This is a long story comprising a number of parts. Its central focus revolves around female empowerment, female sexual domination of white males and sexual attraction and relationships between white Women and black males. Although initially the black males were also sexually dominated along with the white males, this gradually changed over time to a situation where the Women, although still able to dominate the black men, also have them as their lovers and the black men dominate white men.
The story is entirely fictitious and features unrealistic and unlikely characteristics of persons and events. Where there is resemblance to any living persons, it is entirely coincidental and not intended. The mention of now deceased persons is for effect and is not intended to convey that the representation of them is in any way true.
This Part covers the development of The Ladies’ Society and how men’s roles developed as a1.
Changes in the Faversham household
Within 2 weeks changes were well advanced in the household. George and any of his male friends who served Mistress Tara (Pauline), such as young David Pendlebury and Norton Smythe, who had become very submissive with a view to serving Mistress Tara and now Susanna, on entering the house had now been conditioned immediately to strip fully naked and their clothes were locked away by either Violet or Emily who would be on hand in the course of their duties to open the door to visitors. George now was not even permitted to have his own key. He like any other male submissive entering the house had to behave in a totally subservient way to any Woman, even the junior maids.
The boys would then immediately drop to their knees and ask Violet or Emily for any tasks to perform. The change in status was most humiliating for the boys. Usually, it was them giving the orders to junior house staff, but now the tables were turned and, unfortunately for the boys, there was some initial reluctance to be deferential to the young maids.
With the assistance of Pauline and Susanna, Kathryn soon saw to it that the reluctance was beating out of the boys… literally. On observing or being informed of any hesitancy by the boys to obey Emily or Violet, Kathryn had either or both Susanna or Pauline (if she was at the house at the time) administrator a punishment can immediately to the offending boy or boys.
This was done with a thick rattan cane and done without warm up, without pause and without decrease in intensity for a minimum of 100 strokes. Additionally, the caning was performed in front of all the Women in the household who were summoned to witness the punishment.
After 20 strokes the boys were squealing, by 50 strokes they were shrieking in agony and crying uncontrollable and by the full 100 strokes they were barely recognized as men… they were cowering in fear and absolutely bawling their eyes out and barely able to utter a sound after spending the last few minutes absolutely screaming their lungs out in pain.
To reform the lesson, each of Violet and Emily then gave the boys 10 of the hardest kicks to the balls each young Woman could deliver to the offending boy or boys, again with no warm up, pause or let up in intensity. Once again, the squeals of agoy were quite intense.
The boys then had to crawl to each of Emily and Violet and kiss their feet and in a loud voice so all the Women in the household could clearly hear, apologise for their failure to honour and respect Emily and Violet.
By the fifth day the transformation had been completed.George by then had to have 6 punishment canings, including 2 on one day, before he fully accepted his subservice, whereas Pendlebury and Smythe were quicker learners and became subservient after each had received 3 punishment canings.
Toilet duties
Another very important change took place in the daily routine of the household too. This was to right the wrong that had been perpetuated on Both Kathryn and Stephanie by the First Count of Faversham, Kathryn’s late husband and Stephanie’s late father.
Having was used shamefully by him for what can only politely be called ‘toilet duties’, Kathryn and Stephanie were most keen to ensure that George now was the one performing that role in the household.
The Women put a lot of thought into how this might be achieved. With Pauline’s experience and suggestions, and with Kathryn’s influence and connections, arrangements were quickly made for the creation of a special toilet room in the house. It wouldNot replace the regular toilets, but it would be used to get revenge for the shameful treatment Kathryn and Stephanie had suffered and, looking into the future, to be used for particular water sports and toilet play which Pauline explained in detail to the fascinated Women what that particular kind play involved.
“So, as I understand it,” asked Kathryn, “we use men’s mouths as toilets as it were, and we piss and, Although it sounds revolting, that in some more extreme play, the Dommes shit in the slaves’ mouths. For their part, the slaves drink and eat it up and then they lick us clean?”
