The Slave's Catechism Ch. 02

I slept on the floor of Mistress’ bedroom and I could hear the sounds of Mistress Varian and Elizabeth making love throughout the night. They would collapse in exhaustion, then wake up a little later and begin again. Sometimes they summoned me to lick the sweat off their bodies, under their arms, between their toes, in their ass. Sometimes I was asked to clean their juices from their perfect psies. I knew I was not allowed to have an erection, and I knew I would be punished, but I could not control my cock. It had a will of its own.

Finally morning came. Elizabeth announced that she had to pee, and I, being a fast learner, begged for permission to drink her pee directly from her peehole. Then she noticed my erection and said that my training was incomplete. She took out a small cat and whipped my erection cock five times. “You must learn that you are not allowed an erection without permission. I hope to see you again when you are better trained.”

With that, she dressed and left, leaving me alone with a fuming Mistress Varian. “You have humiliated me and you will be punished and corrected. You will remain on your knees and silent. You are no longer allowed the privilege of speech. You will no longer be allowed any privileges at all. You obviously think that you have desires that matter. You will learn that you are only my pet, and while a well trained pet may be loved and rewarded, a poorly trained pet reflects badly upon his owner and will be punished. You think that you are a human being with sexual needs. I say that you are a dog. Your name is Fido. Dog’s do not speak they can only bark. You will bark once to say Yes, Mistress, and twice to say Thank you Mistress.”

I hesitated, not knowing what I was supposed to do. Mistress caned my ass five times, hard. “Fido, I told you to bark once to say yes Mistress, and twice to say thank you Mistress.” I got the idea. I barked once, paused and barked twice. “That is better, when you see yourself as a dog, you will no longer get an erection when playing with your Mistress. And to ensure that I am giving you a special set of doggie paws. And then she put on special mittens that looked like doggie paws, except these mittens fit tightly around my thumb, so I could not grip anything. And imbedded within the palm of the paws were thorns.

“Rub the paws across your face. Do you feel the thorns?” I barked once. “If I ever should see you with an erection against my orders, I will force you to masturbate until you cum. Maybe then you will learn that your cock and balls belong to me, along with all the rest of you.”

“Dogs have tails and wag them when they are happy.” With that Mistress Varian inserted a butt plug in my ass, which had a doggie tail that ran down my crack.

“I expect to see you wagging your tail whenever you see me, whenever I play with you. There is nothing that can make you as happy as playing with your Mistress.” I wagged my tail and barked, once, then twice.

“Good doggie, now follow me” Mistress led me to the back of the kitchen where there was a pet door. As long as I was on all fours I could fit through it. Mistress opened the main door and followed me out into the big fenced in back yard. She pointed me to the fire hydrant in the middle of a sandbox.

“See, Fido, your very own fire hydrant. You can pee here whenever you want. And over There,” she pointed, “is your brand new doghouse. There will be times, if you are good, that I will let you sleep in my bedroom, but that will be a treatment that you have to earn, mostly you will sleep out here.”

Mistress spanked my ass, not too hard, and indicated that I was to go to my new home.

I crawled in to the doghouse. There was not much to see. It was waterproof and heated so it was useful all year round. Outside of that, there was an old mattress on the floor. That was it. Oh, let me not forget the chewy toys scattered on the floor. At least they were new, and not chewed up bya real dog. There was obviously no room to stand, dogs don’t stand, but the entire house was 6 by 4, leaving me just enough room to roll over. Mistress called me outside and smiled.

“I hope you are happy with your new home Fido?” I barked once, then twice and wagged my tail. “Come back to your fire hydrant and piss. No accidents for my Fido.” So I crawled back to the fire hydrant and pissed, then wagged my tail.

Mistress Varian rubbed her hand on the top of my head and asked if Fido wanted to play with his Mistress? Well that question could only have one answer so I barked once, then twice and wagged my tail again. Mistress took out a stick, throw it and said “Fetch” so I spent the next fifteen minutes playing fetch with Mistress Varian, barking and wagging my tail.

Finally Mistress Varian asked if Fido wanted to give her Mistress a kiss. Again I barked and wagged my tail. Mistress lifted her skirt and lowered her panties. “Come kiss your Mistress.” Well, I barked and wagged my tail and tried to remember that I was a dog. I tried to remember the terrible punishment that was in store for me. I tried to keep my cock flaccid, but my cock had a mind of its own.

