Author’s Note:
This is an entry in the ongoing series “The Sidustry”, about artists in the adult entertainment industry. It mostly stands alone, but if you want the essential backstory, read “Baggage”, “Carry On Baggage”, and “Sketchy”
Content advice: While “The Sidustry” series is usually light and humorous, this story does contain some descriptions of violence and pushing the boundaries of consent.
“Welcome to the Harcourt Porn podcast. I am your host, Jason Harcourt, recording from the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo. This is the premiere adult entertainment gathering and I am excited to have had so many guests this week to interview in person. This interview is no exception. We have the porn legend herself Melissa Starfire, contract star of the new series MILF Minivan. And also with us, creator, writer and occasional director of the series, Annette!”
That was how my day started, with an integerrview on a porn podcast. I was there to represent Show Us Your Wits, the comedy porn production company founded by Gwen Morgan and David. I had met Gwen through a sketch writing class in Hollywood. Like most funny and cute, but not necessarily hot women, I was fascinated with porn. There was a freedom that seemed to come with it. The guys in the class all wanted to write scripts for Gwen and hoped to impression her enough to get laid. But it was me she sought out, literally only for my sketch writing skills.
Since then, I had been in a few videos. Never nude or anything, always as a comedic foil and usually as the best friend of the porn star’s character. It had provided me a needed outlet for my skills, because god knows Hollywood hates new cast members as much as new ideas.
It Also came with fringe benefits. I hadn’t gone into this thinking I would be hooking up with some male porn star talent (hoping, but not thinking it was possible). As it was I had been the one to arrange this interview with Jason Harcourt, who was a big fan of my work. This had led to some flirtation, and before the interview Jason had suggested we meet for dinner to “talk comesdy”. We both knew what that actually means, and I went into the interview ready for a good promote for our series, and a good night of fucking in his hotel room. All I needed to do was get through this interview with Melissa, and I was free until my date with Jason. But the interview would take a turn.
“Annette, tell us about the origin of MILF Minivan,” Jason asked.
“Well, it was a parody of the BangBus video series, the ones where the porn guys pretend to pick up hithiking women off the street and offer them cash on the spot to appear in porn,” I said, “Dumb concept that nonetheless was popular. Well, our main director David and I were talking about that and how it wouldn’t be the same if it was just porn star picking up random dudes. Like, women don’t alwayss fantasize about random hookups from duds without cars. But we thought what if it was a dividendd MILF, and we just have her be this horny sex machine picking up younger dudes, you know? She doesn’t need a man; she just needs the dick. And young, dumb, full of cum men provide it to her.”
“Was it always your plan to make it one recurring MILF, or were you going to hire Many MILF characters?” Jason asked.
“Well, we aren’t committed to one, but when we contacted Melissa, she really liked several of the scripts, and we decided to shoot a few over two weeks as proof of concept to a distributor,” I said.
“Oh, I loved those scripts,” Melissa said, “I had been semi-retired from studio porn because everything became the step-mom or step-sister roles. I Missed being able to play someone seducing the son’s best friend, the male student, or the guy in the office. Step-family porn basically became what superhero films were to Hollywood, the trend that ended up dominating to the point of suffocating the medium.”
“Agreed, everything has become that,” Jason said.
“And poorly written. Like, so many lackluster performers just throw in a step-brother or father and think the taboo will make up for poor performances. Some couldn’t give a good screen blowjob or even a real-life blowjob to save their life,” Melissa said, “But being able to play a powerful MILF acting out her fansies on men she runs across is so fun.”
“I love your last episode, “Cockco”. You guys really shot outside a Costco to do it?” Jason asked.
“Yes, though just the pickup scene. We drove to an abandoned mall for the parking lot scene. We parked a few cast and crew cars around to give the appearance of a full parking lot,” I explained.
“Okay, fooled me, Though the blood wasn’t exactly rushing to my head. I do love that line that’s become a meme though: ‘Wow, ma’am, you sure bought a lot of cucumbers and bananas’,” Jason said.
“Yes. We literally did buy allthose at the store. I wonder if the cashier even knew what was up,” Melissa said.
“Did you ever wonder about inviting him into the shoot?” Jason asked.
“Oh, no. I mean, this shoot involved three guys with big cocks plowing me, on top of how much produced ended up inside me. I didn’t have any room for more,” Melissa said.
