Chapter five in the ongoing adventures of twenty-three-year-old Laura and her introduction to life in the big house. What is pleasure and what is pain? The questions continue.
I was roughly awakened the next morning by Miss Alice prodding me with her toe.
“Time to wake up, little slut. We have lots to do. You can’t spend all day sleeping. Follow me.”
I was so stressed and aching that I had to use the bed to haul myself to my feet. Sleeping on the floor had done me no favors. In the middle of the wall opposite the bed was a door that I hadn’t noticed when I first came in last night. In fairness I’d had other things to worry about. I followed Miss Alice through and into a luxurious bathroom. It was steamy and warm, and the heady scent of bath oils hung in the air. On the far side was a shower cubicle, already occupied by Felicity.
“I took the liberty of having your things brought over from the other side. You only have time for a quick wash. Next time you’d better get up earlier.”
She pointed to a hand basin in a corner. Next to it was a small cabinet on which sat a selection of toiletries. Much to my delight I also saw my hairbrush and toothbrush waiting for me. As I approached, I saw myself in the mirror and I was horrified by the untidy young woman who stared back at me. I was a complete mess. My escapades from last night had left their mark. My face was streaked with their juices which had dried, leaving it feeling rough and hard. My hair was even worse. It was a tangled mess and clumps of it appeared to be glued together. I filled the basin with hot water and tried to do the best that I could in the short time I had been given.
At least the soap smelled beautiful. So far removed from the coache cheap blocks that mother insisted on buying. It foamed as only an expensive soap can and feel soft on my skin. I cleaned my face as best as I could and then tried to do the same between my thighs. Everywhere felt unkempt and crusty. At least, when I had finished, I smelled a lot better. I just hope I would be allowed a shower, or better still a bath, before too long.
By the time I came out of the bathroom, Felicity had already dressed and left, presumably to her normal duties. My tiny apron and cap had been laid out on the bed. I guessed this means that I would be getting more training. Miss Alice stood by the door with an impatient look on her face. As quickly as I could, under her watchful gaze I havetily dragged my brush through my straggly locks and put on what had become my uniform.
“Come!” was Miss Alice’s only word and she turned her back on me and disappeared. I hurried to follow.
Back in her office I quickly assumed the now familiar pose in the centre of the room. Miss Alice brought over the same shoes as yesterday and I struggled to put them on and stand upright. I wobbled, but not as alarmingly as yesterday. I was handed the same tray with the plastic cup and saucer and told to walkAround the room. This time Miss Alice strolled beside me, matching me step for step. Then she began to torque me.
As I slowly became reaccustomed to the high heels, I became more comfortable carrying the tray with its cheap cargo. Then, my nipple was pinched fiercely, and I stumbled, causing the cup to tip over in its saucer. This brought with it a vicious slap on my right buttock, making me yelp with the pain. Miss Alice carefully righted the cup and urged me onwards. I tried to continue my circuit of the room as if nothing had happened. My other title was grabbed, and the nipple gripped hard and twisted. Again, the cup spilled over and a second smack, even harder than the first, landed on my bottom.
A gentle hand stroked where it had landed, bringing a modicum of relief, before I was pushed forward once again. By now I knew what to expect and when my title was seized again, this time I gritted my teeth and concentrated on carrying the tray. This was greeted with a murmur ofApproval from Miss Alice. This went on for several more circuits of the room and, although my bottom was sparred, my breasts were badly punished. I was about to beg for a rest when her tactics changed.
On the next circuit a hand went between my legs, first from the back and then the front. Suddenly I realized that I was leaking profusely with arousal. What should have been a miserable time with the brutal Treatment of my breasts had ended up turning me on. Miss Alice’s roving hands now found me out, fingers slipping easily between my wet lips. When the finger found my clip, I nearly stumbled on my heels and the room was filled with the sound of a loud smack.
The force of it made me take a couple of desperate steps forward and the cup and saucer went flying, landing on the carpet. I froze in horror. Without a word the tray was snatched from my grap and thrown across the room.
“Pick them up,” the command came with a menuing hiss.