“Bad, bad Fido. You are disgusting. A dog lusting after its owner. I told you what I would have you do. Lie on your back and masturbate. I cannot believe how disgusting a dog you are.” The paws were diabolical. They were made of soft fur, with just the occasional thorn to scratch my cock, and the harder I squeezed the more the thorns would scratch. If they had been harsher, I would not be able to have an erection at all. But squeezed at the climax would leave my cock bleeding.

Mistress watched as I masturbated, judging my state. Finally I was ready to come and instinctively squeezed my hand, causing the thorns to penetrate my cock from the head to the shake. As the first drop of cum squirted out, Mistress ordered, “Hands off, at your sides.” The intensity of the cum was ruined. Allthat I was left with was a painful bloody cock.

Mistress Varian gave me my final instructions for my life as her pet dog. I might play anywhere in her yard, or stay in my doghouse, as I pleased, as long as I stayed on all fours. The only other rule was that I was to only pee at my fire hydrant. Mistress brought out a large bag of dry dog ​​food. She put it in a large bowl, and moistened the dog food with her piss. After I cleaned her pussy, Mistress showed me where I could crawl so that my weight would trigger a flow of water into a hole in the ground. I was free to fill up this hole and drink the muddy water as often as I pleased. With that, Mistress rubbed my head and patted my cheek. She called me a good dog and left me alone.

What puzzled me was that I made no effort to even try to escape. After all, I was unrestrained, I was alone, why was I not tempted to get away? I realized later that Mistress Varian had truly captured my very soul. I was truly a slave.

Mistress played with me every day, and eventually my cock finally learned to obey Mistress. It remained flaccid, despite all of Mistress’ efforts at stimulation. Mistress was very proud of me, she allowed me to sleep in her bedroom that evening and said “good Fido” any number of times, but while I was happy that Mistress was happy, I was worried whether I would ever be able to have an erection again. I put that off as a problem for another day, and satisfied myself with being a good doggie for my Mistress. I found myself, out of boredom, playing with the toys Mistress had left for her doggie. Different balls and chewy toys. Mistress would, every other day, remove my tail and give me an enema, after which I would be allowed to release my shit in her flower garden. My shit would help make her flowers grow. I grew content with my life as Mistress Varian’s pet dog.

But as I said before, whenever I thought that my life could not be worse, that I had hit rock bottom, Mistress Varian would prove me wrong. After almost three weeks of being Fido, I heard her voice call out, “Fido, Mistress wants you to come to her bedroom.” I crawled through the pet door and up the hard marble stairs to see Mistress lying in her bed, her legs wide apart and cum dripping from them.

“Fido, Sir Anthony has just finished giving your Mistress a wonderful fuck and I need you to clean me by licking out our juices.” I must have been very well trained by that point, because I did not hesitate. I jumped on the bed and licked Mistress clean. Then she throw in a kicker.

“Sir Anthony and I wish to fuck again, but he will need some stimulation. Take him in your mouth and suck him until he is again rock hard”.

That is something I had never done before, and I hesitated briefly, Until Mistress said sharply, “Fido, behave!!, be a good doggie.” As I said, by this time I was trained to obey Mistress without question, in all things, so I crawled over to Sir Anthony and took his cock into my mouth. I licked and swallowed his sperm, and began to suck his cock. I had not done this before, but I had enjoyed blow jobs in my life, and tried to do for Sir Anthony the things that I enjoyed myself. I must have succeeded because Sir Anthony grew large and filled up my mouth, stretching my jaws.

Eventually, he said “good doggie, that’s enough,” and left my mouth and mounted my Mistress, who was waiting for him on her knees, as he mounted her doggie style, while I watched.

“This is in your honor Fido,” said my Mistress, “If you are going to be a dog, you are going to have to learn to fuck like a dog.” I had no idea what she was talking about. I did not think that I ever would be allowed an erection, let alone be allowed to even dream of fucking anyone.

