The Slut Table

Tonight was my Mistress’ turn to host. In a city that had bannered sex clubs, but with a good population of kinky people, we found a way. Private parties rotating though each others’ houses. As a good slave should, I arrived early in the morning to get things ready.

I came in the side door as stripped to my collar and cage, as usual.

I then noticed a second pair of man’s shoes in the mud room. And a second set of clothes was hanging on the coat rack. This wasn’t usual at all. Maybe Mistress decided I would need help serving tonight.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Paul, dressed almost as I was except he had an apron on to protect himself from the heat of the stove. Paul is the property of Zara, my Mistress’s best friend. He and I had worked together at one of Zara’s parties last year.

“Winston, We were starting to worry about you. Angela has me cooking, She said you should start setting the dining room up for the buffet and then the drinks table in the living room.”

Now I was confused. If Angela wanted the food served buffet style, there wasn’t a need for a second server. I could make drinks just fine without help. No matter. Angela doesn’t like it when I think too much. I’m just here to serve her in any way she tells me.

Done in the dining room, I move to the living room. A new coffee table. That’s surprising. I’ve built Several pieces for Angela, but she never mentioned anything about a coffee table to me. I would have loved to make this for her.

One hour till the guests start to arrive. Angela tells Paul and I to go to the guest room and make ourselves clean, inside and out.

Forty-five minutes later, clean as a whistle, Paul and I go back downstairs. Angela is sitting on the sofa with her feet on the new coffee table.

“Thank you, boys. You did such a nice job getting everything ready for tonight.

“Winston, what do you think of the new table?”

“It’s very nice, Mistress. I would have loved making you a coffee table if I had known you wanted one”

“But then it wouldn’t have been a surprise, darling. Now, I want you and Paul to flip the top.”

We go to opposite ends and I can see that the upholstered top is not really attached so we start lifting. I can’t really see what it is, but the underside of the top pretty well fills the inside of the table.

When we get it turned over and set back in place, it becomes obvious — a stealth spanking bench atop the coffee table.

I’m well acquainted with Mistress’ spanking bench in the dungeon, I don’t know why she would want another in the living room.

“Winston, my dirty little slut, you’re going to be put to the test tonight. You’re going to be the center of attention. Now climb onto the benchmark like a good whore.”

It’s obviously that this bench was made to fit my measurements precisely. My torso is perfectly supported by the bench, it’s not digging into my bladder, I’ve got free range to move my head, but when Irelax my neck, by chin rests on the end with no strain on my neck. The arm rests & leg rests are at the right height as well, supporting my limbs with no pressure on shoulders or hips. I feel like I could be on this benchmark for hours. I feel Mistress and Paul tightening straps over my back. Crossing over my shoulders, one over my hips, one over the middle of my back.

“Paul, how long since you’ve had a real orgasm? Not ruined, not a prostrate milking, but a real, slamming your cock into a tight wet hole, orgasm?”

“Miss Zara allows me to use my fleshlight once a month, so it’s been about three weeks, Miss Angela.”

“I think Zara is far too soft on you, but you might get a special treatment tonight.”

When I hear these words, I look over at Mistress, but before I can ask what she means by that, she shoves a double ended penis gag into my mouth and Paul buckles it behind my head.

Four more straps around each limb.

“Paul, there are two boxes by the front door, bring them to me, then go wait by the bar. Our guests should be arrived soon, and they will need refreshments.”

“Yes, Miss, Angela.”

Mistress slowly walks around me, dragging her fingernails along my back. She reaches down and pinches my left nipple. I feel the calm bliss of submission climbing into my mind. I’m unable to move or speak. Soon enough, I know my brain will shut down and I’ll exist in a world of pure sensing.

Now her fingers are teasing my hole. I wonder if she was teasing Paul or I by hinting that Paul was going to fuck me tonight. I haven’t been fucked by a man for years.

Paul returns with the boxes, placing them on the edge of the table below my legs and heads for the bar.

Mistress opens the first box and I hear the click of a padlock at my left ankle, Then below my knee, above my knee, and just below my hip.

She repeats on my right leg, then my arms, then the four straps over my back.

One more behind my head.

Mistress places her hands on the sides of my head and lifts me to look at her. I see a second key on her necklace has joined the key to my chatity cage. “My dear sweet boy. Not that you have a choice now, but are you going to be a good boy?”

