Thanks to Yoni Noni for editing assistance with this story
The day had been long and the journey far for the two, and Argo. They were all tired and wear from the heat and the stone littered dirt roads. Their journey to Athens was nowhere near finished. But, it was getting dark and Xena was tired from a small, but stressful fight with a band of hoodlums that had translated earlier in the day. Though not hurt, she was stressed and still reeling from the surge of adrenaline that fighting injected her with, every time she engaged in it. Xena was quiet and reserved during these times, and Gabrielle had learned the hard way that it was best to let her friend be, and wait for her to snap out of it.
Xena broke their silence, saying, “Stop, Gabrielle. We’ll camp here tonight.” She pointed to a large tree near a small stream.
Gabrielle collected firewood, as Xena made Argo comfortable for the night. Kneeling, Gabrielle was arranging the firewood for Xenato make a relaxing and cozy fire for them. She had not noticed that her warrior friend was standing behind her now, looking down as she positioned the wood the way Xena liked it; small twigs on bottom and large limbs on top. Startled, Gabrielle fell forward as she tried to stand up. Suddenly, she felt a knee to her back, causing her to fall on her hands and knees.
“Xena, what are you doing?!” Gabrielle excaimed as she, once again, tried to get up from the hard ground. Xena just looked at her and placed a hard knee into Gabrielle’s back. She pinned her little blonde friend down with a stern foothold to her lower back, as Gabby winced in pain.
Gabrielle was about to ask Xena what she was doing when, in a low voice, Xena interrupted her by saying, “I am doing what I have wanted to do all day long. Stay down, Gabrielle, and don’t move.” Xena had been watching Gabrielle walk in front of her as she rode Argo. She was feeling her desire to take the poetess grow with every step. The adrenaline from the fight, and her primary desires had caused Xena to be aroused all day, and now, she could no longer hold it in. She had to have Gabrielle in the worst of ways. She was also irritated with her young blonde friend, and her frustration had peeked to a crescendo.
Gabrielle dared not disobey her warrior princess. She lay on the ground as Xena lit the fire, arranged blankets and her saddle, and other bedtime objects onto their pallet. Xena then instructed Gabrielle to get on all fours, crawl in circles around the fire and blankets, and not to look up until she told her. Gabby knew Xena was in one of her moods, but she had never been so cruel and direct with her. Normally Xena would fresh and fall asleep, but something was different about her tonight, and Gabby was a little scared. She crawled around the campsite that Xena had prepared for what seemed like an eternity. Gabby’s knees were hurting and her arms were strained and aching.
Suddenly, she heard Xena say, “Stop, Gabrielle,” in a low, stern voice. “Crawl over to me.” Xena was standing at the edge of the blankets where she had positioned her saddle. Gabrielle crawled over to Xena as instructed, not looking up until being commanded to do so by her mistress. Gabrielle arrived at Xena’s boots. She then felt Xena’s strong hands push her head down hard, pressing it against her boots as she said, “Lick them now.”
Gabrielle did not hesitate to do as she was told, and ran her tongue up and down Xena’s dirt encrusted boots. As the submissive bard’s tongue reached the boot toe, Xena said, “Suck it,” in a lower and huskier voice. Gabrielle’s mouth opened to receive the boot that her dominating lover was pushing into her hungry mouth. Gabrielle struggled to take the width of the boot, as Xena pushed it deeper into her oral orifice. She could hear Xena’s breath grow slower, deeper and harder as she raped her little one’s mouth with her boot, obviously enjoying seeing her struggle to accommodateate the oral invasion. Tears were streaming down Gabrielle’s face as her mouth was being stretched to the point that she was now gagging. Xena coated her slave by pushing the boot deeper into her mouth, causing her to gag over and over, saying, “That’s right. Suck it. You like that, huh,
Gabrielle?…Suck…it…” Xena pushed her boot into the poetess’ mouth one last time, causing the bosomy bard to gag and heaven as she continued to look down. Xena told her to start crawling again. Gabrielle did as she was told and crawled around the camp on her aching hands and knees, trying to please her master and hoping Xena would stop this madness. Thoughts raced through Gabrielle’s head. She was desperately trying to figure out what she had done wrong. Why was Xena seemingly so angry with her?
Xena stood almost six feet tall, with her arms folded on her chest, watching Gabrielle intently. Gabrielle suddenly stopped crawling and asked, “Permission to speak, Xena, please.”