Sir Anthony fucked my Mistress for a long time. It was a sign of my training that the sight of them fucking no longer triggered any sexual response in me at all. I was truly Fido, the dog, and Mistress Varian was no longera sexual object to me. Mistress came twice as she was being fucked vigorously by Sir Anthony. Finally, he exploded his cum inside Mistress’ pussy and I, again, was charged with cleaning her pussy. Sir Anthony wanted to rise to urinate, but Mistress told him that he should stay beside her, that Fido would be glad to serve him. I barked once, then twice, wagged my tail and offered my mouth as a urinal to Sir Anthony. His piss had a much stronger and more pungent taste than my Mistress. I wondered if this was a personal matter or if it was a general male female difference. The things you think about when drinking piss.

I was rewarded for my good behavior by being allowed to spend the night in my Mistress’s bedroom. In the morning, I served as a toilet for both of them, then Mistress brought me outside to my fire hydrorant so I could piss myself. When I was finished, Mistress brought out a large bowl of dog food for my breakfast. After Mistress moistened the food with her piss, she had me clean her off and then continue to eat her pussy until she came three times. When I finished, she hugged me around the neck and told me what a good doggie I was. “You were such a good doggie last night that Sir Anthony has paid for your services. You are going to be stud for his bitch, Princess. He is bringing her over for the next five nights. It will be a reward for your good behavior.” With that, she spent 30 minutes playing fetch with me, first with a stick, and then with a frisbee. When she was finished I was exhausted, totally wiped out. She gave me a hug, and told me that I should rest up and be prepared for my big night.

Oh my God! Just what did Mistress Varian have in mind? Did she really want me to fuck a dog? I didn’t think I could do that if my life Depened on it. I generally napped during the day, (I was a dog, what else did I have to do) but I was worried and could not sleep. Finally Mistress called me in to her living room and I saw Mistress Varian and Sir Anthony. Sir Anthony introduced me to Princess, who fortunately, was a human dog like me. My relief must have been visible, as Mistress laughed long and loud.

That just left one problem. Mistress had trained me to avoid getting an erection. I could not do my duty as a stud unless I got one. Mistress explained that my cock belonged to her. If she wanted it flaccid, my cock would be Flaccid, but now She wanted it erect, and her will must become my will. With that she stroked my cock gently and smiled at me. She called me her good doggie. Soon my cock began to stir. Meanwhile, Princess had been positioned on her knees, ass up, knees wide apart. Her paws and nose were on the floor and she waited for her stud. Mistress took me over and positioned me carefully. “I told you last night to watch carefully as I showed you how doggies fuck. Well now it is your turn.”

I barked once, then twice and wagged my tail. My thank you was more sincere than usual, as this was a pretty girl down there, cunt wide open, waiting for my cock. I crawled over and lined up so my cock was behind her ass. I never did get to see her face, she was wearing doggie ears and a doggie nose, and so even if I could star at her, I still would not know what she looked like. This was a first for me. Truly anonymous sex. I was not built for that. I managed to position myself, but Princess’ cunt was dry, and as I pushed to enter, I felt that I was raping her. Mistress Varian and Sir Anthony were watching and commenting on my efforts.

Mistress asked if I was enjoying myself, so I barked once and then twice. Sir Anthony asked if Princess was having a good time, she too barked once and then twice. Mistress Varian said I should cum as soon as possible, as Sir Anthony had other things to do besides watching His pet put to stud. Princess’ pussy was still dry, and I was trying to go slowly but evidently Princess’ pleasure was not on the agenda, as Sir Anthony keep telling me to go faster. Then he ordered Princess to wiggle her doggie ass. This began to turn us both on, as I could feel her cunt getting warmer and moister, but I started well ahead of her. Mistress Varian said that if I did not cum within 60 seconds, I would lose the opportunity and be punished severely for disappointing her. Even though my paws had the thorns in them, I used them to balance myself on Princess’ ass and pounded as hard as I could. Forty five seconds later I shot my load.

As soon as my cum was finished, Sir Anthony took Princess by her collar and marched her outside. Mistress took me by the collar and accompanied him. When we were outside, Sir Anthony ordered Princess to lie on her back and rubbed her belly. Then he moved away and ordered me to mark her. I was puzzled. I did not know what he means.

