The Slave's Reward

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.


The Slave’s Reward

The village…

I turned my head from one side to the other but the falconry hood — I had seen it briefly before it slipped down over my eyes — hidden most from view, my feathers shiver as if it was just a little bit colder outside than was actually comfortable. I knew the village well but the ground didn’t feel the same beneath my taloned feet as it usually did and it set me on edge, pulse quickening as my naked form was paraded on the end of her leanh.

If I’d had any sense left in me, I would have blushed. A knight — on a chain? Everyone I had known back in my old life would have laughed and mocked me but it probably spoke volumees of the company I chose to keep that I knew that they wouldn’t have actually lifted a finger to save me. I was used to being naked around the dragonness tribe there too and the touch and cares of a passing, dismissive paw didn’t worry me anymore either. It was all the same to me, even though I swallowed hard and tried not to shudder too much, even though all I wanted to do in the cruel heat of the moment was to lean into their gropes.

Maybe they had a treatment for me?

Oh, it was such a terribly submissive thing to think, my mind broken beyond all comparison. But that was where I was, head turning as I strove to catch sound — anything — and tell just where I was. The grit and loose stone of the path changed to smoothly hurt stone, bearing the tale of a path trod by many dragons, and there was no longer the bite of wind on my feathers, my tail finally able to lay flat again. They’d teased me with the threat of having the red slash of feathers in my tail removed, cut out, but hadn’t actually gone through with it. It was threats like that that forever kept me on edge as their slave.

“Come now.”

She didn’t need to direct me for I was already on her heels, trotting along so very obediently with the memory of so many paws on my backside and cock, squeezing and pinching flesh that they really should have never had the liberty to touch. But that liberty no longer belonged to me and I subjected myself to it with a fair amount of willingness too, my head tipped back to expose the vulnerability of my throat. Bound as I was, chains clinking as if in music, it was all I could do to show that, yes, I would appear them. I would be a good slave, the good bird for them. And, of course, I would be the very best slave I could for her. For everything in my life since I’d been took captive always had to come back to her above all else.


The tone of her voice sent a shiver down my spine but I tried not to let it show, blood pumping and beak opening just a slider. I was sure a slip of my tongue was showing but the thought slipped from my mind as a feather was plucked out, myself playing the part of a passive participant in the narrative of my own life.

And there it all began.


“Eyes on me, little bird…”

The falconry hood slipped off his head, ruffling up his feathers in the wrong direction, and Aquilan gasped, the eagle’s chest rising and falling rapidly. His wrists, wings slipping down the line of his arms as if he had truly been intended for flight as an anthro, had been bound tightly behind his back with a strip of leather, which must have been damp when it had been originally tied. He knew this as it grew steady tighter as it dried, a constant reminder as to the severity of his prediction and just how things were. He wasn’t going to escape the tribe of warrior dragons and, well, after some time with them, he wasn’t even so sure that he wanted to.

And that was partly because of her. The blue dragonness, Sairsyn (even though he wasn’t actually allowed to speak her name aloud and most likely not even think it too) stood over him, a paw on his shoulder imperiously pushing the proud eagle down to his knees. But it was hard to be proud when one was on their knees, nervouss tingling with that distinct throb of submission that was both alluring and terrifying in equal measures. How could such a knee, a warrior of the realm, fall so far before them? And it had all been so very easy, so quick to drop and drop and drop into a world that was illicit in nature and yet everything he had ever needed and so much more too.

Maybe that was what he told himself to get by. Maybe that was what he really felt. It hardly mattered either way when there was no chance of escape. He’d do what he had to do and justify it any way he needed to, at the end of the day in his cold, forlorn little cell.

“My dear… You’ve been a good slave these last months, have you not?”

Aquilan gulped and tipped his beak down, hating how the iron collar dug into his feathers. It hadn’t been removed in those months and it made it harder and harder to clean his feathers, not that they allowed him more than the most cursory of baths. The extended bathing sessions of the dragonness warriors were reserved only for the women, of which the slaves were none. He hadn’t even had the chance to speak to other slaves as they seemed to take great care in ensuring that he was gagged and bound whenever he was in the presence of another slave, as if they were trying to keep something hidden from him. But it wasn’t something that he could expensive much mental energy considering as he topped onto his straw-padded sleeping mat completely and utterly drained of every last scrap of energy at the end of every day of his life.

