The Soft Boy Prison Ch. 02

(If you have not already please read The Soft Boy Prison Chapter 1 for full context)

Shettleston, 2034

When Casper was young his father told him this part of town was a shithole. If that wasn’t true before the war began, it definitely was now. It was estimated that the aerial bombardment of Glasgow destroyed over 80% of all buildings. Shettleston, a Residential area in the east of the city was no exception. They situation themselves in one of the tenes still standing at the crossroad where Old Shettleston Road met the new Shettleston Road. From the second floor of this building, located over what appeared to be an old hairdressers, they reckoned they could see down the road for around half a mile. All that was left to do was wait. It was the beginning of May. It was spitting with rain, chilly and miserable. Vegetation was growing through the surrounding rubble and the buds were blooming but still small. The floor was muddy and wet.

Casper sniffled. He was inspecting his Glock and making sure all the components were in working order. The last thing he wanted would be for it to jam in an emergency. His associate, Molly, was next to him. She had her Dragunov at the ready. She lay prone resting the rifle on the window ledge. She was an excellent marksman. The last place you’d want to be in her crosshairs as an adversary, no matter the distance.

“Anything new?” she asked, breaking the silence starting Casper.

“Ah, no! Sorry let me have a look,” said Casper stuffing his Glock into his trousers.

“For fuck sake! You’re meant to be spotting!”

“Sorry! Sorry! I got a wee bit distracted” said Casper fumbling the binarys up to his eyes.

“And we’ll be going home hungry again unless you fucking pay attention” hissed Molly through clenched teeth.

He felt guilty after hearing her say that. “Anything new?” asked Molly again. Casper inspected the area as steam from his breath whiffed by his field of vision through the lenses. He looked up and down the road but couldn’t see anything.

“All quiet on the western front” he replied. “Good! Don’t delay again”.

Molly was a force to be reckoned with. She was malicious, cruel and unempathetic. When the war broke out in April of 2028, she was only 13 years old. Her father, already a soldier at the time was in one of the first arms to oppose the Russian invasion of Poland from Belarus. The NATO arms made their best attempt at holding the defensive position on the Vistula River. They were able to hold the line for a few days allowing time for millions of Polish refundes to escape to the West. However, the Russians were able to outflank and ultimately liquidate them. She never heard from her father again. Molly’s father served as a sniper and teach her how to shoot when she was a child. A skill that would prove to be useful.

During the war, her home in Rutherglen was partially hit by one of the many airstrikes conducted by the Russian Airforce. The house was destroyed, killing her mum and older brother. Molly was badly injured and was pulled out of the rubble alive but unconscious. She was in a coma for 2 weeks and woke up in a field hospital. All she knew was taken from her. She had nothing left to lose and would live life on her own terms. No waiting in line for reasons! Fuck martial law and curfew! If someone has Something I want I’ll take it from them, is what she thought.

Even though she wasn’t the group’s leader she was the most feared member. When Casper joined them, Calvin thought it would be best for him to work under Molly on exposures. This way, his softness could be ironed out and he would become cold and brutal like the rest of them. However, her influence ended up putting a wedding between him and the group rather than conditioning him to be like them. When Molly realized that she couldn’t get through to him, he subsequently became her personal punching bag, sometimes in a very literal sense. She would blow him for her mistakes, tease him, belittle him, even beat him up. Casper tried to stay out of her way as much as he could, but it was difficult.

On the street at the junction below, Sean and Calvin were perched out of sight from the road behind a wall. Across the road, Amy was perched behind a bush and a pile of rubble, holding her sawed off shotgun. She was able to Keep in visual contact with Calvin and James. Casper and Molly were in contact with Calvin via a Spiderman walkie talkie they obtained among many items from a stock box they stole from a Toys R Us.

Casper was hungry. It’d been two days since they last had eaten. The last expedition they conducted was two weeks ago. They pulled over a middle-aged woman in her car with her mum and stole their odds and water. Most exposures were violence free, as Casper noticed, pointing a gun at someone tends to make them comply with you. The rain died down; Casper heard the distant hum of acar engine. He focused in on his binarys. He saw a vehicle approaching in the distance. He could just about make it out. A light grey VW Golf.

“Contact, 11 0’clock. Approaching, estimation 500 metres”. Said Casper. Molly searched her scope acknowledging this information.

“Found ’em!” she said after a moment of hesitation. “Radio the boys”.

