The Slave Emporium Pt. 01: Sara

The Slave Emporium Part 1 — sara – A Slave Girl

My first attempt at fiction/fantast/facts

Dateline – January — 2000

It was a time on the world clock when the rich had or got richer and owned whatever they wanted, but the poor had nothing or ever got anything only what was given, no in-between.

The Slave Emporium, a name by definition meaning, a large building or Area selling or hiring different goods and chattels of a particular type.

ALL slaves had the right to leave service at a minute`s notice, no penalty or repercussion on them or their family.

They left, clean, fully clothed, with a spare set of clothes and a bundle of food and drink to last them 2 days but the important thing, they have to have a place to go to.

So the Slave Emporium, buys, hires, rents, sells, loans and trains, slaves.

A monthly auction held on-line with free evaluation on site for the more local clientele.

Every three months an auction for the slaves bought, to be sent worldwide, only the slaves wishing to go into this audit permitted.

Nothing ever forced and the winning bidder not only paid for free passage but also deposited an amount for a return fair if the slave required it, to date, in 20 years no one ever needed the return fee.

The Emporium offer a choice of colour, size, experience, age, over 18 only, sex, yes sex, male or female, fetish, sexual status and a multiitude of timescales, from a 2 – 3-hour personal usage, 5 – 6 hours waitress service, a day whilst off work, a week whilst on or going on holiday, long term.

As an added business bonus, if an owner was going on holiday for a day – week – month and did not want his slave with him, he could take it in to be hired out, so no cost to him with it at home and the chance of it earning him Some money.

So where is all this taking us, well, the owners basic train all the slaves themselves in obedience, the main training aids, hand, for slapping and notholding onto, hairbrush, as a paddle not brushing hair, belt, as for lashing, not holding pants up and cane, for striping the body.

For specialist training they are sent out to selected pre vetted trainers.

General Domestic Discipline, milking, rope play, puppy and pony training, whip loving and almost every other branches within the BDSM umbrella.

Obviously, the company is people powered so has to be open 24/7, for the guy who just fans whipping a girl and fucking her at 2.30 in the morning.

No real rules, all bought slaves are on a sale or return basis and for regular clients they can take a girl a few nights on a trial.

Company Mantra, The Owners and Slaves have equal rights and an equal say.

All slave`s are microchipped and linked to the network of office computers, so If she should decide to go walkabout, she is found easy, made sure she is safe and well, then whipped and caned and back to retraining, the owner gets a pick of the slaves fromthe category she came from.

If it should happen a second time she would have a title branded with a QR code and given to a brother for all to use 24/7, and it does happen, maybe 4/5 a year.

The training of a newly bought in slave begins with a week in the brother where almost anything goes.

Apart from the fucking`s she will get the owners are password about the slave`s discipline and it takes very little to stop them earning a public belting, some learn quickly and some not so quick.

I think the above fills in the history details of the company and its working, now, lets pick a girl and follow with her, her journey through the company and its workings.

Name – sara brown

Age – 18 and 2 months

Hight – 5`1″

Bust – 30″

Broken – Yes

Weight – 86 pounds

Nationality – British/White

Training to commence January 10th @ The Aston Ladies Help Centre.

They specialised in not only the live acts of forward girls but also online/cam assistance for those not wishing to travel, who once their cam session had finished would be sent a pair of the girls knickers, she was wearing at the start of their session.

Sara was taken to the Emporium by her guardian, with no jobs to be had they had agreed she would be in the best place with some sort of future in the service industry.

He had made an appointment for 10.00 and arrived at 9.45 and filled in her form at the reception.

“Good morning Mr. Stokes, thank you for considering us for your charge`s future.

He checked through the form, Just one more question if I may, would you be prepared to give her a home if she decides she wants to leave?”

“Erm, no i dont think so we have enough mouths to feed without taking in my 2nd cousins` waif.

One more thing, can i have her clothes to take back home for someone else in the family?”

“Yes of course, she will be issued with a brand-new uniform here, changed weekly.”

What about me,sara brown, well I looked up and smiled at my Guardian and new Sir and waited for any instructions coming my way, as i was brought up to do.

Sirs house was HoH, meaning, he was the head of the household, a term that has been used for centuries.

