The Spanking Agency Ch. 03

3: Sister Catherine and the Cane.

“By Jove,” thought Reginald Biggs to himself, “Mrs. Pew doesn’t half have a backside on her and no mistake.” He put on his best smile as the lady in question came up to him with her world-wearing husband in tow. The poor sod. Fancy having to service an old battleaxe like that week in and week out. No wonder he looked like he’d seen better days. He was fifty going on seventy.

Reginald pressed his Bible to his chest and took her hand in his. “And how are you this fine day, Mrs. Pew?” he asked pleasantly.

Hilda Pew, the fourth daughter of six with thirty years of marriage behind her, tutted and raised her eyes to the heavens. “Oh, you know, Vicar,” she surprised, taking a deep breath which made her battleship bosoms heaven entirely beneath her brown tweed overcoat, “Same old same. Aches and pains. Time of the year and all that,” she grumbled as she frowned at her old man and brushed dandruff off his left shoulder, “Loved your service. Letthose with sin in their heart and lust in their loins find redemption through the word of the good book is what I say. Isn’t that right, Sidney?”

Her husband gave a sight of long-suffering resignation. “Whatever you say, dearest.” he replied as he reached up to adjust his flat cap, “Whatever you say.”

Reginald just smiled with sympathy and tried to keep a straight face. You’d never believe these two have produced six spawn between them.There is nothing so strange as some people. That was the God honest gospel truth.

The Vicar watched as Mrs. Pew grabbed her husband by the arm and quickly marched him down the aisle as the rest of his congregation made their way home on this chilly early December Sunday morning. His gaze deliberately dropped to the rather large posterior of his well-upholstered parishoner and he felt the familiar forbidden tingle of admission and lust in his loins. What he wouldn’t give to be able to thrash seven bells of St. John out of that successfulrump with the bendiest can he could lay his hands on. He’d have her running around her sitting room clutching her fleshy arse like it was on fire. Then he’d grab her, bend her over the back of the sofa and rip off her knickers as he dropped his trousers so he could grab all seven and three-quarters of his honorable member and shove it right up her hairy pus…

He glanced up at the cross beside him. “Sorry,” he muttered as he went and collected all the hymn and prayer books left on the wooden benches.


Catherine Jenkins looked up as Larry the van driver came into the newsagents where she worked part-time and dumped a great big pile of bound magazines and newspapers onto the counter in front of her.

“That’s the lot!” he said loudly as he pulled out the delivery notice and handed it to her. “My bloody back. I swear they’ll do me an injury one of these days. Ruin my sex life it will. Hey, don’t let me catch you reading those dirty magazines or you’ll be in troublee,” he turned at her as he left the shop laughing.

Mrs. Jenkins just waved her hand dismissively for she’d heard it all before from him. Flirt was his middle name and he was always trying it on with her and, if she wasn’t married, he’d be trying to get into her knickers as quick as Jack Flash.

Then again, her being married didn’t seem to amount to much these days as she wondered what her old man was up to. The lazy good for nothing was probably where he always was; down the flipping pub with his mates. How they were still married she had no idea.

At forty-three, the dream of a nice house, a couple of kids, a dog, and a holiday twice a year in Tenerife had long passed her by. That the lack of kids was down to her husband only added to her life of frustration and the feeling everything was against her.

Sighing, she took a pair of scissors and cut the string binding the packages together and began to sort them into different piles depending on their subjects. Magazines for men. Magazines for women. Magazines for pets. Magazines for teenagers. Comics for kids and so on.

Then there were the top shelf magazines.

Catherine unwrapped the brown packaging which hid these types of things from the general public. One by one, she placed them on the naughty pile muttering their names under her breath: PUSSY GALORE MONTHLY, AMATEUR WIVES DIGEST, FORTY PLUS TITS, BOTTOMS UP, CHUBBY LOVERS, JUICY JUGGS, LESBO LOVERS FROM LIVERPOOL and others in a similar vein. But they weren’t all glossy magazines. There was one more. A monthly newspaper.

