i thought at first that i was in for an exciting new idea of hers. i was. Just not at all like i thought. Let me give a little bit of backstory first. my Wife and i are some in what is known as a “Female Led Relationship”. i’ve read about varying degrees of relationships like ours. Some are light and playful, a matter of it being convenient for the guy, and some have the wife in charge of most everything, With her as the benefactor. Others still, have a wife who might as well be a pimp. For us, my Wife dictates how everything will be when she chooses to. She is clearly in control of anything She wants to be, and i answer to Her completely. It wasn’t always like this, in fact, we just recently decided to make it more real. But it turns out that She likes to have control. And me? i need it.
i had really made Her angry the week before, though most people would tell me that i had a reason to at the very least push the issue until it was resolved. What happened is irrelevant, but it’s important to make the point that anyone i can think of would have probably set up a polygraph appointment for their wives. That’s one of the distinctions for us. These are the things i beg Her for, these distinctions that trampl and throw out my personal rights. In our relationship i could come home, see that 500 dollars was spent that day, ask what happened, and be told that She paid for a date for me with Her dildo, and that i can start thinking of ways to thank Her, starting with me reimbursing Her 500 bucks.
i could walk in our door unexpectedly, catch Her on FaceTime with a guy, and She could say to me, “No, I’m talking to a girlfriend.” And i, even having caught a glimpse of him, could, as carefully and politely as humanly possible, say, “But i saw a guy.”
To which she could absolutely and coldly say, “Fuck, um, uh, whatever, it wasn’t. Fuck, go to bed. I don’t want you up late”. At 8:30pm. When i don’t have to work the next day. Getting the idea yet?
So, on this night She comes down the stairs with Her black leather riding crop, the one with a hand on the end. This isn’t something She brings into play very often at all. She also happens to have Her 8 inch black rubber dick in Her other hand, though by the end of the night, she would enforce the concept that it was mine. Seeing Her hatty look, Her absolute confidence, and knowing Her stunning ability, more a superpower really, to be so mentally masochistic, i was instantly consumed by an insatiable lust to lick Her, any part of Her. i always get more and more desperate to be Her amusement the more She turns me on. By this point i literally wanted Her to take out any and all frustration on me. It had been building up for a couple days now.
She had mercilessly teased me the past couple of days without me cumming. The first night She woke me up at 3:15am to make use of my fingers inside Her while She rubbed Her clip. She shuddered in the throws of Her climax, and then She mashedHer fingers into my face and made me suck mine clean. i asked if i could cum. She laughed, said no, and rolled over and went to sleep. i thanked Her for owning me. She had essentially awoken me from sleep to be Her dildo, a minor example of Her ability of mental mind fuckery. The next day was an onslaught of verbal destruction throughout the day, which always gets my full 5 inches of attention. Still though, no cumming.
Had we not just had this huge blowout, i would have turned into a real pain in the ass by this point. But we were both still sensitive and it had hit me hard enough to take away all desire for a female led relationship. Being that things were so raw, i didn’t push the issue. She approached me with absolute authority and spoke.
“I want you to go wait in the shed for me. Take this crop and dildo and go.” Very to the point, almost no emotion, an oddly soul-piercing tone. i was SO ready for what was now certain to be a special time, i couldn’t wait. But still,She was so . . . almost . . disconnected that i couldn’t gauge Her. i had to seek clarification.
“Just go sit? And wait?” i meekly asked.
