Master and I had been talking lately, about where we saw ourselves going one day. I said I saw myself becoming a slave one day, but not at this time. I did not feel I was ready for it yet, as I still had a lot of insecurities to deal with, and felt they should be addressed before I attempted to give myself over to slavery.
To me slavery was a big commitment. To be a slave, is to give over all control. A slave can not say no I have a headache, or I do not feel well. It is yes Master, as you wish Master. So I was leery of going there, but still my heart cried out for it. I had the right Master for it, I knew I could trust him to take care of me, and not to abuse my status as slave. I was not going to turn over all my worldly possessions, or my bank accounts. Both of us felt that was plain foolishness, and put a slave in a bad place. I still wanted to maintain my individuality as a person.
Master was home today as it was Sun. We treasured our time together, and I was alwaysso happy just to lay with him on the bed or sit beside him on the sofa. We had been talking earlier, about our relationship, and he wanted to take it a step further. He asked me if I trusted him. Yes I replied I trust you. “Ok from now on you will not sit on the furniture without my permission. You must sit at my feet. At the table you will not be seated unless I give consent to, you will sit at my feet to eat, and you will eat when I say you can eat. I will always be served first, and then the guests, unless I give orders otherwise. You will wait till I tell you it is ok for you to eat. When we go out I will order for you.”
I was taken aback by this, I had not expected such complete control taken away from me, although we had talked about it, I had had no idea how I would react to it. I was scared, did I really trust him like I said I did? Well I guess I was going to find out. Did this include the bedroom? “No” he said, “if you are tired you may go and sleep”. Whew, that made me happy as often I got home before him and took a little nap, as I was so tired from work.
He looked at me, then at where I was sitting. I quickly slipped off the sofa, and down to the floor. “Get me a drink little one”. I quickly got up, and took 3 steps back facing him, turned and went to get him his orange juice that he loved in the morning. We had already established certain rituals, as to how I was to serve him. I filled his glass, and brought it to him. I knelt before him with the glass held in my hand on my palm, supported with my other hand in the middle, so as not to tip it, or to get the rim dirty with my fingers. With my eyes lowered before him, I lifted the glass to him and waited for him to take it from me. I waited a while, I was puzzled as to why he did not take the glass yet. I glanced at him peeking up from lowered face. He was sitting there, his hand in the air, and my glass way to far from him. I was too far away from him, and he was not going to reach over andTake the glass. The reaching was obviously going to be my job. I scooched a bit closer and rose up higher to present the glass to him, leaning towards him so the glass fit into his hand. “Thank you little one, next time pay more attention.” Yes Master I replied.
Ok the anti has really been upped now I figured to myself. Things really were going to change around here, I wondered my reaction to it all.
Kneel in front of me little one on all fours. I quickly obeyed him, puzzled as to what he wanted. “Turn sideways”, again I was quick to listen to him. I felt the heavy weight of his feet placed on me. I was to be furniture for him now. I was mortified, how dare he treat me like furniture, like I was some inanimate object for him to use as he pleased, propping his feet up on me.. I felt him place his glass on me then. I would not move if I were you was all he said. I was a mass of feelings inside. anger, confusion as to how I should feel about this, wanting to please him, feeling embarrassed about this all. Is this how it was going to be all the time now? I did not say anything, but rather told myself that he would do nothing to harm me, so trust him and let myself go and enjoy this. I relaxed, in my new roll.
I realized very shortly that one of the things I was feeling was excitement. I was getting off on this actually. It was not sexually exciting for me, but rather, it was mentally exciting to me. I was sinking into a deep state of submission. In a bit I realized I was loving this, I did not want it to stop. I wanted it to continue, I wanted it to go further. I had no idea how I was going to react to this, but I loved how I was feeling.
He took his feet off me after awhile, and I was so disappointed, it was ending way to fast. Grabbing my hair he hauled me up from the floor and dragged me over to the bedroom. I was shocked at his rough treatment of me. He tossed me on the bed, and told me to spread them. I was very eager to comply. I was in a deep state of submission at this time, and not a little excited by what he was doing to me. He had never done this to me before, and I was very excited and wet, actually soaked, a fact which was very obvious to him at this time. He buried his face in my soaking wet pussy, nipping biting, licking. Driving his tongue deep inside me . I was going crazy, moaning and emrithing on the bed. I took my legs and wrapped them Around his head, trying to drive his face closer , and deeper in me. He grabbed them and held them down, don’t move was all he said. OMG how could I not move. It was impossible, I couldn’t stop. Gripping the blankets I held on for dear life, my moans flooded my ears as I heard myself becoming for more, deeper. It was not long when felt my self on the verge of cumming for him. He suddenly stopped, NOOOOOOOOOOI wanted him to finish. “Get up” was all he said. I got up, a complete wreck. I was soaked, disheveled, a mess inside and out. I was on the verge of tears. I don’tever remember feeling this completely taken or used. I was going crazy with desire for him. I was confused, and disoriented, like my mind was in a fog. I LOVED IT.
” I own you,” he said, “every part of you belongs to me.” You will not touch yourself anymore with out my permission. You will cum for me only. If I choose to not let you cum, that is my choice, not yours. You will not go and finish yourself off afterwards as I have allowed in the past. You are MINE, to do with as I please” I was trying to take it all in, such complete possession was what I had always wanted, but never dreamed possible. I loved him with all my heart. I willingly surrendered all to him at that moment. I am YOURS Master. My body is yours to do with as you please.
He took me and pushed me back on the bed. He positioned me at his cock, and said ” SUCK, like you mean it” I grabbed his cock by the root and took it in my mouth wrapping my tongue around it, and sucking deep and hard on it. Scraping my teeth gently on it as I moved up and down on his shake. I could hear him moaning and loving it. I was so happy I could please him, and concentrated on driving him out of his mind.
We spent the day in that bed, doing this and doing that. I would never have guessed how being a slave could enhance ones love, and desire to please. Or how it could put one into a such a mind set as I was that day. We had many days after that. From that day onward I was happy to sit at his feet, and to serve him as slave or furniture, or slut. It mattered not. All I wanted was to please him, and make him proud of me, and if he was proud that I was furniture, then I was the best piece of furniture a slave could be. I did all to please him from that day forward.
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