Casper picked up his walkie talkie and pressed the PTT, “Casper speaking, we have a visual. Light grey hatchback approaching from the east, distance 450 meters. Stand by.”

“Rodger.” replied James.

To minimize the risk of being spotted, Calvin, James and Amy relied entirely on Casper and Molly to give them the signal to engage the target. They had to wait until they were close, but not too close. Otherwise, if Molly needed to fire it would be less effective. Casper watched the vehicle get closer and closer. He saw James at the ready, with his Revolver tucked into his jeans with his back against the wall in anticipation. Casper was trying to estimate the perfect time to give the signal. He reckoned this one lamp post was the point at which the car would need to begin to slow down. When it came to it, he would call it. He held the walkie talkie to his mouth in anticipation, he was breathing heavily.

“That’s it little fly, come into the spiders web” said Molly sadistically smiling as she peered through her scope. Casper counted down in his head as the car approached the lamp post 3…2…1…

“Go! Go! Go!” called Casper into the speaker.

James stumbled out into the road holding his stomach, he groaned loudly. “HELP! STOP! PLEASE.” He called out. The faint squeak of the car’s breaks could be heard until it came to a stop 30 ft in front of him. A man in his late 30’s and his partner got out of the car.

“What’s wrong!? Are you okay!?” asked the man as he approached him.

“UUUUUGHH, I’VE BEEN SHOT. THEY GOT ME IN THE STOMACH” pleased Jamie bent over holding his abdomen with both hands.

“Lemme see” requested the man.

“Sure” said Jamie calmly standing up straight and pointing his revolver at them. The man and his partner both gasped in shock and put their hands up immediately. Amy and Calvin peeked out from their cover.

“Move to the back of the car, slowly” demanded James calmly. The couple still with their hands up did as they were told. “What, ya got?”.

The man spoke clearly with a slight tremble. “We were just goin’ visitin’ ma brother over in Dennistoun. All we’ve brought is a bar a chocolate, couple a ready meals, change a clase ‘n some bottles a beer”.

“Bottles of beer? Oofft, must’ve saved up a nice wee pile a cards for them” said James mockingly. “Canny wait fir a wee swally. Open the boot!” The man opened it and James turned his attention away from the man and instead to the contents of the boot.

“That fuckin’ idiot!” hissed Molly in a whisper. “He’s turned his back to them!”

She fixed her scope directly on the man. The man took two steps back and quickly reached behind his back, produced a pistol and pointed it at James. Molly saw the scene unfold in slow motion. She was able to shoot but a split second too late. Both guns fired extremely. James was hit in his stomach and Mollys shot hit the man in the hip.

“Fuck!” shouted Casper overcome with distress.

Both falling dropping their guns. The woman screamed hysterically and fled into a side road. Calvin and Amy emerged from cover and opened fire at the man, though they were too far away, and their shots missed. The man, filled with adrenaline immediately tried to get up and flee but Molly shot again, twice, hitting him in the supposedr then through the neck. “NO!” screamed Casper standing up and dropping his binoculars. The bullet casings hit the floor next to him. The man fall face first on to the road holding his neck as blood gushed out of it. James’ cries of pain could be heard from where they stood. Casper stand frozen in horder looking down at the scene.

“Mate c’mon!” barked Molly swinging her rifle on her shoulder and grabbing Casper by the wrist. “WHY?! WHY DID YOU DO IT?!” panicked Casper.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP! WE NEED TO BAIL!” barked Molly back at him still rushing him along by the wrist. They ran downstairs and out along the street to the car. Amy and Calvin were already pulling James into the back seat.

“FUUUUCK!!” screamed James loudly in agony. “It’s bad, he’s been hit in the stomach” Calvin said to Molly. There was blood all over James’s front and Calvins jacket.

“The army might have heard the shots, we’ve gotta move!” said Amy.

Casper stood looking at the man Molly had shot. He was still alive, struggle, gagging, and choking on his own blood. There was so much blood. Casper felt disappoint and voted, Molly grabbed him and pulled him into the back seat of the car slamming the door. Calvin was sitting in the driver’s seat and started the ignition. Amy was securing Jamess as best she could in the tight space. James let out another agonising scream that pierced Caspers ears. Molly jumped into the front passenger seat and closed the door. “BAIL!”. The car screamed off at speed. James was bleeding profusely. There was blood everywhere on the seats and the floor.

