The Shy Spider Ch. 03

Ashley walked into the room, nervously hunted over, hands clapped together under her chin as she bit her bottom lip. Deep down she wished the ambient lighting was red, at least then she would blend in with how much she was blushing. Her partner was already there, tied down and smelling of lavender. In the lighting she saw the definition of his body looked more shadowed, more obvious.

He looks so soft, she Thought, as she watched his chest rise and fall. She approached the bed and bent over, examining his face. He looked so peaceful, soft tufts of hair failing over the blindfold as he kept instinctively trying to breathe out his mouth. She could hear the lips shifting on the gag as his drool rolled down his chin. She took quick breaths as she shook out her nerves before she finally crawled onto the bed, leaving the condom wrapper on a nightstand to the right.

She knelt next to his hips as he felt the bed push down under her weight. His entire body jolted as he snapped back to reality, not sure how much time has passed while he was alone with nothing but his nervous thoughts. His head darted around, subconsciously trying to see where she was as he gripped his hands into fists. He started breathing deeply, trying to calm his rushing heart.

She hesitated for a minute, and then leaned in to his head, placing a hand on his soft chest. “Um… Hello?” he pressed down with her hand, but otherwise, no response. “Hello?” she said again, a little louder. She felt his chest go up and down as his breathing continued, heartbeat pulsing in her fingers. Suddenly, she had an idea. She lifted her hand off his chest, and then with the tip of her index finger, traced ‘H-E-L-L-O?’ onto his stomach above his navel. His deep breathing became a confused grunt. She traced again ‘H-E-L-L-O?’

It took him a moment to decipher the ticklish letters as he shifted, trying to lie more upright, and uncurled his fists. His cuffs gave a small jingle as he waved his right hand. She laughed triumphantly and instinctively waved back, but then remembered he was blindfolded and slapped her forehead. She took a deep breath and moved the hair out of her eyes, tucking it behind her ear. She held his now open hand, interlocking their finger as she mounted his waist.

He gave her hand a squeeze and lifted his head off the pillow, slowly crawling up, trying to find her without scacking into whatever was in front of him. She mirrored his movement until they touched browser to browser and shared the air between them. She felt her way past the headphones towards the scruff of his hair. She started softly scratching up back of his hair and petting it back down, feeling out the roots of his hair. Her balance on top of him moved as he shivered from the sensing. Even through the gag she could hear a melting ‘ahhh’ escape his lips.

Ashley moved her hands to press down on his chest again. He felt just as soft, just as tender as he looked. She gently stroked every inchof his chest, lightly pinching and griping, playing with his nipples and trickling her fingertips along his sides, moving her hands down past his back and giving his ass a hard squeeze. His exhales had become low and long contented sights. Bryan wanted to move with her, to lift and ease every muscle she was caressing, but with every lift or shift she would stop and pull his body down again, stretched out from the wrists, helpless, unable to do anything but float into her touch. She focused on his arms and face, feeling his palms, giving his hands a soft squeeze. Massaging his temples, nuzzling his nose with hers.

She stroked along the side of his neck-‘Muahaaa!’ his sudden loud and reverberating moan made her bolt upright. It was like a solid shock of electricity ran straight from his neck, through his core and fizzled pleasure through his entire body. He began panting heavily, his tongue rasping through the gag. Oh my god. He thought. Oh my god! What the hell was that? He’d heard that some people had a trigger, somewhere impossiblely sensitive around their body, but he’d been in his own body all his life, obviously! Surely he’d know if he had a trigger like that?

Ashley had heard the gasping moan and panting and was immediately panicking. She ran for the towel at the end of the bed and wiped everything that had leaked out his mouth. She quickly wrote ‘O-K?!’ across his chest. ‘U-O-K?’ she traced again. Bryan looked around, trying to locate her again. He nodded rapidly, eyesbrows raised, trying to grin, but his mouth could barely move. “Humma! Humma! Humma!” he grunted out loud as he could. He could feel her breath on his nose as she held him by his shoulder. He didn’t need to see her to sense her concern. He tried to suck in his saliva and uttered out “Hawm ahkay!” with a quick chuckle. He immediately regretted it as his drool leaked out the sides of his mouth, but once again she wiped it off and then kissed his forehead.

Ashley kept her hands closefor a moment, contemplating. She found something she wanted, but… The way he moaned was so intense, so primary, she couldn’t decide if going further would be too much or not. She pinned her left hand to the side of his head and hovered her right over the side she had touched. As softly and gently as she could, moved her hand closer, inch by inch, until she touched. Bryan sucked in the air through his nose and held it. It was a slight jolt, but a jolt nonetheless.

