The Smell of Sex Ch. 17

Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.


The car window rolled down and Dr. Adams looked out curiously at the squatting girl. “What’s wrong sweetie?” she asked.

Laura’s face flushed with redness as tears welled up in her eyes. She looked down at her ruined skirt and the puddle that had formed underneath her. “I wet myself,” she whispered.

“Well, just get in the car, and we’ll dry you like before,” Dr. Adams said.

“No,” Laura slumped, her forehead resting on the door, “I *really* wet myself.”

“Oh dear, I thought you were a big girl. Well, the skirt is ruined now. You might as well take it off and dry yourself with it before you get in my car. Of course, you could walk home. Your skirt would probably dry by the time you got back to your dorm,” Dr. Adams told the squatting girl.

‘I can’t walk home like this!’ Laura screamed in her mind. The young blonde had no other choicee, so she quickly slipped the wet skirt off and used it to wipe up the excess liquid on her legs and crotch, before getting into the car.

“Don’t bring that filthy thing in to my car,” Dr. Adams said, pointing at Laura’s soiled skirt. “Just leave it on the ground.”

Laura hesitated then dropped the skirt to the asphalt, before Dr. Adams sped away. “Oh God, what will happen if one of the sorority girls finds my skirt,” Laura gasped with horror.

“If you are so worried about it, when you get back to your dorm, just walk back here with a plastic bag and pick it up, while everyone is sleep,” Dr. Adams told the fretful girl.

Laura heard a car horn and glanced at the car that had pulled up next to them. The Explorer was full of college age boys, staring and pointing at Laura. ‘What are they looking at,’ she wondered, as she looked down. She squealed then clutched both hands over her bare sex.

“What’s wrong sweetie?” Dr. Adams asked innocently.

“They are staring at my-my . . pussy!” Laura gasped.

“You can’t blow them dear, it is such a pretty pussy, they can’t help but stare,” Dr. Adams said, as she downshifted and left the Ford in the dust. “You should be proud of your plump little plum anyway. But, if you are still shy about it, take off your jacket and put it over your lap,” the older woman chided the girl. “Sometimes I wonder what you think about with that blonde little head of yours.”

Laura leaned forward and began to take off her coat. “Ugh!” she grunted, as she felt her sex penetrated. She looked down between her legs to discover the source of her violence. It was Dr. Adams hand!

“Ugh – What – ugh – are – ugh – you – ah doing – ugh – ma’am?” the young blonde gasped out between groans, as her sex was penetrated with her every word.

“I’m just keeping you covered, in case someone else drives by before you get your coat off,” explained the older woman.

Laura laid her coat over her lap, while Dr. Adams continued to work her fingers into the squirming blonde’s sex. Laura didn’t both to point out that her sex was now covered and it was OK for Dr. Adams to remove her hand. It was times like this that Laura got very confused about things. For instance, in some ways she considered Dr. Adams as a maternal influence, yet at other times she was a moody dominant lover. As usual, her confusion was made intuitive by the primitive urges of her betraying body.

A body that responded to the stimulation of her swollen folds by moaning and squirming in the leather seat, as her professor brought her dangerously close to orgasm.

“Who does this pretty little plum belong to sweetie?” Dr. Adams asked, withdrawing her fingers from Laura’s sex and teasing her moist little nether lips.

Laura shifted uneasily in her seat, as she tried to press her pussy into Dr. Adams’ teasing fingers. “I-I do-don’t know, Momma Patricia,” she stuttered.

“Well, the way you are pressing against myhand, it appears you want to give it to me,” Dr. Adams said condescendingly. “Is that what you want Laura, to give me your pussy?”

“Ugh – yes,” whispered Laura, bowing her head in shame.

Dr. Adams’s lips broke into a crocodile’s grin. “I’m sorry dear, what was that you said.”

“I want to give it to you . . . my pussy . . . I wa- need it, ma’am,” Laura had been gged.

Dr. Adams withdraw her hand from underneath the coat and lift her finger to Laura’s lips, while the blonde groaned in frustration. Laura knew what was expected and began to lick the pungent juices for the proven finger, winning a little as she tasted not only the wonderful flavor of pussy, but the slightly tangy remnants from her accident.

“But, why would I want your pretty pussy, When I already have one of my own, little girl?” Dr. Adams asked Laura, while the beautiful blonde dutifully licked the fingerprint clean.

