The Slave's Journey Begins Ch. 04

He awoke to the sound of the lock on the door being opened after a restless night. The non-stop porn videos had kept the ache continue in his cock and balls. He was going crazy from trying to harden despite the cold steel cage surrounding his cock. He had tried time and time again to pull his cock out from the cage, only to end up abusing his cock and balls after trying to squeeze them free from the cold steel. The raging desire to cum that She had stoked deep inside him kept on building.

On hearing the lock open, he stood up next to the bed. The door swung open, revealing his Mistress standing in the doorway. She was resplendent in a tight leather body, black fishnets and high heel pumps. Her beauty caused him to gasp in desire and his cock again to jump inside its cage.

She waited for a few moments, then walked slowly into the room, her heels echoing in the hard floor and walls. “How was your night slave? Was it filled with thoughts of what could happen if you wereOnly free? Did your cock react to the cage and to the fact that there was no escape? No pleasure? No ability to even get erect? You see now, slave, why i had you edge continuously over the last 2 months, with no orgasms permitted, not even ruined ones? I wanted you to see what it would be really like, needy and lustful, aching for the release, the sensings that do not come…”

“Did the night align with Your fansies, in being your Mistress’ caged pet? Did you find the reality different from what you thought it would be like?” With that, she tossed her head back and laughed…

He watched Her as She spoke, Her words going directly to his heart and to his cock which tried, for the umptheenth time, to harden in its cage, to no avail except for the continuous pain this caused him.

Mistress continued, “You see, I wanted you to be horny as hell, desperate for any pleasure and willing to go to any lengths for relief. i wanted your desires, aches and needs to be so strong that they would overpower any rational thoughts you may have been having. I wanted you to be as pliable as possible, with your needs and your fansies taking you deeper and deeper and deeper into my domination. You are not really capable of rational thought right now when it comes to your needs and your cock. Are you slave?” She smiled and walked around the room…

He listened in silence, realizing how his own emotions had been turned against him and led him into this trap…

She continued, “We are going to do our upmost to keep you in this state; to cause the walls that surrounding you to get higher and higher and higher. Your own needs, desires and wants will drive you deeper and deeper and deeper into submission and slave hood. For I am using Your own feelings, emotions and needs against You and staking that inner fire that has now started deep inside you. You are going to be consumed by that fire, by your needs, by your own thoughts and in fact, you will desire, scream for,ache and be frustrated over and over again which will cause you to only go deeper and deeper and deeper into my domain. And I will be only too willing to assist you in all this. You see, I get off on watching You fall deeper and deeper into submission, seeing your decent, watching your own emotions and desires drive you deeper into submission. Your torque is my pleasure. And right now I am very very pleasured…”

“Keep desiring to gain an erection and ultimately a release. This will only drive you deeper and deeper into bondage, submission and slave hood.”

He now understands the meaning of the words “Abandon all hope ye who enter here..” as they sunk into his mind. he was trapped by his own doing and it was about to get worse, as he was facing a master in taking him under.

She spoke, “Come slave, you have 5 minutes to clean up and be ready. Go to the shower. Don’t keep me waiting!!! Then we will proceed to the next stage in your conversion to a total slave.”

He jumped as She spoke and went immediately to the washroom. Whatever lay ahead, he knew he must be fully presentable for Her. His thoughts whirled as he readied himself. he would find out what lay ahead in due course he thought…

He dried himself from his quick shower, laying his towel over a chair as he walked back into his room. She walked over to him, grabbed a nipple and gave a hard, direct twist. She smiled as She heard his groan. “Good… we shall now proceed with the next step in the training.” With that, She unlocked the chain from his collar to the wall, snapped on a leash and extremely led him from the room out into the hallway. He shivered, not knowing if it was from the cold air or the anticipation of what lay ahead…

(c) 2022 insubordinate1

(to be continued….)


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