“Exactly,” replied Pauline.
“But,” Pauline continued, “shit eating is a bit more heavy duty play. Not all the Lady Nurses in my position do it. Some just give golden shows, as it’s called. Or we say that we are making the sluts drink our “golden narrowar”. For shit, we say they are eating ‘our delicious caviar’.”
This brought a huge laugh from the assembled Women.
“Well,fortunately that disgusting bastard of a husband never made me eat his shit, but he did make me lick his arse after he had taken a shit and had me lick his shitty arsehole clean. So, because of that, George, that boy of his who he did on, is definitely going to have to lick my shitty arsehole,” Kathryn said most firmly. “Don’t you think so, Stephanie?”
“He certainly is, Mama,” Stephanie quickly replied. “I get queasy thinking of how many times that fucking cunt of a father of mine had me lick his shitty arsehole, so that smartmy conceited brother of mine is very definitely going to get a taste of that medicine, so to speak. In fact, lots of taste.”
Once again, the Women burst out laughing at Stephanie’s remarks.
Mrs Corbett then spoke up. “That’s not going to be very nice for my girls Emily and Violet to have to clean up after.”
“Good heavens, Mrs Corbett,” Kathryn quickly replied, “They will be doing no such thing at all. All us Women, including Emily and Violet and of course you and Mrs Duncan, will be using the special toilet, you very certainly won’t be cleaning it.”
“No, George and his male friends who come here, they themselves will be doing the consuming and cleaning up afterwards. If they don’t leave the toilet spotless, well I think you know how their cocks, balls and arseholes are going to suffer,” Kathryn continued.
“Well, that’s a great relief I must say,” Mrs Corbett replied to the smiles all-around of the Women.
Thereafter, much discussion went into thinking about the concept and design and operation of the toilet for daily and future party use.
Within only 3 weeks from the first party, a new bathroom had been built in the living quarters. It was to be where George would now spend a considerable part of his day from now on.
The room had similarities with a regular bathroom in that it had tiling and wash basins and a shower and a toilet pedestal but there the similarity ended. The room was larger than a regular bathroom.
The toilet had pride of place on a raised tiled platform in the centre of the room measuring 3 metres by 3 metres and raised a metre off the floor with steps leading up on the front. In addition to highlighting the toilet, the raised platform also provided cover for the plumbing operations of the toilet. There was seating on all sides of the room to allow the Women to watch the toilet in use with the slaves providing the ‘entertainment’.
The toilet was more akin to a squat toilet in that it was a hole in the ground and had an accompanying tap and and hose used for washing down the toilet. But instead of squatting, the users had quite a comfortable regular looking toilet seat built on a chair which allowed them to sit in comfort over the hole but allowed views the opportunity to see the toilet being used over the males’ faces.
Where the other difference was that there was a lying area for a nude male to lie whereby the male was positioned so that his head was completely underneath the seat and over the hole but there was a head rest to support his head.
The scheme of operation was that a Woman would come in, take a seat on the toilet chair, use the nude male as a foot rest, which often involved grinding her siletto heels into the males fully exposed cock and balls, so he would yell out in pain, thereby opening his mouth, and the Woman would then “do her business”.
The male lying underneath was required to keep his mouth open in order to consume the liquid offerings the Women would bestow on him. If the Woman was going to shit also, she would let the slave know so he could move his face to the side to avoid the waste going into his mouth. When they were finished, the Woman would issue the command “Paper” which was the signal to the nude male to lean up and lick the Woman completely clean of All remnants of waste she had explored. This was usually accompanied by some vicious stomping of the male’s cock and balls to make sure he was being attentive.
Before he did so of course, the male had to lick his lips clean and ensure only his clean mouth and tongue provided the ‘toilet paper” or licking service to the Women.
When the male had completed his task, which often took several minutes, he would say “Thank you Mistress (name) for allowing me the honour of consuming your golden nectar. The woman would then stand up, full weight on the man, give him one last grinding of his cock and balls with her shoes or feet, then step off and go about her other activities.
