The Spa Game Ch. 10

This chapter has a lot more than the category would suggest, so check the tags if there are things you’re specifically looking for or avoiding.

Thank you to everyone who favored previous chapters and/or followed me. It’s very much appreciated.

Spa chip key:

Nickname: value, favor, color

Clouds: 1, Touching, White

Canaries: 2, ​​Kissing, Yellow

Lipstick: 5, Oral, Red

Skies: 10, Sex, Blue

Grass: 25, Anal, Green

Doubles/Oranges: 50, Double, Orange

Fucked: 100, Forefit, Black


The first things Cyn heard in the morning were a chime from a cell phone and a swear from Syl, whose hand slammed down on an end table shortly afterward.

“Sorry, sorry, fucking alarm,” Syl said, trying to grab the phone. After the alarm was silenced she came back and snuggled in with Cyn again. “Forgot to turn the damn thing off I guess.”

Cyn kissed her on the cheek.

“What was that for?” Syl asked.

“An excellent lesson. And an excellent orgasm. And helping me with the dominance thing.”

“You honestly don’t need a lot of help with that, at least from where I am,” Syl replied, “You caught on to the aftercare part without a problem.”

“Aftercare?” Cyn asked.

“This,” Syl said, wriggling a bit and Settling more firmly against Cyn’s body. “Even if there’s an agreement between people, emotionally it can have an effect if you’re being ordered around and forced to do things constantly. After the main event is done, it’s healthy for everyone to drop the roles and just express their raw emotions. It reminds someone like me that you actually care, and you aren’t trying to hurt me, and it lets me remind you I’m still OK with what’s going on. Like I said, Bill and I are pretty tame; some people never verbally drop their roles, and the aftercare is all nonverbal and pretty subtle, but I don’t think either of us could handle that. Morning is our “off” time; we just snuggle and talk without the master/pet stuff.”

“And if you want to just make love like a normal couple, that’s the time?”

“Right,” Syl said, “though most of the reason we do this is the sex, so even when we try to go at it without the roles, they tend to slip in.”

“Well now I feel bad for depriving Bill and you.”

“Oh, I’m sure Bill’s fine,” Syl said, “He probably found a corner and dragged Amy into it. Or…he might have had enough to make something happen with Noelle. Bastard’s been squirreling her chips away for a while.”

“And…you’re OK with that?” Cyn asked.

Syl actually laughed and turned around. “Cyn, did you really think I expected him to only be with me when we keep coming back here?”

“Well, there was that whole spiel you gave me about being together…”

“Yeah, but that’s just best-case scenario for us. People say no, but the chips are still there, and Bill and I still like sex and exploreng. I’ve fucked other guys without him around, and he’s definitely been with other girls. Hell, there was one weekend Bill was tag teaming Amy with another guy and I was busy in a lesbian threesome in a different room.”

“Oh…” Cyn said quietly.

“Cyn, that’s part of the fun of the sub/dom thing. It’s really just a different way to talk about what we want for sex, and it’s a framework for exploring fansies. Bill’s a title man.”

Cyn couldn’t help the look of shock that bloomed on her face.

“I know,” Syl said, “The only time I wear a bra is if I want to do a striptease, and my boyfriend’s obsessed with big chests. So occasionally he goes off and indulges his fetish. But every time he does it gives us a whole range of scenarios to play with in the sub/dom situation. He’ll come back and complain that I’m the only one who can suck him right, or he’ll say the other woman was better and make me “prove myself” to him. Meanwhile I get really turned on by the idea or actually watching him with another woman. I’ve gotten myself so worked up watching him fuck someone that all Bill’s had to do is walk over and flick my clip once and I cum like a train.”

“What are you going to do outside the spa though?”

Syn looked intently at Cyn. “Promise me you won’t tell Bill, even when playing? This is a rainbow thing,” she said, referencing the safe word Bill and she had told Cyn about when she said she wanted to be more involved. Cyn nodded.

“I’m 90% sure Bill’s going to propose over winter break, or definitely at the end of the year. Winter break is a bit soon; we’ve only told our families two months ago, and both of them are more comfortable with lots of dating and a long engagement. So, we’d probably be getting married at the end of next school year. He’s graduating, like he said, and he’s going overseas that whole time to run one of his uncle’s foreign offices. He’ll be back to visit, but I’m going to argue for him to stay away for two months befor the end of the school year. If everything works out right, he’s going to see me walk down the aisle sporting a brand-new pair of C-cups. Then I get to tease him during the whole wedding and reception. He should be so worked up by the wedding night he’ll cum crossing the threshold.”

