Please do not read if under 18 years of age or offended by sexually explicit stories and situations.
“One! Boy that Laura sure be one nasty pussy slut! You can smell her from out here,” the loud voice proclaimed for the world to hear.
‘Oh God! Someone will hear her and my reputation will be destroyed!’ thought Laura. Reluctantly, Laura pulled the fingers from her sex and quickly got up off the floor. She tore off her panty-apron and made her way to the door.
“TWO! – Last night that white bitch done sucked my c-“
Laura opened the door open as fast as she could to stop whoever it was out there from ruining her reputation with all her neighbors. She hid her naked aroused body behind the door, as she peered out into the hall. She was stunned by the sight of Two large black girls, who forced their way into the door.
“Would ya look at this Tamara, she be all ready to partay. She already got her a pretty little party hat on,” said the taller ofthe two girls, pointing to the throng panties on Laura’s head.
Laura jerked the small soiled panties off her head and held them balled up in her hand. Suddenly aware of her nakedness, she moved both of her hands down over her sex and turned away from the black girls.
“Please, you must go away!” whimpered Laura. She pulled the sheet of Monique’s bed and clutched it in front of her.
“Now don’t you are gettin all uppity on us girlfriend! We your guests and we gonna crash this partay!” the taller girl said, as she ripped the sheet from Laura’s body.
“My name is Latanya and this here is *my* girl, Tamara,” indicating a shorter black girl standing just inside the door.
“Monique told us she was living with a white girl who was turning into a lezzie ho’. Naturally, we had ta Come on down an see her for ourselves.”
“Now girl don’t you be going all shy on us. Stand your cunt up straight bitch! Let Latanya see all your nasty parts.” Latanya pulled Laura’s ear until the blonde stand on her tiptoes. “Don’t move, if you know what is good for you slut,” she commanded.
Latanya walked around the blushing white girl, inspecting her naked body from all sides. “You looking good . . . for a white girl that is.”
“But what done happened to your tits and pussy hair?”
The thoroughly humiliated Laura could only stand there blush and tear up.
“ANSWER ME!” Latanya demanded. When Laura was not forth coming, she reached out and cruelly pinched her erect left nip.
“Owww! I-I-I’ve never been well um e-e-endowed and I lost my p-pubic hair in . . an . . . um . . accident,” Laura replied stuttering, as she tried to massage the pain from her aching nipple.
“I don’t think so bitch. What do you think Tamara? Heh Heh. We think you don’t have no tits or cunt hair cuz you be a little baby girl, just pretending to be a full-grown woman,” Latanya observed as she ran her strong black hand over Laura’s small orbs and soft lower belly swell.
Laura said nothing. She just looked down at the floor, held her aching nipple, and allowed the black girl to take liberties with her body as she had never let a male.
‘Please God, make them go away and leave me alone. Don’t let my body respond like this,’ Laura prayed.
“Now, you say it for me, baby girl!” Latanya demanded, as she plucked Laura’s right nipple, this time, twisting it.
“Ye oooooooow ie!” Laura screamed. Tears formed in the poor girl’s eyes, as she tried to protect her throbbing right nip. Quickly, she tried to repeat what she had been told.
“I-I have small breas-ooooowwww!” cried Laura as her aching nipple was mauled again.
“Monique done told us, she taught you how to talk, so don’t you be sassing us. Say’s it right, slut. But take your time. We got’s all night to learn your ass.”
“Got no tits or cunt hair, remember,” warned Latanya.
“I-I got no t-tits or c-c-c-unt hair, cause I’m a little baby girl, p-p-pretending to be a woman,” Laura repeatedly quickly, as tears streamed down her face. In short order, Laura realized that she would be punished for any hesitation and she was going to try her damnedest not to get punished again.
“I-I got no t-t-tits or c-c-c-unt hair” mocked the black girl. Why can’t you talk right bitch, your tongue tired from eatin’ too much pussy, huh baby girl?” Latanya demanded, moving her hand threateningly just above the sore left nip.
“Yes, my t-t-ongue is tired from licking too much p-p-pussy.” Laura would say anything to avoid those cruel fingers.
“See Tamara, I did told ya I could teach one of these educated white bitches some manners,” Latanya bragged. “Anyway girl, after I talked to Monday today, I Just came here to see if you be a real lezzie or not.”
“See, this here’s my girl, Tamara,” Latanya said, as she moved behind her shorter friend and hugged her.
“Now lookie here at her pretty panties,” LatAnya demanded as she pulled her girlfriend’s skirt up and traced her left index finger over the bright yellow nylon panties. The tall black girl pushed the yellow panties into the cleft of Tamara’s pussy with her finger and the shorter girl moaned and ground against her hand in response.