Xena answered by saying, “Crawl, and no.” Gabrielle once again obeyed her warrior princess, and started crawling again. Xena continued staring at Gabrielle and decided to tell her why she was so angry. Xena started pacing around the fire as she spoke, “Today was a bad day, Gabrielle. I had to fight. I had to kill. I had to kill. I had to once again protect us from the evil in this world. I have to be on guard all day, every day. There is danger at every corner. Do you know what that is like, Gabrielle? No, of course you don’t. You have the eyes of an innocent, and the heart of a child. That’s not a bad thing, but it can be a dangerous thing. Earlier today, before the fight, you wandered off when I asked you to stay put. You defied me no matter what the reason. You also wandered off without your staff. You must never go anywhere Without your staff. The unnecessary worry is something I don’t need. After tonight, you will learn the hard way that your staff is a part of you, and you will never dare to roam without it again.” Xena’s eyes were now glaring at her frightened bard, as Gabrielle slowed her crawling to a slower pace, out of exhaustion and fear.
What was Xena going to do?, Gabby wondered. She did not mean to worry the warrior princess. Was the fight today Gabby’s fault? So many questions were in her head, swimming around, but she dared not speak without permission from her mighty warrior princess.
Xena ordered Gabrielle to crawl to her once again, and the little poetess did so, still looking down. When Gabrielle reached Xena’s feet, she was ordered to her knees. As she rose up, finally able to see Xena, she saw that the warrior was holding her staff over her shoulder. Xena glared down at her sweaty and dirty bar, saying, “This is yours, I believe.” Xena gave Gabrielle permission to speak, “Answer me!”
“Yes, it is mine, Xena.” Gabrielle answered softly, and wearily.
“Where did you leave it?” Xena asked.
Her bar replied, “I don’t remember, Xena.” An angry Xena reminded her that she had left it on a rock that she had been sitting on before leaving to look for food. This happened before the fight, leaving the bar unarmed and vulnerable.
“You could have been killed!” Xena exclaimed. Gabrielle was in tears, apologizing to Xena for the stupid and careless mistake. Xena yelled, “You never go anywhere without this staff, Gabrielle, ever!”
Gabrielle was crying, “I’m sorry, Xena. It won’t happen again. I love you. Please don’t hate me.”
Xena replied, “Oh, I don’t hate you, sweetie. That’s why I’m doing this.” Xena’s voice was a little different now, and not so deep, but still somewicked and forced.
Xena ordered Gabrielle to face away from her and to remove her under garments. She Did this slowly, unsure of what Xena’s reasoning was. Xena then demanded that she get back down on all fours. As her sweet bar compiled with her demands, she caught a peek of Xena dipping the end of her staff in the warm oil that wasclose to the fire. Gabrielle suddenly realized what Xena’s intentions were. The shock of the idea scared her so much that she attempted to stand. The full force of a boot to her back dropped her hard to the ground, causing her to gasp and to get a mouthful of dirt.
Xena pressed her into the ground with her boot and said, “Oh no you don’t. This is going to be a hard and painful lesson to learn, but one that you will never forget, Gabrielle. This staff is a part of you, and you will realize that tonight, more than ever. I do this out of love, not hate. I love you Gabrielle. I can’t lose you.” Xena’s voice sounded almost desperate, and then abrupt and demanding, as she told Gabrielle to get back on her hands and knees with her legs spread apart.
Gabrielle pleased, “No. Please don’t, Xena. I’ve learned my lesson, love. Please don’t do this.” She began sobbing.
“Shhhh…Shhhhhh.” Xena said.
Xena picked up the small bottle of oil and poured some of it onto Gabrielle’sass. As she stood behind her naïve bard, she placed the well-oiled staff onto Gabrielle’s back, tracing it down to her exposed buttocks and rubbing the oil all over. Gabrielle was trying to process how Xena could do this to her, but her thoughts were interrupted when Xena started to trace her anus with the tip of the staff, causing her to wince.
She begged Xena to stop, “No, Xena, please! Oh, by the gods, no!” as she wept softly. Xena did not react, but continued to rub the end of the staff onto Gabrielle’s tight ass, getting it well oiled. Xena grabbed Gabrielle’s hair and pulled, causing her neck and back to arch.