“Are you sure he’ll be okay with that? I mean, he’s obviously turned on enough by your body.”

Syl nodded. “There was one time early in our relationship where he got too drunk and offhandedly said I’d look amazing with bigger tits. He didn’t remember it the next morning, and it hurt a little at the time, but I happened to agree with him; I’ve never been really happy with my breasts. I decided to test it later; I managed to pull together 25 clouds from Noelle and got Bill a bit drunk, Enough to agree to a blindfold and no BDSM one night. I had him blindfolded on the bed and I rode him cowgirl, but Noelle was basically sitting on my lap at the time with her hair pinned back. She’s almost as thyn as me, but she has those massive tits, so Bill was fucking me but feeling up her chest. He probably knew something was up, but between the blindfold and the alcohol he sunk into the fantasy. By the time he came he was telling me how amazing my huge tits were.”

Cyn took a minute and realized how much Syl had just confirmed in her. Although her attitude, Cyn could tell this was something that really Bothered Syl, and she obviously wanted to do the enhancement. She pulled Syl in for a snuggle and wiped away a little tear she saw on the girl’s cheek.

“Only a C?” Cyn teased.

Syl giggled and shrugged. “I got a consult and the surgeon said any bigger and it would be really hard to make them look natural. Besides look at Noelle; her tits are double-Ds, only a little bigger than yours, but on her frame, she looks like she’s five sizes bigger.”

“That’s true,” Cyn said. She grabbed her phone and looked at the time. “Crap,” she said, “I’ve got to get to the table.”

”You’re really into the Saturday morning game,” Syl said.

“It’s the best place to practice and get chips that let me see you down between my legs,” Cyn said with a wink.

“You should try the night game sometimes,” Syl said.

“I wish I could, but I’m not ready for that,” Cyn said. Yet

Cyn put her bra and dress back on but when she looked back at Syl, the girl had a thoughtful expression.

“You’re after something right? Like, you have a plan.”

“Yes,” Cyn agreed slowly.

“Would it help if you played at the night table?”

“Probably,” Cyn agreed.

“I have an idea,” Syl said.


Cyn’s first couple of hands at that morning’s table were a mess and she mentally slapped herself. She needed to stay focused on her goal, and not be distracted by the proposition Syl laid out for her fifteen minutes ago. It had her excited, anxious, and horny all at once, and none of those emotions were helpful at the poker table.

FortuNately for her body and her chip stack, she buckled down and focused by the fourth hand, cleaning up on a nice pot and a significant ante, and that got her into the right mindset to continue.

The crowd that morning consistent of Zach (her first time seeing him in person), Charles, Susan, Steve, Purna, and, oddly enough, Bill. Cyn had asked him about his presence and he’d whispered, “Syl told me About tonight. Me not being with her this morning is part of it.”

Cyn had picked up on playstyles even when she’d lost. Zach was as flatoyant with his betting as he was with his sexuality, but he didn’t force big pots. However, if more than two people bet on a hand, Zach was in regardless of his cards. Cyn thought she’d finally figured Charles out. While he was overconfident and mostly played simply to increase his chip count, she saw him make bad bets when he was chasing someone’s chips. At the moment he bet heavily whenever Noelle’s or Purna’s chips were in play, and Cyn subtly lured him into a few hands by betting with chips from one of those girls. The other four played to type; Purna was still oddly free with her chips, forcing some pots up without the cards to justify her large bets, and Steve and Susan simply played conservatively. Bill was mostly in that camp as well, but that morning he’d also been tipped off by Syl about Cyn’s goals, and sometimes snagged some chips for her in a pot where she’d already folded.

That last strategy became more important as the morning went on. Early on Cyn aggressively padded out the pots she could win and bluffed her way to victory a few times against the people who wouldn’t read what she was doing. But as the crowd of onlookers started growing, Cyn backed off, fearful of revealing her strategy to the truly observant and dangerous players hovering around the table. She wanted to sit in on the Saturday late game eventually, and she’d need every advantage she could get when that happened.

