My older sister had dragged me along to the football game on Friday night. A football game was the last place on earth I wanted to spend my Friday night. Every person who made my life a living hell was there. That was until I saw her in that skirt. The girl I have crushed on since kindergarten was also the captian of the cheer team. Second only to my older sister.
It wasn’t until after the game that anything intresting happened. I went to the locker rooms to wait for my sister when I had to use the bathroom. I went into the locker room and my jaw dropped. I saw an orgy between the cheer team and the football team. I saw the girl I had a crush on since kindergarten, Kaylee, on her knees completely naked sucking on the biggest cock I had ever seen. The cock was bigger then any porn stars I had seen. I could hear the cock Entering her throat. When a loud crackling laugh echoed through the room I finally realized who that monster cock belonged to. It was my biggest bully around the captian of the football team, Jason.
Thanks to his laugh everyone turned towards me frozen in place with the biggest hard on I ever had. When someone in the corner groaned I turned my head. The coach of the football team had just cum all over my sister’s face.
“What the fuck you perv?!” Kaylee’s best friend Kate snapped.
“I..I was just trying to use the bathroom. I didn’t know that this was. I mean I never would have.” I stuttered.
“Hey look at the stiff he has in his pants!” Jason shouted.
I turned even more red as Kate yanked my pants to my knees. I was in too much shock to stop her when she pulled down my underwear. When everyone laughed even my sister I wanted to cry and hide, but all I did was cry. Kaylee got off her knees and walked over to me smiling.
“It’s ok. You may not make a good man or well a man at all but you’re little pee pee is the perfect size for a clipty. What do you think girls? Would this sissy makes a cute girl?” Kaylee asked.
There where shouts of agreement from both the guys and girls. The next thing I knew I was being dragged into the girls locker room. The second we got there someone forced me down so I looked up and saw Jason. When I looked away all I could see was dick. They where all so big and mine was the size of a clip. If I was being honest there where clips in here bigger then my penis.
“Aw look. She’s already checking out you’re cock Jason. Maybe you should give her a little taste.” My sister Mia said.
I had completely forgotten that my sister was apart of the cheer squad until that point. When Jason looked down at me he shurgged and held his cock up to my lips. I looked around at everyone watching me. When he pressed his huge cock to my lips I opened them on instinct but Jason clearly didn’t care. He shoved his cock deep inside my throat not even giving me time to adjust.
“Does my ass taste good babygirl?” Kaylee asked.
My eyes went wide. I knew that she was fuckinghim when i entered but her ass? I quickly tried to push his body away but I was weak and he was the captian of the football team. I didn’t stand a chance. When I felt something being slip up my legs I looked down to see a couple of girls with razors. They where shaving my entire body!
“I think that’s enough for now. We need to get this faggot all dressed up.” Mia said.
Jason pulled out of my throat and as i gasped for air a long strand of spit was pulled out with it. It dripped down my face.
There where about three girls shaving me. Four applying my makeup and Kaylee and my sister where choosing clothes for me. Witch so far was a school girl skirt, tights, a chasity cage, a pink crop top and a blonde wig.
It didn’t take them very long to finish. When they Finally had me dressed and everything they put the wig in place with a form of glue. My nails where done and everything. They pulled me to the mirror and my eyes went wide.
I saw a very hot and beautifulgirl with long blonde hair flat. She had a very feminine psychic. A pink crop top with a school skirt and tights. Her makeup made her look beautiful. They turned me around and I saw my ass was as big as theirs. The only thing I was missing was boobs.
“Damn.” Kaylee said.
“Oh no. Shes having Bi panic again.” Mia laughed.
“We both know I’m bi so it’s not a panic. She’s just beautiful.” Kaylee said in defense.
“Wait that’s right we need a new name for this slut.” Kate said.
“Sissy works.” Jason said.
Everyone agreed. I was too busy to care when they asked me what I thought about the name. I was still staring in the mirror. I had a huge smile on my face.
“I think she likes it. Should we give her time alone?” Kaylee asked.
“I have to get her home anyway you all go ahead. I’ll text you all later.” Mia said.
They all headed back to the boys locker room when Mia went to get dressed. When she came back I hadn’t moved.
“Do you want to change back before we leave? I doubt anyone will know it’s you but.” Mia asked.
“No. I uh. I actually think I.” I blushed.
“I understand. Let’s go Sis.” Mia said softly.
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