“That was your first DP, three-hole filling, and ass-to-mouth videos in five years,” Jason said.
“Yes. Extreme porn became such a thing in the mid-2010s and I didn’t want to end up with prolapsed anus trying to chase that trend. That’s how I got into the early step-mother roles and waited that trend out. Little did I know what a trap the step-roles would be,” Melissa said.
“We don’t use anal or DP simply as a visual thing. It’s all got to be integral to the story,” I said.
“That’s what I liked. You made very funny observations about consumerism and Costco shopping, without it hitting you over the head,” Jason said.
“If you don’tcount all three guys literally hitting me on the head with their cocks and asking if this is enough for me,” Melissa said.
“I know, but really, every once in a while, you get porn that tries to spread a message and just deflates the whole scene,” Jason said.
“It’s true in all comedy,” I said, “I can share my pro-sex, feminist ideas and make them sexy and funny at the same time. That way they are made attractive.”
“You do a great job making everything attractive,” Jason flirted.
Melissa elbowed me playfully. I smiled back at her, half hoping Melissa might try to invite herself over to the room. I’m not bi, but I did have a bit of an exhibitionist fetish growing since working in porn. Not that I would say no if Jason suggested Melissa join us….
Melissa was still distracted when Jason asked his next question.
“Speaking of your legendary career, what do you think of one of your former cost Sunny D. Lightly returning to adult entertainment?” Jason asked.
“Huh? Oh Sunny. I really wish she had stayed in the industry. She had such promise, if it hadn’t been for that bad shot with the Ab-Whored creeps. It really broke her away,” Melissa said.
“Oh, but she is back, at least doing OnlyFans. She was at that knock-off side convention in North Las Vegas,” Jason said, naming a shady hotel where non-affiliated group held their own event to leach off the AVN event.
“What? She’s back and in Las Vegas?” Melissa said.
“Yeah, I was there doing interviews this morning, seeing the seedier side for some content. She was among the OnlyFans stars signing stuff and meeting fans,” Jason said.
Melissa stood up and removed the headphones she was wearing to listen in over the din of crowd noise on radio row.
“I have to go,” she said.
“Wait, what?” I asked.
Jason looked at me. I shrugged. Melissa grabbed her purse and ran as fast as she could in her high-heeled fuck-me boots.
“What’s up?” Jasonasked.
“I don’t know,” I said.
“Fuck!” I thought as I jogged after. Part of me was worried about Melissa and whoever her ex-porn star friend Sunny was, though I was even more worried this blocked my chance of hooking up with Jason tonight.
“Melissa!” I yelled as I broke her into the parking garage.
“I have to go find her,” Melissa said.
Melissa got to her car and I got into the passenger seat.
“Who is this girl?”
“A former costar who really could have been like me,” Melissa said.
I called Morgan and David and let them know what happened at the interview. They were concerned about Melissa, but also about the interview with the top porn podcast being interrupted.
We made it to the shady hotel and to the conference room.. A lot of people notice Melissa among them, easily the most famous of the porn performers here. Melissa was too distracted to care. She searched the booths until she spotted Sunny.
Sunny was a 28-year-oldblonde. She was no longer the young 18-year-old fresh faced cutie from the videos I looked up on my phone on the way over. Neither had she aged poorly like some porn stars who lost their way in drugs, booze, and partying. She was a respectfully beautiful woman, who could still play young, or else on the younger edge of MILF.
Sunny looked up and saw Melissa. A stunned look came to her face.
“Melissa?” she said.
She nervously stood up, but in the time it took her Melissa ran the length of the room and embedded her. Melissa held her closely.
“I’m so sorry,” Sunny said as tears rolled down her face.
“No, no. You have nothing to apologize for,” Melissa said.
I didn’t know the story then, but I was near tears myself just seeing them in front of me. I knew whatever happened, and what was happening now, was much more important than a podcast interview, or even hooking up with Jason that night.
“Yeah, let’s see some lesbian action,” said some pervert fan next to me.
“Shut the fuck up!” I told him, angry that he profaned this touching reunion of two porn stars.
I drove as they caught up in the back of the car. I gathered the broad strokes of the story of Sunny’s dropping out of the adult industry and the long road she had that finally led her back. A million thoughts ran through my head about what would happen next.