Latanya pulled the crotch of the panties to the side exposing her friend’s sex to Laura’s gaze. “Mmmmm . . see her pretty pussy baby girl? And look here, she gotts hair . . . lots of hair, like a *real* woman on her cunt.”
“Gimmie your hand baby girl,” the tall girl ordered, as she took Laura’s hand in her own. Then she began rubbing Laura’s right hand through the black forest covering Tamara’s cunt.
“See there! That’s what a real woman cunt’s got. That’s why she’s a woman and you’re only a little girl.”
Laura frozen naked and watched as Latanya stripped her smaller friend of all her clothes except for her panties, which were now buried in the cleft of her sex.
Turningto Laura, she hefted one of the smaller girl’s large round black breasts for Laura’s inspection and said, “Ahhh . . lookie here baby girl, take a good look at a real WOMAN’S title. This may be close as you ever get. Come on girl it ain’t gonna bite ya. Go on! Lift it up for yourself. *Feel it*. Why it must weigh 10 times more than your little girl tits.”
Reluctantly, Laura placed her right hand under the large black breast and hesitantly lifted it up. ‘God, they *are* heavy and just look at the size of her nipples. They are huge!’ she thought as she looked at another woman’s breast from closer than ever before. Strangely enough, she found its smooth black skin, contrasting against her own, very sexy.
“Don’t ya be a’scared of it, baby girl. You can suck on it if ya wanna. Don’t worry, Tamara will let a pervie like ya do that!” Latanya said, as she grabbed Laura’s ear and pushed her face between the large black breasts.
Laura could not believe it. Her head was being rubbed all over the soft silky breasts by Latanya, while the shorter black girl smiled down at her.
“Well Monique done told us, you was pussy trained, but I had to see for myself. Okay, now for your favorite part, baby girl. Tamara! Turn your black ass round here, and gimme your panties!”
Tamara turned backwards and then swiveled her large hips as she removed her panties under Laura’s transfixed star. When she was done, she bent down to pick them up and handed them to the taller girl.
“Now Laurie girl, take a good look at that big beautiful black ass. I bet you’d just love to have an ass like that? ‘stead of these little white garden peas ya got back here?” The tall black girl roughly pinched the small under-swell of Laura’s ass cheeks making the blonde girl’s legs dance, as she sought to escape Latanya’s strong fingers.
Then, Latanya walked behind Laura and hugged her large muscle black arms around the cowering white girl’s thin frail body. With one hand shebegan rubbing Tamara’s panties all over Laura’s face and with her other Latanya alternatively teased her blond victim’s nipples and clip. “Answer the question dummy!”
“Y-yes, I would like to have an ass like that,” replied Laura.
Latanya pushed the blonde down to her knees, “Baby girl, reach out and feel that beautiful black ass. You knows you love it!”
A horrified Laura could only knee helplessly, smelling Tamara’s sweet arousal, emanating from both from the panties and her sex. She reached her hand up . . . hesitated and pulled it back slightly, then gently stroked the firm ass flesh of Tamara.
“Tamara, spread them cheats so white slut here can see inside. Oh and back up so our little baby girl can really see the best parts,” Latanya commanded.
Tamara reached back and spread her ass cheeks wide open. Then she leaned forward, projecting her ass into the white girls face, exposing her dripping pussy and pumped rosette to Laura wide eyes.
“See ths here Laura?” Latanya pushed Laura’s face forward just inches away from the dark hairy pussy spread before her. “This here be a woman’s cunt. You did ate one of these before haven’t you? Now don’t you be lying to big Latanya now or I’ll whoup your narrow ass.”
Laura could only nod her head, she was too embarrassed to admit to this controlling black woman what she had done, but she He knew better than to lie. However, her right nip was tweaked harshly again.
“Oww!” Laura cried. She had obeyed, why had she been punished again?
“I did told you *baby*, answer me and do it right and call me Mistress or ma’am, my little girl cunt.”
“Yes, I-I’ve eaten c-c-cunt ma’am!” Laura struggled to get the words out. Yes, she had licked a woman’s vagina before, but she didn’t do it because she wanted to. They sort of just expected it and she felt she owed it to them. But, having to say *eat cunt*, made it seems like she had wanted to do it. Made it sound as if she were a lesbian or worse . . . *a sub*.
“Sho’ nuff! Well if you did ate cunt, then you at least be bisexual sweet meat. Cuz, once ya done it, you always gonna want to eat cunt, understanding?”
“Yes, I understand ma’am, I-I’ll always want to cunt.”
