The Spank Fantasy

Now, I want you to imagine I’m in your bedroom with you right now. I’m fully dressed, but you’re wearing something skimpy. Maybe a nightdress, or just underwear. Maybe just a man’s shirt and knickers. Something that turns me on enough to grab you and turn you over my knee, anyway.

I take you by the upper arm and pull you towards me – not roughly, but firmly. You resist, but don’t say any of the safe words, so I know I can proceed. As I pull you towards me, you try to slap me but I catch your arm and hold your hand behind your back. I pull you towards the bed and sit down, pulling you over my knee. Can you feel my hardness, as I hold you down? How hard do you resistance?

I think that by now you’ll be bucking and fighting, but still the safe words don’t come, so I lift the shirt and haul your knickers down to your ankles, baring your arse to me. I cares your cheats gently, at first and you struggle harder and almost break free. I take a firmer hold, and then pin you down withone leg, holding you over the other. Your arse is higher in the air now and I’m starting to think I can smell your arousal, but am not sure. Some of the press studs on your shirt have come loose now, and it’s hanging off one shoulder. I see your shoulder muscles tensing and the sight makes my cock stiffen still further.

My first slap sounds shockingly loud and startles even me momentarily. You cry out and arch your back, but as I watch my handprint showing pink against your cheek, I realize that you still haven’t said the word I dread hearing, so I slap your other cheek harder.

I start slapping more, now. Sometimes violently, sometimes intermittently, so that you never know when the next blow is going to come, or on which cheek. I pause every so often to admit the red glow coming up, or to care you gently, perhaps sliding my hand between your legs to compare the dry heat to the moist heat coming from the other side. I want my cock to feel that heat.

I stand up,Without warning and push you back onto the bed, where you lie still and watch me unbutton my shirt. You start to get up, but your knickers are still round your ankles and while you reach down to disentangle yourself, I push you back again and watch your right breast showing over the top of your shirt. My own shirt comes off and then I pull my belt from my jeans and lay it aside before striping down to my tight boxes.

I watch your eyes widen as you take in the sight of my erection showing through my boxers. I pause for a moment, hooking my thumbs into the waistband and debate whether to keep them on for a moment longer. Quickly I decide that I would be more comfortable without them and slip them right off.

I move towards you again and you roll over and onto your knees in an alert posture – warning, aggressive, wary. I pick up the belt.

“You want this, don’t you?”

“No. Keep away from me or I’ll tear your face off.”

I laugh at that. The flush on your faceisn’t from fear or rage, but from desire. I grab your arm and pull you to your feet.

“You’ll ask for this and enjoy it, or you won’t get this afterward.” I say, dropping my hand to my cock. Your eyes drop to it and you sneer, but I still see the brief look of want in your eyes.

“You’re pathetic.”

“Maybe. But you still want me. Don’t you?”

“No. You can’t. If you want me, you’re going to have to take me.”

I smile. “If that’s the way it has to be.” I step forward again and have you by the wrist before you can react. You rake at my face with your fingernails, so I take hold of the front of your shirt and tear the press studs open, then pull it halfway down your arms, pinning them to your sides.

Your breasts burst into view and I feel my eyes widen as I take them in. Then, I turn you round and push you onto the bed once more. Face down, knees on the floor, arse in the air once more. I swing the belt and you cry out as the fire bursts through your cheeks again.

A half dozen strokes more and you’re crying out for me to finish it. To take you and bring an end to your torque. And now, I’m desperate for some release of my own, so I drop to my own knees behind you and nudge my cock between your legs. Your hand reaches round, finds my cock and guides it to your pussy, so I can slide it in. I reach a hand round and cup one of your breasts, feeling your nipple pressing firmly into the palm of my hand. You’re so hot now, so moist and now I know I can smell your excitement.

It doesn’t take long after that. A few strokes, before you’re screaming to an orgasm and I’m so excited that I’m coming deep inside you.

Afterwards, as you lie face down on the bed, I open a jar of salve and gently soothe your singing Cheeks, before we lie down together. I smile at you and we both luxury in each others’ presence and the memory of the erotic and extreme act we have both shared. Slowly, we drift off to sleep.


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