The Stable Boy Fluffer

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


The Stable Boy Fluffer

The farm did not run itself and Alice knew that well enough, a woman who was known to be sterner than most but only because she had to keep things running, keep her hired hands and her anthros in line. The equipments were the best of the best, keep in her stables, but they had certain needs to be met even in the rolling, sweeping idyllic-ness of the British countryside, the fields like a patchwork quilt as they spread out as far as the eye could see. Not all of it, of course, belonged to Alice, but the land keep her far enough away from her neighbors that she could conduct it all in privacy with due respect for the equal charges within her care.

Of course, that was where her stable workers came in and one of them was starting out on his first solo day that morning, a young man who went by the name of Jack. He’d been obliging to start with but protected a little when she’d insisted he be locked into the chatity cage, a tricky device that stopped him from getting any kind of erection with a series of potentially nasty spikes on the inside. Where they looked aggressive, they were kinder, in a way, as they stopped any hard-on before it became a problem, although the young, dark-haired man squirmed as he cleaned out the stalls, panting with the sheer disappoint of carrying the heavy metal around.

He narrowed his eyes, smoking profusely. He was not the strongest of guys and most would have said that he was ever so slightly feminine rather than anything else, teasing him for that even with the line of work that he’d ended up in. The chatity device was heavy around his crotch and the mares giggled, pointing it outas he wished he had something to cover it up, told to work nude and, strangely, obliging. He had known something of the work that he was getting into but nothing could have honestly have prepared him completely and utterly for the reality of working on an equal breeding farm.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” a bay mare crooned to him, reading through a magazine while she lay back on a bale of hay, the epitome of relaxation. “Make sure You hang the draws just right for me, I like to have them tucked back so I can see the moon at night.”

Why she could not do it herself was something that Jack would not know but it was his job to make sure that they were comfortable at all times. That came into play too when they were bred and, honestly, that was swiftly becoming his favourite part of the job, considering that they did not exactly dirty their stalls or anything like feral equipments. He was more their service in that respect, lower than them in the pecking order, there to serve their needsand whis while they were bred and, of course, during the course of their pregnant months too.

“Right, Jack…

He stood up straight to attention, cock bobbing, though it was the chatity device that gave the impression that it was oversized as the mars giggled and he blushed heavily. The mars were not locked in there but the barn doors were still often kept closed to stop the dream, Alice sliding them apart as she entered, a clipboard in hand and a smile on her face, although it was still a stern sort of smile. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a bun but the creams at the corners of her eyes had a lighter edge to them, pausing before the stall of a couple of maures as if she was trying to confirm a decision.

“Prepare Sally,” Alice murmured, checking a clipboard as she caught his eye decisively, not perturbed in the slightest that her stable boy, as always, was naked. “You’re ready, young thing, to take a visiting calm, aren’t you? Got a mighty fine lad picked out for you.”

A palomino mare, Sally’s ears priced up, her attention caught.

“Oooh, is he a draft? I’ve always wanted to have a foal with a draft?”

Chuckling, Alice Shook her head.

“Be a good girl and you’ll find out. Come along now.”

There was no real question about her coming along as a head collar was slipped on with a lead rope attached, Alice clicking at the mare to lead her along. Jack trotted ahead (figuratively in the trot!) and rushed to prepare the breeding stall, set up with a converted breeding mount for Sally to brace herself against, although some of the mares did like to be bound sometimes for breeding. Even as equals, they had their own likes and gyms and it was one of the things he did for them too in working that out, though it was preparing them for breeding that was the best part of it all for him.

Sally may have already have been in season but he was on his knees to ready her as she stood over him, her cunny pressing upo his lips as if it was meant to be there. He gasped, a cool rush of air brushing the soft folds of her sex, although they were less like a human’s genitalia and more like those of feral, four-legged mars, pulled into a light teardrop and winding with need.