The beautiful dragonness who had taken over his entire life stood tall and proud, her paws loosely held at her sides. She didn’t need to strike an imposing pose for she was an imposing figure in herself, feminine and yet rippling with muscle beneath scales that had clearly been softly and lovingly oiled in one of those baths that he so desired.

Murmuring softly to himself under his breath — it was not a sound, after all, made for any particular reason, Aquilan shifted his weight, surprised by the fact that his ankles had not been bound in manacles too. She did rather seem to like those, the weight of them making him awkward and clumsy with each and every step he attempted to make while being forced to wear them.

For the first time, he took note of the room he was in: some kind of circular stone chamber that set his heart quickening. A large, four-poster bed resided in the middle, the centre of attention, and the heat from the roaring fireplace — yes, he’d hear that crackling and spitting, snapping up logs like kindling — brushed his feathers, although he could not have said whether he wanted to lean into its warmth or move away to save singing his feathers. A little sensing was better than nothing at all but the room itself was more laborate than even the ceremonial huts that he’d been ushered into in the village, leading him to wonder just where he was.

And yet… It did not matter and could not matter. He was at her will and whim regardless of anything else.

She could take him wherever she pleased.

Stalking up to him, although he was not a prey creativity waiting to be caught, she smiled cruelly, lips pulling up from her sharp teeth on just the one side.

“You’ve been a good slave,” she whispered, fingers grazing his beak as if she was going to turn it to her for a kiss. “I think… It’s time for something a little bit different.”

He stiffened automatically. Different was never good. Different means something new. Different means something new. meant that he was going to face something that he never had before — at least to their knowledge, to Sairsyn’s knowledge. But he could do nothing to escape such a fate and merely quivered in place as she stepped behind him, fingers dancing across his shoulders and back with shocking familiarity. It was a wonder that she knew his body so well with how often she abused him but he could also recite every nose and crevice in hers, having kissed and pleasured it time after time after time again.

Yet a tense slave was not what she wanted as she massed his upper back with a skillful touch that would have shocked him if he’d had the presence of mind to actually notice it in the first place.

“Relax, slave,” she chuckled, fingers digging in to ease the tension from the base of his neck and between his shoulder blades. “Good slaves get rewarded… You have nothing to fear here.”

It had to be a trap. He could not relax!

“Fine, slave, perhaps, this time, you need to be shown the way.”

And then Aquilan was back in his comfort zone, the dragonness leading him towards the bed with a surprisingly gentle touch. It was strange to feel and yet he could not pull away from it as he leaned in, allowing her to bind him to the bed with leather that had not been left damp beforehand, slitting the one holding his wrists back and out of the way. Instead, she tied his arms up over his head and legs spread out, laid out for her attention and abortion as Sairsyn wasted no time at all in trailing her fingers down the full length of his body, seeking out the hardness of his shake.

“Ah… Already aroused,” she purred. “You are predictable.”

He flushed and turned his beak away, closing his eyes against the glow of the fire, the flames dancing and flickering as if they were about to leap forth and devour him. But the only one who was there to devour him was the dragonness snaking her tongue around his hardness, dragging her muzzle slowly down his length as if she was striving to savour every last inch of it. Trembling, he clicked the edges of his beak together, restraining his lust the best he could, but she was right in saying that the mere sight of the dragonness in her traditional armour, which barely covered anything at all, was more than enough to get him hard and ready for her.

“It’s a mark of a fine slave that they are always ready,” she murred, drawing back with a wicked kind of glint in her eye. “You take nothing and yet give everything in return…”

Aquilan could not have said that he quite knew what to make of that but he nodded all the same, eyes submissively cast down the length of his body, his cock framed against the dark stone of the wall. But it was not the focus of his attention as the dragonness lit candles around the room, damping the glare of the fireplace itself, all the while removing her armour, piece by piece. Her breastplate dropped with a clang and he could not help but croon, cock twitching and throbbing even as her pussy was revealed, hot and wet and dripping with her own arousal. He was used to seeing that too, although it was usually crushed over his beak as she demanded he provided her the attention she craved. Aquilan shivered. He rarely got the opportunity to see it from a distance, set back from the lure of her as she called him in with her siren’s song.

Ah, for the fate of a slave: he was so very far gone already and he didn’t even know it. It was a kind of release in itself, truly, for him to be so far away from the world as he drifted in his hold, the dragonness taking her time in adoring his body from head to toe. There he was hers and hers alone, not a slave to be shared with others in the tribe, although she, of course, had first call on him and his attention, due to her status in the tribe.

