As they left the restaurant and walked along the smooth path to the car park, Amanda tried to remember why she trusted the man by her side so completely. She had never met Robin before this evening, but thought it might be the air of subdued confidence he seemed to fill the space around himself with, that and the wine they had consumed over dinner.
Whatever it was, as she stepped into the back of the blacked out Mercedes, she He had nothing but good things planned for the evening ahead. He leant into the drivers window and whispered something to him and joined her in the back, smiling secretly, and for a moment her instinct was to run, but then she saw the look in his eyes and decided that for once her instinct was wrong.
As they turned into the driveway of the house he produced a black silk scarf from his jacket pocket. Her heart started to race in panic, but his whispered “trust me” in her ear turned it into excitement. And as he began to place it on her as a blindfold her breathing quickened.
The driver brought the car to a halt and she heard him get out to open the doors for them. Robin stepped onto the path, carefully guided her out of the car and placed his arm round her waist. He helped her up some steps to the door (4, she counted), then opened it. The smell of exotic oils drifting past her made Amanda’s head spin as she was led inside and along a hallway.
When he stopped to open a door, her senses had heightened to the point she could hear the excitement in his breathing too. Now he stood close behind her, guiding her into the room and closing the door behind them. He reached up to the blindfold and slowly untied it, letting it fall to the floor.
She had to blink a few times to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her as she looked round. The room was completely lit by what seemed to be hundreds of candles, obviously the source of the scents she had been smelling since Robin had opened the main door earlier as they were even stronger here.
He took her hand and she followed him to a semi-circular bed at the far wall, noticing several decorative, but obviously functional, hooks around the base as he slowly removed her dress. As it slipped to the floor Robin kissed her on the neck, the touch of his lips like feathers on her skin.
Amanda felt the kisses move to her shoulders as he removed her bra, then his mouth kissed a trail down her spine and he slide her panties off her too. His kisses on the base of her spine setting off charges through her entire body and setting off lights in her head.
Still kneeing, Robin turned her around and placed his feather-like kisses on her clean-shaven mound. His delicate touching had put every nerve ending on maximum, and the sensing of his latest kisses turned her legs to jelly. She feel herself falling back, Robin Somehow managing to catch her as she went and laying her gently down in the centre of the bed.
He moved onto the bed andran his hands slowly from her feet up to her face, tracing the contours of her body, savouring the sheen of perspiration he could feel under his fingers. Amanda sought his mouth with hers and kissed him with a password she had never felt before, her hands loosening his clothes with what seemed like a will of their own. When he moved to help her, her pulse quickly again. The sight of his naked body taking her breath away.
He placed his mouth at her breasts licking each nipple in turn, tasting the salt on her body as they hardened under his tongue. As his hands traced their way back down her body her legs parted, allowing him free access to her most intimate areas. Robin gently traced the line of her pussy lips then placed a finger inside. Finding her clip was easy – it was already hard and waiting for his touch. Moistening his finger more, he circled finger round it, teasing her with glancing, delicate touches.
The sensings Amanda felt at this were like electric shocks running all through her body. Robin seemed to sense this and placed his fingertip directly onto her erect bud. Pressing more firmly than before he moved his finger slowly up and down across it. She gasped, her hips starting to match his movements. Encouraged, he placed a second beside the first, now struggling her clip from both sides.
This brought Amanda to the edge of a climax almost instantly, her hips Now bucking against his hand. A groan of escaped her as his hand moved away from her now glistening mound. She wasn’t disappointed for long though, for he placed his mouth over her swollen bud, sucking it between his teeth as he moved his head from side to side. He used his hands to hold her hips still as she shook in ecstasy, her climax suddenly there, like nothing she had ever experienced in her life before.
When she recovered, she discovered her wrists tethered with some kind of smooth fabric. Looking across, she saw that he had used silk scarves like the one he had blindfold her with earlier. Once again she knew she should be afraid, but found that it excited her instead.
Looking down she saw Robin, who had obviously been waiting for her reaction. He smiled and moved back to her side, placing his hand at her smooth shaft again. Once again, her legs parted without her control, and his fingers found her opening warm, wet and waiting to be touched.
Moving on top of her Partially restrained body, he placed the tip of his manhood at the entrance to her pussy. She moved her hips toward him but he matched her movement, letting only the tip enter her. She groaned out loud, wanting him to fill her completely. As she lowered her hips he brought his down too, holding their bodies the same distance apart. This time she sprang her hips upwards trying to surprise him, but he seemed to know she would do that as he reacted at the same time.
As she lowered her hips again, she begged him to enter her, to fill her completely. This seemed to be the signal he wanted, a sign she was under his control. Now he pressed his hips slowly closer to hers, matching every twitch her hips made, keeping the entry at his speed till finally he had his full length inside her. It felt like he was being gripped by a velvet-lined vice. Amanda surprised him by lifting her hips with his as he tried to slide his cock out of her, the look in her eyes saying “I may have submitted, bit I still have control”. She placed her hips back on the bed then, his movements again matching hers, then he pulled back slowly, steadily, till only the head remained inside. He paused for a second then slide his manhood back into her.
Her moaning got louder, more animal sounding as she felt him expanding inside her. Each slow thrust in was sending a wave of pure pleasure straight to her brain. She pulled at the restraints on her wrists as Her body began to understand with lust and he lifted one leg onto his shoulder. The deeper thrusts this allowed him brought him ever nearerto his own climax as he watched her body, now more firmly restricted in movement, twitch with each stroke he made.
Robin knew he couldn’t last much longer so he placed three fingers at her love button, one either side, squeeze, and the middle one directly on top, pressing hard. She started to orgasm loudly, screaming his name over and over as the wave that had been building inside crashed over her entire body. Her pussy went into spasm and pushed him over the edge too. His hips pressed against hers, their bodies seemingly trying to join as one. The rippling he could feel from her pussy walls as they held him milking every last drop of come from him before they could separate themselves again.
Once more she must have passed out, for the next thing she knew was that she had been washed and dressed, and was blindfolded in the back of a car again. She removed the blindfold (another silk scarf) and noticed a small card fall from her hair. This contained the following note,
“Amanda – Your driver is Mr. Elwood. Do not worry, he is taking you home. Your training went well tonight, I will be in touch. Do not attempt to find me, but be waiting on my call. Robin”
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