Adam and Eve are a romantic couple with a unique game. Tonight Adam snaps and breaks Eve.
**Warning this story does contain play that, is a known trigger for some individuals.**
“Can you grab me a cold bottle of water when you come back? Im loading up that rom-com I talked about last week,” said Eve from the living room couch.
An audible groan from the kitchen was heard. “Yes, sweety,” as adam finishes making popcorn and grabs water. He was less than thrilled for another rom-com, but he knew he would get some attention as they cuddled. Adam has had a cock cage for nearly two weeks, with no release and heavy amounts of teasing from his brat Eve. She has done everything under the sun to frustrate and use him. He has been extremely close to his breaking point over the last Two days, and he suspects that Eve may push the buttons to push him over the edge tonight. He walks back to the living room and hands Eve water and a bowl of popcorn.
“Good boy,” says Eve knowing all too well based on how Adam has acted over the last 48h that he is going to explode tonight. She feels a flush of heat around her body, knowing she will get what she paid for over the last two weeks of sexual hell she put him in. She loves to tease Adam as the process ends with her being worshipped, bringing her many an orgasm with no relief for him. But…when he snaps, it’s as if the devil himself takes over, and she ends up a broken mess. Eve shifts thinking about past experiences and is mentally ready herself to push the big red button of doom.
Adam and Eve snuggle up as per usual as they watch the movie. About halfway through, the perfect moment happens where the two proteinists have a very modern lovemaking scene, and Eve turns on the brat. “Look Honey! If you had the balls, that could be you!” As she side-eyes him with that evil grin, she knows he loves. She pats the crotch area, making sure to hit the cages.
Adam grumbles. That unfair shot from Eve sent atingle up the spine. It’s very clear tonight is when his laid plans will be put to use. Eve is in for a rough night.
Eve ramps up the pressure. “It’s so sexy when a man knows how to truly a handle woman. Too bad you hide behind a cage like a weak little animal.” Her hand not so subtly undoes his shorts and pulls out the caged member. It clearly reacted to her touch as it twitched around and pressed hard against the metal cage. Eve knows just what button to push. She leans down and licks just a tiny bit.
Adam tenses. Eve never willing puts her mouth near his member unless she is forced. This is a clear sign to him that Eve is going to fight but is also ready to be broken. Adam feels the tension go down. He controls his breathing, and it’s now time to act.
Eve sits back up and notices that Adam’s energy has changed. She grinins and gets ready to fight back. “What you going to do about it, you subby little bitch” she reaches to his exposed balls.
Adam smiles and grabs her hand before she can get close. The touch is electric, and it causes him to grip hard. He savors the shock in her eyes as she tries to pull away but can’t.
Eve panics as right now, the usual week spots she would attack adam are not exposed. Thinking quickly, she slapse Adam across the face. That did the trick as he let go of her hand for a moment and fled to a better spot for defense.
Adam, stunned at the strength of that slap, grins as eve flees the area. The cage entrapping his member is barely containing him at this point. Adam rubs his face and stands up to follow. He reaches into a basket near the couch to pick up his first bag of supplies.
Eve fleed into the PC room as it was neutral territory. This is an excellent defense spot, she thought to herself. It was also filled with bean bag chairs, a nice soft carpet, and plenty of nerd toys to fight back with.
Adam slowly walks away from the couch, knowing exactly where Eve will run to. He stretches his arms and legs as he approaches the game room with tools in hand. Pushing in the door, he sees Eve stretching as well. She is wielding a foam sword that we both know won’t slow him down. He drops a grab bag of tools on the floor. He watches Eve eye the bag as it makes a metal sound and rope spills out.
“Shit…the mean hemp rope,” Eve says internally. That means Adam has a plan, and it’s going to hurt. The last time he broke them out, Eve’s body was on fire as the rope dug into her breasts and pussy. She shuddered but knows she has to focus if there is any chance of winning. ” Bring it on bitch boi. If you fail, ill be fucking your ass all night long,” temping Adam with a good time, but she knows it won’t phase him tonight.
Adam grinins but shrugs off the tease and say, ” If you want in the ass so bad, ill make sure that happens, little one.” He knows that will weaken her defense some. He picks up the rope and steps towards Eve. He braces for her swing but is ready to get control of a hand again.
Eve takes a swing with the sword and connects with Adam’s right arm, but she knows his left will take a shot to grab her arms. She is ready for him and take a step forward to push him back, keeping his left arm at bay. “What’s the matter boi? Not fast enough to get your bitchass hands on me?” As Adam staggers back.
Adam is seeing red. He calms his breathing and Looks are the room. He grins as he notices she is perfectly lined up with a bean bag chair. He gowls and pushes forward. ” Dont need to be fast when I’m patient,” as he bear hugs her as she assaults him with the sword.