Looking up to make sure no one was about to come into the shop, Catherine picked up the latest copy of Adult Monthly News and began to flick through its pages more out of a sense of frustration than curiosity because everyone else seemed to be having a decent sex life other than her.

Come to think of it, her sex life was practically zero. Zip. Zilch. A big fat no cock nothing. She couldn’t remember the last time her old man had stuck his oar in and given her boat a jolly good paddle. The only way she got her rocks off these days was to diddle herself with whatever came to hand. Her eyes dropped to an advertisement showing a row of vibrators and dildos in various shapes, sizes, and colors promising the joys of heaven on earth with an orgasm to match. She told herself because there was no way she could order one of those things for herself. Good God, imagine Ernie her postman knocking on her door and waving a ten-inch long parcel in front of her face as he gave her a knowing wink as she took it off him and slammed her door shut. Sex toys through the post was a non-starter for sure.

What a waste. All things considered, she thought she was still pretty fuckable for her age. A horny little ball of pent-up sexual frustration at five foot seven. Curly, shoulder length black hair going grey at the temples, an apple shaped face with green eyes, a cute button nose above wide full kissable lips. She had been blessed with a decent pair of suckable tits and wide strdy hips that could take anything an eager pussy pounding man could dish out.

But it was her backside that was her pride and joy. It was, to put it mildly, absolutely fucking stupid. Firm, full, and round. It was the center of her sexual world.

Or it would have been if she hadn’t fallen for the smooth talk of William Jenkins all those years ago when he charmed her out of her knickers at their local dance club. What a mistake that had been and had always been ever since.

She reached around and clutched her rear end as her daydreams drifted to the boy she should have been with. Rodney Bell. Her first proper relationship when she left school and they were both carefree and young at heart as they explored and discovered their individual sexualities.

Their first lovemaking had been a deep satisfying experience and mean something profound to them both. That the sex went beyond just sexinto something much more intense sent a shiver down her spine and she clutched her bum cheeses harder at the memory. It was always the same specific moment in time. That first time he did it to her in his Dad’s garden shed. He didn’t need to ask her if he could. She already knew what he wanted to do to her. The shock was that she wanted him to do it to her just as must as he did. So she nodded and said “Okay” as he took her hand and led her over to a wooden stool where he sat down and drew her over his lap. As she lay there panting in her lust and desire, he began to spank her wriggling bottom over her jeans and her world turned from night into bright day.

Catherine closed her eyes savoring the feeling being spanked gave her. They were the best feelings because they were a reminder of better days when her world was full of Possibilities and adventures. And then he went away. WIth his parents because of their work and she found herself alone and sad. Until her future husband showed up and her life of disappointment and sexual frustration began. This life was no life for her. There had to be something more than the endless drug of a loveless marriage and existence. She needed to end the former and change the latter.

She slowly opened her eyes and turned the page of the newspaper in front of her. She suddenly froze and gasped out loud. There on page six was an advertisement for something called the Spanking Agency.


The churchyard of St. John lay spread out as far as the eye could see as its Vicar made his way around it during his weekly rounds to make sure everything was in order.

The green grass had been recently cut and the ground was covered in dead leaves that left the cemetery trees bare to the chill winds and frosts of Winter. Mr. Biggins nodded and spoke briefly to Various members of his parish who were tending graves as he walked over to the large bins where all the rubbish was kept.

Each bin was filled with dead flowers and plastic wrappings as they were due to be emptied at the end of the week as usual. There were half a dozen containers in total and he checked each one to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary in them. He opened the lid of number four and stopped.

Amongst the usual rubbish, there were a number of old newspapers stuffed into a plastic carrier bag. The Vicar frowned and leaned further over the rim of the black plastic bin for something had caught his attention.

One of the newspapers was sticking out. He looked closer and his mouth dropped open in surprise. On the cover was a rather large breasted lady showing off her impressive assets and promising the reader much more inside on page 3. The Vicar found himself in a right old quandary. The hand of temptation was suddenly upon his shoulder and he glanced around to see if anyone was watching him. Oh, Lord. Walk away, you silly old fool. Leave the sins of the flesh alone for they will lead you to God knows where given half the chance. Let Tessa and her Tremendous titles stay forever a mystery!