He was never brutal, he was not that sort of man, but he was sure through, and nothing ever escaped his knowledge, especially for me, and he had 2 girls and 2 boys who often put me forward for the offender.

Did i mind, no, i was grateful he had taken me on when i was orphaned at 8, so had 10 years of his discipline.

His wife was pretty aggressive and very free with her hands for face slapping and other parts of my body.

“I think that concludes our dealing Mr. Stokes if you could just sign here.”

He signed and i heard him folding his copy, “And her clothes?”

“Ah yes of course, feel free to disrobe her.”

He snapped his fingers and i went to his side immediately.

He undid the clap and i raised my hands over my head and he removed my dress, he snapped and pointed to my shoes and i took them off and gave him them.

As i stood naked he juggled my tits and gave me a last fingerprinting,

“Oh when do i get paid out and how much?”

“It depends on her final working environment but certainly within 3 months and i would suggest a three-figure sum.”

He nodded and left the room with my dress and shoes and never looked back.

I wept and sobbed and my new Sir pulled me towards him, i flinched, a natural action i used in the Stokes home as one or more toyed with me.

He just hugged me until i was quite settled, then took me down a corridor, which had a carpet.

We went through a door labelled `Matron`, was not over sure what that was but had a feeling it would be painful.

“Good morning Matron, he checked my entry form, this is sara brown, a new intake, i will leave her with you to examine and pass over to the photographer.”

“Thank you Sir, nowsara pet, come here, she spun me gently round, my, you have been in the wars, she rubbed my bottom stripes.

“Yes Miss.”

“Any reason you are so extensively marked sara, and you may sleep honestly and openly.”

“They said to keep me warm Miss plus they enjoyed hurting me Miss.”

“They, love?

“Miss, the family, i was taken in and not one of them.”

“So you were the whipping girl?”

As we were talking she had run a bath for me and helped me in, my first ever bath, she bathed me gently and washed my hair, wow, it was so comfortable.

She slowly bathed me and put cold crème the area for cold crème and talcum powdered the rest.

I felt a million dollars and for the first time in my 18 years felt looked after, she slipped me a robe over my shoulders, it was so soft.

“Its yours hun, to keep.”

I was given a pretty good medical, respectfully, by matron and passed on to the next office.

“This is sara brown and a lot of work will be needed by you to record all her marks Bill.”

“All in a day work Matron, sit down sara, let me get ready.”

“Right, cloak off and stand in front of the wall with the measurements please sara.”

He followed me and bent me all ways taking his photos.

“To the desk please sara.”

I stood next to his desk and took what looked like a large thermometer out of the desk and laid it across the back of my hand, “Now this is painless.” PING

“There that`s your micro-chip put in, did it hurt you sara?”

“No not at all Sir, thank you.”

He moved to behind his desk and pulled his file on me towards him.

“Have you been trained to thank sara?”

I took a deep breath, “Yes Sir, may i thank you Sir?”

“Oh well if you insist, under you go.”

I went onto all fours and crept towards his chair.

He opened his legs and i unzipped him and his cock flopped out.

I rubbed him to semi stiff then sucked and wanked him hard.

I heard his office door open but never paused on my task, it was a man and he chatted.

“Nice looking slave Bill, should be an asset to the company.”

“Yes, I thought so too, and give a good head.

sara, would you like to give Mr. Phillip’s a thank you for his nice comment?”

I kept my mouth well attached to the cock i was going to empty, raised myself off my knees to my feet, so on all fours but stood bent over.

I opened my legs and shook my bottom a little to indicate i was ready.

“Hold her head on Bill whilst i spank her striped bottom, someone had been eager with the cane.”

Bill rammed right down my throat and held me in, fortunately he was of no great length so did not choke me but i throw in a few gags.

Mr. Phillip`s placed his feet to my left, so a left hander so a hard slapper, SCHLAPP. SCHLAPP, SCHLAPP, and he was, i began to cry, and it worked, he stopped, i heard him spit on his fingers and rubbed down from my bummy hole to pussy, which was twitching for a cock, and then he rammed home to his hilt.

Another non too long cock but he sure know how to use it.

I felt Bill arch his back, so i eased back a little to take his cum.

“Do you want her to swallow your cum or will you shoot into her?”

He pulled out, pulled me out and slapped my face a few times, as i began to cry he pushed his fingers in my mouth and then his cock, again i swallowed cum.