Laura didn’t know what to do. Nor, did she understand this need within herselfto submit to this woman. ‘Is this what a sub is?’ Laura wondered. ‘Please, just tell me what to do and I’ll do it. I just don’t understand what you want.’ Well, Laura did know that Dr. Adams seemed to like it when she acted like she was a child and her professor was her mother. She found herself trying to please this complex woman.

“Because, I need for you to have it mummy. My pussy gets all wet and leakie; and make me a naughty girl. If it was your pussy, you could make sure I’m a good little girl,” Laura said in her best little girl voice. ‘God, did I just say that?’ thought Laura, as she blushed with realization of what she had asked. Her moist sex practically thrummed with anticipation.

“I don’t know sweetie, maybe you need to show it to mummy again, so I can see if I really want it.”

Laura reluctantly removed the coat from her lap, exposing body once again.

“I can’t see it very well like that dear,” chided her teacher. “All I see is your skinny little legs.”

‘Oh God, I can’t believe I’m doing this on the freeway,” Laura thought, as she spread her legs widely, not daring to look out the window of the car.

Now Laura’s plump sex was displayed openly for her teacher. Her pink swollen lips and her engaged clip stood out prominently from her moist denuded sex, advertising the obvious state of her arousal.

“The outside is very pretty Laurie, so sluttish, yet pure, but you are hiding the best parts inside.”

Laura’s fingers found her lips and spread her cunt lewdly for her teacher’s leering star.

“Put your feet on the dash sweetie, so I can get a better look at your little honey-pot,” cooed the older woman.

Laura knew that anyone looking at the car would see her spread legs on the dash and know what she was doing, even if they couldn’t see what she was doing; which practically every one could, due to the size of the small car. The young blonde exposed herself to her teacher’s leering gaze and anyone who passed her, as she spread her feet on the dash of the car. ‘I look like a slut – a sub slut,’ she thought.

“Ohhh . . it is pretty and you’ve already gotten it wet for me you naughty girl.” Dr. Adams took her panties out of her coat pocket and dragged them over Laura’s pussy and drew the silky fabric over her sex, teasing the girl. “Do you know what it means if I own your sluttish cunt little girl?” Dr. Adams warned.

Laura bit her lip and shook her head. Her state of arousal prevented her from speaking.

The older woman teased Laura’s sex with the silver panties, making the poor blonde tremble with lust. “It means I could keep you aroused like this for days or I could see how many orgasms you could have. Maybe I would like it better if it were pierced or if it had my name tattooed on it. Hmmmm . . what if I decided it was too tight and I wanted to make it wider?” Dr. Adams warned. “Are you still sure you want to give me your pussy?”

In truth, Laura just wanted to cum. She had never been this aroused before and she was sure it would be glorious when the moment finally arrived. Tattoos, piercing, stretching – she had never thought about these things before, but when she pictured Dr. Adams’s name tattooed on her sex, the very thought almost made her cum on the spot. “Yes mummy,” she moaned, “I want to give my cunt to you!”

Using only the silky panties, Dr. Adams was teaching Laura how to submit. Slowly but surely, when Laura would spread her nether lips, Dr. Adams would stroke her with the silent undergarment. Little by little, fingers stretched delicate folds, until the girl was whimpering as her pussy twitched between her fingers.

‘Oh yes, my sub slut, you are not even going to recognize yourself after today,’ Dr. Adams thought, as she squeezed Her tights tightly together. Soon they arrived at their destination and the professor had to make a quick right-hand turn to lose the SUV pacing their car and staring at wanton display of Laura’s denuded pussy.

Dr. Adams pulled into a parking space at the mall and looked over at the gorgeous girl next to her. Laura’s eyes were dilated and staring off in space, while her fingers slowly opened and closed the lips of her pussy. Each time the lips would close, her juices would gush forth and a small moan would escape from deep within the blonde’s throat. The professor tried to summon every bit of anger and strength she could Must be to resist the urge to worship the beautiful bare sex of her student. However, she had to have a little taste, because it had been far too long. She leaned over and kissed the blonde’s plump plum, sucking the copious nectar that dripped from her sex, before tearing herself away from it and gazing into Laura’s eyes. “That pussy is mine, all mine,” Dr. Adam’s said. “Do you understand me my naughty slut?”

“Yes, Mi-mummy,” Laura answered, desperate to be kissed down below again.

“Laurie, do you remember when I said that I understand your problem with your leakie pussy and that it was nothing to be ashamed of?”

Laura gasped at the thought of Dr. Adams applying the breast pump to collect her sweet secretions. “Yes, mummy,” she gasped, as her pussy grow even wetter.