Again, stoic in Her response; “Go. Now.” i began getting hopeful that this disconnected tone would translate to disconnected concern, and She might not hold back in blunt and rude disregard, i know for sure that that is my krypnonite, more than a sexy woman is to a man that wants to fuck like a man.
i went to the shed and sat in my chair. The shed is finished and insulated, much more like a regular room than a shed. i sat there, looking at the black riding crop that symbolized Her ownership of me. i glanced over at Her black dildo, it’s symbolization was clear. Like the crop, it too was a tool of authority, but it symbolized more than Her ownership – it represented Her right to toy with my very psyche – to turn me into Her puppet clown. i made it a point to not touch anything. The worst thing for this type of relationship – the most volatile thing, for me, is inventing humiliating acts for myself. i can’t fully explain it, but i just can’t live like that. All the degradation, all the desire to be absolutely fucked over that i embrace so deeply – however a “normal” person would view those things as detrimental, THAT’S how i view inventing cruelty for myself. But i digress. i left them alone and waited patiently.
Some time went by, and I thought too much had passed. Was She teasing me? It didn’t seem like it, based on Her tone. It seemed like it was taking far too long. i went for the house, ready to knock to be let in. i thought i’d grab a smoke. i got to the sliding glass door and She was at the table, going through Her purse. i had caught her off guard, of this i’m certain. She stared at me angrily through the door. i was genuinely scared a little. The feeling of actually fearing my five foot two wife was intoxicating. And new. i liked it. She unlocked the door and opened it.
“What the fuck are youdoing? I told you to wait in the shed.” She asked flatly. Had i imagined Her teeth gritted while asking me that? It was hard to tell.
“i thought i’d grab a smoke. You were taking a while. i was going to knock.” With each thing i said i noticed i was back peddling.
“I told you to wait in the shed. I expect you to obey.” She said. Again, i thought i saw real anger. Titillating, yes. A little scary? i had to admit yes again.
She followed me to the shed as i went back out. We entered and She closed the door behind Her.
“Get on the floor.” She commanded. i didn’t let Her finish before i was face down at Her feet. She truly seemed pissed, so i didn’t look up. i just kept my face at floor level. “You need to be punished. You hurt me and There are consequences for that. Do you understand?” Again, i sensed sincerity.
“I had good reason.” i started to say. “It was very real to me-” she cut me off.
“I said do you understand me, bitch?” sharply said. She knew my weaknesses, i so loved when she exploited my weakness.
“Yes, you’re right. You’re always right.” i spewed. i never once viewed those particular scenes where i was essentially being punked, as such. She ACTUALLY holds that power. i view these instances as me being changed. Inside out. For Her desires. And loving it.
“That’s right my, small, weak brained little pet. So you know you deserve this. Put this cock on the ground and start sucking it.”
i was excited now. i placed it on it’s balls and it stood up. i took a few inches into my hungry face and started bobbing up and down. As She stood over me, i wanted nothing more than to look up at my queen, to see Her eyes as She manipulated me. To see Her satisfaction in ruling me. But i couldn’t. i could only see Her black heels from around Her rubber cock as i worked it up and down from 5 inches above the floor.
“Get that cock in your mouth bitch!” She said with some venom. She had never been this intentionally humiliating before. This instantly had me licking the shake from balls to tip, eager to be shamed as much as possible in Her presence. It wasn’t typical of Her to be so sharp, and i loved all of it. “You look like you’re really enjoying that cock, you slut.” Wow. Usually She called it a dildo. This was getting intensity. “That’s enough.” She said just as quickly. “You can make out with that cock later!” i stopped, eager to do exactly as my ruler asked. “I didn’t bring this cock for you to suck. It’s a gag so no one hears you scream.” The words stung so good. Fireworks were going off in my brain.
“I said you’re going to be punished, and so you will. Take your pants off and get on your knees. Get your mouth on that black dick.” i had no thought other than to FULLY obey. Following Her order automatically put my ass in the air and my head to the floor. She gently brushed my exposed skin with the leather hand on the tip of the crop. She lifted it off and I couldn’t see her. It made me totally unsure of when i would be whipped, and where. “Is it scary to not know when and where I’ll whip you?” She asked, as i had the same thought at the same time.
“It is. Very much so.” i earnestly replied.