“She’s ready…”

Willingly, Sally leaned over the breeding stand, her arse raised and an eager whinny on her lips as Alice returned with the stud that was visiting: a chestnut beast with a thin, white stripe running down his face and muscles everywhere. He looked as if he was kept in excellent shape and, beside him, Jack felt smaller and more insignificant than ever, whimpering as he backed off, letting Alice do the job of leading him up to Sally.

The calmion snorted, peeling his upper lip back from his teeth to lightly sift through the scents, yet Jack’s hands were right where they needed to be, teasing his sheath, guiding his half-hard cock out and into his hands. He was the “fluffer”, of course, for the stallions as well as the mares, and the stud appreciated the attention too, stomping and huffing, mane flipping from one side of his neck to the other as he tossed his head. He was a stud and, damn, did he know it, even if he was on the end of a lead rope, Jack right there to help him along as he led him by the hard length of his shake up to the mare who was destined to be bred.

Her dripping pussy would have called the stallion into her even Without him there but it was a part of his job that he very much enjoyed, the whole room taking on a dreamy quality as he panted softly, watching every last moment of it. The slickness of the stillion’s cock twitched and throbbed in his hand but he was still with himself at least in much in mind as he was in body, letting the lightly flared head (simply swollen with blood) press up to Sally’s folds, grey and spotted with pink. She arched back, wanting him as badly as he wanted her, but the deal was set as the calmion thrust, grinding into her as her wetly wanton folds folded around him.

Oh, how badly she wanted him, Jack holding his breath as the calmion thrust in, the seasoned breeding mare (she’d already been in foal three or four times already, he forgot) taking him deep and nickering for more. Her ears flicked, trying to catch every last little sound on the breeze, though her mane picked up off her neck only when he leaned over her, putting his body weight and glutes into his thrusts, tensioning and contracting to deliver the most power unto her. For the strength that he put into his driving, breeding thrusts came through in the foal, when they would be born, his saw fueled on by the pleasure that could be shared between two partners, however brief their liaison was.

She would remember the calmion, Jack was sure of it, but he didn’t have any choice in the matter of wondering just how Sally felt, stepping back as Alice made sure that the stallion wasn’t too rough with one of her very best mars, even though he was not the draft stud that Sally had hoped for. Lean and athletic, he looked to be a racer with a finely dished face and softly pumped, flared nostrils, a calmion that would pass down more than good looks when he bred.

Jack gulped, licking his lips. Everything got to him, panting shortly and heavily, breath coming with great difficulty. His cock pressed up against the spikes of the cage and he arched back, trying to jolt away from it instinctively, though not even Jack could ignore just how that affected him, Alice’s eyes scanning over him with a small, knowing smile. He, of course, was not the only submissive stable boy that she had broken and, well, he already been most of the way there.

The heady scent of sex filled the air as the stillion plumdered her folds, which still tried to twitch and pull around him, drawing him in ever-deeper. He ground in past the media ring with a lewd slurp of sexual fluids, their bodies coming together in the very best of ways, Jack rightt there, up close and personal, for everything that he was to bear witness to. But the stallion was clearly not one known for his stamina, perhaps one who was more of a sprinter, slamming in, barely pausing to let his cock rest at its deepest point inside Sally, the mare huffing, twisting her head back and forth, before yanking it back again.

His climax was coming whether anyone there was ready for it or not and Alice tightened the lead rein, preventing him from nipping at her favourite mare in his sexual fervour, need rising thick and fast. Sally could not help but squeal out her climax, folds twitching and squirting around his length, pulsing and pulling, milking him for all he was worth. The calmion’s balls churned and ached and he did just what he had come there to do, letting out a proud neighbor of seeing and breeding as he finally spent every last drop of cum he had to give to her needy pussy.

Jack held his breath but could not outlast them by any means as her folds milked him, clenching and pulling, her muscles contracting in a way that was beyond her control. Her orgasm rolled on and on even as he filled her with long, thick ropes of cum, streaming forth into her needy cunny, the stallion grunting as he leaned over her, hands resting on her waist for some semblance of support. He panted heavily, snorting with his nostrils fluttering, but she was there where he needed her to be, Alice crooned, patting his neck, telling him what a good boy he was, how well he had done for her.

