The Society Ch. 02

“So, Summer, this is how the Society works.”

Summer sat on the couch, paying rapt attention to Melody. After the appointment with Dr. Brown, her hormones were making her feel like she was a teenager again, and it was hard to concentrate. Her mind was full of imagination scenarios of what might happen to her, and what the Society might expect her to do.

Her friend Kristi sat next to her. Summer wondered what Kristi had experienced since joining the Society. She knew her friend was happier than she’d ever been, and she was glad for her friend, of course. But had she, too, given Dr. Brown a blowjob in his office? Or more? Had she was bent over that desk for sex, or for a spanking? What about the dates she’d been on? Her mind swam with the possibilities, and whenever she thought of Kristi doing something, of course she wondered if she’d end up doing it too.

“Summer?” said Melody. Melody was the nurse at Dr. Brown’s. She was a busty girl, and her blouse did everything itcould to emphasize that, between being too tight and having buttons that probably wouldn’t stay buttoned even if Melody tried.

Her friend Kristi was more average. Dark hair, down to her shoulders. No one feature to grab anyone’s attention, but Summer had always thought of her friend as pretty. More so lately, now that Kristi had been taking better care of herself. Her nails were Always manicured and painted, and her dresses smart and sexy without being all the way slutty.

“Um, yes, Melody.”

“I’ll start over. When you are in the presence of one of the Masters of the Society, they expect you to obey all orders. Many of those orders will be sexual. If you feel you have information they do not have, you may share it with them, but their directions are final.”

“That seems simple. But there are lots of them, right? I mean, I don’t want to get sick, or anything, and if lots of them are with lots of us…”

“They are tested regularly,” Melody explained. “And theyhave sex with no one outside the Society. You will not have sex with anyone outside the Society, either. Violators are removed. Everyone has access to state-of-the-art medicine. We can’t stop the common cold, but STI’s are not a thing within the Society. Neither is pregnancy, by the way. The men have all had vasectomies and have had their sperm frozen. The only way you, or they, will become parents is because you choose to do so, not because of an accident. As a result, no condoms are necessary. Good sex is messy.”

“Wow. I’ve signed up for a lot, then.” She looked down at the anklet she wore. On it hung a charm with an S made of crystals, so that the members of the Society could recognize her as a member. So that Master of the Society knew that she owed them obedience and sex on demand.

“Oh, trust me, being free to use is a blast,” said Kristi. “It takes all the uncertainty out of dating. I find it so liberating.”

“So it’s all Masters, who are alpha-sevens, and us beta-fours, in the society? And the Masters are men, and the beta-fours are all women? What are we? Slaves? Submissives?”

“We are whatever they choose to call us,” said Melody. “Why limit it to one thing? But no, it is not just Masters and beta-fours. The Society has adjunct members. They, too, follow the directions of the Masters, and observe the requirements not to have sex outside the Society. Most of them are men; a few are women. They, too, have gone through extensive personality testing, whether they are alphas, betas, gammas, or deltas. Occasionally you will be told to interact with an adjunct by a Master. With the male adjuncts this is usually quite specific. You may be required to obey a female adjunct, usually a delta, within a certain framework specified by a Master.”

“I’m straight,” said Summer. She wondered what a gamma and a delta were, but she wanted to establish that.

“I could tell that when you kissed me,” Melody said, sarcastically.

“That was a one off. That was to make Dr. Brown happy.”

“We are often going to make our Masters happy. That is our purpose, after all. And it may make them happy for us to enjoy other women in their presence. So we do.”

“So you’re bisexual, then?” Summer asked. “Because they told you to be?”

Melody shrugged. “You can see it that way. But I don’t think of my sexual orientation as straight, or bi, or pansexual. My sexual orientation is ‘yes.’ Or ‘yes, please.’”

“Trust me,” Kristi said. “You won’t regret doing anything they ask you to. I never have. It’s always been good, even if I didn’t think I wanted it. In their own way, the Masters want to please as much as we do.”

Melody nodded. “I understand that for most of They it takes time to understand that they can help us best by using us and letting us please them. They go through a lot of training, because they are good people, and their instinct is to be nice, and flexible. But that’s not what we need, is it? We need a firm hand, and that’s what we get. Every time.”