I started to croouch down but anothe smack stopped me. I stood up again and then bent at the wait, struggling to reach down far enough to pick up the cup and saucer. Miss Alice held out her hand and she snatched them from me. She carried them over to her desk and I quickly adopted the prescribed pose. I was terrified of getting into more trouble. Miss Alice walked around to the far side of the desk and pulled open a drawer. When she returned to where I was standing, she was carrying a black, leather-covered paddle which she tapped ominously against her opposite palm.
I fixed my eyes on the floor as she walked around me, the tapping of the paddle adding a percussive accommodation to her footsteps. Then the paddle landed for the first time. I sucked in my breath as I swwayed forward but I concentrated on not losing my balance.
“Clumsy slut!” I almost missed the whispered words, before the second blow came.
I managed to stay upright but couldn’t stop a quiet protest of pain. After the third and fourblow I managed a tearful, “Sorry Miss”, but this had no effect as a fifth swing landed. My bottom was now singing and felt like it was on fire. There was a long pause, and for a moment, I thought my punishment was over, but a sixth hit came, the hardest so far. I yelped in agoy but slowly realized that Miss Alice had walked back to her desk, where she picked up the telephone. After waiting for a few seconds, she spoke.
“Ah, Felicity, can we have lunch now please. One for me and one for the slut.” There was a pause and then, “That will be fine, thank you. Five minutes? Excellent.”
She put the phone down and turned back to me.
“You obviously still need a lot of training, especially considering you will be expected to perform tomorrow evening. We have a lot of work to do, and I expect improvement, otherwise you now know what to expect.”
I tried to stay perfectly still as her eyes bore down on me. Memory of that recent paddling made me determined to please her, but I was still confused over my reaction to it. Yes, it had hurt a lot, but my pussy was now leaking more profusely than ever. I could feel the mood slowly seeing down my inner thighs. I was both in pain and aroused but also puzzled. Why was something so hateful and painful turning me on so much? Why was I willingly allowing myself to be subjected to this barbaric treatment? What was the cruel woman leaning against her desk and staring at me planning to do next? Our mutual reveries were interrupted by the opening of the door.
Felicity came in carrying a tray with plates and glasses on. She was wearing the same height of heels as I was and carried her burden with a sureness that I envied. I determined to be as good as she was. She walked past me, dressed in a similar fashion, with her pale and unmarked bottom swwaying to her footsteps. She placed the tray on the desk and Miss Alice leant sideways and gave her an affectionate kiss on the cheek. Felicity turned and smiled, and their lips met in a lover’s kiss. Then Felicity picked up one of the plates and what appeared to be a glass of water and walked over to me. Her pink nipples swaying with her walk, the water in the glass as steady as a rock.
With practicing ease she bent at the waist and placed both items on the carpet in front of me. This was another skill I must learn. When she came back upright, she turned to Miss Alice and waited.
“We will have to skip our usual lunchtime fun today, my dear. I have decided to bring forward the sluts training. We have to make her ready for tomorrow, it will be her first true test. You need to go and get ready. Give me an hour and then return and tell Edwin to come as well. We will need a table and two chairs of course.”
Felicity looked disappointed but obediently answered, “Yes, Miss,” before turning on her heel and leaving.
“You may knee,” commanded Miss Alice as she walked to the far side of the desk and sat down.
She then ignored me asshe started into her lunch. With relief I sank to my knees and looked at the large chunk of rough bread and wedge of cheese that sat on my plate. I felt a twinge of pain as I settled back down and my bruised bottom landed on my heels, but I needed to rest. The bread, although made from rough flour, was the product of a skilled baker. It reminded me of the loaves my mother baked at home, and I felt a tear creep under my eyelid and start to course down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, hoping that it had gone unnoticed. I took the risk of looking up but lucky Miss Alice was too interested in her own lunch to be bothering about me.
I was just finishing the final mouthful of water when my attention was grabbed once more.
“Come here, slut. Bring your rubbish with you.”
I staggered to my feet before bending back down to pick up my plate and glass. I could feel my muscles stretch as I gropeed for the plate, and I had to bend my knees very slightly. Then I stood up and walked to the desk. Miss Alice looked me up and down but seemed to linger around my pussy.