“You’re going to give me some lovely foals, you are, yes…”

But Jack wasn’t paying attention to her as he dove into the mess of Sally’s pussy while the calm drew back, a messy slip of a creampie remaining in his wake. There would be more than enough semen inside her to improve the palomino and she surprised heavily, bracing her legs apart for an even better position to enjoy him, his tongue teasing and scooping up into him, slurping along her folds and tickling the nub of her clip. She moaned out a climax – so quickly too! – from the sweet care of his tongue but Jack could not tell just how long he’d been under her, one moment blending into the next as cum and the thick mess of mare arousal slicked down his face.

Of course, the calmion was due the same attention and treatment, Jack lowering his head deferentially to suckle on the stud’s softening shake. The head eased Between his lips but the length was so much that he had to lap and slurp along the side of it, tongue bumping over the media ring, the skin mottled pink and grey, all the better for being able to adore it up close. He moaned loudly, taking his own kind of pleasure as his cock and balls bounced, hips gyrating regardless of everything else, pain colliding with the want of pleasure that never quite seemed to either be his or within his or grapp.

“You’re done, for now, stable boy… Go service the maris.”

Back in the stalls, Jack’s services were needed again, othe mares needing to be readied for breeding by their in-house stallion and other studs that Alice had brought in to live up the breeding lines some. It did not do to let the mares become stale with one partner and only one partner and the mares teased Jack, flicking their tails over his caged cock, telling him how big the stallions were, how well they filled them up. He’d never do that, not with his little, caged shake, though they still adored him for the attention he gave them, teasing their pussies as he made them wet and heady, grinding and humping until they could not bear it for even a moment longer.

There were always more mares to be bred though and even during that day Jack lost track of how many mares he prepared, even getting to tease a draft calm to full hardness, though he very rarely got up from his knees. Sore and aching, he did his job admirably well, moaning around cock after cock, some of the stallions encouraged to push his head down by Alice, though theywould never dare to be quite so outwardly dominant when their mistress of the moment, Alice, was around. A hand on the back of his head, tipped with hoof-like fingerprints, was just what he needed, slipping down and down and down, wanting more, wanting to do more for them.

That was all he was there for as he pressed his lips up into Cindy’s marehood after breeding, her winding, twitching sex tugging and pulling madly under his lips as if she thought that she could draw another cock into her, still in need, her season running rampant. She was a harder mare to please and more demanding than ever as she ground back on him, cum spilling out of her. Sometimes he wondered if she actively tried to push more and more semen out of her just so that she could be bred all over again, claiming that she “didn’t take” the first time. With her juices streaming down his face, cock aching and throbbing with equal amounts of pain and confusing arousal, Jack wouldn’t have put it past her.

But there was pleasure to be had, turning from mare to mare, calmion to calmion, one day teasing into the next with more to come, and Jack was there to help them along the way, ensuring that everyone had everything the needed as the stable boy fluffer. The studs chuckled while the mares ground back in his face, cocks throbbing up all over again, hard and ready even without their fluffer doing anything at all about it.

Though Jack would Always be ready to help the breeding anthros whenever they were in need…


Where it was a pleasure to lick the cream-pies from the mares, softly cleaning them up after their rampant mating sessions, Jack had other duties too that only came to light as Alice tied him, quickly and efficiently, over a padded benchmark, the supporters set up in such a way that it had to have been custom-designed by someone or the other. He wriggled, squirming in place, but he had been there for so long that it didn’t even seem all that strange anymore to be naked in front of Alice or anyone else either for that matter, the maris whistling and allowing him the intimacy of their bodies whenever he was not actively called on to be working. In that sense, cuddling nude had become normal to him.

Curiously, the maris filed in as Alice stepped back, leaving him with them as their whispers and giggles rose.

