The Spy Gets Milked

The Male Liberation Rebellion Spy, Richard Johnson, sat on the edge of a king-sized bed, waiting for his cock to be sucked.

Last year, he had personally freed hundreds of milk slaves at the Central Harvesting Compound in Austin, Texas. He was a wanted man, and he was being sought after by every femdom organization in the world. After laying low in an underground bunker for a few months, his captain had assigned him a new mission: to infiltrate the highest echelons of Milking Solutions Inc., collecting vital data they needed to bring the insidious organization down to its knees.

He was supposed to pose as a call-boy–a euphemistic term for a luxury milkslave ladies of femdom high society could enjoy for an impossible high price. His target was Devannah Pierce, an experienced dominatrix with a penchant for using Love Gas to brainwash her victims. Sporting an eight-foot tall body, with triple-D breasts and ridiculously wide hips, she was truly a force to be reckoned with. Her femdom callsign was Mommy, a nickname that she often forced her victims to call her as she broke them. Her second-in-command was Kitty Wang, and busty Asian domme who was particularly sadistic in her methods of punishment.

They were generally engineered to be giant sexual goddesses, as all women were these days.

Richard thought about Natalie, his twenty-two year old wife. She hadn’t have changed yet. She had chosen to join the rebellion, and had lived with him and loved him in the underground bunker. She was the only pure thing in this world, Richard believed, and he would do anything to protect her from the evils of femdom society. At twenty-three years old, Richard was a man of strong will and ideals, and his training had reflected that: he had chiseled abs, lean biceps, a body any man could envy.

He had prepared for months up to his mission, trained harder than he ever had before. This was, he knew, the most important mission for all of mankind. Two weeks ago,They had lost all contact with the other cells. Their communication equipment was fine. But then they had heard brief, scrambled reports of moaning, screaming, whining and becoming men on the other end, and they knew that time was running short. It was possible, even likely, that Richard and his team were the very last Male Liberationists on the entire planet.

He tried texting Natalie, but she wouldn’t pick up. That was strange. Natalie always responded to his texts, no matter where or what time it was. He was starting to get a bad feeling about this. But then Richard heard a knock on the door, and he smoothed all thoughts of alarm in his head.

This was it.

He walked through the carpeted hallway and opened the door. The largest woman he had ever seen stood in front of him, her enormous breasts posed in front of him at eye-level. She was wearing a form-fitting black leather corset that seemed all but ready to burst, her enormously luscious curves packed into the sinfully pliable material. Each breast was larger than his entire torso, and Richard wasn’t a small man to begin with. With more than a little shame, he couldn’t help but notice that her nipples were poking eagerly out from the leather, two-inch thick studs that made him almost lick his lips with attention.

Her impossibly wide hips were bigger than the doorway, her thick, muscled thighs slimming down to two siletto heels that made her somehow look taller than she already was. Richard gulped. He knew she was going to be huge… but this was something else. She was a giantess. Don’t panic. Don’t panic, he thought, panicking. He tried to swallow the fear rising in his chest, but that feeling was quickly overpowered by the overwhelming sexual urges he felt towards this dangerous domme. No wonder they called her Mommy, Richard thought.

Her golden blonde hair was tied into a military bun, her green eyes fixed on him predatorially.

“Mmm… Bob, isn’t it?” the woman drawn, hersausage-thick lips curving into a wicked grin. “I’m Devannah. Pleased to meet you.”

Before Richard could say anything, Devannah squeezed through the doorway, closing it behind her. She easily filled up the entirety of the corridor so that he had no choice but to back up slowly, slowly, until the back of his knees touched the edge of his bed. He fell onto his back, petrified with shock. Devannah positively towered over him, and at that moment he knew she could have done anything she wanted to him.

“Nervous?” Devannah said. “That’s okay. We can take things as slow as you like…”

Devannah leaned over Richard, placing her hands on either side of her head. Her enormous tits seemed to bulge out against her corset, the thick valley of her cleavage incomprehensibly large. It almost looked as if she had stuffed two giant watermelons in her chest. Richard felt his naked chest brush up against her teats, and he bit his lower lip, stifling a groan of pleasure. Play it cool, Richard thought to himself. She doesn’t know who you are.