“It seems like the slut didn’t exactly hate her treatment this morning. Come! We need to clean up that filtered cunt of yours before we go on.”
She rose and started to walk over to the door. Her pace was rapid, and I struggled to keep up. I followed her into another room which turned out to be an expensively decorated bathroom. She tossed me a flannel and pointed to the sink and told me to wash myself.
“I can’t have one of my girls appearing like that. At least, not at the beginning of the evening. Later on… who knows?”
With that enigmatic remark she waved me away. I started to clean myself as best as I could, using the same gentle scented soap from this morning. Suddenly I heard an unmistakable tinkling sound. I looked in the mirror to be greeted with the sight of Miss Alice sat on the toilet, her skirt gathered around her waist and smiling with satisfaction as she peed intothe bowl. She looked up to find me staring back at her and she scowled. I quickly turned my head away, but I knew I was too late.
“Spying brings four more swats of the paddle,” she stated as she cleaned herself up and rearranged her skirt. I heard the distinctive flush of the toilet. “If you want to go, do so now,” she demanded, pointing in the direction of the rushing water.
The full glass of water had had its effect on me, and the running of the taps and the tinkling sounds had only added to my woes. Now, the sound of the running flush decided the matter. It was out of my control. Sheepishly I nodded.
“Better get on it then. Before we got started this afternoon.”
She stood to one side and leaned with her back against the wall directly opposite the gaping and waiting mouth of the toilet bowl. I had no choice but to obey her fixed stare.
With only the miniscule apron to shield me there was no way to save my embarrassment. Under Miss Alice’s watchful eye, Isat on the toilet. The urge to pee was undeniable and, as I stared at the floor in front of me, I let go. I gushed in a torrent. It felt so unfair that she was watching me so closely, but I was to be punished for simply catching a glimpse. The torrent turned into a trickle and finally stopped. I carefully dried myself and stood up. Miss Alice turned on her heel and headed out of the door. I quickly pulled the flush and Followed her.
By the time I got back to her office she was already sat at her desk, her fingers steepled before her, the stern look back on her face. I walked over and took up my pose before her desk.
“I think four more with the paddle is a just punishment for spying on me, don’t you?” she said from behind her hands, “come closer and bend over the desk.”
My whole body trembled with dread. I know what was to come and I feared both the pain and my reaction to it. I took two steps forward and laid myself across her desk. Meanwhile she had picked up the paddle and had walked behind me. I felt the cold leather slide gently across my bottom and stiffened with anticipation.
The first blow came from nowhere. Trapped as I was the blow felt even harder than before and I cried out, a meaningless animal noise of age. The second blow brought more and louder cries. There was a pause while a gentle hand stroked where the paddle had landed. I sensed that once more my pussy was beginning to leak. My bottom felt on fire, but my pussy felt alive. The third and fourth smacks landed with no warning and then I knew it was over. Miss Alice walked back to the far side of the desk and sat in her chair. From behind my veil of hair I saw the paddle being put back in the drawer and I breathed a sight of relief.
I stayed across the table undisturbed for a while, letting the sing subside. I could Feel the scrutiny from across the desk and then the gentle touch as a hand stroked my hair. It was a touch of affection. Then she called me round to her side and gestured for me to sit on her knee. I flinched as I did so when the sting of the paddling returned but she sensed my pain and put an arm around my waist. Her other hand slipped between my thighs and softly stroked the length of my slit. I heard a chuckle as she explored me.
“You are a messy girl. Ill treatment seems to arouse you. This will please the guests and induce merriment, I’m sure.”
I tried to make sense of her words, but my imagination failed me, and I looked at her quizzically.
“We have to bring your training forward,” she announced, “there is to be a dinner party tomorrow evening and you are to be serving. I have arranged for Felicity and one of the male staff, a young man named Edwin, to role play as guests so you can practice serving at table. I’m sure, if you end up in this state,” she continued, tweaking at my clip and sending shivers through me, “you will be most popular. Don’t worry,” she went on, looking at my confused expression, “all will become clear.”
I had no chance to speculate further as there was a knock on the door.
… to be continued…
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