“Well Laurie, mummy has her own — well, here let me show you.” Dr. Adams undid the buttons on her blouse and Laura looked on jealously at the older woman’s large full breasts. Then noticed something strange, the cups of the strangely made bra had stains on the nipple area. Patricia opened the cups so that the nipple was exposed and Laura looked on with awe as fluid drunk from the large swollen nipples.

Tears filled the older woman’s eyes, as she reached over and stroked Laura’s beautiful blonde locks. “Baby, mummy’s other little girl died during childbirth. I’ve kept my milk going with the pump in case I was able to get my own girl. But, when I fixed the pump so that I could help you, mummy has been hurting and full.” Patricia pinched hernipple, winning as milk flowed down her breast.

Laura looked at the older woman in a new light. Not only was Dr. Adam’s a beautiful and powerful woman, but she was someone who she could understand. Her eyes well with tears, when she realized how much she loved Dr. Adams. She just had to think of a way to help ease her disappoint.

Laura leaned over and looked up hopefully at Dr. Adams, her mouth open like a little baby bird. “Mummy?” she said optimistically, in her best little girl voice.

“Oh sweetie-pie,” Dr. Adams surprised, pulling Laura tightly to her breasts. “I love you baby, if only *you* could have been my little girl.”

The young blonde took the nipple in her mouth and nursed contentedly from the breast. Dr. Adams stroked Laura’s hair and back, as she began to lightly sing to girl. “Hush little baby don’t say a word momma’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.” By the time she had repeated the lullaby, there in the deserted portion of the parking deck, her breasts were no longer so heavy and she had a small orgasm from the stimulation from her breasts alone.

“Come on sweetie, mommy needs to buy you another skirt.”

Laura woke up from dazed bliss with Patricia’s nipple being pulled from her mouth. Soon her door opened and she was being led out by her hand. Laura felt like there was something wrong, something that she forgot, as she walked with Patricia to the entrance of the mall. Then she felt the cool air on her sex and suddenly it hit her. “I’m not dressed!” she exclaimed, pulling her green silk suit jacket down to cover the cheeses of her ass.

“Don’t worry dear, we’ll worry in and no one will even see you. Besides, you’ve probably won less at the beach,” Patricia soothed.

‘At least, I had a bikini on at the beach!’ Laura thought. She held on tightly to Dr. Adams’s hand. She remembered when she was growing up, how ashamed she was to have to walk with her mother, but now she clung tightly and thankfully out of fear.”Please, mummy, let’s go to the first store we get to,” Laura begged.

“Sure sweetie, anything you say.” Patricia took Laura to the closest store. However, as they entered Laura saw a familiar face. It was Erika, a girl she went to high school with. “Not here Dr. Adams; anywhere but here,” the young girl said, struggling against the teacher’s firm grip.

However, the struggles only served to raise her skirt up higher and Laura was forced to cease struggle and to go along. “Remember to call me mummy or I will have to spank my little girl,” admonished the older woman.

Laura was now fully terrified. She was going to have to endure this trial or risk further embarrassment from someone who knew her from her former life. Laura’s hope of getting something and quickly leaving was soon dashed as Dr. Adams walked right up to her old classmate. “I would like to buy some new outfits for my little girl. You will have to forgive the state she is in, but she had a little accident today.”

“Laura?” Erika asked incredulously, choking back a laugh.

“Hi, Erika.” Laura mumbled, blushing with humiliation.

“Come on sweetie, let’s get you to the dressing room.” Dr. Adams led Laura to the dressing room and closing the door behind, she proceeded to strip her of all her clothes.

“Erika, could you come here a minute dear,” Dr. Adams yelled out into The store. Erika was there almost immediately. She had stayed just out of sight, so she wouldn’t miss out on any other surprises from Laura.

The door was opened and Laura struggled to hide her bare sex and her small breasts from Erika and any other store patrons.

Dr. Adams handed Erika the clothes Laura had been wearing. “Be a dear and throw those away for me, Erika . . . and Erika, would you mind terribly if I left you in charge of picking out some nice outfits for my Laura. I’m looking for something that you young girls wear, yet I don’t want her to get too full of herself. You know, somethingfun and playful that screams: look at me, I watch MTV.”

Laura tried to grab Patricia’s hand, so that she wouldn’t be left alone with Erika, yet the older woman was already leaving the dressing room.

“And if she gives you any trouble, just give her a little spank on the bottom to keep her in line,” Dr. Adams said as she left.