Summer thought of the way Dr. Brown had told her what to do. Melody was right. That was what turned her on. Getting to be sexual in the way she needed made her feel empowered and alive in a way she didn’t normally feel, as if she was glowing, as if anyone who saw her walking down the street could tell she’d been up to something good just by looking at her. She was still so turned on that she wondered if Melody or Kristi, or both, could help her with that. Then she pushed the thought out of her mind. It would be hot, she thought, but only if a Master ordered us to. Just doing it on our own would feel like cheating.

“You’ve drifted again,” Kristi said.

Melody smiled at her. Had she was talking? Summer thought she had. “Sorry,” Summer said.

“It’s a lot. You’re excited. That’s normal. But just a few more things you need to know before your first date. Kristi knows the rules, so she’ll help go over them again with you ifyou remember.”

“Okay, tell me,” Summer said. Rules. Rules were bad, restrictive, weren’t they? And yet the idea of ​​rules turned her on.

“One, you are to always dress sexy, if you know you are going to be in the presence of a Master. Do your best. Think about what you will look like in various states of undress, too. Having seen your underwear at Dr. Brown’s, I think you already have that part down.”

Summer nodded.

“Second, good grooming. Hair, lipstick, manicure, waxing. Most of the Masters prefer either bareness down there, or a landing strip. They will provide a stipend to make sure that you can afford sexy clothes and any salon services you need.

“Third, you are to cultivate an attitude of pride. Pride in serving, pride in being allowed to serve. I know that seems contrary to submission, but it’s not. They find it pleasure, and it’s a healthy attitude.

“Fourth, you are to crave their pleasure. If they are soft, you want to make them hard. If theyare hard, you want to make them cum. If they cum, it is a gift to you. You will show them you desire their cum on your body, or in your body, as they choose. You want to smell it, feel it, taste it. That will seem completely natural in time, but if it doesn’t now, then fake it until you make it.

“Fifth, your modesty is not yours. You may feel embarrassed, possible even humiliated or degraded by what they ask you to do, and you can and should feel all that you feel, but you will continue to cultivate a feeling of pride that you are worthy of being exposed and used. The Masters may record what they wish, but will label any pictures or video with the symbol of the Society, and no one outside will have access. If they choose to share within the Society, that is their business and beyond your control. I have gotten some of my best dates because a Master I did not know sought me out after seeing me on video.”

“You okay, Summer?” asked Kristi.

Summer didn’t know what to focuss on. She’d be used. She’d be exposed. Maybe even on video, for someone to share with people she didn’t know. And they expected her to like it. She might be humiliated or degraded. Degraded was worse than humiliation, right, or was it the other way around? “I am torn,” she said.

“Torn how?” asked Kristi gently.

“Between the idea that I should be horrified by all of this,” Summer said, “And the idea that I can’t wait three days for it to all happen.”

“Oh, there are things for you to do in the next three days,” Kristi said. “You won’t be just waiting. Hair salon, clothes shopping, mani-pedi—I’ll help you, and go with you. I have a date Saturday.” She glanced at Melody. “With Master Robert.”

“Oh my!” Melody said.

“Who is Master Robert?” Summer asked, looking between the two other women.

“Master Robert is the deep-end,” Melody explained. “You aren’t ready for Master Robert. But Kristi is going to have an incredible time. She might need a friend around after, though. Sub-drop can be a bitch.”

“Can I come over?” Kristi asked Summer.

“Only if I can come over to your place after my date. I don’t really know what to expect.”

“That,” Kristi said, “is part of the fun. Our mind goes wild, all over the place, in anticipation.”

That was an understanding. But Friday night finally arrived, even if the entire day felt like it was crawling. With her date at seven, and her shift at the library finishing at six, Summer had to be mostly prepared. Her colleagues compiled her new wavy hair style, and bright red nails. Some of it had an edge of teasing. Date, or job interview? She didn’t want to deal with the following-up questions for either, so she lied and said none of the above, aware that means that most of them would conclude it was a job interview.

At least they couldn’t tell she had a freshly waxed pussy. That had hurt. And she was supposed to do that as a regular thing? It raised the stakes for the date. But at least if the whole Society thing turned out not to be for her, she wouldn’t have to do that again.

She wanted to break a few traffic laws heading home, but she didn’t want a cop to pull her over. Then she’d be really late. So she forced herself to drive close to the speed limit. She dashed into her apartment, put on her lingerie and her sexy dress and some lipstick, and dashed back out to make it to the restaurant. She’d made the mistake of asking Kristi about the lipstick shade, and Kristi had chosen the brightest, slutties red they had. Fortunately, she didn’t run into any of her neighbors on the way to the car.