“Piss on her, you dumb mutt, You fucked her, now mark her with the scent of your piss, to show that she is your property”. I pissed all over Princess, from her hair, to her doggie ears and nose, to her neck, her tits, her belly, her cunt and down to her toes. She was covered with my piss. I could see her eyes looking at me and I could see the hate shining through. She would remember this day often, and always think of me with hate.

When Sir Anthony took Princess away, Mistress Varian spelled it out for me. “You are standing stud for Princess. You are not here for her pleasure, nor for your own pleasure. You are only allowed to cum because you cannot improve her without cuming in her cunt. She will be brought to you for the next 4 days, five days total. There will be no more attempts at gentle foreplay. You will enter her and immediately fuck her as hard and as fast as you can. You will rape her. You will cum quickly. You will improve her. Then you will piss all over her. That is what Sir Anthony wants, that is what I want. That is what you will do. Is that clear?”

I barked once and then twice. There would be no fantasies of star crossed lovers who might meet someday under better circumstances. There would only be a painful rape of another doggie slave. And so went the next 4 days. Mistress did play fetch with me for longer periods, two or three times a day. And she hugged me around the neck and said that I was a good doggie. I enjoyed that.

A week after the end of my five day sint as stud, Mistress greeted me with a big smile. “Congratulations, Fido, you are going to be a Daddy. Princess tested pregnant. I am going to hose you off, my little doggie; because frankly you stink so badly that even your Mistress cannot stand your smell. Then, once you shake yourself off, and are reasonably dry, come through your doggie door and meet me in the living room.” So Mistress spent 5 minutes running cold water over me with a hose and then went in herself. I shook myself off as best as I could, waited two minutes to dry in the air and followed her in, wondering what Mistress had in store for me now.

“I am going to give you a choice, the first choice I have given you since you agreed to become my slave 9 months ago. Listen carefully. Choice A is you can continue as my doggie. Sir Anthony has more bitches for you, as do several other friends of mine. Some would like to see you mate with a true dog, not only a human dog. You could continue as a dog for the last three months till your year is over. You will be free, as promised, after the year, with no permanent damage.

“Or choice B. You could fulfill one of my deepest fansies, and let me transform you into a woman. Again, no permanent damage will be done. There will be no surgery, no hormones, and no impants. The strongest medicine will be depilatories. But you will learn to move like a woman, to walk like a woman, to dress like a woman, to think like a woman. You will suck cock and have your ass fucked by many men. Either way, you will be free in three months. I give you this choice because, while I can and will punish you for mistakes, if you are not willing totry, this has no chance of success. So think it over. I will give you 5 minutes. If you want to remain as a dog, bark. If you want to attempt to become a woman, say so in the best feminine voice you can muster.”

There was not much to think about. Mistress Varian indicated her preference. She wanted to train me to become a woman. I do not know why, but over the course of my slavery, what she I wanted was the only thing that mattered to me. So the decision was made. I would become a woman to please my Mistress. True, I was not gay, I did not look forward to sucking cock and being fucked in the ass, but if this would fulfill Mistress’ fantasy, I would be glad to do it for Mistress.

So when Mistress came back, I put on my best falsesetto, and told her that I would become a woman for her pleasure. Mistress smiled at me and had me get up. She removed the Doggie tail and gave me a new name. From now on I would be Fifi. Mistress gave me a big kiss on the cheese, and told me she had a speconomic reward for me, as a reward for my good service as a dog, and as a last reminder of what I was giving up by becoming a woman. Mistress was going to suck on my cock till I came. I still could not cum without permission, but, she assured me that before I went to sleep this night, I would be allowed one last cum as a farewell to my masculinity. “I don’t know if you have ever had a good blow job, so I I would spend this night as a man, before I would, for the pleasure of my Mistress, be turned into a woman, if not physically, then psychologically.

I showed and sheved and Mistress, dressed in a semiconductor night gown, spent 5 minutes sucking on my cock, taking it all the way in her mouth till her lips were touching my pubic bone, using her tongue on my cock,Then slowly backing away, then, oh so slowly, taking my cock back as deep as she could, all the while sucking and using her tongue. I had mentioned that I had blow jobs in my life, but nothing like this. After five minutes I was straining not to exploit, but of course I would not dare to cum without permission. Rather than tempt me any further, Mistress took a break and announced it was time for supper.


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