptly, pulling out his keys.

He unlocked the chain from the ring and, again, gripped it close to her collar as he pulled her to her feet, leading her to the toilet. As she turned around, she was surprised and horrified to see that the door to the center cage was now open. Forcefully he sat her on the toilet and waited, this time sparing her the breast groping. She shook her head that she didn’t need to go, buthe didn’t spare her the cold water rinse.

Recent, holding her chain close to the collar so he could steer her, he led her to her cage. He stopped her in front of it and had her back up until she was touching it, then pulled her down to her knees and pushed her backwards into the cage, only releasing her chain to close the door. The door closed with a solid click.

“Miss Samantha says you need to sleep handcuffed tonight.” He said as he made his way towards the door.

Rachel started openiy crying. The cage was awful. She couldn’t sit up. There was no padding. The bottom was made up of bars just like the top and sides, suspended an inch above a plastic tray. No matter how she positioned herself she couldn’t get comfortable on the bars. Adding to the problem was her chain. As she backed in, Rachel hadn’t noticed the slot in the bottom of the cage door that caught her chain as it closed, leaving her with only 10 inches of movement. She tossed and turned in the cage, trying to find a position that didn’t put all of her weight on one bar, but with her short chain and her hands still cuffed, moving around in the condensed space was an extraordinary effort. Her legs kept slipping through the bottom bars into the “drip tray”. She tried to take her shoes off, but couldn’t figure out how to release the straw that held it to her cuff. She tried to lay down and stretch out but with her head by the door, her feet hit the wall when she tried putting them through the bars.

As she tried to get comfortable, she heard the sounds of cell doors opening and slamming up and down the hall; other prisoners being put to bed. Occasionally the sound of leather on skin would ring out and a cry of pain would echo down the hallway. She wondered what infection they had committed.

“Lights out” A male voice finally shouted.

Rachel’s cell was plugged into darkness. The light from the hallway shined through her door, putting yellow squares of light on her floor, brokenup by the shadow of the bars. A faint light was cast on the ceiling by her window. A street light down on the road. The extra wall blocked out most of the outside sound, but if she listened closely, Rachel could hear the diesel trucks going by on the interstate.

Her moment of peace was interrupted by a huge crash in the hallway. Then another, and another getting close to her cell. The large doors in the hall were being closed for the night. From her cage, Rachel couldn’t see out the door, but saw a shadow pass as the crashing moved past her room and down the hallway.

“Floor 3 secure” The man’s voice shouted and the elevator dinged.

Rachel tossed and turned for hours, unable to sleep from a combination of excitement and disappoint. The floor was anything but quiet at night. All night long, the hall doors crashed open and closed. Cell doors buzzed open and slammed. Chains rattled. Cries of pain as whips struck flesh. Moans of pleasure. At one point, someone loudly entered Rachel’s cell and shone a flashlight in her face and then left without a word.

As the first rays of dawn’s light came through her tiny window, Rachel finally succeeded to her exhaustion and fall asleep.


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