In spite of his rigorous mental conditioning, Richard found himself falling in love with this beautiful woman. He couldn’t stop looking into those intelligent green eyes of hers, which seemed to take on an almost hypnotic quality. Stay calm, Richard reminded himself. Just wait for her to orgasm. Once she lets her guard down, search her clothes for maps, schedules, anything that can be of use.

Richard moved to suck on Devannah’s tea through her corset, hoping to entire her into letting her guard down, but she held him down with a hand on her chest.

“Not so fast, honey,” Devannah said. “I want to really enjoy this…”

Devannah suddenly stood up, moved around him, and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed. mattress sunk down around her, as if she had her own gravitational pull.

“You ever heard of foreplay, baby?” Devannah said innocently. She patted the spot between her legs, motioning Richard tocome over. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

What was she trying to pull? Richard wondered. Oh well, it was probably better to play along than to start asking questions. He didn’t want to raise any suicide. Reluctantly, he crawled over and sat in front of her played legs, each of which was larger than a tree trunk.

Devannah whispered loving words into his ears as her hands roamed playfully Along his ribcage. Richard couldn’t help but shiver in ecstasy. He couldn’t believe this was happening. Here he was, with this busty giantess of a woman, about to have sex with her. His cock immediately sprang to life, tenting up his underwear until he was almost sure the fabric would rip apart.

“Oh, I love it when a boy gets so nice and hard for me,” Devannah cooed. Her hands slid deftly under the elastic waistband of his underpants, her long, warm fingers outlining his cock with a tenderness that made him want to weep. She gripped his cock firmly, holding his erection up against the fabric so that his glans was imprisoned by the sheer tightness of the rough, elastic material.

The friction was enormous, and Richard squirmed in her grip as he tried to escape the feeling. It was like sensing overload, and he almost giggled at the strange, panicky feelings that Devannah was making in his cock. Then she began to move his cock around inside his underwear, the rough friction of his head against his underwear flaring into bright, firey pleasure. Richard gasped; it was just too much. Before he could yell, Devannah clamped her other hand around his mouth, muffling his cries into a few remote, pathetic whimpers.

“It’s okay, I’ll take care of you,” Devannah whispered into his ear. “Just hold still.”

It was too hard. Richard shook his head, trying to shake Devannah’s hand off his face, but it might as well have been superglued around his mouth. Richard’s nostrils flared as he struggled to breathe. He slammed his eyeselids shut, trying to focus on getting air into his lungs as Devannah played merry hell on his cockhead. By then the inside of his underwear was already slick with precum, and that only served to make his cock more sensitive as Devannah ruthlessly masturbated him.

Reflexively, Richard started to kick at the bedsheets in a futile attempt at escape. His arms flailed wildly, but they could only move so far trapped under the weight of her enormous quadruple-D sized breasts.

“Hold still,” Devannah warned. “If you aren’t going to do as I say, I may just stop right now…”

Richard grunted in agoy, forcing himself to remain still. His eyes darted wildly from side to side, more from an instinctive panic response than from an actual urge for his ordeal to end. This was heaven. He mewled against Devannah’s hand, tears of pleasure leaking out from the corners of his eyes.

“Mmm… I know what my big boy likes,” Devannah said, stroking his length up and down against his underwear. “In fact, I know everything there is toKnow about my big boy…”

She leaned over and bit down on his earlyobe. Richard dug his heels into the mattress and arched his back. Straining, his entire body arched into a bow shape, he attempted to break free from her inexorable grip, but Devannah was simply too strong.

“Whe are you trying to run to, huh, baby?” Devannah teased, licking at his throat. “Whe are you trying to go?”

“Mmmnnn! Mmmnnhhh!” Richard roared into her hand as he flexed his spine to its breaking point.

“Oh, you want me to go faster, is that it?” Devannah said, giggling. She rapidly sped up her stroke pace for a brief moment, giving him a visceral taste of what was to come. Richard groaned.

“Or do you want me to go really… really slow?” Devannah said, suddenly slowing down, her grip tightening around his cock like an iron band. She ran her hand up and down his shaft excitedly slowly, curling her fingers over his head in a diabolically pleasant motion. Richard whimpered,unable to string together a cooperative sentence.

“Because I can keep this up all night, you know,” Devannah said with playful nonchalance as she firmly milked his erection at a steady pace. “I can just keep going… and going… and going… until your mind just snaps.”