“Casper!” demanded Amy. “Put pressure on the wound!”.

Casper panicking and still faith pressed his hands to where he thought the wound was. It was hard to tell from all the blood. Jamie let out another agoning wail.

“Ay, settle down big man.” said Calvin trying to keep his composition. “We’ll get ya sorted. You’re the sorta cunt that kids on about getting shot in the stomach then gets shot in the stomach, eh?”.

Casper pushed on the wound. Jamie once again Screeched in pain. Blood flowed between Caspers fingers as he pressed. There was so much blood.

Casper shot up out of his bunk in a cold sweat. He was going to be sick, he rushed over to the toilet and voided just shy of the bowl down his front, then into the bowl with the second bout. He stared into the toilet bowl taking deep breaths, cought any last remnants up until it was done. As his breaths began to slow down, he began to quiver with his exhales. Tears fell down his cheeks, he began to whimper then slowly but surely let out all his feelings in a long loud heart-wrenching cry. After a moment another inmate appeared at the door of his cell concerned of the motivation.

“Are you okay?” he asked. “Do you need me to get one of the staff?”

Still crying, Casper slowly turned around to face him as he sat next to the toilet bowl, revealing his pathetic face twisted in tears, snot, and vomit. The inmate rushed away and a few moments later a guard appeared in the cell. She carefully approached him, knelt, and put a towel round him.

“Hey, hey it’s okay” she said in a concerned tone. “We’re you just a wee bit sick?”

Casper was crying too much to answer. A small number of inmates began to crowd the entrance of the cell wondering what was happening. The guard looked up at them.

“Boy’s! C’mon, give him some space” she ordered. They quickly dispersed. She wiped the sick from his front then pulled him into her arms. “Shhhhhh” she whispered holding him firmly. She flushed the toilet and began to rock him back and forth gently in her arms. He couldn’t stop crying.

“It’s OK. You’re safe. I’ve got you.”

A long-drawn-out buzz of an alarm could be heard throughout the cell block. It was the signal for dinner. Inmates began passing the open cell on their way, some looking in as they walked by. The guard got up, took Casper’s duvet and hung it over the bars, then pulled the toilet partition over them so they were completely out of sight from everyone else. She held him as he continued to cry.

“It is okay, just let it out. You are safe.”

Casper sat in the office at the table with a blanket around him and a cup of tea in front of him. Hewas sniffling. The Guard who comforted him earlier, stood on the other side of the table, holding her cup of tea, leaning against the fridge behind her. She sipped her tea then spoke.

“Inmates aren’t allowed in here, but I’ve made an exception for you. It’s OK if you don’t want to talk just now, but would I be OK to ask you some questions, and you could perhaps respond with either a nod or a wee shake of the head?” Casper nodded.

“Perfect. So, I looked up your file Casper, I noticed you’re a new arrival as of today, is that correct?”. Casper nodded.

“So, a lot of inmates find their first day or even their first week or month a little traumatic. I don’t want to speak like I’m talking out my own arse, because I’ve never been put in prison myself, but I see it all the time. The finality of it all, being handcuffed from head to toe, being put on the bus, getting shown your cell for the next few years, being processed can’t be fun.”

“Here at our facility, we tryto minimize the courage of all that and put our inmates at ease, make them feel safe as much as we can. Would you say that’s been your experience up until now?” Casper nodded, still sniffling.

“I’m glad to hear it. And how about the other inmates, have you talked to anyone yet? Has anyone talked to you, or said or done something that’s made you upset?” Casper shook his head.

“Okay, that’s good. Did you feel unwell earlier? Like earlier on in the day?” Casper shook his head.

“I had a bad dream”.

“Oh, he talks!” said the guard. She put her hand out towards him. “I’m Jane by the way.”

Casper looked up at her for the first time and shook her hand. She was beautiful. Not the usual kind of beautiful, but a level of beautiful head and shoulder above anyone else. Inside and out. Her face had a geneuine smile that carried all the positivity and kindness the world had to offer. Her hair sat on her shoulders so majestically and wonderfully. Her body not to mention,curvy and elegant was also very beautiful and sexy, he felt his cage get a little tighter as he examined her figure. He blushed again looking away bringing his hands together between his thighs.

“Oh, has he cheered up a wee bit, is that a smile?”

“Shut up” he laughed gently, still blushing. Jane pulled back the chair on the other side of the table and took a seat.