The morning game wrapped up and Cyn went to work fast. She had the two-hour lunch break to do all the counting she needed to and talk to Carl. She totaled up her winnings and separated them out. Based on her count, about a hundred worth of her chips were floating around with various people, but she knew Bill and Sylvia had two of her blues, so unless someone tried hard it wasn’t likely she’d have to screw anyone she hadn’t planned on. On the other hand, the number of people she could get to eat her out or fuck her at this point surprised even her. She quickly sorted through that pile and figured out what she was keeping and what she would trade up.

When she went over to Carl in the banker’s booth and explained her transactions, his eyesbrows almost met his hairline.

“Wait, you’re trading all of these up?” he asked.

“Yeah, high as you can get the stacks.”

“You know…there’s a lot of favors here from-“

“I know who’s chips they are, Carl,” Cyn said.

“And this other…you realize once those chips come out, they don’t get put back. They’re in circulation permanently.”

“Carl!” Cyn said, “If you don’t change these chips, I’m going to go fuck someone until they give me your lipsticks, then I’m going to make you eat my cunt.”

“I’m not that gay; I’d still have a good time,” he insisted.

“On my period.”

“Okay apart From being against the rules that’s just low, girl,” he said as he started exchanging the chips.

When he was done, Cyn walked away cradling the stacks, as if her dropping them would trigger a free-for-all and people would rob her blind. As everyone started milling about for the big game, Cyn walked off to do preparations.


Cyn’s first stop was the bathroom, where she spent an embarrassingly long time following some instructions Syl gave her. That complete, she found a room and started comparing her chip totals, the math for the various favors, and her observations about who played in what games. She’d been in contact with her poker coach and Keith a few times over the past week. Though Keith was disappointed the conversation was more often about poker than hooking up, he was still helpful.

After a few hours, she found herself getting worked up, so she grabbed a small collection of chips she’d set aside and found Steve. Dropping a stack of white and red chips in his hands, she gave him another tit/blowjob and stood over him when he came, getting his spunk on her pussy and ass as she posed nude over him. That did nothing to give her relief, but acting out sexually calmed her urges a bit. After that she used the lull while everyone was down at the game to take a luxury shower, finishing by putting on a silk bathrobe and taking a nap in the room she used so often with Bill and Syl.


This time Bill was the one shaking her awake, and he wore a bathrobe similar to, but larger than hers. Cyn smiled and accepted his offer hand to stand.

“Ibelieve we have some business to conduct,” Bill said with a friendly leer.

“Do we?” Cyn said and surveyed the room with a smile. Two things caught her attention and she addressed them one at a time.

The first was the little table in the room where Bill had laid out piles of chips. Cyn counted to make sure the denominations she needed were there, from the right people, and in the correct amounts. Thus satisfied, she turned her attention to the second item.

Syl was naked, sitting in the armchair Cyn had used during her first dalliance with the BDSM couple. Around her wrists and ankles were brightly colored scarves. Those were in turn bound to the legs of the chair. While Syl could shift her body backward and forward a bit and freely move her head, she’d be unable to lean forward or stand. A fifth scarf was tied around her mouth, effectively gagging her.

“Are you punishing the pet?” Cyn asked.

“I am,” Bill confirmed, “She dared to question me about my activityies last night, and I did not receive any attention from her all day. She never even took me in her mouth!”

“Really?” Cyn said with mock outtrage. She walked over to the bound girl and tweaked her nipples, which instantly hardened and stood out. “You’re a naughty disobedient pet, aren’t you?”

Syl shook her head in protest, moaning through the gag. Cyn grabbed her chin.

“Did you suck your master’s cock?”

Syl tried to make some sort of protest but Cyn just gripped her chin harder. “Did…you…suck…Master’s…cock?” Cyn asked, turning Syl’s head at each word and forcing her to shake her head “no.” “No you didn’t, did you? Now I’m going to have to do it for him.”

Cyn turned and smiled mischievously at Bill, who had pulled over the other high-backed chair and sat in it. His robe had fallen open, revealing his hard, uncut cock. Cyn knelt on the floor in front of him and pushed herself up between his legs. She gripped his already hard cock and pulled back his foreskin, exposing the head. Once revealed, she started to lick up and down, coating the shake and head thoroughly with her spit.

“Mmmm, your mistress knows how to suck cock, pet,” Bill said as Cyn worked, “The girl last night did as well. I think you know how to suck my cock pet, but it’s been so long I’m not sure.”