“Don’t worry Miss, I’ll take good care of Laura,” Erika said sweetly, then glancing at Laura with a terrifying grin.

Laura was afraid to look, but eventually she met Erika’s shining blue eyes. The red-haired girl grinned wickedly, “Do you remember the hell you bitches put me through in high school Laura?”

Laura nodded her head. She was very afraid indeed right now. “I’m sorr-” she began.

“Oh, I bet you are . . . now!” interrupted Erika, before she turned and left a very naked and scared Laura, waiting in the little room, while she disclosed of her clothes. When she returned she told Laura, “Come on Laura, let’s go pick out someclothes for you.” Then, she opened up the door to the dressing room.

“Wait!” cried Laura, covering her breasts and sex with her hands. “You don’t expect me to go out her like this, do you?” The hapless blonde looked out into the store. Luckily, it was empty. However, she could see a lot of activity in the mall at the entrance.

“How else are we going to find something in your size that you like?” asked Erika. “Don’t make me spank your bottom. That could attract a lot of attention, which you probably don’t want . . . in your state.” The sales girl looked Laura up and down, making the poor girl feel even more vulnerable. “Better worry before we get some customers.”

Laura ran out with the young girl to the first clothes rack in the store. Unfortunately for Laura, it was just silk scarves.

Then the unthinkable happened. “Oh no Laura, here comes someone. Get down – quickly,” hissed Erika.

Laura obeyed without hesitation, quickly dropping to her knees. “Back upinto the rack, I’ll hide you,” whispered the Erika.

The scared blonde, was comfortable by the fact that as dark as it was no one would be able to see her. As her eyes became accustomed to the darkness, she gasped when she realized where she was. Most of her body was hidden beneath Erika’s skirt and her face was pressed tightly against the crotch of her panties.

“Shh, be quite Laura,” Erika whispered.

However, Laura had other things on her mind. She tried to resist, but light spicy cent from the young girl’s panties beaconed. Soon, Laura found her nose buried within the satin covered folders of the sales girl’s sex. In the back of her mind, she knew she shouldn’t be doing what she was doing and that Erika would tell everyone she used to know that Laura was now some kind of kinky lesbian, but Laura couldn’t help herself. Her she opened her mouth and breathed her hot breath through the weave of the heavenly scented satin.

“Oh God Laura, *what* are you doing?” whispered Erika.

In answer, Laura’s tongue swabbed up and down her former classmate’s panties. When she didn’t meet any resistance, she pulled the panties to the side and drive her tongue between the wet swollen lips.

“Oh, lick it you queer little cunt licker. Ugh, wait till I tell everyone about this. Ah, right there -oh- fuck! Harder slut!”

Erika came wetly, soaking Laura’s face with her juices.

“Oh no Laura, someone is coming over here right now. Stay down and follow me quickly.”

Laura crawled as fast as she could and followed the sales girl.

“Stand up and don’t move a muscle,” warned Erika, as she opened a door. Then she lifted Laura up and took her inside. Laura’s stomach sank to her feet when she realized where she was. It was the worst place she could imagine; she was in the front store window of the store. Anyone walking by would be able to see her very naked body.

Laura’s hands moved to cover her body, as she felt herself began to hyperventilate. “Stop Laura or you’ll give yourself away! Hold perfectly still and everything will be alright.” Laura obeyed unconsciously and Erika rubbed her back comfortablely. Laura was amazed that the people walking by weren’t clamoring for her arrest. “See silly, they think you are a mannequin,” explained the sales girl and she was right; with no pubic hair and a waifish model’s body, Laura could easily pass for a mannequin. The only thing that gave her away was the blooming petals of her sex that glistened with arousal. This was soon taken care of when Erika wrapped the very thin silk scarf around Laura’s hips. If any of the mall patrons walking by had looked carefully through the fabric of the scarf, they would have been very surprised to see a very life-like pussy on the very beautiful mannequin. As it was, most people just glanced up at Laura as they walked by and Laura did her best to not move a muscle.

‘Oh no, she wouldn’t,’ Laura thought to herself, as she felt a fingerprint tracing the curve of her ass. Erika stood just out of sight, and used her free hand to explore underneath Laura’s make-shift skirt with impunity. She was delighted to find that Laura was leaking her sweet negative down her thighs; she only hoped the little bitch was enjoying this as much as she was. Soon, she slide a finger into the velvet channel of Laura’s sex, finding particular satisfaction in the long drawn out “Nooooaaaahhhh. . ” escaping from Laura’s slightly parted lips.


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