“Yeth, Mithtrethh.” I moan around the dildo locked into my mouth.

“I know you will, darling. You’re always such a good boy for me.”

As Mistress walks around me, teasing my back with her nails, I see Paul behind the bar. The smile on his face tells me that he knows more about tonight’s plans than I do.

I feel lubed fingers teasing my hole. Hungrily, I will them into entering me. I try to move back and show how eager I am, but I’m locked in place. Eventually, Mistress gives me what I need and one finger slides in. Then a second. A bit more lube, a third finger, and now she is massaging my prostrate. I’m whimpering around the gag, my cock is straining to burst through its steel prison. And Mistress withdraws her fingers. I’m only feelingempty for a few seconds though as Mistress replaces her fingers with a huge plug.

“There’s another surprise for you. You’ll figure it out later.” And with that Mistress walks off leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I hear the first guests arrive. Of course Miss Zara came early, she spent the day without Paul. But I didn’t recognize the man she was talking to, or the fabulous looking redhead whose lean he was holding.

“Angela said when she saw the bench at your house, she just had to have one.”

“I love it. But we don’t have the space for a dungeon so we need something that can be left out without scaring our vanilla friends. I’m surprised Angela wants one in the living room, given how well equipped her dungeon is already.

“Becca, why don’t you go check on Winston. He looks a bit lonely over there.”

“Of course, Sir”

“I’m keeping your lean with me, so if some of that Domme energy starts to bubble up, feel free. But remember your place. You’re myproperty doing a favor for my friend.”

“Thank you, Sir I will.”

As she walks over I see just how amazing looking she is. She’s got the body of a dancer, muscles flowing under teach skin, but with enough curves to make it obvious that she’s a woman. Thick red curly hair pulled into a high ponytail. The sort of ponytail that would be a perfect handle for face fucking, not that that’s going to be an option for me. And those thick red lips…..

“Hi, Winston. I’m Becca. Great party. Are you having fun yet?”

As she speaks to me, I think, no definitely, there is a slight buzz from the plug. She lifts up her sheer top and removes a pair of nipple clamps. She clamps one to my right nipple, but the chain isn’t long enough to reach around to the left.

“Pity. ” she says and lets the chain dangle to the floor, “It looks like one nipple is going to support twice the weight.”

The clamp forces me to moan around the cock locked in my mouth and the victory inside me increases.

“This bench was Master John’s idea. You’re going to go from heaven to hell and back tonight, several times. Or at least that’s how I feel about it. Maybe we’ll have a chance to compare notes later.” She tugs on the nipple clamp a few times and the victory in my ass is definitely responding to the sounds I’m making. She grabs the cock protruding from my mouth and begins to stroke it gently. “I’m looking forward to tonight so much, Winston.” And with that, she leans down, kisses me on my forehead and saunters away with feline grace.

“It’s a perfect fit, come see.” I hear my Mistress voice. She is accompanied by Miss Zara, Master John, Becca, and two men I’ve never seen before. “Winston, this is Master John, the coffee table was his idea. And this is Steve and Jason, they are the ones who built it. I see that Becca introduced herself to you already.”

“Becca, I know you’ve been taught to clean up after yourself.” John says to her sternly. “Go to the bar, get a damp towel to clean off his forehead, and bring us all a round of drinks.”

“John, don’t be too harsh on her. I’m sure she was just trying to put my boy at ease. He’s got no idea what’s on the agenda for tonight.”

“I know, Angela. At the same time, I told that she needs to respect your property. And marking it without permission is pretty disrespectful. Steve, that’s a beautiful piece of furniture. I know this is the second time you’ve built this table, but after tonight I’d bet you’re going to have a few more orders.”

“Thanks, John. I’m actually already working with a couple of the other guests from your party, but Angela know exactly what she wanted and was able to sweeten the deal enough that we got it done in time for tonight.”

Becca returns with a tray of drinks and serves them around. As the six of them drink and chat, they naturally end up surrounding me. I began to feel fingers brushing up against my arms and legs. Someone places their drink on my lower back and now I feel two strong hands massaging my cheeks.

“He got a great ass, don’t he.” It must be Jason, I’ve never heard this voice before.

“He better have a great ass. He’s required to spend three hours a week on the stair climb machine. And look at those legs. Three days a week either on a bike or in the pool.”

