Hello my beautiful readers!
First, I just wanted to apologize for the delay with the release of this chapter. I’ve been dealing with some mental health issues that have made writing a bit difficult and I thank you for your patience.
Second, thank you so much to anyone who has left a comment or sent me a message! I wish I know how to reply to them but I just wanted to say that they means so much to me. The same goes for anyone that has rated or favored one of my chapters. It means so much to know that people are enjoying my work.
Third, this chapter was originally going to be much longer but it has been split into two so that it’s length was not wildly out of proportion when compared to my other chapters.
All that being said, please enjoy part one of Aiden’s training with Master Sagi! I hope you all like it.
Much love! XXX
Day 1
His Master had finally agreed to Aiden’s request and told him that his training wouldbe a test. It would last for seven days and after such time had passed, his Master would again ask him if he wished to stay his sub.
Aiden was excited that the first day had finally come but he was anxious as to what was about to happen.
His Master hadn’t been in the suite when Aiden had woken up but the man had given him his instructions the night before. Aiden quickly got out of the comfortable bed and made His way to the ornate bathroom. He’d been instructed to wash his entire body and to pay special attention to his genitalia.
His Master was quite aggressive in delivering the order that Aiden makes himself as clean as possible, which, in turn, made Aiden take the command even more seriously.
The boy took his time, not wanting to make a mistake. When he finally felt clean enough and his skin had a rosy glow from the scrubbing, he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a large, fluffy, white towel around his wet body.
Aiden took a deep breath to calm his sudden nerves and then proceeded to the room his Master had instructed him to go to. He stopped right outside the black door before him, knocking once, just as he was told.
“Come in,” his Master spoke in a deep, commanding tone that made Aiden’s small dick stiffen beneath his towel.
Aiden pushed through the door and let out a tiny gasp as he surveyed the room. It was decorated in mostly black with pops of Crimson and a few full body mirrors were placed in select areas of the room.
The walls were lined with ropes, chains, and other various instruments of restraint and Aiden couldn’t imagine how some of them would work. There were also several machines and different types of posts and benches in the large room.
In the exact center of the room lay a tall, rectangular table lined with a criminal, velvet tablecloth. On the surface of the table lay several metal instruments and toys. Adien was only familiar with a few of the items and eyed the rest suspiciously, as theygleamed beneath the light above them.
As Aiden took in more details of the room, he realized that every area with a stationary post was also incredibly well lit, though, it didn’t seem as if the light would become a nuisance. There was also no bed in the room and the floor of the dungeon was made up of concrete with a drain in the center.
Aiden gulped, feeling intimidated, but he was distracted from the feeling when his Master began to speak.
“As you know, I’ll be training you for seven days but I’m sure you managed to scare yourself last night, thinking that the training would last the entire day for every session.”
Aiden blushed, unused to being read so accurately.
Sagi smiled at the boy before continuing, “Today will be short and simple. I just want to try a couple toys on you, as well as begin the training your tiny asshole needs, if you want me to fuck you.”
Aiden’s heart quickly at the idea of his Master touching his asshole again. The firsttime had been so good; nothing had ever felt that good to him before.
Aiden watched as his Master walked over to a smaller table before he beckoned the boy over.
“Drop the towel and bend over this, ass in the air,” he commanded.
Aiden shivered as he did what he was told, and placed his hands on the table length, directly in front of him as he bet over the edge. Aiden immediately felt cold lubricant drill onto his asshole and the chill made him flinch.
Sagi scratched the boy’s ass, “None of that,” he scolded. “You stay still or maybe I’ll actually punish you.”
Aiden laid still at his Master’s words but a tiny part of him begged to be bad. For some reason, the word punishment was beginning to sound like a reward, when he imagined what Master Sagi would do to him. Still, the boy wasn’t truly brave enough to try anything so bold as deliberate disobedience. Instead, he continued to hold his muscles tight in an effort to not move.
Sagi smeared the lube intoHis slave’s asshole before poking the tip of his finger inside. To his delight, Aiden let out a small gasp before trying to push back on his finger. Sagi helped him, sliding all the way in. The boy gasped again, but much louder this time as his Master’s long, thick fingerprint barely grazed where his prostate was.
