The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 06

Casper, Holly, Louise, Jack, Grace, and Tom, all stood in the Warden’s office facing her desk in silence. They were all restrained with handscuffs anchored to a wait chain and leg cuffs. Four guards including Emily and Jane had rounded them all up after the fight and escorted them there. The way they were all waiting for their scolding reminded Casper of how he got in trouble one time in Primary One. Him and his Friends surrounded and harassed the postman in the playground demanding he gives them the post. They were all rounded up by the dependy head teacher and made to stand in a line in her office in the exact same manner, before they gave an account of what happened. This time however, Casper had no regrets.

Grace’s knife lay on the Warden’s desk, as well as the two halves of her points card. Tom had a black eye from Casper’s Right hook, Jack had some visible bruises from Louise’s kicks, and Holly’s forearm had been temporarily banded from the cut Grace gave her with the knif. Casper’s hip was a bit sore from when he fell to the ground tackling Tom but otherwise, he felt okay. He lifted his head up and darted his eyes around the room, then they met Jane’s. She smiled back at him sweetly; his heart skipped a beat. What did this mean? Did she still want to see him again? Could they still be together in some way?

The door burst open. A woman walked in. She looked to be in her early 40’s. She had long blonde hair, was tall, about six foot. She wore the standard officer uniform but her shirt was black and her boots were over the knee. She approached the desk slowly, her high heels echoing the room with every step, proclaiming her authority and inducing reverence in the hearts of the inmates. She sat down on her swivel chair and crossed her legs. Her gaze fell upon them. Casper was mesmerized, she was stunningly beautiful. Her gaze cut right through your soul exposing how worthless and unworthy you were to be in her presence. It was as if they had all aarrived in the afterlife and were brought forth before a goddess to be judged. She’ll be the warden, Casper thought.

“So” she said after a moment. Her accent was American. “I believe there was a little fight. Would anyone of you boys or girls like to tell me anything?”

The row of them were silent. Casper remembered then what Holly told him about being a grass.

The Warden laughed softly, “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue? All of you. Listen carefully. There’s no reason to think me and my staff are all big means whose job it is to ruin your life. You did that pretty well yourselves. I’m trying to make this easy for you. If we can get to the bottom of this and find out how it all began, we can prevent it happening in future.”

She clapped her hands and smiled sarcastically, “Wouldn’t that be great? That we can nip fragile ego’s and hard feelings in the bud? So please, tell me. Any of you. How did this happen?”

Another round of silence fell upon the room. Sheleaned back in her creaking chair and surprised.

“What do you have against us huh? We treat you with dignity and respect more than any other shithole facility ever would. When I worked in a POW camp there were as much as fifty men sharing a room this size. They weren’t allowed to leave it. There was a trench all along one wall where they all shake and pissed. Could you imagine that, the smell? I smelt it. It made me want to fucking throw up.”

“They would beat up and even rap each other on a regular basis too. We didn’t care, heh, less Orcs for us to worry about the commander told me. Disease was rife, young men as young as twenty were dying of dysentery. There was nothing we could do to improve the conditions of the camp, the focus for foundation was for the war effort only. As long as We could prevent the Russians from crossing the Rhine one more day, they didn’t care how many prisoners died. A lot of them were completely innocent too. Tragic really, young men with their wholelives ahead of them written into the Russian army, had no say, given a rifle, and ordered to attack us. And even we couldn’t afford to spare them any dignity after we captured them.”

“And you criminals, come here to well heated cells, three square meals a day, a gym, library, healthcare, even therapy, and visit from your loved ones. Yet you can’t trust us?”

She leaned forward and picked up the knife then looked at Holly. “How about you Holly, do you want to tell me anything about this? Must’ve hurt when whoever it was cut you with it. We saw at least on the camera footage from the cell block that you throw the first punch at Grace. Was she the one who cut you?”

Holly stared back at her without saying a word. The Wardens’ eyes moved to Tom.

“What about you huh? Who gave you that black eye?”

Tom was silent. The warden turned to look at Grace.

“Grace, you wouldn’t happen to know who snapped your card? It’ll take about a week to prep a new one and get it to you. You won’t be able to earn any credit in that time. However, I could maybe get it fast tracked for today if you know something about this whole nasty ordeal?”

She didn’t say a word. The wardens face relaxed in disappointment.

