Bryan was already smoking nervous bullets as he walked through the inconspicuous door marked with a large drawing of a pink web, the mark of the Orb Weavers Inn; a private club for very specific trysts. The street was almost empty of people, the building an inconspicuous hotel. As he opened the door, the concrete and brick outer wall immediately gave way to a wooden staircase and corridor lit by candlelight. At the very end, after a long walk, was a woman with long black hair sitting at a desk in a waiting room with tiled floors, dressed in a black and pink maid outfit and a white and red fox mask with a tiny snout that covered half their face. The Fox looked up as he entered the room. “Evening. Mr. Bryan, I assume?” he nodded. “My name’s Vergil. Your partner for tonight is already here. Lets get you ready for her!” She stood up and walked around the desk towards him. Maybe it was because of the atmosphere, or maybe it was just his expectation of a BDSM club, but he was shocked that he couldn’t hear clicking heels as she walked. Instead as she walked out he could see she was wearing a big pair of bunny slippers that covered her entire foot.
“So, first things first: you need to clean up.” She said as they entered a spatial marble bathroom. He wasn’t sure how to take that. He didn’t smell that bad did he? The room was already filled with steam from a full bath and the sweet scent of flowery perfumes and oils hung in the air.
“Be sure to wash everywhere.”
“I will, thank you.”
“And I mean, everywhere…”
“I caught the intention, thank you.”
“Wash ya’ butt!”
“I will, Thank you!” he screamed. She chuckled, her fingers resting on her lip. He walked towards the large bath, very aware that she was still in the room. He turned to face her, red from much more than the steam.
“Do you mind?” he asked, aware his words were far too mumbled.
“What was that?” She asked sweetly, blinking in flutters.
“Do-” He took a deep, rib stretching breath. “Do…You mind?”
“Not at all!” she chirped back. Before his heart could register what she said, she gave another hearty cache and picked up a tall basket from besides the door. “Put all your clothes, and again, I mean all of them, in here.” She reached into the basket and pulled out three small folded clothes, then placed them on a counter away from the bath. “You’re partner requested that you to wear one of these, pick one as soon as you’re dry.” She clapped her hands and tip toed towards the door. “Okay then, I’ll leave you to it!” she slowly, quietly closed the door behind her, peaking through the entire way.
Bryan let out the longest, most nervous sight of his life and began undressing. He took a good look at himself in a big mirror by the sink as he stripped and took off his glasses; I should get a haircut, was his first thought. His fluffy brown hair fell a little under his ears, but didn’t cover his strikingly bushy eyesbrows or bright greeneyes. He was far from a bronzed Greek god, being three or four kilograms overweight and bordering on pale. He never felt too bad looking in the mirror, the dieting had been working and he could proudly see it. After the bath, he looked at the three underwear options she had laid out for him: a tiny red silk thong, a pair of boxer shorts with the Inn’s spider mascot covering them and finally a pair of tight black and white briefs. He went for option three. Vergil gave him a standing ovation as he walked out, with chefs, catcalls and whistling before leading him to the main room for the night.
The room itself could only be described as a tea-cozy sex dungeon. It was surprisingly well lit with warm or wooden colours and almost everything that was made to hurt, tie and torture was missing or covered in something soft, like a thick feather blanket, wool clothes or fluffy pink fuzz. What stuck out of him most was a pair of knitted handcuffs, placed on a wall as an art piece. There wereTwo entrances adjacent to each other and Bryant could see the bright light of another room coming from the other door. It was perfect. He felt some of his unease settlement as Vergil guided him to sit on the big bed in the centre of the room.
Vergil took out five things from a cupboard on the rooms left side; a pair of padded leather handcuffs, clearly fluffy on the inside, a set of heavy headphones, a roll of clothes, a roll of tape and a black ball-gag. She quickly set some of her haul down onto the bed. “Hands out!” she ordered as she approached him. The cuffs were black leather with a red trimming and silver buckles. He held his palms out as she slipped them on, adjusting till they fit snugly. As he heard the buckles click shut into place, something clicked in his head. The world started going fuzzy, like his mind and only his mind was floating off his body and his spine was melting into a colourless abyss.
She moved his hands onto his lap and held the gag up to his face. “Say ‘Ahhhh!’” He barely mumbled ‘Ah!’ as he opened his mouth. The pressure from his mouth being forced to stay open was strange but only slightly un-comfortable, more out of how foreign the sensing was than any physical pain. The constant but slight pressure on his teeth made him float further away as he adjusted to breathing more through his nose.
She placed his cheeses in her hands and moved his head, forcing him to look at her eye to eye. She looked serious as she spoke. “Alright, this parts important.” She stuck out her first two fingers and her thumb. “You have three safe words. Yes, even with the gag in.” she flicked out her index finger. “Number one: go humma! Humma! Humma! This means, I’m fine, ignore my noises, keep going. Make the noise for me, please.” As he started to speak, drool dripping from the gag, he stopped floating and the reality of the situation suddenly hit him, and he immediately went bright red and turned his head away from her. His thoughts had finally pierced through the dreamy haze. Oh my God. Oh my God! He thought. Is this… is this actually happening? Is this actually, finally going to happen?
His panic was shaken from him as she grabbed him by the chin, forcing him eye to eye again. She stopped, her face softened as she cradled his cheeses again. “Are you okay?” she said with a sly smile. His eyes widened. “Humma! Humma! Humma!” he grunted. Her smile didn’t fade but her tone was once again stern as she continued. “Number two: Fuwaa! Fuwaa! Fuwaa! Means slow down, its becoming two much for me. Lets hear it sweetie!” He repeated. God, there was so much drool! “And finally: Uhn! Uhn! Uhn! Means emergency, red, instant stop. One more for me, dear!” once again, he repeated. “Now says: purple monkey dishwasher.”
“Paple-pal-path…pith hath!!” She cached and squeezed his nose. He looked away, embarrassed as he gagged out more drool, but she took a towel from the edge of the bed and wiped down his mouth.
“Lie down.” Sheordered as she moved behind him, to the other side of the bed. As Bryan obeyed she pulled him by the handscuffs and made him shimmy to the centre. He moved with her pushes and nudges, ultimately lying on his back, arms outstretched as she pulled the cuffs chain-link behind the back of the bed’s head. Before he could shift to reduce the stretch Vergil suddenly mounted him, holding a pillow in one hand, and the tape and clothes in the other. “Head up, eyes closed,” She whispered. He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes. She ran her finger through his hair as she reached for the back of his head. He could help but squirm and twitch at the sensing. She put the pillow down and from the back, began wrapping the cloth around his face. He still felt calm as the light still came through at the bottom of his nose, but when he heard the harsh rip of the tap his exhale became a shiver. He was left completely in the dark as she secured the clothes to the bridge of his nose and the base of his forehead.
For the last step, she took the headphones, put them on his ear and adjusted the band till it snugly squeezed his head. The world whooshed away and went quiet; the only sound left was his harsh, body-shaking heartbeat and steady, deep breathing. He felt Vergil grab his forehead and slowly push his head down into the pillow. He could barely sense her presence as she walked out the room, the headphones completely muffling the sound of the door closing behind her. He wasn’t moving, but in the dark, the room was spinning.
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