The Slave's Journey Begins Ch. 02

Her words echoed in his mind as he felt the jolt of the collar and stumbled forward to keep up with Her, walking a bit awkwardly with his hands bound behind him, all the while being led by the collar around his neck. He wondered…what did She mean when She said, “The path to paradise begins in hell. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here…”

A cold shiver of dread mixed with all the endorphins that were pounding through his body; he knew deep inside him that he was led into this situation by those urges, those aches in his cock and balls that had been building inside himself over time until they, like a dam bursting, overwhelmed any hesitancy within him. He could resist them no longer and he knew he was their slave.

Inwardly, he knew this is what he had been dreaming of, wishing for, literally aching for, all those lonely days and nights, when he fantasized about meeting his Domme, kneeing at Her feet and finally being able to serve Her. But still he felt that quiet voice within him – saying be careful for what you ask for…which added a shot of adrenaline and fear to his bloodstream.

Holding the lean in her left hand, Mistress walked out of the room and turned left down the dark hallway which featured a wood carriage rail running down the hallway and beautiful but old and faded wallpaper above and hurt but soft carpets below. There were no other sounds aside from the soft footfalls of his Mistress’ heels on the floor and his somewhat labored breathing.

She came to a set of stairs that worked their way downwards. He knew from his observations from the street that these stairs would lead down to the basement of the brownstone building. His eyes grew adjusted to the subdued light as he finished descending the stairs into yet another hallway with a door opening on each side of the hallway. Mistress Walked up to the door on the right, opened it and flicked on a light switch, illuminating the inside of the room with a faint light from the small wattage bulb.

His eyes adjusted to the light. He saw, hung from the ceiling in the room and secured to a stout beam in the ceiling were two ropes with clips that fell into the center of the room. The rope ran up to the beam and then over and down to the walls where they were secured to rings attached to the wall.

There was a table with various implementations off to the side. Mistress quickly led him to the center of the room and then attached the clip on each of the dangling ropes to each of his arm restraints. Mistress then unlocked the lock holding his arms together and walked over to a wall where She pulled on one of the ropes. His left hand was pulled upwards and was soon held high above his head. Mistress then walked to the other wall and similarly pulled on the rope there and his right hand rose to be a twin in the air with his other. He was strung up, naked, with His hands out to the left and right above where he stood. His cock reacted strongly as the ropes were pulled upwards.

Mistress secured the ropes to the rings in the wall and then picked up a spreader bar from the side table. Walking over to him, She then bent down and secured the bar to the restraint on one ankle. Moving quietly, she then secured the other end of the bar to the other ankle. Rising, She walked in front of him and took his chin in her hand.

“Now slave,” she said, “I think we need to teach you a little lesson in what happens if you don’t obey me without delay.”

Without hesitation, She walked to the side table and picked up a leather flogger, swishing it through Her fingers.

She walked around him, letting the braids of the flogger fall between Her fingers. She saw him glancing at it as She walked. She spoke, “This flogger is my favorite. It is braided and as such, produces a lot of sting on impact. Once you have experienced this flogger, you will never forget the feeling, slave. I remind you, slave, that you are to obey my every word, my every gesture,Without hesitation. If I sense any delay, any hesitation in performing what I ask, we will return here and you will experience my wrath and disappointment in your performance. Just to be sure you understand this, we will have a little demonstration today to serve as a reminder of what awaits you if you fail. Ready now, slave?”

She smiled, wickedly, as Her heels echoed on the wood floor. “Also Remember, slave, that the walls are all stone, we are here in the basement, there are no windows and the wood indeed does a fine job in muffling all the sounds down here. No one will hear you scream.”

With that he heard the flogger slice thru the air and land on his bare bottom. Although not wanting to give any indication of a reaction, an involuntary “Ahhhhhhhhh…” escaped his lips as his bottom stung like it was on fire. Over and over again, the flogger came down on his body, turning it red, until he was writing on the ropes, his body on fire, aching from all the singing blows that came down on him. He gave up all composition during the flogging, screaming as the flogger hit welts that were themselves strips of fire on his body.

Finally, Mistress stopped and walked slowly around him, waiting for him to regain his composure, watching his eyes and his hard, shuddering breaths, drawing in air deeply into his lungs.

“This was just a small sampling of what it means to disobey me, slave. I expect total loyalty and feelings, whether you are here in this house or elsewhere. It matters not. You are to behave accordingly at all times. Understand, slave?”

He nodded and then felt the flogger strike his bottom yet another time. “What is that, slave? When I ask a question, I expect a clear and distinct answer. Try this again. Understand, slave?”

This time he was much faster, “Yes Mistress, slave understands he is to obey Your orders at all times, immediately. Thank You Mistress for Your lesson today” he stated as he sagged into the ropes.

MistressWalked over to the table, put down the flogger and picked up a jar. She opened it, walked over to the slave and started applying it to his welts. “This is a soothing cream. It will help with the sting and the aftercare. After all, I value my slaves.”

With that She spread out the cooling slave over his body as he just hung in the ropes.

Finishing, She put down the jar and walked to the door. Before closing the door, she turned and stated, “Stay here for a while slave. I want you to think about today’s lesson for a while.” With that She turned out the light, closed and locked the door and he heard her heels walking away.

He was left in the dark, his body singing from the flogger, his arms held up over his head, his feet held apart by the spreader bar and his mind whirling with what had just happened. Strangely enough, his cock was fully erect and aching for any touch, any stimulation at all. He twisted, fruitlessly, in the ropes.

He was left, his physical aches and stings secondary to the needy feelings in his cock and balls, aching in unfulfilled desire that She had stoked. He thoughts raced, knowing he craved with all his being that delicious ache of desire from being stimulated and then denied. He knew the more Mistress brought him to the edge and then denied him, the greater the ache and need that built inside him. He also knew that seeing him ache would only drive Mistress to stoke it more and more, Further dialing up his ache, denial and need. He knew from past chats with his Mistress that She received the greatest pleasure from his growing torque. Now She could see it, stimulate it and draw pleasure from it real time. His body and mind had led him to this and more…

He wondered what else Mistress had planned. He groaned in the darkness, knowing that soon he probably would find out.

(c) 2022 insubordinate1

(to be continued……)


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