“Unbelievable! Fifty lashes and a week in solidary, all of you. Emily! Jane! Get them out of my sight!”

“Wait!” said Jane turning to the Warden. “Before we take them away, could I have a quick word with you in private?” The Warden raised her eyebrow.

“Very well. Emily. Take them outside while I converse with Jane.”

Emily and two other guards took the gang out of the Warden’s office still in chains to the long benchmark in the hall outside. They sat in silence since they were still under order not to speak. What did Jane want to say to her? Was she going to try and bargain a lesser punishment for them? Or even persuade her to have a complete change of heart and let them off with a warning? They could only wait and find out.

Casper sat next to Holly on the benchmark. He turned to face her, she looked back at him and smiled in triumph and satisfaction. She was proud of him. He smiled back in the way a young schoolboy would after his teacher gave back his homework jotter with a perfect score. After a while the door opened again, and Jane poked her head out.

“Emily, could you bring Casper in?” she asked. Casper was dumbfounded, what reason were they singling him out from the rest?

“Sure.” replied Emily. She knelt down and unlocked Caspers leg cuff connection then led him inside. The room was silent. Jane stood off to one side. Emily was holding him by the arm and the Warden sat staring at him with a look of concern behind her desk. He knew he was supposed to be nervous but he felt undeniably exhilarated to be under the command and mercy of these powerful women. He had to stop himself from smiling with joy.

“Casper sweetie.” she said. “Jane told me about the day you arrived and how she was there with you when you had your breakdown. She told me about your life since your mother passed, the trauma you’ve been through, and how you are still unfamiliar and unsettled in your surroundings. She suggested that we maybe re-evaluate your punishment.”

“While I feel really sorry for what you’ve been through, I still believe you should face the appropriate consequences for Your misconduct. However, I can agree that a week in solidary confinement may be detrimental to your mental wellbeing during this season of adjustment and uncertainty.”

“We’ve agreed on an alternative. You’ll spend just three days confined to your own cell. You will be locked in for the whole time. No work, no yard time, no gym, and no library. A member of my staff will bring you Your meals. You can however talk to other inmates. They will obviously need to stand outside your cell to do so.”

“Jane also told me you’re a good boy, not a troublemaker at heart, and your involvement in all of this was a rare ‘whoopsie daisy’ on your part that certainly won’t happen again. While I find it difficult to believe, I know Jane is an excellent judge of character, so I can take her word for it. If this is true, then I think it’d be fit to perhaps get to know each other personally a bit better Casper, and I can administrator the physical aspect of your punishment myself. I believe my touch will be more than Sufficient to ensure your good behavior for the rest of your sentence.”

“For the first part of your punishment, you’ll receive twenty lashes. Emily and Jane here will take you downstairs to a solidary confinement cell where they will be administrator. When you arrive, they will prepare you for punishment by me. May I remind you now that you are to pay utmost respect, obedience and cooperation with Jane and Emily as well as myself during the process. They are my two most senior, high-ranking officers who I hold in high regard. I will not tolerate any misbehaviour or disrespect towardss them, am I clear?”

This warning put fear back in Caspers heart. He cast his eyes to the floor.

“Yes Miss” he replied.

“Good boy.” She affirmed. “Take them all down to Solitary Block. We’ll deal with Casper first, then the rest of them. It looks like you’ll need to do some overtime tonight.”

“No problem.” smiled Jane.

“Same.” agreed Emily.

“Good, radio Emma and Clare. They’ll need to do count.”

Emily and Jane, along with two other guards, took Casper and the other prisoners down in the lift to the solidary confinement floor located in the basement of the prison. It was bitterly cold there. In front of the lift and stairwell entrance, the corridor stretched in a narrow line with six solidary cells, three on each side. The doors to the cells were windowless and had a wide letterbox like flap to allow guards to hand inmates their meals on a tray. It was the first time all solidary cells were being used at once. In the whole time Jane had worked here, the most she had seen occupied at the one time was two. They separated the prisoners from the chain gang one by one and configured them to their cells. Jane took Casper to his first. She brought him in then closed the door behind her. They were alone. Jane smiled at Casper and he smiled back.

“Hi.” she said smiling.

“Hey.” Casper replied.

