It was overcast and a light rain was falling as Judy approached the building. She paused a moment as if to reconsider but continued on to the side door that the tenants used after hours. It took her a moment to find the right key but soon she slipped inside and quietly closed the door. Her watch showed that it was 2:30 am. She smiled slightly as she how closely she had come to have sex with Bill, fortunately the knock out pills she had given him finally work. She thought for a moment, as she seemed to remember that they work quicker in the past. Well no matter they had work and now she was going to examine the files that he kept in his office.
She had been hired to investigate his company by Pioneer Products, Inc., was in a life or death struggle to stay in business. Connate Products was taking over the market and the man behind Connate Products was Bill Maxwell. He was as handsome as he was ruthless. She had heard that he was a good lover, a bit rough maybe, but very good. She was some sad that she had not gotten to find out. She liked it a little rough and it had been some time since she had had fun. But work is work and there will be always be time for play later and if she were lucky Bill would sleep long enough for her to find the information and return with him being none the wiser.
Slipping into the service elevator she quietly got off on the tenth floor. She knew the lone watchman had already checked this floor and would not be back for at least 2 hours. After slipping into Maxwell office she rushed to his desk and quickly turned on his computer. While the computer was coming up she unlocked the secret file cabinet which Maxwell had hidden behind his wet bar. She had previously found that out about the hidden file cabinet by seducing one of his employees and getting him to talk about the office. She finally found the key that unlocked the cabinet and began to look through the files. One of the files caught her eye as she reached to pull itout she heard, “Well the boss was right, she was up to no good, grab her” before she could even react she felt her arms jerked behind her back and handcuffs snapped into place.
A small penis gag was forced into her mouth and a blindfold covered her eyes, before she could see who had grabbed her. “Take her down to the lower chambers, I am sure the boss will want to personally deal with her”. She feel herself being dragged down the hall and any effort she used to get away was useless.
After the elevator stop and she was taken to a room and she heard the leader tell the men to strip her as the Boss would not want her to get away because she had hidden something in her clothes. She felt them take sharp knives and scissors and cut away her jump suit they even cut off her bra and panties. She felt herself being thrown what seemed like, small bed and heard the door close and lock. Damn it, if they had not taken her clothes she could have picked the lock on the hand cuffs but now that was impossible unless she could find something to use as a pick. She felt around trying to find something then she tried to rub the blindfold off but found that it was fasten in such a way that it would be impossible to take off unless she could get one the straws loose. She was trying to get her hands under her ass so she could get her arms in front of her when she hears the door being open and the guard saying, “Look at that she is trying to get away.” He grabs her and forced her to stand up as he pulled her up she tried to kick him but missed. He jerk her forward saying well it is time that you learn who is boss.
She felt herself being led into another room. If she could have seen room it would have probably scared the hell out of her. There were all kinds of torture devices that could be used on her. She was dragged to the center of the room. Cuffs were placed on each of her wrists and ankles. She tried to kick but all she got for her effort as singing swat across her assby what she assumed was a belt. She heard clicks as ropes were attached to each of the cuffs. She felt her legs being pulled apart and she could not stop it. When her legs were over three feet apart she heard and felt her handcuffs being unlocked, but before she could act ropes pulled her arms up and away from her so that she was standing spread eagle. She could feel the cool air blowing across her pussy and her lips open slights as her legs were stretched apart even more.
Her muscles were being pulled as the ropes tighten. For a moment nothing happens then she felt something about to enter her pussy, she tried to move away but could not. As it entered she felt her lips being stretched, it was a very large dildo, just as it began to push the back of her pussy part of it rested against her clip. She found by stretching up on her toes and Pulling with her arms she could take the pressure off, but it was very stressful and she soon had to relax. When she did the part resting against her clip would vibrate and she found her self-becoming excited. She did not want these men to she her cum or be excited so she would pull herself up, but it was too much and she again would have to rest and the vibrator would start to work on her clip. After a while she did not care about the men and just enjoyed the feelings that were pulsating through her body. When the first climax hit was a surprise and she moan out loud. But since she could get off of the dildo or vibrator it kept working and she found herself climaxing over and over. Soon she lost track of time and wish that the climaxes would end. It was even becoming painful in a way, but her excitement turned the pain into pleasure.