I had a feeling i was about to get a real good hiding/belting off him, but he pulled out, put away and zipped up as he left.

Bill passed me my robe and heled me put it on, then brought me a glass of milk.

“Well done, he looked at my notes, sara, good girl. Did you enjoy it?”

I nodded.


“Yes Sir, sorry, was not sure if I was allowed to speak. Yes i enjoy making people happy Sir.”

“And the spanking and slapping?”

“I must have deserved it Sir.”

“Good girl.”

Would you like to sit a little or ready toget some clothes?”

“Please Sir may i move on and then i can get settled and learn the house rules Sir?

Bill led me back into the corridor into the next office, my heart sank, it was Mr. Phillips!

“Thank you Bill, well, well, if it`s not the whoever who likes being spanked, slapped fucked and head banged, well whore?”

He stood from his desk and began to unbuckle his belt.

“Yes Sir.”

“Tell me then.”

“Excuse me Sir, i am the, the……whore, who needs to be spanked, slapped, pussy fucked, head fucked, i knew i was to get his belt, and belted Sir.”

“Superb, robe off girl, where should Sir whip you, how about cunt and tits?”

“Yes please, Sir, please may i have my cunt and tits whipped?”

“Crab position girl, lay on your pack, hands each side of your head and push up with legs, that`s it, now push up with your hands, that`s it, now legs wider.”

He stood between my legs, whoosh crack over my pussy, i was soon crying, after maybe12, my legs gave way so he moved to my side and whipped my tits, left then right until i gave way and fell on my back.

He knelt by my head and got out his cock again.

“Open wide whore.”

His slack cock soon stiffened, i tried as hard as i could to make him cum so he would not fuck my bruised pussy lips and tender clip,

He pulled out then knelt between my legs.

“Let`s see how tight you are now whore.”

“YYEEOOOWWWWWW” It was unbearable and he pulled me to him as he thrust in, he soon pushed his cock back in my mouth to cum.

“Kneel up and clean me off then put me tidy whore.”

When we were over his fun, he went through a door and brought out 2 purple dresses, i was so relieved i would soon be out of his sight.

Thought too soon, he pinned me against his office wall.

“Ask to be fingered whore.” he gave my face a double reverse slap.

“Please finger this whore to tears Sir.”

Four face slaps later and he was up me again with his fingers, my brain gave me away as the pain and pleasure gave me a double cum, he licked he fingers and onto my knees again for a rough mouth fucking and delighted spurting in my face and hair, then rubbing it in, hard.

He pulled me up by my hair and walked towards his door, i grabbed my 2 dresses and we were in the corridor again and i was left in a small bare room where another girl with a cum crystallised face and hair.

When he closed the door we both spoke at the same time, “Mr. Phillips?”

“Hello, I`m sara brown, arrived at 10.00 this morning, bet you were 9.00.”

We chuckled, “Yes, i am will smith,”

We hugged best we could keep our sore bits away from each other.

I explained my pulse and how and why i was here and before she could tell me her story, the door opened.

It was Bill, from earlier.

“Hello girls, i heard there was a hold up so brought you both some milk, a sandwich and an apple.”

“Thank you so much Sir.” weagain said in unison, he left, and her story began.

I have lived was brought up by my grandparents on their farm in an old farmhouse, full of squeaky floors and roof beams, never knew my dad and mum left me there when i was a baby, so never really knew her but suppose i could find her if i had a mind to.

My grandparents had 4 children including mum, 2 boys and 2 girls.

It worked well all through my childhood and school years, it was strict, but i accepted that.

I had to wait on them hand and foot and again, I accepted that as my place

My aunt and 1 of my uncles got married and moved out and 3 years ago my grandparents passed within weeks of each other so left just me and uncle Ralph in their big house.

He, or the others had hardly touched me, you know, although i was the house maid and did everything for them, even bathing them, doing their hair, washing backs, drying them, doing my aunts nails, everything.

Angain i did not mind, and if i deserved a slap or an over their knee spanking, i got one.

I got a job at 15 in our local supermarket, again doing anything and everything, as i got older i was taken advantage of by many of the male staff and when i past 18 that turned into sexual favours.

When i said enough was enough they agreed to pay me a little, well, i was running the house, no mortgage or rent but everything else and my beltings off my uncle increased.

