The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 08

Authors note: Thank you for everyone who has been patient up to this point waiting for the new chapter. Up until recently, I’ve had to wait for my editor (also my wife and Domme) to do her magic before submitting the chapters for publication. This means having to wait weeks before her schedule allowed her to do so. (This chapter was originally written in may 2024 and only being published now). As a result, I’ve now taken on the role of editor too with her guidance in order to publish more frequently so there still may be the odd grammatical error but Hopefully will improve through her training me 😉

Casper lay reading the Irish history book on his bunk. He was meant to hand the book back the day before but forgot. He thought since he’d already lost 10 points being late with it, it didn’t matter What time he handed it back, as long as it was still today. Louise came to the door of his cell and saw him.

“There you are. We were wondering why you weren’t with us.” he looked up from the book back at her.

“Oh, hey. I’m just reading the Irish book; I need to hand it in tonight so I want to read as much of it as I can.”

“What bit are you on now?” she asked curiously.

“The potato famine in the 19th century.” her demeanour changed to a more serious one.

“Just so you know, that wasn’t a famine Casper. It was a genocide.”

“Yeah, I can see that.” Casper took a moment before he continued, he looked sad. “It was horrible. While the Irish people were starving, they kept exporting the grain. How could Britan be so cruel? it makes me ashamed.”

Louise walked over and sat on the bunk next to him. “Because they regard us less than human. Some still do. Even today the population of Ireland is still lower than before it happened.” Casper looked into her eyes earnestly.

“But I don’t see you less than me Louise. I never saw anyone like that.”

“I know you don’t Casper. But it’s the truth. Britan and many otherer western countries and empires had to dehumanise a people to justify their subscription and conquest of them. The French did it to the Algerians, the Germans with the Slavs, the Americans with the natives and the Israelis with the Palestinians.”

“I don’t get it. They never taught me any of this in school.” said Casper.

“Of course they didn’t. Knowledge is power, and lack of knowledge is a way the ruling class maintains control. They need to keep the populus dumb and lazy with their propaganda and entertainment to protect themselves. If we all knew the truth and stood up against them, they wouldn’t have a chance. We stood up against Britan and their imperialism and they called us terrorists and criminals! They are the bloody criminals!” Casper put down his book and curled his knees to his chest.

“My dad told me that the IRA were scum. But they just wanted freedom. I feel ashamed to be British.” Louise put her hand on his knee.

“I can’t speak for every one of mycomrades, but our pulse and anger has never been towards the common British people. Just it’s establishment and foot soldiers still maintaining control over us. You, Holly and Erin are Scottish, yet are my closest friends. We’d love nothing more than for Britan to withdraw fully from Ireland and we can start building a proper friend together as neighbors should.”

“It’s foot soldiers…” Casper Continued. He turned to look at her with disappointment in his eyes. “Like my dad?” Louise cast her gaze ahead, vexed.

“Yes. Like your dad. Anyone who volunteers the British armed forces should know what they’re representing and the consequences of that. Your dad is no different. If I saw him in my country in uniform through the scope of my Armalite I wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger.”

Casper looked downwards. They both sat in silence. “Is…is there no other way? One that doesn’t involve killing?” he asked shyly. Louise surprised.

“We never wanted to kill anyone Casper, but they put us against a wall. Brits came to our island for eight-hundred years, plundering, murdering and wreaking havoc. We couldn’t just ask them politely to leave, we had to fight back!” She turned to look at Casper with indignation.

“Take Grace for example. She’s a cold-hearted brute who wouldn’t listen to reason and will stop at nothing to manipulate and dominate someone. When She tried to take you for herself the only way you could escape was through the combined physical force of me you and Holly. We fight and we won! Ireland is the exact same! While British still has control over us, we can never be at peace!”

“My Dad.” Casper said after a pause. “Was not a good guy. When my Mum died, he started drinking again. There would always be fights between us. He started spending a good sum of his wage at the books and we even had to move out of the flat because he missed too many mortgage payments. He showed me nothing but contempt and resentment in thoseyears.” Casper looked up at Louise earnestly.

“But I still love him. And I always will. In the beginning he was a great dad to me, and I’ll never forget that. I don’t think I can ever fully comprehend the pulse and struggle of your people but from doing the research I have I can only imagine where you’re coming from, and I don’t hold that against you. You’re an amazing friend Louise and I want you to stay as one. But I’ll always love my dad no matter what and I don’t know how that sits with you.” she smiled back at him.

“Of course you love him.” she replied in a comfortable tone.

“As you said, not what he did wrong but what he did right. He’s your daddy after all and I have no issue with that. Now, if you told me you loved him Because he kicked Irish arse then that’d be a different story. But I’ll always be your friend in here Casper no matter what.” Casper smiled back at her.

“That’s a relief. Cause I don’t want to lose you.” he said. Louise opened her arms for a hug with a smile and Casper drew forward and they embedded.

The next day, Casper headed to breakfast after his shower as usual. In the mess hall he saw Mark sitting alone again. He was excited to see him but Mark looked sad. Unbeknownst to Casper he had been self-harming again. Casper sat down next to him with his tray.