Sagi slowly worked his fingerprint in and out before picking up his pace. When Aiden was a panting mess he pushed another finger into his cute asshole. The boy stiffened slightly but then tried to grind back against his Master’s fingers. Sagi slapped his left asscheek and then his right, hard.
“Don’t move!” His voice boomed.
Aiden froze for a moment before he let himself relax against the table. His tiny cock was dripping with pre-cum and he already wanted release so badly but he knew he it wouldn’t happen. That was one of the rules. No cumming until the last day.
Suddenly his Master’s fingers left Aiden’s slightly stretched asshole and the boy whimpered at theempty feeling, not liking it at all.
Sagi walked over, towards the large table of sex toys, and picked up a stainless steel butt plug. It was slightly curved with a tapered end. The neck of the plug gradually got smaller, ending in a handle that would stop the toy from being sucked in completely. Sagi walked back to the boy and smoothed the metal in lube, knowing it was slightly larger than his two fingers but not quite as large as three, and he wanted to make insertion as comfortable as possible for his sub.
After a few moments of feeling empty, Aiden felt something cold, hard and wet push against his pumped hole. He welcomed the intrusion but grunted in pain as the toy stretched him a bit more than he had gotten used to.
His Master gently patted Aiden’s curly head in encouragement as he slid the toy in completely. Soon, the handle was flush between the boy’s innocent asscheeks. He then helped Aiden stand before lifting his boy up and sitting him on the table.
Aiden moaned as the pressure caused the plug to hit his prostate.
“You’re going to keep that plug in for two hours. Tomorrow it will be longer.”
“Yes Master,” the boy nodded.
“We are only going to try one other thing today but it may frighten you. Just know that I won’t hurt you on purpose. If you feel any pain at all, you must tell me.”
Master Sagi spoke in a deep and serious tone and Aiden couldn’t help but feel protected when hearing it. His Master went back to the table and came back with a small, metal object in his hand.
It was a little stainless steel tube that had tiny ridges on it. The tube looked hollow on the inside and was connected to a circle of steel. Sagi showed the item to Aiden, letting him study it for a good minute before he spoke.
“This is a penis plug. I’m going to put the ring,” he pointed to the circle of steel, “Around those cute little balls of yours so they’re held nice and snug. The this part,” he pointed to the riggedtube, “Is going into that sweet little cock of yours.”
Auden blushed furiously at the words his Master used to describe him. He felt a bit humiliated at being reminded of his pathetic size but he would have been extremely hard at hearing the words, even if he were to be fully clothed.
“Lay down,” Sagi commanded the boy.
Aiden compiled and laid on his back. He jumped a bit when his Master pulled his balls through the cold, wet steel. The ring fit securely and Aiden found that he rather enjoyed the feeling.
“Im going to put this inside you now, my pet,” his Master said in a gentle voice. “Let me know, immediately, if you feel pain by raising one of your hands. Otherwise don’t move.”
“Yes Sir,” Aiden whimpered nervously.
Sagi gently covered Aiden’s cock with the towel Aiden had brought from the bathroom and, like magic, Aiden small manhood softened and shrank into itself. Sagi used his finger and thumb to hold his sub’s flaccid little cock and smelledthe tip of it with lube. He angled Aiden’s dick the way he wanted before very, very slowly, pushing the metal rod into his piss hole.
Aiden gasped at the uncomfortable feeling but did not speak up. He wasn’t in pain, at least not yet.
Sagi pushed in more and more until all .75 inches of the steel rested snug in Aiden’s cock. He twisted it a bit and was rewarded when his slave arched his back off the table in response.
“Do you like it, little one?” Sagi asked, pleased and curious with Aiden’s reaction.
Most of his slaves had refused to try what Aiden just had. Either the boy didn’t realize he could refuse, which Sagi knew was a realistic possibility, or he was enjoying himself. The giant twisted the plug once more and the boy gasped loudly in reaction.
“Yes, yes!” Aiden whimpered.
Sagi smiled and released his hold on the plug, letting gravity finish the job of securing it safely.
“More!” Aiden begged.
“Not today little one,” Sagi said witha smile. “I told you, today would be easier, but every day will get a little more challenging and a little more pleasant.”
Sagi helped Aiden to his feet and the boy looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
“Did I do okay?” He asked shyly.
“You did so good, my pet,” Sagi smiled as he ruffled the boy’s curls affectionately.