He told me unless I agreed to be fucked, by him and his friends, i was out on my ear.

I had been naked on his bed most mornings wanking him anyway as he played with my body.

He loved to show off in front of his friends.

If he had them in drinking i had to wear a maids outfit, i had to buy with my own money.

Complete with frilly knickers.

I had to always do a striptease and he charged them for whatever they did to me, like anything even peeing into a pot squatted on the coffee table.

I had been thinking for a while ihave these strong slave tendencies and had heard of this place.

Well, 3 days ago my uncle brought a few new friends home i did not know.

I was undressed by one then he held me as one of the others tied my hands behind my back and throw the end of the rope over one of the beams and pulled it so my arms were way above my back and me on tippy toes.

I shouted at my uncle, “get me down now, or else.”

He came to my head, spat in my face and slapped my face until i yelped.

One of the other guts said, “She needs a fucking good whipping, how much?”

“Ten quid.”

He must have paid it as i got the belting of my life, look.

She turned, she was full of lash marks and scabbed areas.

I did not know until i was cut down and in the bath he had written, £20 a fuck, on my bottom

£10 a suck on my forehead.

The visitors were coming and going and went on for what seemed like hours. cock after cock after cock.

When they had gone my unclecame back in, just me and him.

He took his belt off and doubled it.

“Ask if you can suck your uncles cock girl?”

“I hesitated, and got this, she moved her arms from her tits to show the belt lines.

I soon knelt, hooked on and emptied him.”

I went for my bath more determined than ever to get away. I dried and walked naked to my bedroom, he came in, cock hanging out.

“Wank me girl.”

“It was better for me to wank him than another belting. I lay on my bed and he joined me for his wanking.

The night after just him, wank, fuck, suck, wank, that i did not mind too much, he let me finger as i did it with his fingers occasionally nipping my clip to a cum.

Second night much the same but with 2 friends, also paying to use me.

Half an hour later a knock on the door, a smart looking gentleman.

I had my hands cuffed behind me and i was led out with a ball gag into a man`s car, naked.

He was local, and i knew him from the supermarket i worked at, we were soon at his house and up his long dark drive.

It was freezing outside and i was still naked as we pulled up his driveway.

He helped me out and gently lean me over the front of the car, my tits pushed onto the freezing car and he fucked me. I know it was like being kidnapped, i know he was not rough with me, i know my nipples frozen to the bonnet, but i gushed with cum.”

Willow stopped her story for a drink and another bite of her banana.

Got to say i cum a good few times during our chat.

She wiped her mouth with her hand and continued.

“He took me inside, maybe a bit of an anti-climax, just his 2 sons as it turned out.

One was 20/21 the other 19/20 or there about.

“If i take the cuffs off will you do all my boys needs girls, i need both breaking?”

“Yes Sir, just please don’t hurt me.

Now instead of being terrified it was going through my mind, i knew these two too, but never took them as brothers or theman as their dad, but it added up, all were always polite.

I nodded and he left us and i was taken upstairs to be shown.

“May i undress you both?”

When the younger was naked i saw plenty of cane marks on his back and bottom, some looked fresh too.

I undressed the second and he too had faith ones on his bottom.

So still under dad`s cane i see Sirs?”

The elder answered for both, “Only when needed, my dad is very fair.”

I pointed to his brother`s fresh stripes, “And this dozen on his bottom?”

“I gave him them last night, dad was out, and he was late home, he knew the rules.”

The younger nodded.

“I got them naked and took the boys by their willies and led them to shower. Got to say they were young gentles, stood back to let me in the shower first so I knelt as they each waited patiently to put their young virgin willy`s in my mouth.

I dried them and we went to bed and i sucked and fucked to their command and as they slept, woke and wanked each in turn.

We all showed in in the morning and i knelt to suck them both off one final time, my idea again and not theirs.

The younger boy put a coat over my shoulders and took me back downstairs, we all had a coffee and both boys left for work.

The dad said was all ok, i said they were a credit to him and could i be of service to him before we left.

Obviously a yes, but he said as i was just shown a wank would suffice. He sat back in his armchair and i unzipped him and wanked and sucked him off, he thanked me then took me home.

He gave my uncle his cuffs back and a bundle of ten pound notes.


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