Jane grabbed him, embracing him and they began to kiss each other passwordately. Her body felt so warm and comfy around him, her lips were so soft and tender, each time she moved them around his, it felt like an electric shock of light and happiness. He felt her tongue with his, it felt so fun and naughty, his cage got tight immediately adding to his horniness. He only wished his hands weren’t cuffed to his waist so he could hold her too, even though he enjoyed being in the restraints.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” she said briefly pulling away from him then returning to kissing.

“Same.” said Casper taking a breath between the onslaught of their lips and tongues.

Jane was so happy to have him in her arms again. He was so beautiful and sweet. She began to get really horny kissing him and wanted to touch more of him, but she couldn’t. She pulled away, then put her finger on his lips.

“Casper. No more I’m afraid. For now, I mean. Emily could come through any minute. We’re going to prepare you for your punishment.”

“You did this for me Jane! You made it so that I wouldn’t get it as bad as the rest of them.” she smiled.

“Yup, and I think you’re going to really like what Samantha has to offer.”

“Samantha?” asked Casper confused.

“The Warden. That’s her name. She’s a former professional Dominatrix if you didn’t know. All three of us are gonna rock your world. Just you wait.” she giggled. Casper blushed bright red with excitement.

“We need to get you out of those clothes first.” Jane took her keys from her belt and unlocked Caspers cuffs. He took off his uniform, then Jane kicked his clothes to the side. It was the first time she saw him fully naked. The sight of his hairy chest turned her on more. She put her hand on it and rubbed it.

“This is hot, I like a man with a bit of hair.” she said seductively.

“That’s good, because I’ve plenty to go round.” joked Casper.

Jane told then took her hand away. “But I’m not allowed to touch you inappropriately unfortunately”.

“But you’re allowed to strip me naked and whip me?” said Casper.

“I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them. Well actually, I’ve amended a few of them.”

“Maybe you could amend this one?” asked Casper.

“I can’t. As outlandish as the style this institution is. Allowing any prisoner inmate romantic and or sexual relationship is something that can never be permitted. It’s a fundamental law in how a prison is operated.” Jane put her hand to her mouth and whispered. “So, we’ll just have to keep it on the low.”

The door swung open andEmily walked in carrying a long bag. Casper concealed his locked-up penis and felt embarrassed. She laughed.

“Sorry Casper but you’ve been a naughty boy, no hiding anything.” Casper looked down and relaxed his hands to his side. She giggled softly.

“Now turn around and place your hands behind you.” ordered Emily. He obeyed and Emily put down the bag and went over to handcuff him.

“Good. Now on your knees.” ordered Jane. Casper dropped to his knees.

“Good boy!” Emily told him sweetly and stroked his hair. She pulled out a blindfold from her pocket then placed it around his eyes.

“Samantha’s going to look really hot Casper, goal you don’t get to see” teased Jane. Her and Emily both laughed sadistically. Jane knelt down and opened the bag. Inside was a long spreader bar with leather cuffs.

“Oooh, this looks fun.” commented Jane. “His legs will be spread enough so he won’t be able to protect his poor balls.”

Casper whimpered in fear. Emily giggledagain then put her hand on his head. “Aw, we’re just joking Casper. “We wouldn’t hurt your weak little parts.”

“They are weak, aren’t they?” taunted Jane. “Men think they’re hard as nails until something taps their balls lightly.” Jane touched the end of her boot on Caspers balls, and he jolted with a moan of fear. “Case and point.” Emily laughed.

“Hold him down so I can stick these on his legs” said Jane holding the spreader bar.

Emily gripped him by the shoulders and eased him down so his cheek touched the floor. She then placed her boot lightly on his other cheek to keep him in place. He was in heaven. He was living out his fantasy with two beautiful and powerful women. His cage was so tight. Jane carefully knelt down and fastened the straws of the spreader bar around Caspers ankles, the leather felt so good. When she was done, she looked up to see Casper’s caged penis dangling in front of her face, it dripped with pre cum. Jane laughed.

“That will want tobreak free, but it can’t. You’re really enjoying being our wee restrained puppy aren’t you?” she said.

“Mmmhmm” moaned Casper, nodding in confirmation.

Emily took her boot off his cheek, then gently pushed him back up to a kneeing position. He was blushing bright red from pleasure and breathing deeply. Emily placed her hands on his shoulders and began massaging them lightly. Casper moaned softly.