Suddenly the vibrator stopped. She just slumped and hung from her ropes. Her body continued shutter as she continued to climax. It seemed that she could not stop it.
She became aware of a voice, a voice she had heard before. She was so tired it took her a moment to recognize it. It was Bill Maxwell and it was saying. “Well my dear don’t you think I have had others try and drug me in the past. I knew you were up to something, but I was not sure what it was, so I decided to let you play your little game and see what was up.” “Now you have had the pleasure part of my torture from here on out it gets more painful if you do not talk. The choice is yours; I enjoy torturing you so I really hope that you will not talk too soon. I see that you are enjoying it so far.” Turning to the men there he said, she how her body is still cumming. She is even rubbing her pussy against the dildo. She is a very hot and sexy woman.
She tried to control her body, she did not want him to know how turned on she was or that she was continuing to climax and could not stop it. She did not Even realize that she was humping against the dildo. She tried to stop it but it seemed that her pussy had a mind of its own and continued to rub against the vibrator. She tried to think anything not togive this man what he wanted. She thought for a moment why not tell him, but if she did then she would be left out to dry by her employer and they would deny any knowledge of her. They would not even pay her the money, because it was to be paid only upon success.
She did have a safety net of sorts as she had a rescue operation set up that would go into effect if she did not call at a specific time and if she could hold out till then, maybe she could still pull this off. She replied, “I am not telling you anything you pig” and if she could have seen where he was she would have spit at him. She heard him laugh and say, “Wonderful, when you are ready to talk and you will be I will listen. And before I am through you will be begging for my cock anyway you can get.” Then it then went silent.
Chapter 2
For a while she hung there feeling the large dildo in her, her body continuing have waves of small climaxes. She could hear metal hitting metal and did not understand what it was. Suddenly her right nipple blazed with pain as a clamp was attached, then the left shot with pain as well. The vibrator started up again and the pain began to become pleasure. Something was attached to the clamp because she felt her nipples being pulled down. As the tension increases the clamps became tighter, but the vibrator was making her cum again and be pain only intensified the pleasure. She felt her pussy lips being pulled away from the dildo and clamps were attached to each lip and they too were being pulled out from her body, but the vibrator was still making her cum over and over.
She felt the dildo and vibrator being raised to a point where she was impaled on it. Her toes barely touch the floor and all her weight was resting on the dildo. The back of her pussy was aching from the pain, but her cums kept happening and she could not think of anything else. The first she was aware of a whip was when it lashed across her ass driving down harder on the dildo if that were possible. She felt the whip across her ass and up her back. He then started on her breasts. When he whipped them it caused the weights to pull even more. But as he whipped her, the pain was turning to pleasure as it blended with her climaxes and caused them to go even higher. She felt the dildo being lowered and surprised herself by regretting it leaving her. She just began to notice that missing dildo when the whip hit her left tigh and then her right. The whip worked it way up toward her pussy and she found herself hope that it would get there soon. She was still cumming and the whip had replaced the vibrator and was making her cum. When the whip hit her clip is almost a relief and she found herself cum again. It seemed like forever, for she had lost all track of time the whipping stopped and she just hung there letting the climaxes wash over her and gradually subside.