“You’re beautiful, do you know that?” She breathed, her lips tickling the head of his cock as if she was about to take it into her mouth. “Such glorious feathers… It is a shame to keep one such as you all cooped up… You should be shown off.”

Keening softly, Aquilan Shook his head but did not have the nervous to say anything ashe rolled his head from one shoulder to the other, need rising in him as it always did. How could he say no to such a dragonness, his dominant mistress? Her lips closed around just the head of his shake, tongue swirling luxuriously around, and he relaxed into the sensing at least, a long, breathy moan breaking the barrier of his beak as he trembled in place. Pleasure for a slave? Why that was unheard of…

And yet that seemed to be all that she was aiming for, Sairsyn practically romancing him as she suckled on his shake, her lips surprisingly dextrous as they closed around his hard length, shielding her teeth from his flesh. The dragonness enjoyed his cock as if it was a fine treatment, candlelight flickering off her blue scales, but it was not all that she was looking for from her slave that night. For, as well as she treated him, There would forever be the dynamic between them, the power play edging out as he was bound and she was free — free to do all she pleased with him and so much more.

“Little one, I’m going to make you feel so very good tonight…”

And Aquilan knew that he could not say anything against that but neither anything for it, his head spinning and spinning and spinning as she sank down on his cock, straddling his hips so perfectly that it was as if she had practiced taking him over and over again, everything coming together so very smoothly. There were no bumps or awkwardness or pain — only two bodies melding together as one as the eagle grunted throatly and twisted in his bonds, the leather making no sound at all as it pulled tight around his wrists and ankles. Although the chains till dangled from the heavy collar around his neck, he could have been elsewhere with a lover as her lips pressed to his beak, coaxing a kiss from him that he was shocked to find himself readily offering.

“Good slave…”

Yes… Yes, he was a good slave. The dragonness’ pussy gripped his cock so wonderfully that she made it very difficult toNot agree with her completely, her hips rising and falling so fluidly that it was a wonder, truly, that he was not in a dream. The eagle cried out, the edges of his beak breaking against her lips, but she held him fast, their breath mingling as he breathed accidentally through his mouth instead of his ‘nares, eyes rolling back into his head.

Could be a slave feel so good? The heat of the fire on his feathers and her fingers digging lightly through to find his skin, her touch so very teasing and stimulating? The bondage held him taut but the restraint in his body only heightened his pleasure, the burn of his shoulders easy to ignore while she rose and fall, seeming to clnch and squeeze around him as if she was deliberately trying to draw out his pleasure, to over stimulate him and force him to the edge over and over again.

Ah… He could only wish!

But his hopes were perhaps going to come true as that pleasure built and built inside him, his loins tightening up asmuch as his bondage with each and every passing second. It was hard to hold back with such a hot dragonness on his shake, bouncing up and down with her soft, full breasts following her line of movement. She moaned loudly, throwing her head back for emphasis as she broke the kiss, a string of saliva connecting their mouths for the briefest of moments before orgasm claimed him.

Up and away. Oh, it had been so long Since he’d had a true orgasm and not one that felt forced upon him, cursing through him with such power that he would marvel in hindsight that he was with his senses at all during the span of it. Cock twitching and throbbing, it filled her with thick, creamy cum, a far better load than anything he may have otherwise delivered if, perhaps, he’d been bent over in the stocks for public display. Although that was still an alluring thought that made him ejaculate all the harder, whimpering and whining beneath her as the dragonness too burst over the edge into her own gloriousclimax.

She needed no words to denote her pleasure and spread her wings, back arching wonderfully as she ground her hips down and down, forcing herself to draw out her own climax as the need of it consumed her like the flame from within. And he could feel it too — just how her pussy squeezed his cock as if she was trying to coax out every last bit of pleasure he had for her, the rippling massage better than any dance of fingers or tongue, the dragonness hissing long and low as her eyes snapped open.

“That’s your reward, slave…”

He couldn’t acknowledge her, lost in a world of pleasure as his cock throbbed and spurted, emptying every last drop of his load into her wanton love tunnel. It was everything she’d wanted from him and more but the dragonness, as a mistress to the slaves, could always take that. It was when it was Willingly given, a slave so broken that they’d do everything and anything with true adoration in their hearts.

And that was the greatest rewardof all.


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