Latanya grabbed Laura’s blond hair, twisted it to get a firm grip, and forced her face just in front of Tamara’s rosette.
“See this here? This here be a nasty asshole,” Latanya said as she tapped a finger on the shorter girl’s exposed brownie.
“You ever eat a nasty asshole, baby girl?”
“No ma’am . . . I nev-never eat a g-girl’s ass,” Laura replied.
“Good! Cause, if you ever eat a woman’s asshole, you be her bitch for life.”
See Tamara here, she’s my ‘BITCH’! She eats out my ass when I want her too. If she ever gets the notion, she’s better’n me, she will always remember rimming her *better’s* brownie.”
“I’ll never respect her again cuz’ . . in my mind, she’ll always be the bitch with her tongue stuck up my ass.”
“Now baby girl, do you wants to eat Tamara’s ass out and be our bitch?”
Laura eyes beheld the pumped haired hungry shrouded hole and shook her head vigorously, and answered in a whisper, “No ma’am!”
“Good, I be your first, okay baby girl? Move on forward and get your face down under here. That way you’ll get a good look at that pretty pussy of hers.”
“Come on, now don’t hang back there. Move your head under and in closer. That’s my little baby girl,” the tall black girl demanded as she pushed Laura’s face a fraction of an inch away from Tamara’s dripping cunt. The thick black kinky bush rubbed against her soft white cheeses.
“Smells good, don’t it?” Latanya said, as she dipped her finger in Tamara’s delicate folds and rubbed the wet index finger under Lana’s nose and against her lips.
“Lookie here at how wet it is. She be all hot, just for you. See how much she likes ya?”
Laura tried to hold her breath, but eventually she caved in and inhaled Tamara’s aroma. The shorter girl’s erotic musk made Laura so horny she began to lose control of her body once again.
“You want’s just a little taste? Ya know’s ya wanna, sweet meat. Don’t you be lyin to me!” Latanya spanked the blonde’s ass as she forced her pretty face into Tamara’s wet pussy.
“Mmphhh…” Laura moaned into the girl’s pussy keeping her lips tightly shut, so that she wouldn’t actually have to lick this ignorant girl’s sex. After all, there was no telling how many people she had slept with.
A smiling Latanya reached down and began toying with the blonde girl’s denuded sex and nipples.
“That’s it girl. Don’t be shy. Get your nasty self right on in there. Now don’t you be teasin my bitch . . put that little pussy lapper to work. You knows how, don’t you? Now don’t you be movin them hands, all you needs ta think about is lickin that black pussy, bitch!”
Under Latanya’s exacting direction, Laura began licking Tamara’s flowing sex as she had been taught earlier in the day by Dr. Adams and the Goth Goddess. It was the same and still different, but it was so good!!
“That’s it baby girl. Eat her pussy, bitch! You know’s you want to do a good job for her. Don’t cha’ girl cunt?”
Latanya rewarded the submissive blonde’s efforts, by stroking Laura’s red swollen clip faster and faster as the blonde’s enthusiasm increased.
“You know what? You be Tamara’s first white bitch pussy lapper. You like that don’t ya baby girl??”
“Oh yeah! This here gonna be your new place. Whenever you see’s us, you be down on your hands and knees waiting for some cunt to lick!” Latanya said, as she began to spank Laura’s ass.
“That’s my good little white cunt lapper! Keep’a working on that beautiful black pussy for me, while I get something out of my goodie bag just for your narrow ass.”
Latanya forced the blonde’s face so deep in Tamara’s cunt that it forced Laura’spert nose into the tight dark rosette.
“Now don’t you be doing that, if you gonna be somebody’s bitch, you gonna be mine. So, don’t you be lickin her nasty ass,” Latanya cautioned.
‘That last thing I want to be is Latanya’s bitch. FUCK NO! I can’t be, she is so — so cruel and cruel and she always talks so ugly to me.’
‘On the other hand, Tamara seemed like such a nice girl though. She has such a pretty body; so big and black, a womanly body, a big black womanly body.’
‘It might not be so bad being Tamara’s bitch,’ Laura thought. ‘Wait, what am I thinking? I don’t want to be anyone’s bitch. I am a college student, soon to be a graduate, and a career woman; not some kind of *sub*,’ she realized in horror.
Standing bent over for the ministries of the little white slut’s tongue, had caused Tamara’s muscle thighs to weaken. So she bent down to her hands and knees. All the while, Laura faithfully followed her pussy, and continued to eat her rapidly flowingcunt from behind.
Meanwhile, Tanya retrieved a pair of handcuffs from her bag. When she turned around, she noticed that Laura had had begun to playing with herself while she continued to lick Tamara’s pussy.