Eve is now slightly panicked as the sword is worthless now and feels herself being pushed backward. She braces for what she hopes will be a softish landing. Both bodies land in a pile, with Adam on top.
Adam has the high ground, and Eve’s body pinned. He feels Eves’s nails clawing at him. She has clearly abandoned the sword and starting to get down and dirty. He bites herneck to slow her down. She cries out in pain and retaliates with a shot to the balls but not without consequences. Adam growls in pain, but the cage saves him from some of the hit. Eve has a pained look on her face as her knee landing square with the metal device.
Adam pushing thru the pain managements to get an arm of Eves’. It’s now game time for Adam as he needs to be quick and get an arm under control. He uses a quick rope trick he learned and gets it secure around Eve’s wrist. It’s tight, so Adam makes a note to fix it after she is secure.
Eve panics again as He has an arm and her pinned. She has to fight hard, or it’s over. ” You’re a fucking dick head and smell like shit” she moves every inch she can to get away, but she is stuck. She keeps the other hand away from Adam as he tries to wrangle her other arm. She sees him shift weight enough to get out from under him. Once she slips free, she gets ready to yell freedom when she is suddenly yanked back by her arm. “Fuck” she says when she remembers that she has an arm bound in rope.
“Perfect,” Adam thinks to himself as his prey just sealed her fate. He now has her from behind with a secured arm. Taking advantage, he quickly controls the other arm via her shoulder. “Thanks for the help, little one. Dont worry, I’ll make sure you’re well treated tonight.”
Eve is angry and will fight Adam too and nail. He hasn’t played her yet, but her thoughts are drifting more and more of what’s to come. She fights to maintain control but feels the rope slipping around her free wrist. As soon as it started, she felt the tug. She knows now secure her hands together. “You’re a dickhead. I not going to open my legs for you tonight if it’s the last thing I do.”
Adam is happy her hands are secure. Eve has plenty of fight left but is caught in the web. Adam lovingly kisses Eve on the neck and then secures Eve’s wrists to her waist. He quickly scooped her up in a fireman’s carry and took Eve to get her ready.
Eve fights hard in the carry, but she is stuck again. Adam’s arms lock her legs down against his body. “Fuck you and your weak ass caged dick,” she says as they cross into the bedroom. Adam tosses eve onto the bed face first and lets out a large oof.
Adam quickly grabs another coil of rope and binds Eve’s legs just enough to stop her from being able to walk. He steps away to their toy chest and finds restraints that will not allow escape. He sees the rigid leather cuffs that lock and returns to the bed. Eve curses up a storm as Adam slips the rope to lock down the cuffs.
“Fuck you, asshole” Eve starts to wiggle, but things are beginning to shift as she feels the heat building between her legs. She knows it’s over unless Adam fucks up, and he doesn’t fuck up often. She feels His hands work on her ankles with leather cuffs. She tests her wrists but remembers these were meant to contain him, so there is no chance she could force-free.
Knowing that Eve is at leasthobbled, he can take some of the rope and hog tie her legs cuffs to the wrists. It’s loose enough that Eve can wiggle now, but no way can move beyond the best. Adam steps away to start to gather more supplies and get this cage off.
Adam opens the safe in the closet to retrieve the key to his current torture. The key to the cock cage has a number tag through a 3d printed sleep. It’s impossible to get the key free Without shashing the box or cutting the locking tag. He takes the key and walks over to Eves’s part of the closet to retrieve his favorite pair of high heels. Then he hits the toy chest and grabs the bag he had ready for tonight. He takes a moment to breathe before stepping back into the room.
Eve takes notice of Adams’s absence and struggles hard to get off the bed. She isn’t going to be taken so easily. She is able to flip herself onto her side just as Adam walks into the room. Eve can tell from the look on Adam’s face is one of hunger and lust. He looks right thru her as if she is meat in front of a staved dog.
Adam sees the struggle and flip. He is ready to make her regret pushing him this hard in the best way possible. The first step is to strip her naked. Eve is no fool and wears the junkiest clothes that are fine to destroy. Adam places the items on the bed, walks over to a dresser, and picks up a sharp single-edged blade. He first snaps the edge thru the key tag and frees the key. Taking the key and standing in a clear line of sight, he strips the clothes and then removes the cage. The top part springs away from his body as his cock grows, leaving only the ring around the balls. He grunts as he pulls the ring around his sensitive parts and gently rubs.
Eve seeing the scene before her, gets tingles. She secretly wonders if he has taken some ED pills expecting tonight to be a fuckfest. quickly snaps back to reality and say to him, “That cock is so pathetic. Im surprised it’s working,” knowing that it will only pour gas onthe fire.