Driving to the restaurant was even more nervous racking. What was going to happen? Was she really going to give herself to a stranger? She wasn’t sure she was that brave. It didn’t help that she was incredibly turned on. She tried to blank her mind, and not to imagine or anticipate, but it was difficult.

She parked in the garage below the restaurant. She was five minutes early. She wore a short cocktail dress, just long enough to cover the gap of thigh between stockings and panties. It dipped low in front, so low that she didn’t have a bra to go with it, so she hadn’t hurt one. She didn’t normally go braless, because the bounce of her large breasts made her feel uncomfortable. The three-inch heels forced her to walk slowly, however, which reduced the bounce.

She looked around. She knew nothing about her date except that he was one of the mysterious alpha-sevens, and a Master in the Society.

“Waiting for your party?” asked the greeter.

“Yes.” She expected he’d ask for a name, and she didn’t have one.

“He’s not here yet. I’m sure he’ll be here shortly.”

How did he know that? Did he understand the Significance of the anklet? She felt suddenly exposed. Does he know what sort of things I could be commanded to do, and that I am expected to obey? Or is he wishing he was my date?

Her panties were soaked,and the date hadn’t even started yet. Every time a server swung by to escort a group to their table, she imagined they were casting glances her way.

“Summer Cassidy,” said a voice behind her. “My name is Ryder.”

She turned to look. He was a tall man, in his late thirties she guessed. Handsome, in a roguish way, with longer hair than she’d expected, although it didn’t quite reach his Shoulders. He wore a suit, although he’d dispensed with the tie and the top button of his dark blue shirt was undone. He nodded at the greeter, and the greeter signed a waitress.

“Oh! Pleased to meet you,” said Summer.

“Turn for me,” Ryder said. “I want to see you from all sides.”

“Here?” Summer said, wondering what a slow pirouette would look like to the staff.

“Yes. You won’t get arrested for it, I assure you. Don’t make me give directions twice.”

Summer slowly turned, aware that his gaze was taking her in from head to toe. She glanced over at the greeter, to see if he was looking too. He was, and so was the pretty waitress with the short curly brunette hair.

“You don’t need to care about what anyone thinks but me, Summer. Stay focused, and it will make this more enjoyable.” He turned and smiled at the waitress, who whirled and walked deeper into the restaurant. Ryder followed, not waiting to see if she followed him. She did.

“Here’s your booth,” said the waitress. “I hope you both have a very enjoyable evening.”

Does she know what kind of evening we’re having? Summer wondered. The waitress, whose name tag said she was Wanda, waited until they were both seated to hand them opened menus. Water glasses had already been set out, and the condensation on the sides showed that the water was still cold, even though iceless. Wanda departed.

“This is your first time,” Ryder said. It was a statement, not a question.


“I have faith in you.”

“Oh! Um, thank you, I think.”

Ryder smiled. “What are you wearing beneath the dress?” he asked.

Jumping right to it, thought Summer, although there were probably more embarrassing questions he could ask. “Garter belt. Stockings. Panties.”

“Remove your panties, and hand them to me,” Ryder said.

Summer took a deep breath. Yeah, he really didn’t waste any time. She sidled out of the booth to find the ladies’ room.

“Whe are you going?” asked Ryder.

“To the restroom,” Summer said.

“You can take care of that after you follow directions,” Rider replied.

“I was going to follow directions there. I mean, it might be kind of obvious if I’m shimmying about in the booth.”

“No one has a good view of you here,” Ryder said. “You didn’t make the mistake of fasting your garter belt over the panties, did you?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Good. The waitress will be back in a minute, I suggest you anxious.”

She hiked her skirt up so she could reach under and pulled her panties down as fast as she could. Then she dropped them to her ankles and kicked her way out of them. She reached down, retrieved them, and handed the red lace underseasons to him.

“Already damp. Someone’s excited about this,” Ryder remarked, and put the panties on the table right next to his drinking glass.

“Sir!” she said. “Remember, you said the waitress would be here shortly.”

“Yes. Feel free to inform me of things I don’t know, but do not abuse the privilege to imply that things I do know should change my choice of action.”

A moment later, Wanda was there.

“Hello Sir,” said Wanda. “Might I interest you in some wine?”