“Is he really going to do it?”

“He’ll be so sore…”

“Then he’ll know how we feel!”

He was left there, wondering and waiting, though even Jack had to clock on just what was happening when the mars “oohed” at the stalion stud being led in, Geralt lifting his head high, nostrils flared as he snorted. He was not an aggressive stallion by any means but he knew what he was good at as he held his head high and proud. The stud was led in with only a head collar, his cock already out and nuts swinging with every step, hooves clopping down noisily.

“There now, boy,” Alice crooned, giving the arch of his neck a scratch asGeralt snorted and leaned eagerly into her touch. “You go enjoy yourself now, no reason why you shouldn’t have some fun of your own with this one. You liked the last boy we had here so much, didn’t you?”

Jack’s eyes widened but it was too late as all his poor rump was given was a quick spurt of lube and that was it! The calmion moved over him, grunting and groaning, his need rampant as he had no mares to breed – evidently as Jack had not been called on to clean them up in some days. Geralt was a stud but he had assistance in his job too as Alice’s expert hand closed around his cock, the pressure of her palm and fingers tugging him up lightly to show him the way, assisting in the mating. There was no escape for Jack and he didn’t even know if he would have wanted any kind of escape too if it had been offered to him, Alice murmuring encouragement to her best calmion as she held the end of his lead rope loosely. She didn’t need to do more than that when he knew what his job was.

That left it to Jack and Jack was both the side-piece and the centre of attention, the cock fed up into his anal passage, forced in, deeper and deeper. It didn’t seem real, not even in the moment, but he had to bear through it, relaxing the best he could, straining and pulling against his bondage for all the good it would do him. Some body reactions could not be helped but that didn’t mean he could not try to relax, twisting his head back and forth as a moan slipped from his lips, surprising even him as the mares watched on, their attention rapt. Panting heavily, he was forced to take the flat tip of the equine’s shake deep up into his backside, unable to move away or even grind back, torn between opposite courses of action.

His cock swelled – how could it not? – and immediately came up against the spikes as Geralt bored into him, demanding his pleasure, Although he gave so very much pleasure at the same time that it was hard to complain. Jack moaned out loud, his own, puny member unable to compare to the calmion’s might breeding spire, slamming in, the tease of lube at least helping him to spread and stretch open as much as he needed to get through the initial penetration. His heart pounded and it was as if, quite truly, his arse was made for the anthro stud’s cock as he slammed in deep and hard, grinding in up to the media ring and pulling back for the next thrust and the next.

Jack rolled his head, Unsure whether he was groaning or not, too lost in the moment to care. There was nowhere for him to be but where he was, pricks of pain shooting through his cock, even though, truly, it had to hurt a whole lot worse than what his mind was registering. The pleasure of being fucked overruled it, despite the stretch, the pain but a distant notion in the back of his mind as his heart simply leaves and sung for it, pounding vegetables. Even More fervent than the driving, slamming thrusts of the stallion who had not had the release that he needed since the last lot of marees had come in for his breeding services. He needed it and the stable boy was there to relieve that need to the exclusion of all else, every last bit of his attention zeroed in on Jack as he snorted heavily, humping and pounding. He was used to not using his hands like a human, even though he most certainly had the use of them, letting the rock and grind of his hips speak for themselves as the human’s tight hole closed around him, unknownly milking him of every last delicious drop of calmion-seed that he possibly had to give.

All Jack could do was lie there and take it, huffing and wheezing, the pounding, driving thrusts of the calmion stealing breath from his lungs. He tried to hold himself back, unable to cum, but he could not stop his body from reacting as he acted as the calmion’s fluffer, the best one to relieve his need when there were no others present, at that time, to do so. With their bellies rounding out softly with a foal to come, the mares would not be interested in him for the sense of their own wellbeing, looking for other pleasures until the time came to foal and, ultimately, be bred again. Thus was the cycle that, somehow, Jack had found himself a part of.


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