She felt herself being lower, she had no will left it seems that all the fight had left her and she wasWilling allowing them to do to her as they wanted. She had never had so many climaxes in her life at one time. And now even though she was not climaxing it seems like she was. She felt herself being lower on to a large dildo and her calves being fastened to a platform. Her hands were tied behind her and to the platform. The clamps on her pussy lips were pull down and attach to the platform as well. A large butt plug was forced into her ass. Normally she would have fought the butt plug as she hated being fucked in her ass, but today it seemed there was no fighting. The clamps on her nipples were attached to ropes and her breasts were pull forcing ever bond on her to be very tight. The dildo was raised higher into her and again the vibrator started on her clip. All she could do was to moan and feel the climaxes wash over her.
A cock appeared to be brushing her mouth and she knew that she was supposed to suck it. Yet she resisted until someone grabbed the back of her head and the cock was forced into her mouth. She found herself sucking it greedily. When she felt him start to shoot his cum into her mouth she found herself drinking it all down with out missing a drop. Normally she would spit out any cum in her mouth. When he pull out she licked her lips and another cock appeared, this man grabbed her hair and fucked her mouth as if it was her pussy, but she found that she did not mind. And again when he came she drank his cum greedily. She lost count of the cocks she sucked, but drifted off into a dream world of pain, pleasure and cocks in her mouth.
After a while it all stop and she felt herself being released from her bonds, when the clamps were removed from her nipples she found her experiencing sharp pain that quickly became another cum. The same was true for the clamps when they took them off of her pussy lips. When they had released her they removed the butt plug and took her off of the large dildo. She was carried to a chair where they sat her down forcing her on to a butt plug fasten to the chair. Her arms were tied to the arms of the chair and a belt went around her waist holding her back against the chair. Then her legs were tied to edges of the chair holding them spread eagle. She could feel that there was no middle to the seat and that her pussy was again available to be used as they saw fit.
Bill Maxwell sat down next to her. He could tell that she was exhausted and Almost in a trance. When he spoke, she hardly moved. “Now would you please tell me who you are working for? I know that you are tough and I respect that, but I need to know who you are working for.” The question slowly worked it way into her mind and she almost told him, but something stopped her. Slowly she forced her mind to concentrate on what was happening to her. At first she just shook her head slowly side-to-side, and finally mumbled, I, don’t know. It was the best she could do at the time. Bill leaned forward as quietly said; “I don’t believe you. Now unless you want be fucked by all my men and have more torture you had better tell me.” But she had dropped off in an exhausted sleep.
Maxwell picked up a small box with a dial and button on it. He turned the dial to a low setting and pushed the button. She snapped awake as the electric charge hit her lower bowel. He pushed the button again and she yelled. He then said, “Judy that is the Lowest setting and you had better listen. My Dear, you cannot hold out, why don’t you tell me whom you are working for and what they want to know and then we can end all this.” She just stared at him for a moment and finally mumbled, “No”. He just smiles and gave her another jolt of electricity. And said, I will let you think about it for a while, just remember it will get rougher from here on if you still resist.
She felt her bonds being loosen and she was pull up off of the butt plug. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, her hands were pulled up her back and a short chain fastens themto her collar. She was offered some water and she found that she was very thirsty and drinks the whole cup from the straw offered. She was then taken back to her room and tossed on the bed.
She had a hard time getting comfortable with her hands behind her, but she was so tired that she finally fell off in a fitful sleep.
Chapter 3
She awoke with a start; at first she was disorientated and did not know where she was. Then it slowly came back to her, being caught and then tortured. She remembers some of the dreams she had. They were filled with whips, cocks, dildos, clamps and other torture devices. She remembers that she was naked. Her arms were killing her but she could not move them much. She tried to think how long, but the time was a blur. If it was close to 10:00 am her rescue should take place shortly. Maybe it was After 10:00 and it was already underway. Greg knew what he had to do if she did not call. They had used to be lovers, but had drifted apart but remained friends and sometimes backup for each other. As she sat there wondering and thinking she heard someone come into the room. They grabbed her arm and pulled her up and led her back to the room.