“That’s good. I’m sorry that you need to be punished, but it IS necessary, and if you don’t understand, then know that because I said so, it is.” She spoke, as if maybe She really was sorry. i never had physical pain as a trigger for my urges to submit, until She invoked them. Now i was confused. Perhaps another testament to my statement that Her cruelty COULD mold me. i didn’t want her to be sorry. At all. i wanted Her to whip me if She pleased. i wanted Her to whip me and tell me that i like it. And mean it.
Crack! She brought it down hard on my exposed raised ass cheek. Much harder than i expected. i cried out, my scream muffled by the dildo. “Friday!” She said. Crack! The other cheese. “Saturday!” The swishing sound of air being cut. Again and again, five of them. Each with a day called out. “That’s for each day you cost me your obedience.” i was in shock.
“Ok!” i agreed. “You’re completely right! Always!” And i fucking meant it.
“That’s right you sniveling little bitch. You’ll learn yet. But not today. Today you will pay. Today you will suffer.” i didn’t understand. i was loving it. Because She did it. i took the dildo out and put my face on the floor. i touched my lips to Her shoes and grabbed at Her. Whack! Harder this time. i yelped in surprise and shoved the dildo back in to muffle my scream.
She then did something that sent me to the stratosphere. She put Her hand on the back of my head and pushed down hard. i gagged, and not for effect.
“Get that cock all the way in your slut mouth!” She barked.
“i am! The dildo hit the back of my throat and i gagged for real!” i tried to explain.
“Cock. It’s called a cock, not a dildo. And that’s fine for now, you’ll be getting better. Don’t you worry. Now fucking suck that black fucking cock you piece of shit!” Again She pushed down hard with Her hands and i engulfed it, electric synapses firing through my brain at the speed of light.
Whack! “Fuck! That fucking hurts!!” i thought out loud. i couldn’t explain even now why i further pushed my ass up, offering to Her to do as She will. Whack, whack, whack! Over and over, i lost count. Perhaps 20?
“Roll over on your back, you bitch.” She ordered. i rolled over quickly, relieved that it would stop. But it didn’t stop. She spread my legs open with a push of Her crop. “Start jerking off.” i immediately compiled.
She started to whip the same spot repeatedly, a tender spot on the inside of my thigh. It hurt like hell and i stopped. “I didn’t tell you to stop, slave!” She asserted.
“I know but it hurts and I can’t concentrate.” i while.
“Then anxious up. Go faster.” It started to seem like She wanted me to rush through it, perhaps as more punishment. This turned me on, but ihated rushing. She had proven again though, that She had the ability to MAKE me do anything. And then like it.
i furiously began trying, She smiled at my struggle sly. And then She stopped. She bent down to me and very seriously began to speak. “I’m going inside now. You may finish alone. This is part of your punishment. Again, I’m sorry this had to happen. I don’t want you to rush. I want you to do it just as if I were here with you.”
“i was wrong.” i said, fully convinced but with no logic to back it up other than once again, realizing Her reign over me. “i will wait for you. i should have to wait another day.” i begged, now fully convinced that i was totally in the wrong for anything and everything.
“No. I want you to finish. Let’s hope This doesn’t happen again.” And with that She was gone. i truly felt i should wait. But i wasn’t about to invoke Her wrath further. i obeyed my Wife, as i knew and felt was correct.
i furiously jacked off while i ran my tongue up and down Her dildo like a freak. It was humiliating in that way i described that i absolutely hated. But obedience isn’t always easy.
i came all over myself, like i would if She were with me. i briefly considered smearing Her dildo with my cum and sucking it off like a cumwhore. But i’ve never done it before, and, if she chooses it for me, the honor should belong to Her. i laid there, knowing i would do whatever i could to obey from then on, if that was really what She wanted. i found out later that She wanted me to jerk off so that i didn’t get bitter. Sometimes i hope to convince Her to own me to a level where i don’t matter when it comes to Her decisions. Where She and Her will are all i care about. She is my life.
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