Cyn started focusing on Bill’s head in earnest, taking it into Her mouth and running her tongue around it several times while bobbing lightly. As she circled, precum was leaking from the slit and she lapped the salty tasting fluid up as it leaked. After a while Bill started thrusting gently and Cyn got the hint. She re-angled her head and sank down on the shake. Compared to her earlier encounter with Steve, Bill’s cock was easy to fit, but she still bottomed out only three quarters of the way down. Bill seemed content with her efforts if his moaning was any indication, so Cyn simply continued with that, gripping the hilt of his penis with her hand and jacking him off as she sucked. Meanwhile she fished her breasts out of her robe and let them hang free to land and rub on Bill’s thighs as she sucked him.

“She’s very skilled pet. Was she skilled with you last night?” Bill asked. Cyn assumed she nodded, “Mistress is very skilled and she’s attentive. You’re supposed to be attentive, pet, but I had to go elsewhere. My cock was pumping into another cunt last night, because my pet was busy!”

Bill barked the last word and sounded so geneuine that Cyn flinched away, releasing his cock. She was going to continue but Bill’s hands gripped her shoulders and lifted her. She stood in front of Bill, who leaned forward and began fondling and sucking her breasts.

“Your master is sucking my breasts, pet,” Cyn called out over her shoulder while submitting to Bill’s attentions, “You would like that, wouldn’t you?”

Syl gave no response Cyn could hear, but she was distracted enough by Bill’s attention. The cool temperature in the room and theexcitement of the scene had her nipples almost painfully hard, and the soft pressure of Bill’s tongue was sending wonderful sensings rippling through Cyn’s body. She started shifting forward so she could sit on Bill’s legs, possibly getting her pussy in touch with something solid so she could rub her clip and start relieving some of the pen-up strain. However, Bill subtly but definitely blocked her advance, torturing her in a way by continuing to play with her breasts.

Cyn and possibly Bill seems forget about the woman in the chair behind them until she started to whimper. Bill stopped his suckling and griping and Cyn turned half around. Syl was straining against her bonds, trying to jump and get the chair to shift forward. Cyn stepped out of Bill’s embrace and dropped her robe, walking nude over to the bound girl.

“Aww, poor pet is feeling left out, isn’t she? And horny I bet, hmm?” Cyn asked mockingly. As she did, she slid a finger up into Syl’s pussy. The girl shuddered mightily at the penetration, but Cyn pulled out quickly and stuck the finger in her own mouth. “Mmmmm pet tastes yummy.”

Cyn felt Bill come and stand beside her. She reached down and ran her hand up and down the rock-hard shake she’d been sucking on earlier. “Would pet like to suck master’s cock?” Syl nodded vigorously. “Would pet like Mistress to lick her pussy while she sucked on Master’s cock?” More nodding.

“Maybe we could do that,” Cyn said as she bent down. Her breasts almost touched Syl’s face but she grabbed the girl’s hair and slowly pulled her head back to rest on the chair. “But pet hasn’t been taking care of Master, so she doesn’t get treatments.”

Cyn was going to say more, but Bill moved behind her and pressed up against her ass. Cyn Nearly doubled over at the sensing.

Bill’s body had just forced the butt plug Cyn wore deeper into her ass. She’d put it in after lunch, after cleaning herself using Syl’s instructions. Every movement since then had shifted it in her ass, sending odd but pleasant sensings up into her bowels and keeping her nearly always horny, both because of what the plug was doing and why it was there. As Bill ground against her backside, Cyn looked over at the chips on the table. The piles of chips totaled 625.

That equaled the total of 25 green chips. The ones with the word “anal” emblazoned on them.

Still holding Syl’s hair, keeping the girl’s head just in front of her breasts, Cyn felt Bill step away. Then his cock pushed against her now very wet pussy lips. She widened her Stance and then let out a continuous groan almost into Syl’s ear as Bill’s cock entered her. She felt almost as much pressure as when she’d fucked Steve, as the plug forced his cock against the front of her pussy wall, while also forcing the plug around in her ass.

“Ohh his cock is in my pussy, pet. He’s fucking me. Ohh it’s rubbing against your toy. God it feels so fucking good,” Cyn gasped. Bill kept a relatively slow pace. She didn’t know if he was being considered of her or if he was trying to stave off his own orgasm, but either way it worked wonders for the sensings in her groin. She was working her way to a nice orgasm when Bill upped the ante.


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