Richard tried to throw his head from side to side, but Devannah’s hand held him in place. “GggggghhhhHHH!!!” he grunted, his face growing a deep red. Crushed between her enormous boulder-like breasts, there was nowhere for him to run.

“Or I can stop,” Devannah said, milking him without pause. “But I only do that for good boys who want to obey me and suck at my titties. Only I don’t think you’ve been entirely truthful with me.”

“Please please please let me cum!” Richard squealed. “Oh god it feels so sensitive!!!”

Devannah placed her palm over his cockhead and began to ticket her manicured fingerprintnails along his corona. Richard divided his mouth in shock. It was only when she began to twist and glide her slick palm on it vigorously that Richard started to scream, his hoarse exclamation trapped behind her other hand.

“I could do that, or I could keep going,” Devannah said. “All I ask is that is that you be honest with me… Richard.”

Richard froze. At the sound of his name, a shock of pure terror ran through him. She knew? If that was the case, then his identity had been compromised. If he had been exposed, then there was no telling what had happened to the rest of the Male Liberation Members… or for that matter, his wife. She hadn’t even responded to his calls.

Something was wrong. Something was terribly wrong.

Richard moved to break free from Devannah’s grip, but it was impossible. Her tits were crushed against his shoulders and the sides of his head, leaving only a tiny vertical slit for him to see through, and the most sensitive part of his body was in her hands–literally.

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going to torture you for information,” Devannah’s sultry voice boomed from high above the valley of her cleavage.

“You–you won’t?” Richard whimpered. He wanted to remain strong, but a few minutes of Devannah’s sexual interrogation had defeat him down to a nub. All his training, all of the mental conditioning it took to be a Male Liberationist spy, had been washed away with a single stroke of her hand. Truth was, he was terrified of Devannah.

“No, I’m going to torture you for fun!” Devannah said, and her hand went beserk beneath the tight, elastic fabric of his underwear.

“EeeeeeeeeEEEEEE!!!” Richard bleated mindlessly, his legs flailing around somewhere beneath him.

“Oh, Richard, Richard, Richard, what are we going to do with you?” Devannah said woefully. Her hand had become a steady shifting lump of knuckles beneath his underwear, and Richard fight to maintain the last shreds of his sanity as she ruthlessly polished his glans over and over again.

“Plea–hee–heese!” Richard begged.

“Just leave those big thoughts to Mommy,” Devannah said monstrously. “You won’t need to think about anything from now on. All a boy like you really needs is to be milked, and fucked, and cuddled by his Mommy. Don’t you agree, Richard?”

Richard babbled nonsense as Devannah toyed with his oversensitive purple head.

“I’ve assigned a strike team of my best Mommies to your bunker earlier this evening,” Devannah said. “From my reports, every one of your Male Liberationist buddies has been captured and sent to my milking compound for further processing. As it turns out, you really are the last free men on Earth!”

Richard cried out in despair. “Nu–nuuuuhhh!!”

“Oh, yes, and do you want to know something else?” Devannah grinned. “All of them Eventually gave you up. That’s right. They informed on you. You have no one now, Richard. It’s just you… and me.”

“Captain Lucas!” Richard moaned. “He would never give me up. He’s the toughest man I’ve ever met!”

“I’m sure you’re right, Richard, but once I put him into the bondage suit and showed him where his prostate glass was, well… let’s just say he’s learned his place in the world.”

Richard cried out. This was too much for him to handle. He could deal with losing his cover. He could deal with being milked. But to lose the hope and trust of all free men on Earth? That was a crime untold by generations.

Suddenly, she let him go.

“Wait, wha–?” Richard said foggily.

“You can leave,” Devannah said, sounding authoritative and brash. “It’s against femdom law to force a man to ejaculate against his will.”

Breathlessly, his entire body trembling with residual terror, Richard managed to stand up on the floor.

“Just like that?” he said. It was hard to believe he could escape, just like that, especially after his cover had been blown. She definitely had something up her sleep, but Richard’s sex-addled mind couldn’t begin to put things together.

Devannah stood up from the bed, walked over to the carpeted hallway leading to the front door, and laid down on her back. “All I can do, of course, is… convince you.”

His knees wobbling, Richard walked towards the exit, terrified of what was to happen to him next. This was a trap. This had to be a trap. As he stepped over her legs, navigated over her enormous tits–so big were they that one of her teats actually poked at his scrotum, causing him to shiver uncontrollably–he began to regain a new sort of hope. The front door was only a few feet away. He could do this. He could just leave.