“Hey.” said Casper

“Hey.” replied Mark. There was sadness in his voice.

“What’s the matter?”

Mark reluctantly began to talk. He explained to Casper that he sometimes had a lot of down days, where he found it really difficult to have any energy or motivation to do anything. He told him he felt like this when the guilt of killing his father came over him intensely. Casper tried to assure him that it wasn’t his fault but he couldn’t seem to make him feel better.

“I hate myself Casper. I really wish it didn’t end this way.” He told him with a tremble in his voice. Casper put his hand on his shoulder and speak to him with care.

“It’s done Mark. There’s nothing you can do to change it. It was an accident and you should forgive yourself.”

“How can I ever do that!” excerpted Mark slamming his face into the table and bursting into tears. Casper hugged him tightly as he wept. He started to feel teary eyed too, seeing him this sad but thought it was probably not appropriate to cry as well while consoling someone and holding back his tears. For the first time someone was using Caspers shoulder to cry on and not the other way around. He hoped he was helping him as much as possible in that moment.

“It’s okay man, I’ve got you. You’re a great friend. You shouldn’t hate yourself Mark, you didn’t mean to do what you did. It could have happened to anyone.” Mark hugged him tightly still crying. Some others in the mess hall started to notice them and looked over but Casper didn’t care. He only cared that his friend was OK. After work announcements Mark began to calm down. He wiped the tears from his eyes and lookd up at Casper.

“Casper. On Saturday my mum and wee brother are coming to visit. It’s their first time coming to see me here. Do you think you’d want to come with me when I see them? I’m scared how upset mum will be to see me in this uniform, but I think I’ll feel better if you’re there with me, so she can see I have a friend.” Casper was taken back.

“I mean sure, I can come along. But will your folks be OK with that? Surely you want some privacy and not a stranger there.”

“You’re not a stranger!” excerpted Mark, “you’re my friend!” I’ve already mentioned you on the phone to mum. She’s happy I’ve a friend. She’d understand if you came too, my mum is really nice, it’d be nice if you all got to meet.” Casper looked him in the eyes and smiled.

“I think that’d be nice. Just give her a phone and let her know that I’ll be there and that if she’s okay with it first.”

“I will.” Mark smiled back at him.

Caspers group worked in the factory today. The dailyquota was high so another group from Cell block A had to work with them. Even in this combined group of 20 he still interacted with Tom from time to time but only for work purposes. Casper was no longer at the expense of his banter, jokes or him violating his personal space. Holly was right, he proved a point. That right hook did wonders. Jane was the overseeing guard today. When he saw her his heart left. Would she play with him today? He could only hope. Every time their eyes met, she smiled at him sweetly and he smiled back.

After lunch a new guard entered the factory via the barred door. then Jane called to him. “Casper! C’mere!,” He almost danced to the front door with excitement. He knew he needed to act natural but it was hard. Jane looked at him with a blank expression as a prison officer Should, she cuffed him accordingly with his hands behind his back and then his ankles together. When she was done, she gripped his arm then turned to the other guard. “Thanks for coming. I don’t know how long I’ll be but hopefully not ages. I’ll radio when we’re on our way back.”

“No both.” replied the other guard.

Jane took Casper out of the factory through the barred door then down the hall holding his arm.

“What did you tell them?” Asked Casper as they were walking.

“No talking!” She said sternly. They turned a corner in the large lifeless concrete hallway, there was a door on one side. She stopped with him in front of it then checked up and down the hall. The coast was clear. She opened the door then quickly ushered him in with herself close behind then closed the door. She turned on the light. It was a cleaning supply cupboard. She locked the door then told in relief.

“I told them I needed to take you to Jannet’s office for your medicine. No questions asked. We’re in the clear for a bit.”

He looked at her with a massive grin and laughed softly. She put her arms around him and they kissed. Casper was once again under thespell of her warm lips and tongue, if felt so hot. She pushed him back against the wall as they kissed, she grabbed the front of his uniform top in a scrunch and twisted it. His cage got tight instantly. He wanted it off badly. Jane moved her kissing from his mouth to his neck then put her hands under his uniform top rubbing his chest, she was getting wet.

“Jane” he moaned. “Do you think you could unlock me?”

She stopped kissing then looked up at him. “The cuffs or the cage?”

“Both.” He replied desperately. She laughed then put her finger on his lips.

“How about. You make me cum and I’ll unlock you, cuffs cage and all.”

“Okay.” He said obediently. She stepped back and lifted her pencil skirt. She grabbed her knickers and pulled them down to her ankles then placed her hand on the top of his head.

“Go down on me.” Said Jane.

He carefully dropped to his knees still in his cuffs with her hand still on his head. She pushed his head gently under herskirt until his face was pressed against her warm vulva, freshly shaven. He began to lick. It was dark. He had to rely on his tongue.

Casper licked up and down Jane’s labia. It was so warm and wet, he’d never gone down on anyone before, he hoped he was doing a good job. Jane pushed his head in further and moaned, his tongue was magical. Each time he moved it up the lips it brushed her clip sending waves of pleasure through her.