Bill Maxwell was there, she could tell even though she was still blindfolded; there was an air about the room. At first she could understand why the blindfold, but she had figured it out this morning. She could Not go to court and swear for sure who was there. No one had said a name and even though she knew it was Bill Maxwell, a good attorney would get him off if she charged him and besides she was breaking the law herself breaking into his office.
Maxwell asked, “Well you have had some time to think about it, are you ready to tell me what I want to know?” She hesitated for a moment, but remembered it Must be close to or past 10 am and she said I will not give you time of day, if I knew it. She hoped that would bait him into telling her the time. He replied that it was 9 and he didNot need her to tell him the time. She heard him instruct one of the men to tie her on the horse. She did not know what that means but she was sure that it was not going to all fun. He walked up her before they moved her and said, “Today the torture would not stop till she told him what he wanted to know and she would be begging for his cock before they stopped.” She mumbled that it would be a cold in hell before she would beg for his cock.
She felt herself being led across the room and suddenly something hit her stomach. At that point she was forced to bend over the observation. Clamps were applied to each of her nipples and her nipples were being pulled as if something was being tightened. Her legs were pulled apart and fasten to something. All she knew was that they were very wide and she was resting on the top of the observation. Then her arms were loosen and pull around in front of her and attached low down on something. It was such a relief to get her free and change the position she almost cried. She felt clamps be placed on her pussy lips. For some reason today the clamps made her excited and the pain was almost pleasure. A large dildo was forced into her pussy and when she tried to move some she realized that it was attached the horse. The dildo was vibrating and she was getting more excited. Another vibrator was place so it was resting against her clip and she soon found herself cum again. She did not know how many time she had cum or how long and time became a blur.
After a while the vibrator was removed from her clip and something else place there. It had sharp pins on it and when she moved forward it would prick her causing a sharp pain, that almost was a cum. The next thing she felt was a cock or dildo at first she could not tell, but soon realized that it was cock. The man fucking her and he was not being gentle because Every time drive his cock all the way in her ass her clip was forced against the pins and a sharp pain would shoot through her. Yet she was surprised to find herself starting cum. As she moaned from cumming another cock was forced into her mouth and was fucking her mouth. When the man in her ass came she felt his hot cum fill her bowel. He had no sooner pulled out, when another cock replaced it. The cock in her mouth was shooting his cum down her throat. She found herself cum over and over and sometimes even found herself pulling forward to hit the pins herself. The pain seemed to make the cums even higher. The next man in her ass was very large and her anus protected as he shoved his large cock in, but even that became a pleasure. She soon found herself entering the dream world of climaxes that she was in yesterday. Everything seemed like a dream. Then it stopped and her mouth and ass were empty. Cum was leaking down her leg and she did not even know it.
The men Watched her humping against the horse and pins. They were instructed to remove her from the horse and put her back into the chair. She moans with pleasure when they lowered her down on the butt plug. After she was strapped in a dildo with a vibrator was inserted into her pussy. It was on a device that allowed the operator to push in and out of her. When it was in the vibrator worked on her clip. As her cums slowly quit washing over her, She felt the dildo being forced into her pussy. But as she approached a cum, it was removed denying her the pleasure and release of a cum. She found herself was try to reach with her pussy and to suck the vibrator against her clip but she couldn’t move. When she had calmed down it was against inserted and again when she approached a cum it was removed. This continue until she found herself crying please let me cum.
Then the familiar voice said if you want to cum you have to do what I want and tell me everything. Just at that moment the dildo was removed again and she moaned, anything, anything. Who are you working for the voice asked? She managed to say Pioneer Products, Inc. Thevoice then asked what do they want? She did not reply, as she was moaning, because the dildo was again back inside of her. But when it was removed prior to her cumming she mumbles that they wanted something to blackmail Maxwell about. Then the voice was a whisper in her ear and it said what else do you have to do stop this torture. At first she was confused, she had lost all track of time. She tried to think but the dildo was back and again she had started up the path to a cum; she tried to make herself cum before they took the dildo away, but they were ahead of her.
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