“Damn it! You horny little bitch! I turn my back on you for one second and you start playing with that nasty thing!” Latanya bellowed as she spanked Laura’s red smarting ass.
“Bitch I didn’t say you could play with yo SMELLY TWAT!”
Disgusted, Latanya took the handcuffs and fastened Laura’s arms behind her back. With Laura’s arms immobilized behind her back, she once again leaned forward, and pressed her face in Tamara’s musky cunt.
“That’ll fix you from strokein’ that nasty hole without permission, baby girl!” Latanya said.
The handscuffs made things much more difficult for Laura. She couldn’t balance her upper body on her arms anymore, so she had to stick her ass out attempting to distribute her body weight evenly. She wished the nice black girl would move back to make things easier on her. Instead, she appeared to be moving forward just out of Laura’s reach.
“Latanya, your white slut is falling down on the job. I don’t think she likes me no mo’. Look at that lazy bitch. She’s barely lappin my pussy,” said Tamara.
“B-But-” Laura tried to explain.
Latanya was lying on the bed, luxury in the scene before her. It was amusing to watch Laura struggle to tongue the pussy that was just out of her reach.
Grinning wickedly, Latanya lifted up her leg and placed her high-heeled shoes in between Laura’s stuck out ass cheeses. She shifted around till the heel was in position. Then, without warning, she gave a push, driving the pointed siletto heel deeply into Laura’s dry tight virginal brownie.
The effect was immediately. Laura squealed as she was penetrated and fell face forward right into Tamara’s sweaty ass.
Laura attacked the dark girl’s cunt with renewed vigor.
“Ahhhh…I don’t know what you’se done Latanya. But … Mmmm. Do it again! … Mmmmm .. Oh yeah. That sho ’nuff did the trick on this bitch. Mmmmm”
Laura sucked and licked Tamara’s pussy for all she was worth; anything to keep the rock hard pointy high heel from stabbing her tight rear hole again. Her mouth and nose were all that supported her forward body weight. As a result, her nose was embedded in the black girl’s brownie and Tamara’s pussy was so far in the blonde’s mouth, it was hard to breath.
While the blonde worked on her lover’s pussy, Latanya leaned over and began to tease the laboring white girl’s denuded sex. She stroked it, fingered it, and spanked it. She even pinched it!
‘Hee Hee. I’ve got this here white slut right where I want her. The little cunt even be pushing back against my fingers, when I pinched her big clip,’ Latanya thought.
About half hour later, Tamara had climaxed three times on Laura’s skillful tongue. Yet, Laura had not been granted an orgasm. She was desperate for any form of release. Right now, she was rocking her ass back and forth, the pointie heel of Lantanya’s shoe slide in and out of the blonde’s ass.
“Laura, it’s me, Beth. Are you in there Princess?”
“pssst…Princess-Panty, it’s me, Goddess Goth. Let me in,” whispered Beth from outside the door.
‘Thank God, it’s Beth. Maybe she will scare these crazy bitches off!’ Laura thought with relief.
“Come on in Beth, join the fun. The door is unlocked!” Latanya shouted to the girl in the hall.
As she entered, Beth could only stand there, gaping in shock and jealousy at the scene before her. Her Princess was down on her knees with her arms cuffed behind her back, eating out a naked black girl’s pussy.While another fully clothed black girl sat behind her, pushing the heel of her shoe in her blonde girlfriend’s ass. It appeared she was pushing her Princess back and forth into the other girl’s cunt.
“What a bad host blondie is for not introducing us. But, I guess the *cat* has got baby girl’s tongue. My name’s Latanya and that there is Tamara. I guess you already know baby girl down there, don’t you Beth baby?” Latanya told the dumbstruck Goth.
“Damn girl! It’s rude to stand there gawkin, come on in and close the damn door behind you. What’s with all that black shit you wearin? You look like a damn vampire or somethin.”
“I’m expressing my individuality,” replied Beth, while she covetously looked on with lust at her Princess, her Laura.
“Your friend Laura, she sure is a looker ain’t she? She luvs some pussy that girl. Well Gothie, you want to get you some of that tongue workin on your pussy? Well, do you?”
“Um …uh .. well ..Yes…” Beth stammered
“Go on get undressed Gothie. Laura’s got enough tongue for all of us, that girl do love her work. Hurry up or you’ll miss your chance girl, you don’t wanna hurt baby girl’s feelings do ya?”
As the Goth girl stripped her black clothes, her snow white alabaster skin emerged. Latanya loved it! This bitch would be a great addition to her stable. ‘My homies in the ‘hood be tripping over their dicks to get um in that white skinned whore,’ she thought.
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