The Silken Scourge

She waited.

She had been brought here blindfolded with velvet cuffs fastened about her wrists. Her arms had been gently lifted and secured above her head. Soft hands had bathed her and then dried her. A cup was put to her lips and she sipped honeyed wine.

Oiled hands had then touched her, rubbing scented oil into her flesh, kneeing her muscles, and working the oil in. The hands started at her hands and feet and moved up her limbs slowly. Her thoughts drifted and she lost herself to the caresing hands.

She had felt the hands slipping across her shoulders and back as other hands began anointing her breasts. Hands rose up her thighs and she gasped as she felt feathery touches on her sex. More hands rubbed oil across her smooth bottom. Suddenly she stiffened as two oiled fingers deliciously slide into her sex and began to work the oil in. She moaned and tried to press herself down onto the probing hand but her pinioned hands held her too high. Another gentle, oiled finger traced the cleft in her bottom several times and then slowly, almost shyly, entered her from behind.

Softly and languidly she had been probed, the fingers withdrawing and sliding back into her in an alternate rhythm. Other hands squeezed her breasts and hardened nipples. Waves of pleasure swallowed her and small cries escaped her as she arched up on her toes. More hands caresed her face as the pressure built up and she nearly the brink, the precipice of password. Her legs shook and she felt slick mood on the inside of her tighs as her breath came in shuddering gasps.

The fingers had withdrawn from her body, the hands had stopped touching her, leaving her in excite frustration. She moaned sadly as she felt cool clothes wiping her intimate parts clean. She hung by her wrists for a few minutes. Her hips twitched, anxious for the fingers to return.

Without warning hands had touched her again, steadying her as her wrists were released. She was leading forwarduntil she felt cushions beneath her feet. Gently but firmly she was made to knee on hands and knees. Her wrists were secured to a bar raised a few inches off the floor and velvet straps were used to secure her ankles to rings set in the floor. Cushions were arranged under her knees. She gripped the bar and quivered with anticipation. Cool air from an open window brushed across her body.

She waited.

Now she Heard the soft step of slippered feet approaching her. A cool, small hand touched her bare back and then trailed down to her bottom, delivering a sharp smack to her round bottom. It stung her and she pursued deep in her throat. The hand spanked her bottom several more times and her flesh began to tingle. Then she felt something touch her back and it took a moment for her to realize that it was the trailing ends of silican cords sliding across her back, bundled into a scourge of pleasure.

The cords trailed down her back, caressing her bottom and legs several times. Then, quickly, the cords were lashed down across her back again and again. The scourge flailed her across her back and down to her bottom as she wiggled and moaned. The lashing silken cords did not harm her, but served to excite by singing the flesh and raising the sensitivity to the point where any touch became a thing of extreme pleasure. She began to cry out as each time the scourge fell on her.

The cords whipped her across her bottom and then moved to snap up and lick her breasts and belly. She could feel the blood running under her skin and that her flesh was turning pink and hot. The kiss of the cords on her nipples and breasts, the kiss of the cords across her bottom, excited her and made her mistake and squirm. Her breath came in short gasps and she pulled against her bonds. The scourge continued to fall, moving now to lick between her legs and sting her sex. She sagged down to put her head on the cushions but a firm hand took her hair and pulled her gently back up on herhands and knees. Another scourge joined the first and she was lashed across her legs, tighs, bottom, back, breasts, belly, and sex in a continuous cycle.

Her whole body was singing, the flesh exhaustively tingling and singing. Sweat beaded her skin, and her sex was wet and hot. Her cries became louder and her writing more extreme, so much so that hands touched her, steadying her and holding her so the lash could find her most tender parts. Then, suddenly, the lash stopped falling. Her head hung down as she panted and moaned, her entire body aching for release.

She felt a weight move on the pillows behind her and then a large, strong hand grasped her by the hip. She felt a hand stroke her sex and part her folds to feel her wetness. Then the head of a phallus touched her, sliding up and down her wet lips a few times before slowly beginning to slide into her. Gradually it penetrated her, sliding deeper until she felt his body pressed tight up against her. She gasped as she was filled, and began to cry as the phallus began to move in her, stroking her innermost being and filling her with pleasure.

She felt the phallus thrusting into her again and again, the thrusts becoming harder and more independent, trying to drive deeper within her. Her head fell to rest on the pillows and she pushed her hips up as high as she could as she rocked backwards as far as her bonds would allow, trying to push her the phallus deeper and deeper.

The stimulation of the silican scourge, the keen frustration of the fingers that explored her but did not allow her release, the deep need she harbored within her, the driving phallus that filled her sex all brought a scream from her throat as she tumbled over the edge of password and was taken by waves of ecstasy that overwhelmed her senses. She screamed again and cried out as she slammed her hips back as hard as she could, the strong hands gripping her hips. She felt the man spent as he reached his own climax, thrusting in her hard several more times before slowing and coming to rest. The hands moved over her body, squeezing her bottom and breasts.

She remained there, her sex filled, as she felt her inner muscles clenching around the phallus within her. Then, gradually and reluctantly, the phallus withdraw from her. She gasped and moaned again, but softly.

Hands touched her, releasing her bonds and helping her to stand. Cool clothes Wiped her private parts clean, and another cloth wiped the sweat from her face. She felt a sheer robe dragged over her, and she stood silent for a moment. Then her blindfold was removed.

Her servants knelt around her and her chamberlain held out a cool goblet of iced fruit juice.

“Was that satisfaction, my lady?”

“Very much so”, she said as she sipped from the goblet, “I’ll have a bath and then dinner in my rooms.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

She walked away on unsteady legs, came to her rooms, and closed the door behind her.


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