“So, your dream. Anything you want to talk about?”

Casper’s expression changed immediately.

“Yeah.” he paused. “Just something that happened in the past. Not very nice things. I don’t really want to go more into it. Sorry”.

“Aw, that’s fine, no need to apologise. We’ve all got our issues to deal with, and it’s shit facing it alone, let me tell you.”

Casper felt sad again.

“I’ve got no one. Nothing. My Mum, Dad and Granny are all dead. Any friends I had, I lost contact with before the war began. I’ve spent the past 4 years just surviving. I saw a lot of things that fucked me upmentally, now I’m here and I don’t know anyone, and I feel so alone.”

“I think back to when I was a kid, and where I thought I’d be now compared to where I am, and it hurts. I think about what if my Mum were to see me now and it breaks my heart. I just don’t know where to go from here. I feel bad for the things I did, so I kinda deserve this anyway but yeah, I’m sorry to trauma dump you, it’s just how I’m feeling right now with everything.”

Jane was silent. She looked at him with concern and goal and put her hand on his.

“It’s fine. You never need to apologise, talking about things that you’re upset about. You are not bothering me. The last few years have clearly been very traumatic for you. A lot of people have faced difficulties, and your feelings are valid, but I am not a professional. I can’t help you in that way. If you want, I could set up an appointment with the prison counselor?”

“I dunno.” signed Casper. “It’s just I’m not so good with opening up. Before I was arrested, I was fighting within a group of thieves. They were the closest thing to friends I had since the war ended. They all had similar stories to mine, so I thought maybe we’d be able to relate, but the times I tried to open up to them, they just told me they didn’t want to hear any sob stories. They called me a little bitch and belittled me, so I just didn’t want to open up anymore.”

“Well, that was fucked up of them. Maybe when you’re ready you can talk with our counselor, absolutely no judgment from her. I know, she treats staff as well. I’ve done sessions with her in the past, and she offers CBT which helped me a lot. I’m sure she can help you too. It’s just you have to be ready to talk I suppose.”

“Yeah, well, I’ll consider it.” said Casper.

The door to the office swung open. A young guard with glasses walked in holding a dinner tray.

“Just put it on the table Eleanor, thanks.” Eleanor put the tray down along with a knife and fork and a bottle of water, then left the room. It was shepherd’s pie.

“All the other inmates are having their dinner just now. Wouldn’t want you to miss yours”. said Jane sipping some more tea.

“Thanks, but I’m not desperately hungry anymore”.

“Nonsense Casper, I bet you didn’t have anything to eat since this morning. Look, maybe you don’t feel like it, but you’ll feel better if you eat something. Even just a wee bit. After all, isn’t being hungry what ultimately led to you being sent here?”

“How do you know about that?!” spluttered Casper blushing bright red.

“It was all in your file” replied Jane sipping her tea. “Not like it’s classified information. Anyway c’mon, have some, you know you want to!” she Winked.

Casper looked at the shepherd’s pie. It smelt amazing. He picked up the fork and scooped a bit of it into his mouth. His eyes lit up. He couldn’t remember the last time he had a fresh hot meal tasting as good as this, perhaps when his mum was still alive.

Jane laughed, “Not what you were expecting, huh?”

“No. Not at all. This is lovely!”

“Glad you like it” Jane laughed.

“All the produce we serve to our inmates and staff, is produced and prepared entirely by us. Outside on the grounds of the prison is our farm where all the crops grow, and the animals are kept. Well-guarded of course. Maybe this week, you’ll get to work there when you get given your duties.” Casper was amazed.

“I mean, otherwise we’d have to rely on the governments rations which would be disastrous given that your health and safety is our responsibility.”

I could get used to this, thought Casper. Freshly produced and cooked meals isn’t what he expected to come to prison. One forkful after another he ate more and more of the pie, not slowing down. He ate so boldly, Jane found it amusing.

“Hey! Watch out, you’re making a wee message on the table. I’m not cleaning that up!”

Casper, stopped eating and looked up at her. “I’m sorry, it’s just so good. I’ve not had food this nice in years and years.”

“It’s fine. Eat up. I’m just telling you not to make a mess” she laughed.

“Okay” said Casper immediately plunging himself back into the pie. Soon enough, he had his last forkful then, drank his water in one go. He had pie all over his face. Putting the bottle back down he burped a big burp.


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