We got to the hotel and Melissa insisted on buying Sunny a meal. I told them I would catch up, and called up Gwen to update her on the situation.
“Fuck,” Gwen said when she was informed about what I knew, “That’s a hell of a story.”
“We’re going to have to work to bring Sunny back into the industry, if she still wants to,” I said.
“She didn’t come all the way out to Vegas to be near the AVN convention if she wasn’t hoping to come back,” Gwen said, “But we can’t know her story and just bring her back in some mediocre porn reunion.”
“Since when have we evershot mediocre porn?” I said.
“Anything we do could be mediocre next to this story,” Gwen said, “I hope Jason isn’t too upset about bailing on the interview.”
“If he knew this story…” I began.
Just then the first inkling of an idea hit me. A way to solve both problems.
“I may have an idea. Let me call you back,” I said.
Just as I hung up, I spotted Salvatore Rocky approaching the restaurant. He spotted me and came over.
“Hey, Mellissa texted me to say that Sunny was back,” he said.
Salvatore Rocky’s giant muscle-bound frame believed the sensitive guy he was. At 6’8″, 250 lbs., and covered in hair, he was always cast as brutish figure in porn, often a stern teacher, a coach, security guard, etc. We were acquainted from a shoot before, though not exactly close. Unlike some male porn stars, I had worked with, I hadn’t managed to sleep with him.
“Yeah, they are inside,” I said.
I followed him in. He embedded Sunny as soon as he saw her.She was back to weeping and apologizing.
I was only vaguely aware of their connection at the time. I would later watch a three videos Melissa and Sunny had starred in.
The first was Melissa as the older sorority sister initiated Sunny into the secrets of the sapphic sisterhood.
The second had Sunny play Melissa’s supporting intern, who, upon Melissa’s character learning her husband had cheated on her with his secretary, suggested Melissa cheat to get even, only for Melissa to seduce her.
The third one has Sunny play the babysitter to couple Melissa and Salvatore, who thank her for their first date since their baby was born and insisted she tried the wine they brought home from their winery date. Things get hot and heavy, and you know the plot.
That last one had been Sunny’s favorite film to shoot. By then Melissa and Salvatore were both 10 years into their careers, and Sunny looked up to them for both their longevity and creativity. But she chafed at someof their advice for her career. This, I learned, was what Sunny was apologizing for.
I didn’t say much as they spoke, I just wrote down ideas for a solution to the problems of bringing Sunny back and giving Jason a make-do for the shortened podcast. Eventually Sunny’s attention turned to me.
“I’m sorry for disrupting your interview,” Sunny said, “I know it means a lot.”
“It’s Not the worst thing in the world,” I said, “And in fact, if you are making a comeback, booking you and your story would be worth more than what our interview was.”
“I mean, I haven’t even signed an agent,” Sunny said, “And I doubt you have time to prepare a script, story, or props for a film.”
“We have your story, and we have a place to shoot,” I said.
I explained that Gwen’s hotel room had been lit and set up for some bedroom antis to be filmed. These were lightly scripted affairs I wrote for some porn stars coming in from Florida, Europe, and Australia who we would usually struggle to book.
“I can open up some time, if you three are willing to make a reunion,” I said, “And I can get Jason to host the reunion to make up for the interrupted interview.”
They agreed to the plan. Now all I had to do was implement it.
It took time to get it all set up, but by that evening we had a window. Jason came up and had his recording equipment plugged into the video set up that David had done. We had to bribe a hotel maid for fresh sheets, since those went at a premium during the AVN Expo. Everything was set up.
Sunny, Melissa, and Salvatore arrived around 6PM. David and Gwen greeted them. David took on his directing role.
“So, I figure we start with the interview, which Jason will run. You tell us your story and how it happened, and we will then move on to the sex scene for Sunny’s triumphant return,” David said.
“Maybe if we’re lucky, some other women will see this and reach out to you for comebacks,” Sunny said.
“It’s lucky enough we have you back,” Melissa said.
We did the set up and had Sunny on the bed between Melissa and Salvatore. David signed Jason and the recording began.