I feel a surge of joy, knowing that my body is being admired. I think all six drinks are on my back now and all twelve hands are exploring my body. Nails on my nipples. Scratches on my back. Someone is fondling my balls. And Becca is stroking the cock coming out of my mouth again.

“Steve”, she says softly, “I see this great cock here. And I want to fuck it until I can’t walk, but I can’t get into a good position for that.” She’s stopped struggling the dildo and placed it at her entrance. I can see what she means. She can grind it against her clip, but there’s no good way for her to be penetrated. “I know the coffee table limits what you can do, but can you think of an add on piece?”

Mistress and Zara chime in agreement.

“Let me come around that end, and see if I can come up with anything.” Now I know who was playing with my balls. Steve sits on the sofa and puts his feet up on the coffee table. From where he’s sitting, he can see the dildo rubbing between Becca’s legs. “Yeah, I see what you mean. If we take the gag out, I’d think he could give you head all night, but I never thought about the table slut doing the fucking.”

“I know from personal experience that it’s super easy to suck cock on the table. Master John had a dozen friends over for a football party last month and each of them came in my mouth at least once.” Becca replied “Table slut, huh. I sort of like that.”

“It’s going up on the website as ‘The Slut Table’. I’m hoping that we can get some marketing photos tonight. Now, back to our design. The table slut can’t thrust at all, so we need to figure out a way that the Top can fuck. Does doggystyle work for you ladies?”

“We’ll definitely do some pictures tonight! That’s a great idea” My mistress responses. “I love getting fucked from behind. I’ll be right back with my camera”

“When Paul wears that type of gag, I usually wrap my legs around his back and fuck his face.” Says Zara. “I love the look in his eyes when I’m cumming and he’s getting not even a taste of it.”

“Master Paul only fucks me from behind, so I’ve been conditioned to love it, but I do miss missionary sometimes.”

“Jason”, Steve barks. “Stop drooling on that sluts ass and go to the truck. I need a measuring tape, pencil, ruler, and sketchbook. And grab the angle finder as well.

“Yes sir.”

Now everyone is surrounding Steve, his design process more Interesting than his design I guess. Jason hands him the pencil, ruler, and sketchbook then comes to me with the measuring tools. Steve directs me to move my head up and down and Jason to record various measurements. My Mistress returns and joins the rest of them on the sofa.

“Oh yes, feel free. Sensation only for now. The real fun starts at eleven.” Mistress says to some people on the other side. It seems a fresh group of people wants to take a turn teasing me. A second nipple clamp appears but this one is much heavier. I start to scream but the vibrating plug turns it into pleasure. “Isn’t that plug great, Winston?”

“Yeth Mithtreth. Gank ooo, Mithtreth.”

“You’re my favorite slut, darling. Ignore me for now, just breathe and feel. You’ve got a lot ahead of you. Oh, I’ve got just the thing for that. Back in a sec.”

I’ve got cold drinks on my back, and someone is dripping candle wax on my ass. And now the nipple clamps match, heavy bastards on each side.

My mistress returns, from the dungeon apparently. She hands Becca her nipple clamps, recovered from the table and a double ended dildo from the dungeon. She hands my torqueor a pair of bear claws that I had purchased originally for pulling pork, but now lived full time in the playroom.

Becca gets on all fours and inserts the dildo. Part of me wants to watch her fuck herself, and part of me wants to sink back into myself. My unknown friend sees my indecision and solves it for me by placing a necktie over my eyes. So at least one of them is a man The chatter from the sofa proves that I got the better end of the deal. Nothing sexy is going on, Steve and Jason are recording angles of penetration with Becca in various positions.

“Oh, my, it’s eleven already. We should move off this sofa to make some room. It’s about to get much busier here. Paul, can you wheel the board out from the pantry? Jason, can you and Bill move this sofa back a bit so people have room to play?

“Ladies, Gentlemen, Thems, and Those, the next stage in our evening is about to start. Please gather round for a review of the rules. This is your only warning.

“Yes, give him the bell. Thank you Paul.”

“Winston can’t move. Hecan’t speak, I’ve given him a bell so he can communicate with you. I expect you to check in with him frequently. He’s been floating in and out of sub space for two hours now. The toys on this board have been tested and approved by Winston over the past year.