”Will you take this out When you remove the butt plug Master?” Aiden asked, feeling curious and full of nerves.
“No,” the man answered.
Aiden eye’s widened and Sagi continued to speak.
“All of my penis plugs are hollow on the inside so that you can go to the bathroom or even cum. Not that you’ll be doing any of that this week,” the man said with a teasing grin.
The knowledge that the steel plug would remain for an unspecified amount of time made Aiden feel even more owned than he was and the boy loved it.
As the two spent the rest of the day together, simply spending time in the same space, Aiden wondered how tomorrowrow would go. His Master had told the truth, today had been simple but he wasn’t sure how extreme his Master would get with him. The unknown filled Aiden with both fear and insatiable longing to please.
Day 2
Aiden who alone and started to wonder if this was how the entire week would go. His Master hadn’t said as much, but Aiden didn’t think it was simply a punishment.
As Aiden got out of bed to stretch, he noticed that his body felt completely relaxed. He had thought that his ass might be a little sore from the plug but, surprisingly, he felt fine. He was less anxious for today than he had been the day before, but that didn’t mean much.
The morning began just as yesterday had. Aiden cleaned himself thoroughly before waiting outside of the same black door. At his knock, Master Sagi commanded him to enter the room.
Upon entry, Aiden’s immediate attention was drawn up, towards the ceiling of the dungeon. The day before he’d somehow missedthe iron bars that crossed over each other, making him feel as if the entire room were a cage.
He only noticed in the first place, because his Master seemed to be checking the bars overhead for any damages. Upon closer inspection, Aiden realized the there were strdy looking hooks attached to the metal bar his Master was inspecting. When the man gestured for Aiden to come closer, the boy also saw a heavy looking, silver chain lying at his Master’s feet. It did not stay there for long.
Sagi picked up the chain and secured it to a strong hook, protruding from the iron bar above. Aiden watched, while his heart hammered in his chest, nervous about what was going to happen to him. Without speaking to the boy, Sagi grabbed Aiden’s slender wrist and began to fasten it into a black, leather cuff.
Aiden was surprised when he felt that the cuff was lined with something soft. Any time he’d ever been restrained with cuffs, before he met his Master, it had always been done with something that left deep, angry marks cut into his skin. Aiden had a thought that these cuffs would leave no such markings.
The boy was quiet as the giant took his towel away before he secured Aiden’s other wrist into the cuff. Once satisfied, the man took one arm, then the other, and attached the cuffs to the chain that hung from the ceiling.
Aiden was effectively suspended by his wrists, with his toes just brushing the floor beneath him. The boy felt his heart began to beat faster than before. He was helpless and His Master was about to whatever he wanted to his vulnerable body.
Aiden wasn’t sure why that thought wasn’t more terrifying. Had this very situation happened to him a week ago, he probably would have pissed himself out of fear. Now, however, Aiden felt different. Yes, his heart was racing in His chest and he was incredibly nervous but he was also… excited.
Aiden bit his lip and looked up to met his Master’s gaze. The man watched the naked boy with a heated look as a hunger burned behind his eyes.
“That’s a good look for you,” his Master finally said to him.
Aiden felt a blush spread across his cheeks and down his neck and shoulders in reaction to his Master’s words.
“Today will take longer than yesterday. You will wear the same butt plug for four hours and this penis plug,” Sagi held out a different looking steel toy, “This you will wear once the session is over, until tomorrow morning.”
Sagi purposely picked a penis plug that was tapered and smooth, to ensure that his little pet would not experience any micro tears after wearing the object for so long. Adien was being such a good boy and Sagi hated the idea of his sub suffering for it.
“You’re going to be blindfolded while I play with you,” the man “Remember,” he said while softly bringing his hand down Aiden’s cheese, “You’re not allowed to cum.”
Aiden’s chest rose and fell in lustful breaths, he wanted to be good so badly but hewas still curious as to how it would feel to be bad and punished. The wonder was beginning to become a sort of torture, as the boy truly wanted to know. Still, he was not brave enough to purposely disobey, so he would try not to cum, just as his Master had command of him.
Soon, Aiden’s vision was filled by darkness as his Master covered his eyes with a black, silk blindfold. A moment later, Aiden felt cold lube being rubbed on and around his asshole before his Master’s thick finger pushed even more inside his ass.