“Yeah…right there, ah! don’t stop!” She while. Caspers jaw was getting tired but he wanted to keep going. It felt so hot to make her horny. He really wanted the cage off. He hadn’t cum in a long time and wouldn’t let anything get in his way. He felt so naughty eating her out like this while he was handcuffed and on his knees. He was right where he belonged. He wanted to give the woman he loved the best head of her life and would stop at nothing to achieve it.

Her breaths were becoming sharper and locker, she pushed his head in with one hand and covered her mouth with the other. She closed her eyes and let out a muffled scream. He pulled back then looked up at her with delight.

“Did I do good?” He asked sweetly.

“That was fucking amazing.” She said catching her breath. With his hands cuffed behind his back Casper found it hard to stand up again. Jane helped him up and they started kissing again.

Casper pulled away

“Jane I-“

he was interrupted by her hand suddenly covering his mouth. She went silent. Casper heard it too. The sound of high heels clacking in the hallway outside. It was approaching the door. Another guard. They both looked at each other in anticipation, Jane still with her hand over his mouth. The sound came to the door and then went away until it faded into the distance. Relief washed over both of them.

“We’ll need to keep it down as much as we can”. She grabbed the bottom of his uniform top then pulled it up to his mouth stuffing it in, exposing his hairy chest. She rubbed it teasing him further. He moaned through his top in delight.

“Shhhhh!” Jane told him.

She pulled down his uniform bottoms and pants to just above his knee exposing his caged Penis bursting to break free. She gripped his balls and he moaned again this time louder.

“Casper!” She hissed in a whisper.

“I’m sorry Jane, it feels so good.” He said, muffled Through his top.

Jane looked to her right and noticed a roll of duct tape on the shelf. She looked at him cheekily.

“I’ve got another idea.” She grabbed it, pulled a strip and ripped it off then placed it over his mouth pressing it 2 or 3 times with her fingers deliberately making sure it was secure.

“Men are better when they can’t talk.” She giggled. She picked the keys off her belt until she found the chatity one. Slowly she unlocked his cage. When she pulled off the head piece Caspers Penis sprang up erect immediately. It feel relieving to be hard and free again.

She put her hand back onhis balls. He moaned through his gag again but this time it was quieter.

“That’s better.” She said seductively. “Now no one can hear you squirm.” She gripped his penis and began struggling slowly. He kept moaning, albeit muffled.

“My, my. This is my first time seeing it out of its cage. Now it’s released and back with a vengeance!” She looked him in the eyes. “Does it wants to go inside me?” Casper nodded. Jane giggled then started stroke faster.

“Another time maybe. We don’t quite have the space or the time in here. I think this boy just wants some relief anyhow am I right?”

“Mmhh-hmm” Casper groaned in confirmation.

She started to stroke faster; her hand felt so good. It was so soft and delicate on his rock-hard penis. Not to mention the sight of her poisoned nails. He wasn’t going to last long. She could feel it begin to tense. Caspers breaths through his nose sped up and he closed his eyes. He came hard, almost screaming through his gag. Jane had to put her hand back over his mouth to mute it more. He shot explosively, erupting like a volcano. Cum squirted all over Jane’s hand and some on her shirt.

While Casper was getting his breath back, jane ripped the gag off his mouth hurting him slightly then pushed him against the wall kissing him and grabbing his top tight. He was in paradise; the woman he loved took him to his peak and beyond carrying him every step of the way. If he died now, he would be happy. He found it so hot how in charge and confident she was. Also, how unbelievably beautiful and amazing she was. Inside and out. She knew how to drive him mad and used it to her full potential.

They were interrupted by a transmission on Jane’s radio. “Jane, need you back in the factory ASAP! We’ve got a situation here!” she lifted her walkie talkie to her mouth still looking into Caspers eyes with satisfaction and delight.

“Rodger. We’re just heading back now anyway. Be with you shortly.” She replied. Nearby on a shelf bellow was a roll of blue roll. She tore some strips and cleaned up the cum on her and Casper, then assembled his cage back on.

“That was amazing.” He said still panting. “I’m sad it’s over.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” She commented pulling up his bottoms.

“It was my first-time eating pussy. I’m glad I made you happy.” He smiled.

“And you’ll only get better from here on. I’ll train you.” She put her hand on his cheek then kissed him on the lips. “C’mon we need to get going.”

When they got back to the factory the other guard had two other inmates in cuffs, chained together ready to be transported. A guy and a girl. They both looked sad and guilty. They were from cell block A’s workgroup so Casper didn’t know either of them. The other guard was holding the guy by the arm. She looked at Jane.

“I Caught these two lovebirds kissing in the store cupboard. We’re going to have to have a wee chat with them Jane.”

“Y-yes, of course.” Bluted Jane,flustered. “Let me just uncuff Casper here then we’ll deal with them.” While Jane was unlocking Caspers cuffs their eyes met. Casper was trying to conceal his laughter as best he could. Jane smiled back at him doing the same.


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