Depending on her mood, she might say something like, “Thank you (name), you fucking pissdrinking arselicking cunt!” or other humiliating phrases. Or equally, she may simply ignore him and walk off.
When the Woman had left the room, the male would as quickly as he could, wash down and wipe the toilet area so that it was ready for the use of the next Woman. To aid in this, he had a switch which operated an “Occupied/Vacant” sign outside the door to the room. This was the usual operation of the toilet, that is to say, single use by a single Woman. Of course, if a Woman wished company, and another Woman was in line to use the toilet, the Woman using the toilet would use the second switch and have the Vacant sign showing coloured instead of the usual green so that even though she was in there and another Woman or Women, seeing the red Vacant sign, would know it was perfectly acceptable for them to enter.
And then there was party use. In this instance, more slaves were on hand to act as toilet paper in order to ensure the queue didn’t become too long.
Obviously, regular toilets were still available in the house for use when time or circumstances didn’t permit the special toilet to be used.
The new toilet is opened
Very soon after the special toilet room had been finished, Kathryn decided to christen it.
For this purpose, George had been instructed in no unCertain terms by Pauline, in her role as Mistress Tara, what the expectations of his toilet service were going to be. He had little choice but to obey.
Pauline (Mistress Tara) had also given the same training to the other 3 young men who were her favourite and best performed submissive men who had been at the very first party, namely David Pendlebury and Norton Smythe and, the particular favourite, Joseph Butzemi.
Three days after the room was completed, the submissive men were waiting fully nude in the room on their knees while the excited Women filed into the room to participate in the proceedings.
The Women took their seats at the viewing platforms in order to observe the proceedings and Kathryn began to address the assembled Women.
“Members of our new Ladies’ Society. Welcome to a fucking change of circumstances for our fucking household and the start of a new fucking service we Women can fucking expect at fucking Society events,” Kathryn outlined.
“As you may have fucking noticed, now when the fucking submissive cunts are present, we use the very fucking vulgar language they are fucking used to as I fucking discussed at our fucking party a few fucking weeks ago. In fucking fact, as the fucking men themselves fucking do, we use it quite fucking excessively, as I am fucking doing fucking now myself.”
This brought out some sniggers from the Women, Especially Emily and Violet.
“I and Stephanie have confronted the fucking indignities that fucking cunt my late fucking husband and her fucking father subjected us to. Never will any Ladies’ Society member fucking suffering such fucking treatment again.
“No. If there are any fucking indignities, it will be the fucking men suffering, you can fucking mark my fucking words about that,” Kathryn went on, raising the spirits of all the Women present.
“From this fucking day forward, that fucking cunt George will be providing a fucking daily toilet service for all the Women inThis fucking household, and I do mean all. You fucking understand that now don’t you, George, you fucking cunt?” Kathryn asked pointedly.
“You may fucking speaking,” which Kathryn had to order because, by now, all the males had beaten into them the behavior that they could only speak in the presence of any Woman of any status, if given express permission by a Woman.
“Yes, Mistress,” George solemnly replied.
“So, from fucking 6AM, George will be in fucking position here waiting to be fucking used by any household members. He may only fucking depart when used by every Woman who is fucking present in the house that fucking day. He will fucking resume position at fucking 9PM and wait in fucking position until again fucking used by all Women present in the fucking house.”
“At other fucking times during the fucking day, depending on fucking availability, another fucking slave will be in position or, if he isn’t fucking required for other fucking duties, George will fucking remains in place all fucking day, with suitable fucking breaks being allowed, of course.
“Now I’m sure there is a fucking question that is on all of your lips,” Kathryn went on. “And that is quite a good way to fucking introduction the subject of shitting while the slave is in fucking position.”
This brought a little giggle from Emily and Violet.
“Emily and Violet!” Mrs Corbett admonished.
“It’s quite alright, Mrs Corbett,” said Kathryn. “A perfectly normal fucking reaction. In fact, Stephanie and I were fucking laughing about how much fucking fun we were going to fucking have with George having to fucking lick us clean after we have fucking taken a shit. Weren’t we, Stephanie?”