“Yes, darling. I know exactly the first time you let me use you. You’ve always been a slut, but for a year you’ve been my slut. Tonight I’m going to show you, and my friends, just how much of a slut you really are.

“Back to the bell, one ring means green light. This is great, give me more.

“Two rings, yellow light, let’s slow down a bit. I don’t want to hear too many yellow lights, because I don’t want this night to stop.

“Three rings – red light! Everything stops Immediately. If I hear a red light, you’re bannered from my house.

“One more thing, the maker of this fine piece of furniture is right here. He’s been building top quality vanilla furniture for years but wants to expand his business in a more,shall we say ‘satisfying’ direction,” A few chuckles. “Wave your hand, Steve. He wants your feedback. He also wants your business. So please, tell him, or Jason, that big man being serviced by Becca, what you think.

“Now, my house, my whore. I get the first crack.”

BAM. Across the back of my thigh. My favorite heavy leather slapper. We usually don’t start with this one, but like Mistress said, I’ve been brainless for a while now.

And another, across both chefs.

And a flogger on my back. There are two people working my back.

The tie comes off my eyes, and my Mistress is kneeing in front of me, so she isn’t one of the two, now three? people flogging me.

“Darling, how are you doing?”

One ring.

“You’re so beautiful to me right now. I’m going to sit and watch you for a while.”

Two people are flogging my upper back, and they have really gotten into sync. When one drags the falls off my side, the other one strikes me in the center. I’venever felt something like this before but it’s heavenly. I think there is only one person spanking my ass, Whoever it is, they know what they’re doing. Never hit the same spot twice, but I feel my ass getting redder and hotter.

And that glorious plug. It responds to sounds and between the floggers and the spanking, it’s just running at full speed. My prostrate feels like it’s about to exploit.

Done with Jason, I see Becca walking in my direction. She grabs my gag and lifts me to face her. She opens her mouth and lets his load drip onto my face.

“Whore. Tonight you’re going to learn what that body is good for. And I’m going to be your teacher.” She knees down in front of me and swallows the dildo in one go. Our noses are sliding next to each other, Jason’s spunk forming a web between us.

“You’re going to learn to suck cock like it’s the only thing that keeps you alive. You’re going to inhale cock easier than air.” I feel like a lot of the chatter in the room hasdied down as people are setting in to watch Becca and I. She starts deep throwing the dildo again and I imagine I feel it on my caged cock. Her lips are so perfect and full. Looking at her, I believe that she needs to give blowjobs to stay alive. My three friends are still working my back and ass, and the plug is still vibrating against my p-spot.

And it starts. The prostrate orgasm begins to send shock waves from my center, radiating to my skull and toes. Becca hears my moan, hell the whole room hears my moan, but she comes off the dildo and signals the people on my back to stop.

The spanking keeps on.

Beating some droning tempo into my body.

The tempo causes the massager to come off a constant buzz and sink into a wave.

The wave is in time with the pulsations of my orgasm.

I’m lost in pleasure. I don’t hear the lock behind my head open, but I feel it when the gag is removed. And I really feel it when a cock is jammed into my mouth.

Fuckingme in time to the spanks on my ass.

Fucking me in time to the rhythm of the massager.

Fucking me in time to the pulse of my orgasm.

Fucking me in time to the beat of my heart.

And as soon as he sprayed on my face, another cock replaced him.

My mind slowly comes unraveled as cock after cock unloads on my face.

Each one of them fucking me at that same pace. Becca in one ear, my Mistress in the other.

Such a good boy.

Such a good slut.

I’m so proud of you my dirty little whore.

And the spanking on my ass is like the drummer on some Roman slave galley, keeping every one in time

And it’s Jason the furniture maker.

And Steve his boss.

And Master John who designed this bench.

And now my Mistress, Wearing her strapon.

I’ve sucked this one before, but never like this. Never in a mindless haze of endless pleasure. I feel like a junkie on the nod, chemicals flooding my brain. My mind rubbing against the world, like a dirty windshield wiper.

As the second prostrate exploration happens, Becca signals her to thrust all the way in and hold it. Mistress buries herself down my throat and I can’t breathe. The spanking stops and the plug goes quiet. Until I start to gag. With each gag, the plug zaps my pleasure center.

“How are you doing?” Becca whispers into my ear.


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