Xena simply said, “Take it all!” as she suddenly plugged the staff into her lover’s tight rectum…hard. Gabrielle cried out in pain as Xena thrust the staff in and out of her anal cavity, harshly pounding her ass, raping it with all of her strength. Gabrielle screamed out in pain with every thrust, while Xena continued to pull her golden locks, making her lover’s neck and back arch in rhythm of the assault she was applying to her sweet ass. Xena violently fucked Gabrielle harder and harder with her own staff, making the poetess feel as if she was being impaled by a huge and long cock. Gabrielle’s cries were weakening now, and at times, as Xena violent her now bleeding anus, she would open her mouth to scream, but no sounds would come from her. Her tiny orifice was being Relentlessly raped over and over, causing her to almost black out. Xena’s attack showed no signs of stopping as she now sat on the back of her victim pumping the staff with one hand and pulling Gabrielle’s hair with the other, riding her. Gabrielle could feel Xena’s hot, wet sex as the warrior sat on her back, painfully assaulting her ass. Gabrielle was in such pain, but feeling Xena’s hot juices sliding down her back was secretly enjoyed.
With one last thrust, Xena buried the staff into her lover’s ravaged and bleeding ass, exclaiming her war cry, and afterwards yelling, “You’re mine!” The pain of the last thrust was more than Gabrielle could bear. She could no longer hold Xena up as her knees and arms buckled under her, and she fell hard into the dirt, screaming. Xena dismounted the beaten bar, still holding onto the staff which was lodged deep in Gabrielle’s anus. Xena pushed the staff, but Gabrielle couldn’t move. So, Xena pushed it again more aggressively and Gabrielle responded by moving her hips forward, and moaned.
Xena ordered Gabrielle back on all fours, saying, “I’m not done with you, yet.”
The young mercilessly rapped rhapsodist quietly said,”Xennnaaa…I can’t.”
Xena shoved the staff in even further, saying, “Move, or it will get much worse.” Gabrielle slowly got up on all fours as she felt Xena guiding and prodding her with the staff still in her ass. Xena said, in a cracked voice, “To the stream.”
Gabrielle faced the stream. As she crawled, Xena produced and pushed her there with the staff, often times pushingthe staff in after bringing the end of it to the anal opening and then plunging it in again and again. This was repeated several times until they finally reached the stream. Xena ordered Gabrielle to drink from the stream while remaining on all fours. Gabby obeyed and lapped the cool running water like an animal as Xena watched her. Xena held onto the staff firmly as her precious poet laughed quenched her thirst.
Xena said “Enough, Gabrielle. Wash your face off and wet your hair. Cool off.” Gabrielle was relieved that Xena was finally showing her some compassion. Little did she know, it would be short lived. Xena ordered the bar to be still and not to move as she released the staff that was still buried in the rhymer’s ass, and walked into the stream, pouring water all over her sweaty and exhausted warrior body. After cooling off, she went over to Gabrielle and reached for the staff to guide the blonde back towards the camp, still making her stay on all fours like the animal she was being treated like. The constant pressure the staff was putting within her tight sphincter was causing her to spasm and buck her hips and lower back wildly, trying to release it. Xena’s grip was mighty, and at this point, Gabrielle was a weak lamb in Xena’s iron hold. Xena stopped Gabrielle as they approached the tree close to the fire. She commanded Gabrielle to stay and not flinch. Xena went to her saddle and grabbed her whip. As she approached Gabrielle, she noticed that her bard’s body was writing in pain and her eyes were fluttering, seemingly going in and out of consciousness.
Xena bent down, holding Gabrielle’s face, asking, “Can you hear me, Gabrielle?”
Gabrielle Shook her head as if to say, “yes.”
Xena said, “Good, in the morning it’ll all be over, but for now you will stay Here and have this staff in your ass to remind you of the mistake you made today.” Gabrielle’s eyes were closed at this point. She had passed out from the abuse she took so graciously from her angry warrior princess. Xena tied Gabrielle’s arms together, picking her up with the staff still deep within her anal cavity. She used her whip to tie Gabrielle to the tree on her knees, with her head resting on a blanket covering a tree root. Her ass was in the air, and the staff was protruding out of the bard’s defined anus. Xena was satisfied that Gabrielle’s relativeless and harsh punishment had taught her a valuable lesson that she would never forget. Tying her to the tree and keeping the staff embedded in the bard’s rapid ass just intensified the message that the staff was indeed a part of Gabby, and wherever she went, the staff would surely follow.
As Xena walked away from the tree, she heard her love’s beautiful voice weakly say, “I love you, Xena.”
Xena replied, “And I love you too, Gabrielle. Sleep now.”
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