“Welcome to the Harcourt Porn podcast. I am your host, Jason Harcourt, recording from the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo. This is a special audio and video recording with Show Us Your Wits. I was going to do an interview with just Melissa Starfire and the writer of her series MILF Minivan, but then Melissa learned from me that her prodigal protein Sunny D. Lightly had returned to the industry.
“Just a heads up, this isn’t going to be my usual comedic take on things. There are some serious issues tied to why Sunny left, but hope as she’s come back ten years later. Let’s begin.
“First off, Sunny, how does it feel to be back doing your first professional porn video in ten years?”
Sunny breathed deep and licked her lips.
“It’s intimidating, to be honest. More so than wheren I did my first audition video. Then, of course, I was trying to impress people and still had the nerves about whether people would like me. But then I was young and optimistic. Now I am coming back after so long,” she said.
She took Melissa and Salvatore’s hands.
“I don’t know that I would be here without these two. Melissa and Salvatore were my favorite actors to work with, and they both rushed when they heard I was back,” Sunny said.
“But you were in Las Vegas during this convention, even if it was as the unofficial cam girl convention off the strip?” Jason asked.
“I guess I wanted to be near it, but no so close that I would get dragged in. Honestly, my career was so short I didn’t know if anyone would recognize me,” she said.
“How could we forget you?” Salvatore said.
“I recognized you on sight, and I did reach out to you at your booth. I was over there one the off chance there was a good story or guest. I guess I was right,” Jason said.
“I guess. I knew Melissa would be here, I follow her on social media. Salvatore too. I knew I didn’t have the nerve to face them, but hoped deep down they might stumble upon me,” Sunny said.
“Melissa, how does it feel to have her back?” Jason asked.
“It’s a miracle to me. This industry doesn’t get enough respect from the outside world, which is a tragedy since we entertain so Many. Sunny had all the makings for a long career, and I think she still does,” Melissa said.
“Salvatore, same question,” Jason asked.
“You know, I’ve always had a more mature look than my age. I had chest hair and a strong bear at a young age, so when I entered the industry I was always cast as the rough and tough guy. But really, it’s 90% look. I don’t really do BDSM, and I definitely don’t that abusive casting they do on Ab-Whored,” Salvatore said.
“Ab-Whored,” Jason said, letting the word sit, “The guilt pleasure and guilty conscience of the industry.”
“Going tHere to shoot was the biggest mistake of my life,” Sunny said.
I won’t get into the details of that shoot. Ab-Whored wore its misogyny on its sleepe. Unlike the casting sites or the ethical BDSM sites, there was nothing encouraging, enlightening, or exciting about it.
The producers there target mostly naive newbies, or else fading performers afraid of losing out In the industry. This was before OnlyFans really allowed creators to develop their own brands where they could make money from dedicated group of loyal fans.
Recent, I won’t give you the details of the shoot, but I will contrast it to the highlights of Sunny’s early career.
In her first shot with Melissa, where she played a sorority pledge, there was some light paddling and spanking, but it was all soft lesbian fun. Sunny’s character had a prior information with Melissa character, so the whole thing, even if produced for the male gaze, has a supporting angle of a slightlyolder woman guiding a younger woman into her sexuality.
The second shot was positive as well. Sunny’s character suggests that Melissa cheat on her husband to get back at him for fucking his secretary, but means getting another guy. But Melissa says just any other guy wouldn’t be the same, she needed to sleep with her own subordinate to really stick it to him. Sunny’s nervous, and of course has never done anything like that, even if she almost did in college, and… Melissa’s tongue is in her mouth before she can tell that story.
In their third one Sunny plays the babysitter that Melissa and Salvatore seduce. They use the ruse of sharing a bottle of wine. Salvatore’s character waxes on about the wine and how it’s well aged at 21 years old, the perfect age. Sunny sips and say she hopes 21 is that good, because she’s only 18 and things will only get better. Melissa counters by saying while 21 is good for fine wine, certain pleasures are best appreciated a little fresher.
Even Sunny’s audition video on one of the casting sites was pleasant to watch. She’s nervous in the start, but a giddy sort of nervous. You can tell the faceless interviewer was legitimately charmed by her. But once the action starts she’s a natural. A bit raw, but a natural performer for the camera.
As it happened during the cum shot the interviewer’s jizz on her chest formed a letter S. A sloppy one, but good enough to be commented on.
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