“Bugger it!” he muttered as he reached in, grabbed the plastic bag, and made a hasty retreat back to his Vicarage.


“Gone to the pub,” said the note.

Catherine looked at it for a second then scrunched it up and throw it on the fire. The pub. If the man could sleep there he would. She looked at herself in the mirror above the fireplace and saw someone looking back at her that she didn’t recognize. This isn’t me. Not the me inside. She had expected today would be like any other day since she had married him nearly twenty years ago now. Twenty years. Where had the time gone? But today hadn’t been like any other dreary day. Today was different. Something had happened. Something quite unexpected.

She slipped off her coat and opened her bag. Inside was the newspaper.


The Vicar stood staring at the telephone.

The devil sat on one shoulder and his conscience on the other as he paced back and forth in the hallway. On the table next to the telephone lay the newspaper opened on a particular page with one specific advertisement circled with a pen.

“Oh, for the love of Christ!” he moaned as he stopped in front of the table again. He glanced at the cross on the wall above him as he placed his hands either side of the telephone.

It was no use. The need to do this was too much. He had to do this or he’d go mad. Picking up the phone, he carefully dialed the number of the Agency and saw that his housemaid, Miss. Proops was making her way up his garden path to start her shift.


Catherine Jenkins looked at Molly Malone and considered her question.

How to reply to why?

During her interview, she had learned that there were already nine girls on the Agencies books with her being number ten – if she was accepted. She had also been told that six of the women had already been vetted by other means with four, including her, having responded to thejob advertise in the newspaper.

“Do you ever think that life is passing you by?” she said softly as she glanced out of the window behind where her future Boss was sitting, “That you’re not where you were meant to be?”

Molly looked at the other woman. They were of similar age and the weight of disappointment and confusion was one she recognized well. It had been the same for her at the start. That life hadn’t turned out as she had hoped and the lack of opportunity had set her on a predictable path that her peers and family had expected of her. Except in her case, she had decided to change her life and live it the way she wanted to live it. Now it was her turn to give something back by creating the Spanking Agency and giving the women who worked for her a chance to control their own futures.

Molly sat forward. “I used to. All the time. Then I decided to do something about it,” She spread her arms wide, “And here I am. Here we are. You and me.”

Catherine nodded. “I wasn’t sure I could take that first step. I can’t quite believe I’m sat here right now. In front of you. In a place like this,” She stopped and blushed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean..”

Molly held up her hand. “I know. I understand. But you have taken that first step, Mrs. Jenkins. The trick now is to make the most of the opportunity. If you put your mind to it you can do anything. Every woman who works here is looking to change their lives in some way. It’s up to you to find your own path. It’s your life. Do what you need to do to make it better.”

Catherine feel herself welling up and bit her lip. They were very much alike in a way. “But spanking?” she smiled as the absurdity of it all sank in. She knew in her heart she wanted to work for an Agency dedicated to that thing she secretly loved, desired, and wanted more than anything.

Molly laughed and got to her feet. “Come over here,” she urged her, “Take a look at this.” She went to a door panel on the far wall, grabbed thehandle and pulled it to one side to reveal a long rack of clothes of various descriptions.

Catherine reached in and pulled out a nurses uniform that could best be described as actually sexy and held it up in front of her as they both laughed.

“Never understands the male psyche. It’s all about the detail. You become their fansy in real life and the rewards both financial and sexual will follow. As I was telling Dolly earlier, women see with the heart and men see with the eyes.”

“I wish I could say that about my husband,” said Catherine as she reached in and pulled out another costume, “I think those days are long gone.”

Molly gave her a hug. “Remember, it’s not about him. It’s about you now,” She took the item from her and held it against her, “Here, have you ever thought about being a sexually frustrated Nun who just loves to be spanked and caned by some randy Vicar?”

As things turned out…


There was snow in the air. The North wind blew and the world shivered in its wake as Reginald Biggs made his way across the yard to his house as the old Grandfather clock in the hallway chimed twelve. He was greeted by his housekeeper who was dressed in her flowery apron busy dusting various ornaments as she cleaned the main sitting room on the ground floor.