Adam strokes but knows he needs to last, so he switches his energy back on Eve. He grabs the knife and gets close to her. With his other hand, he grabs a fist full of hair and tells Eve, ” dont move, or ill cut you, little one” as the knife comes into view.
Eve freezes. She feels the knife touch her skin and feels the fabric of her shirt being ripped. She is quickly made Topless, and as he drags the blunt end around her chest, making sure the cold blade touches the nipple. Eve whimpers and tries to suck it back in to not give adam the pleasure.
Adam grinins as he hears Eve try to stifle the noise. Moving lower down her stomach, making sure the blade was handled carefully. Reaching the edge of the bottoms Eve was wearing, he quickly snaps the knife thru the band and slowly moves the knife thru Eve’s inner leg finishing off that part of the bottoms she is wearing. Taking the knife, Adam flicks the cut over Eve’s other leg and exposes the prize he covets so dearly. Eve’s sex was the most perfect thing on the face of the earth to Adam. Her hair is trimmed to maintain her feminine power, but her lips are perfectly exposed. Adam smiles as he sees how much Eve’s body is lusting for this treatment as she is slick in anticipation.
“Fuck you,” she says to Adam. Eve grinins internally but remains stoic on the surface. She is frustrated as she knows she could fight harder, but she is starting to feel the tingles that begin to mess with her brain.
Adam takes a breath to save Eve’s sweet smell and steady himself for the last cut. He takes the knife blade up the remaining bottom leg and slides it thru until the last bit of clothes she had on is free. He tugs it off her body and throws it to the side. Taking a moment, he kisses Eve on the lips as she now lay cuffed and exposed in front of him. Putting down the knife, he reaches to her pussy and starts to gently probe her wetness. He releases her hair, and she slumps into the bed on her side.
Eve now on the edge of intoxication from this ordeal, knows she is going to feel so much better and worse than she feels know in due time. His gentleness now shows he is looking for the long game tonight, and she is going to hate/love every second. “you’re a poop head,” she says to Adam
Adam knows this is the start of her will be sapped away. The more children the insults, the more the brat is wound down, and the woman who wants to be broken is ready. “Well, little one, its now time to move into part two. Im going to get you some water, and you better get a good drink because it’s going to be a while.” Standing up, he walks to the bathroom.
Eve focuses on breathing and gently exploring the cuffs and chains on her. The cool air on her body is causing goosebumps to show. She remembers he throw other items on the bed and shuffles until she gets a clear view. Fuck…she says internally as she notices it’s Adam’s favorite play heels. They are only 5-inch heels but are hell on the feet and slow you down. The bastard loves them because, as he says, “they do an amazing thing to your legs, and you can’t go far in them.”
Adam returns to the room with a bottle of water and gets close to Eve. “open and sip slowly. I want all of this bottle emptied”. Eve rolls her eyes but complies as she is thirsty in so many ways. Adam noticed her look as she realized what would be part of tonight’s plan. He smiles every so slightly. Once she was done, he throw the bottle aside. Moving towards her legs, he quickly kisses the top of her feet as he reaches for the shoes. He slips them on gingerly and ensures she is seated in them correctly.
Eve wiggles her toes ever so slightly. These heels allow her to slip in and out as wanted, so she is hoping to get free of them while Adam is Distracted. Eve feels adam leave the bed, and she makes the attempt to kick them off to piss him off. Suddenly Eve’s ass exploits in a singing pain that causes her to seek and curse.. “Fuck you, Adam!” As she realizes he was in waiting out of her site, ready to strike.
Adam puts down the crop he had on the ready. He loves these shoes on her, but she can slip out, and that can’t happen tonight. Retrieving two cuffs with a unique purpose of locking eve into the heels. He grins as eve flexes her toes to test out what has been done to her. Adam runs his hands down her legs right to her sweet spot.
Eve feels Adam’s hand slow to part her lips and moves towards her lust button. She instinctively grinds on his hand the moment he makes contact. She rubs him with all the energy in her tanks, determined to sneak an early orgasm.
Adam feeling her lust on his hand increase, can tell that eve is ready for her first of the night. Adam’s breathing quickens as he gets absorbed in her energy. He gently cares her breast and pinches her now very pert nipples with his other hand. Eve moans in response and then starts to tense. Sensing the build-up, adam goes for the kill and pushes all her buttons at once.
Eve is overcome as soon as adam pushes hard against her and tweaks her nipple in her favorite way. She struggles against her binds as she rides the wave. After a moment, her body relaxes, and she feels warmth all over her body.
Adam removes his hand and licks eve’s sweet juices off his hand. Knowing she will take a moment to recover, he steps away to gather What he needs to continue as the night is young and her body has much more to give him.
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