That was when Richard looked down. Devannah was glaring at him, analyzing him. Then, before he could react, her head flew up towards his naked, unprotected groin. Rapidly, she began gobbling up his cock, her jaw and lips working to entrap his entire sexuality within the tight, slippery confines of her mouth. The immense gravity of her lips were too much for him to handle; he let out a tiny squeak of inconceivable pleasure as he sank down to his knees, letting Devannah pull him down with her mouth. She began to work it in earnest, suckling and juggling at his testicles with her tongue in a diabolic churning motion that made him pitch his head back in a silent scream.

“Plea–please Devannah!” he gasped. “Ohhhhh!”

Devannah only watched him with those clever, calculated eyes of hers as she continued to Dissolve every last bit of mental resistance he had against her… and the fate she had in store for him. Now that she had latched onto him, she would never give Richard another chance at escape. Her pillowy, thick lips were firmly wrapped around the base of his entire cock and his scrotal sac, and the wet suction of her saliva, mixed in with the slick silver fluid of his precum, made the succession nearly hydraulic in its application. Physically, her mouth was so powerful that even an Olympic weightlifter couldn’t have stood up against one of her blowjobs.

Richard knelt down on the plus carpet, straddling Devannah’s head between his muscle thighs. Devannah’s tongue was wreaking havoc on his member, and when Devannah shifted her entire body to get more comfortable, the resulting tremor of her mouth caused Richard to collapse onto his elbows, moaning, his head bowed over. He was the one on top of her, and yet she was in complete control. It wasn’t fair. It was as if she was simply playing with him, and this was her game: to tease Richard until he broke. Not in a physical sense, but in every way mental, emotional, and spiritual: Devannah’s mouth would make him submit to her completely, to mindlessly obey her every whim and desire.

In some detached corner of his blissed-out mind, Richard could hear the agoized grunts and frantic hyperventilating noises coming from his own mouth. It was Just too much; the pleasure had caused him to disassociate, as after a traumatic event. His vision swam. Devannah’s mouth was as strong as steel wrapped in silk. When he found himself squirming for escape, he felt as if his cock and balls were weighed down inside a bowling ball filled with pleasure. Her head was just too big.

Richard gritted his teeth, clinched his fists. Fight. Fight! He had to fight this now, or he’d end up as one of those mindless milk slaves he’d seen paraded through the streets being pump-fucked on motorized carts. Even then, he had swore that no matter what happened, he would never end up like one of those poor creativity. Their testicles were generally modified to be as big as watermelons so they could be constantly milked for semen. He had nightmares about that day, had seen the empty, bliss-numb faces of those ruined men… he shivered at the thought. He would rather die than end up like that.

But first he had to break free from Devannah. He felt a surge of explosive pleasure rising inside his loins, the telltale pressure that comes moments before orgasm, and warning bells sounded in his head. If he came now, hewould be too exhausted to fight Devannah, let alone escape. But it just felt so good. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to shove away the overpoweringly unfamiliar and ecstatic sensings running up and down his shaft. He tensed his muscles. And then he began to stand up.

Richard felt his testicles catch against the rim of Devannah’s lips, inducing in him an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate. Unbalanced, Richard planted his hands on his knees and tried to get up. But the more he tried to stand up, the harder it was to ignore Devannah’s powerful suction around his cock. She didn’t even have to move. He felt his cock growing more and more sensitive, the slick head pulsing and throbbing in rhythm to the wild hammering of his heart. He felt his eyesilids flutter and his mouth yawn open as he braced for the imminent orgasm.

No. No! Richard shook his head, hard, and tried to focus. With what seemed like a monumental effort, he raised himself up onto his feet. He was so close! If hecould just stand up a little straighter, he’d be free, he’d get to go home to his wife!

This was it. He was about to stand up–

And then he stopped, mid-croouch. Richard felt his scrotal sac stretched to its absolute limit, his erect penis stuck downwards inside Devannah’s mouth. The sensitivity was too much. He had reached his limit for pleasure, his breaking point. If he stood up Any higher, Richard thought that his entire body would be ripped in half by pleasure, and that his testicles, squeezed as they were against the rim of Devannah’s upper lip, would induce an ejaculation that would completely destroy his fragile psyche.


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