“We certainly fucking were, Mama,” replied Stephanie laughing again.
“There will be some sensible fucking rules about this,” Kathryn started to explain.
“The basic fucking rule is that when you are in position and the fucking slave is underneath you, you can fucking piss in his mouth straight away without fucking warning. But you can of course speak to him in humiliating fucking ways about him being a fucking pissdrinker. When you are about to fucking shit, you do have to tell the fucking boy so he can move his fucking head out of the way. However, farting in his face without fucking warning is perfectly fucking legitimate.”
Again, this elicited another round of laughter and giggles from the assembled Women.
“Now there are some special fucking circumstances which alter that fucking situation. That is, if you have a fucking upset stomach then you cannot, for the fucking practical reasons you can appreciate, use this fucking toilet. You must use a normal fucking toilet.”
The Women of the Faversham household christen the new toilet
“Well, that’s enough fucking talk,” said Kathryn, “time to christen our new fucking toilet.”
“And I hope no one fucking minds if I do the fucking honours first,” said Kathryn tothe nods and statements of approval of the assembled Women.
“Get in fucking position, George, you fucking pissdrinking arselicking cunt!”
George didn’t heed to be told twice. In a very short time he was lying on the platform, with his head supported by the rest and his head completely over the toilet bowl.
Kathryn then graciously ascended the platform, took a little time to stand on George and grind her high heeled shoes into George’s cock and balls, which caused him to groan in some disappoint, before lifting her skirt and taking her place on the toilet chair. In this position, Kathryn smooth shacked cunt and arsehole were positioned about 4″ above George’s mouth and face.
Very soon, the Ladies in the audience were treated to the sight of Kathryn pissing directly into George’s mouth. This brought great chefs from the Ladies watching.
Although George did attempt to swallow his mother’s piss as it flowed directly into his mouth, it was obvious that he neededd more swallowing practice.
Stephanie noticed this and called to her mother.
“Mama, the fucking little cunt is doing a terrible fucking job of swallowing your fucking precious golden negative. So much of it is fucking going to fucking waste down the fucking toilet bowl. Give him a few fucking whacks with your fucking crop!”
“Thank you, Stephanie,” replied Kathryn, “That certainly fucking looks the case as I fucking looked just then.”
“Open wide and swallow, you little cunt,” ordered Kathryn while unleashing a vicious rain of strokes directly on George’s cock and balls with her crop.
“Arrrgggh,” reacted George, which had the immediate effect of causing him to open his mouth and swallow more of Kathryn’s piss.
After about 40 seconds of strong flow, the stream of Kathryn’s piss subsided to just a few drops as Kathryn then shook herself to finish off her pissing.
“Keep your fucking head there, George and make sure your fucking nostrils are right up in my fucking arsehole,” Kathryn then ordered.
Then, accompanied by a slight tummy rumble from Kathryn, the room was treated to a loud ripping sound as Kathryn let go with a huge far straight into George’s nostrils.
The room just exploded in laughter at the treatment George received.
“Thanks so fucking much for the fucking beans you have been fucking preparing for us, Mrs Duncan. It certainly gets our fucking bowels ready for fucking treating George, the fucking little cunt, to what he so richly fucking deserves,” Kathryn laughed along with the rest which was accompanied by some gagging sounds from George.
“You may move your fucking head out of the way now, George,” said Kathryn.
“Here fucking comes a nice big greasy fucking turd for you to watch, George,” Kathryn continued.
George managed to move his head far enough for the turd to emerge from Kathryn’s arsehole and drop down into the toilet bowl. Another turd soon emerged and once again, dropped down into the bowl.
“Paper!” Kathryn immediately ordered.
George immediately raised his head slightly and began to tongue clean his mother’s cunt and arsehole.
After a good two minutes of earnest licking by George, Kathryn proclaimed herself satisfied that she had been sufficiently cleaned by George.
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