“Just one bottle, of your excellent Sauvignon Blanc, please. I am not trying to get the young lady drink. And we’re ready to order. Filet mignon, medium rare, for the lady. The salmon, also medium rare, for me.”

“Yes, Sir, excellent choices,” said Wanda, glancing down at the panties on the table. Summer was sure her face was nearly as red as the panties.

“Yes, Sir, excellent choices,” said Wanda, glancing down at the panties on the table. Summer was sure her face was nearly as red as the panties.

“You always take good care of me,” Ryder said.

“Thank you, Sir,” said Wanda. “Should I take care of those?”

“Yes, please, Wanda.”

“Of course, Sir.” Wanda picked up the panties and stuffed them into a small pouch attached to her belt.

“She won’t be needed them back,” Ryder said.

Wanda smiled. “I imagined not.” She smiled at Summer and headed off.

“Is she part of the Society?” Summer asked.

“No. She has a fetish, and I indulge it, and in return I always get excellent service and a secluded booth. Also, I get to see young ladies turn a pretty shade of red.”

“Oh,” she said, thinking she’d said it a few times already and should probably stop saying that. “Does she think I’m a whore?”

“No, I suspect she realizes that you’re just a slut. She could feel how wet those panties were as well as I.”

Summer wanted to protest the label. And yet, here she was with a man she didn’t know, giving him her panties. And she’d blown a therapist in his office earlier in the week and kissed his receptionist even. She wasn’t sure what was sluttier, blowing a guy she’d just met, tongue-kissing a girl when she was straight, or turning over her panties so easily.

“I better study the menu,” Summer said, looking for a distraction from the intensity of Ryder’s gaze.

“Thinking about dessert already?”

“No, just what to order.”

“I already ordered for you.”

“You did? When?”

“While you were thinking about what Wanda would think about your wet panties on the table, apparently,” Ryder said dryly. “Let’s get to know each other, shall we? I’ve read your questionnaire, of course, so we can skip the trivialities.”

“Well, I’m a Librarian,” Summer began.

“I said I’d read the questionnaire. I know where you work, that you used to play tennis, and that you orgasm most easily from cloral stimulation but your best orgasms come from your G-spot. I know you claim not to enjoy the taste of cum. Your favorite book is called Murder Must Advertise, but I have not read it because my time is not limited. I assume it’s a mystery.”

“Yes. But I know nothing about you, at all.”

Ryder smiled. “Not even my real name. You don’t need that in order to fuck me, do you, Summer?”

She blushed.

“I asked you a question, I want an answer.”

“No,” she said, softly.

“Good enough. In the future, I expect responses to come the first time, and in a clear, normal conversational tone. I’m aware that you’re very aroused, but you I will not allow you to cum until after I do. Eat your food and chew it thoroughly even though you know that delays both your orgasm and, more importantly, mine.”

“I thought you wanted to get to know me, and you’re just giving directions.”

Ryder smiled. “And paying very close attention to your reactions. That dress is meant to be wound braless, for instance, and therefore has thick fabric disguising the exact position of your nipples, until this conversation when they have become too hard to conceal. You chew on your lip whenever I say something about how aroused you are, or how wet your panties were. You’re feeling a bit frustrated, aren’t you?”

She nodded and then remembered his direction. “Yes. Yes, I am.”

“Is that lipstick going to come off on my cock, you think?” Ryder asked.

A graphic image followed the words into her mind. “I think so. I haven’t, um, tested it out.” She saw a chance to seize the initiative. “I hope I’ll get a chance, later?”

“You will.” He leaned back. “When I tell you to.”

So much for the initiative. They ate their food. Wanda came by to smile, now and then. Every time she looked at him, his gaze was devouring her body, making her aware of every barred millionmeter of skin. She was glad when Wanda finally took away the bill, and he stood and offered an elbow for her to hold onto like a perfect gentleman.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

“Fine,” she said.

He didn’t move. “That’s not very informative. Try again.”

“Horny,” she admitted.

“Good. I knew that.” He steered her out, past all the patrons. No one could tell she wasn’t wearing panties, but she felt as if they could, somehow. He walked her down to the parking garage below the restaurant. “We’ll use my car. I’ll make sure you get yours later.”

His car turned out to be a Lincoln town car, and it came with a tall, muscle driver who opened the back door for her, and then the one on the other side for Ryder.


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