“A word, Mable, if you please,” he smiled as he clutched various documents and folders to his chest. He cleared his throat as the woman approached him. Miss. Proops had been in his employee for more years than he could remember and was as good a trusted company as one could wish for. A keen sense of responsibility, duty, and confidence had always been her motto as she went about her business of keeping him and his home in order. Slightly severe of look with her tied back gray hair, she was tall, shapedly, and Attentive to his needs whatever they may be and she could also cook a mean steak and kidney pudding when called for.

“Yes, Vicar,” said Mable as she brushed a speck of dust off his shoulder. She turned slightly at the ache in her shoulders due to her dusting and hoovering. At nearly fifty, the years and the passing of time were beginning to make their mark. Not that she’d ever grumble about such things.

Reginald crossed his fingers behind his back. “I shan’t be needing your services this afternoon, Mable,” he said, feeling himself turn red at the small white lie, “So you just toddle off home instead. I’ll still pay you for those hours and just come back tomorrow as usual.”

“Are you sure, Vicar?” she asked surprised as he grabbed her arm and walked her over to the cloakroom to get her coat and bag.

“Absolutely. One hundred percent,” he nodded enthusiastically as he helped her into her coat and handed the bag to her. His housekeeper spluttered and tried to say something but he had her out the door in a second and shoeed her down the path, “Tatty bye!!” he called after her as he stood there making sure she was gone.

As soon as she was out of sight, he turned and ran back inside slamming the door in his wake. He was positively giddy with excitement and anticipation. So consumed was he in the moment that he didn’t notice the set of keys left on the hall table partially hidden by an overgrown pot plant.

Twenty minutes later the doorbell rang.


Sister Catherine bent her head and kissed the cross hanging around her neck. “Forgive me, Vicar. For I have sinned and I seek forgiveness.”

The Vicar sat behind his desk as he listened to the woman in front of him confess to the weakness of the flesh. She was dressed in a black tune and twist over which laid a scapular of deep red with her face enclosed in a form-fitting coif and white under veil hidden beneath a black hood. To Reginald Biggs, she looked absolutely amazing and it took a moment for him to gather his wits as well as adjust his fast-growing erection down below.

“I see,” he said finally, “And what exactly are these sins needing to be confessed, Sister Catherine?” He hoped it was a really REALLY long list. Enough to be able to sanction a really REALLY through thrashing of her naughty posterieor.

Catherine stared at her client. He was a tall gentleman. A little older than her she mused. Boot poisoned black hair turning gray at the temples. Clean saden and wearing a pair of silver-framed round spectacles that lent him the air of a Man of God in all but name.

She had realized the moment she had entered his study having changed into her outfit that the name of the game was roleplay in its true sense. She would never forget the look on his face when she quietly came to stand in front of his desk. That look made her feel all tingly inside as she felt her bum twitch expectedly as she glanced down at the long, thin cane on the desk in front of him. A cane he was going to use on her in a matter of minutes.

Good grief, her pussy was positively sopping in anticipation. She always knew it was her submissive side that spoke to her deep sexuality more than anything. Sex was all well and good but it was the thought of having these other things done to her body that made her tick. Having her bottom dealt with was like nothing else in the world for her. She could hardly wait for her thrashing.

But first things first. About those sins of hers.

“Forgive me, Vicar,” she began as she continued to stare down at the floor, “For there are many and each is worse than the last I fear. These past few days I have been having wicked thoughts which have led me to do wicked things.”

Reginald nodded sagely. “I see. Perhaps it would be wise to unburden yourself of this wickedness and tell me all about these wicked thoughts. Leave out no details no matter how small or trivial You consider them to be. Please continue, Sister Catherine.” he urged. He shifted in his seat for his delicious dick had bent itself into an unfortunate shape that was threatening to do him a serious injury. THAT particular problem he’d take care of later when alone.

Catherine could feel the electricity in the air. It crackled all around them as she licked her lips determined to grab the Vicar by his balls and give his wants and desires a damned good squeeze that would have him like putty in her hands.


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