“My my, you are sensitive. Inside and out. Tell me, how does it feel Casper, to be teased by us like this?”

“It feels good.” he moaned. “Like you said. I’m a naughty boy, so this is what I get.”

“You are correct.” Emily giggled. She looked over at Jane, “Though if he’s enjoying it, is it really punishment Jane?”

“I don’t think so.” Jane replied. She walked over, Emily stepped aside then Jane knelt behind Casper, she put her hands on his hips then placed her chin on his shoulder.

“Maybe this will make him sorry.” she said sweetly.

Jane moved herfingers up to Casper’s sides and began to ticle him. He wriggled and laughed uncontrollably and helplessly in his restraints.

“No, no! Stop!” he moaned joyfully between breaths of laughter.

Jane loved the way she could make him twitch and moan like this with just the tips of her fingers. She found his struggle really cute. The door to the cell swung open again. It was Samantha, Jane froze and the door slammed shut behind her. Silence fell on the room. Jane turned back to look at her. She was wearing a red latex body suit, black leather thigh high heeled boots and long black leather gloves. She held a whip in her hands and a scowl on her face.

“Quite a lot of laughing I’m hearing from here.” she said coldly.

“I was just administratoring the prisoner some ticket punishment.” Replied Jane looking up at her nervously.

“I appreciate that, but the purpose of punishment should be to serve as a verrent to prevent him from re-enacting his bad behavior. This method appears to induce a little too much joy in him for it to be effective. Stand aside ladies.”

Jane stood up and stepped away revealing Casper kneeling nervously.

Samantha lifted her whip high with one hand and brought it with a crash on to the ground with an explosive echo making Jane, Emily, and Casper all jump.

“Kneel boy!” she ordered.

Casper clumsily and quickly brought his face back down to the concrete in front of him. Samantha walked slowly towards him and then around him. Her high heels echoing with every step. She looked down at him coldly as if he were rubbish lying on the ground. Jane and Emily stood in reverence of her and her authority.

“When I first heard about you Casper…” Samantha said breaking the silence walking around him. “…I was intrigued. You sounded like such a sweet boy. Do you remember your lawyer Mr Willow?”

“Yes.” he said softly and nervously. Samantha whacked the ground again with her whip sending a jolt of fear through him making him whimper. “That’s yes MISTRESS to you! Am I clear?”

“Yes Mistress.” Casper exclaimed with a tremble in his voice.

“Mr Willow has been my sub for over twenty years and my husband for sixteen. He travels around the country for me looking for cute boys facing prison time and pulls the strings he can legally to get them sent here.” Casper was amazed. It all made sense.

“We met when we were both still students studying law at St Andrews University. The bizarre wheels of fate brought us together, we were two Americans in a far-off land studying the same degree at the same institution. He was a sub, I was a dom, we both liked The Smiths, we both loved the Scottish weather, and we both wanted to get as far away from our hometowns as possible. I couldn’t Ask for a more fitting piece to mine.”

“We were madly in love, but there was a problem. I was struggling to afford my tuition, no matter how many shifts I could fit in at my part-time job at the café, itJust wasn’t enough. It looked like I might have had to move back to the states, but then Mr Willow had an idea. Why not make a living as a pro dom? It’s a profession I’ve never looked back on since. So many men out there willing to pay to be misreated, it was a dream come true, and all my debts vanished.”

“We graduated and he became a hotshot criminal lawyer while I became the means pro Dominatrix in Scotland. We got married not too long after and life was great for a good number of years. Then the war came. My husband got drafted and I was heartbroken, he got sent to Poland to fight the Russians. I didn’t just want to sit on my hands being useful waiting for him to return in a box, so I volunteered.”

“I got sent to manage a POW camp near Saarbrucken. By then the front had moved beyond Poland and was Only one-hundred or so miles away. I worked there for three months before the Russians crossed the Rhine and we were forced to retreat. I got a buzz like I never did beforee, being able to order around over three-hundred men at once rather than just one at a time.”

“When I got back, I discovered to my delight, that my hubby had survived. I decided I wanted to have my own prison with the kind of men I wanted. So, with a little initiative and a sizable loan, I founded Soft Boy Prison. Now almost four years later and it’s one of the most profitable prisons in the country. Me and my husband are wealthier than we could ever have imagined.”


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