Aiden felt a soft moan slip past his lips when his Master buried his finger deep into him. He was beginning to love his Master’s fingers being inside of him and he was even looking forward to wearing the plug. All to soon his Master took his warm fingers away and replaced them with cold steel. Aiden moaned even louder, truly enjoying the, slight, burning stretch of his small asshole.
Soon, the toy was nestled safely between his cheeks and Aiden felt his Master’s fingers brush across his hard nipples.
“Have you ever had someone torture these?” His Master asked in a husky tone.
Aiden shuddered, he didn’t like the word torture but he had a feeling that it means something different to his Master than it did to him.
“Y-yes Master,” he answered honestly, “It hurt.”
“This might hurt a little,” Sagi told the boy in a gentle voice. “But I think you’ll like it.”
Sagi walked over to his table of instruments and picked up two small, black, silican nipple suckers. He then coated the base of each with a bit of lube before walking over to Aiden. The man gently squeezed the bulbous part of the sucker before lining it up with the boy’s pink nipple. Aiden let out a little gasp at the contact which made Sagi smile.
Once both suckers were in place, he picked up a small hour glass, that was used to count down in ten minute increments, and flipped it over. Sagi studied the flowing sand for a moment before picking up a small, lightly weighed ball stretcher and Allen key. The steel gleamed in the light as he separated the circle into two halves and covered them in lube, before bringing the pieces over to where Aiden was hanging.
Aiden jumped a bit when he felt his Master suddenly touch his lower body. His rough hand slide over the boy’s soft, pale stomach and down to his small cock and balls. The boy felt cold steel close around His balls and heard the click of a lock sliding in place. As soon as his Master’s warm hands left his body, Aiden felt gravity tug the steel, stretching his balls away from his body.
The boy let out a gasp at the sensing but, otherwise, tried to stay silent. His efforts ended up being for nothing when he felt victorys against his dick.
“Remember, you’re not allowed to cum,” his Master said in a sweet voice as he mercilessly teased Aiden’s tiny cock with a slender vibrator.
The lord watched happily as pre-cum began to weep from the boy’s small piss hole.He wondered how long his poor sub would be able to hold on and secretly hoped that he would fail; the darker part of him wanted to punish. Though he tried to keep it at bay, the monster inside Lord Sagi was still alive and well and it was beginning to wake.
“Please, please, please,” Aiden began to whimper and beg, wanting nothing more than to be allowed release.
“Is this what you need?” The lord mocked as he took the vibrator away.
“N-no,” the boy stuttered, incredibly aware that he wasn’t going to get what he wanted.
“Poor baby,” his Master continued in his mocking tone. “But look, the sand has run out on your timer. I think it’s about we removed these.”
As he spoke, Aiden felt the suction on his nipples disappear before they were filled with a rush of blood. The very air flow in the room caused the boy to feel intense sensings against his tenderer, almost red, skin.
Sagi picked up a soft, white feather and began to trace the skin around Aiden’s nipples. The boy gasped and moaned at the exhaust torture, wanting to escape from the feather’s touch but also saved that he had no choice but to take it. The boy whimpered and cried out softly, enjoying the merciless torture.
Just as the sensitivity died down in Aiden’s nipples, the boy felt the sharp bite of pain as something gripped at his lightly puffed skin. He let out a loud moan in response.
“Those look pretty on you, my little slut,” Sagi said as he gave an appreciated glance over at his handiwork.
The man flipped the hour glass over before he began to tighten the grip on the clamps he’d placed on Aiden’s tender nipples. He’s chosen adjustable clamps so that he had complete control over the amount of pain his sub was experiencing.
“I want to hurt you, Just a little and I think you’ll like it,” the man told Aiden. “But you need to tell me if it becomes too much.”
The boy only nodded when the feeling of pain in his nipples intensified, as his Master increased the tension. When the clamps were biting into his nipples as hard as the boy could bare, he cried out.
“Please Master! No more, I don’t think I can take it!”
“Good boy,” Sagi said as he removed his hands from the clamps.
The man stopped to watch his little sub suffer while he waited for the sand to run out from the hour glass. He felt his own, very large, dick growing hard in his pants but he refused to give himself release until his sub experienced the same.
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