As she lifted her hand again, he exhausted. As they both adjusted themselves to the sensing, her concern drained into something else. Even blindfolded he could feel pure sadism in her smile as she added more fingers, more pressure to her attention on his neck. His brief moans and stoic breaths had become piddling whimpers under her touch. It was like she was controlling the lightning, forcing every inch of him it touched to feel that intense bliss. He squirmed, knees touching and legs rubbing together, but she had him pInned down and there was no escape.

An incredible relief washed over him as she finally stopped her assault. She rested her head under his chin, ear pressed to his chest so she could feel the lovely vibrations of each of his soft moans. She ran her hand back through the scruff of his hair, pulling and struggling with one hand. She shifted, so she could reach his tensing stromach, and traced the words ‘S-E-X-Y-B-O-Y’ under his navel, again and again. He flinched, his voice shifting from laughing to moaning, his blushing smile fighting against the gag.

Suddenly her hand stopped tracing… and she went lower. She kissed her way down his torso, leaving her lipstick where she’d been, like she was writing a map of his body, every mark a line of where she’d been. He stopped squirming, staying deathly still as her hands slipped under His shorts. She teased her way around the entire length of the band, letting her palms run over his oblique’s and her fingers lightly scratch the end ofhis spine. His body felt like it was vibrating, shaking as his mind exhausted itself trying to exam and analyze every soft sensing she was torturing him with. Suddenly, he yelped as she pulled the band up and snapped it down.

His heartbeat thumbed harder in his ears from the surprise as she slipped the briefs completely off his body in a quick motion. She grabbed his knees and pushed them apart, spreading his legs open, exposed with no way to close them as she sat between them. He was twitching, aching. His member was throbbing, leaking down his groin and stomach as his toes curled and his knees rose in anticipation.

She licked her lips and ran her index finger over his sensitive tip, and then, for what felt like a century, stroked down across his entire length, up and down, up and down, changing pace with every stroke and Then…. She stopped. Her finger flicked up the centre of his tip, and her touch did not come back. A dozen emotions hit him at once. Relief at theSensual tortures end, frustration as climax evaded him, shock at his own desperateness, anticipation and hope that this wasn’t the end and fear and helplessness as part of him realized it could be, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Ashley could only smile at the begging whimpers and whiles Bryan started spouting. She took the condom she has set down, popped it open… and waited. For just a few seconds, watching her toy, admiring her work. In that small window without her touch, Bryan’s most primary urge broke through the well of emotion and he found his voice again. He began gagging out, “P-p-pweas? Pweas, pweas kahn ah cum?” His mouth was dry as he repeated the words.

He felt a part of his heart sink as he heard himself, how pathetic he sounded, how vulnerable he was- but before he spiraled downwards he spasmed out of his thoughts as her hands cradle his temples and pushed his head back down into the pillow. He couldn’t stop himself moaning as she traced a heartinto his forehead three times. She kissed, caressed and licked every surface of his face that wasn’t covered and nuzzled her nose into the nape of his neck, away from the sensitive side. Calm warmth rushed through him as she squirmed down to his waist.

He felt her grab his shake firmly in her hand and gasped as she slipped the ring down to the base. She lifted, kissed beneath his navel and started her torture once More, now made so much more intense under the slippery latex. She could feel every pulse, every twitch, every inch of release she was holding away from him. His pleasure was on the edge of a cliff, but every other fiber of his being had long since fallen down. His nervous thoughts, the moments he analyzed every sensing, gone. Silence was a distant dream he’d long since abandoned. All that left his lips were bellowing moans, grunts and whimpers, her own personal orchestra. She rocked herself on his thigh, back and forth, moaning out her own pleasure while she grippedhis shake.

Together, she thought, let’s finish together! She kept grinding at her own pace, feeling the control and desire she was creating. She kept him on the precipice until she was ready, stopping at a moment’s notice, building and building bliss until she felt she was ready, and then, she went faster. Faster on the grind, faster on his manhood, faster and faster and faster until, “Aaaahhh!” They both screamed out in climax, together, as Ashley watched his body rise, moving with his breaths. Her giddiness faded, the focused state she was in left her as the world around them came back. They panted for a minute before she took the towel from her side and wiped herself down and then cleaned the mess she had made on his thigh and stomach. He was completely out of it, nothing but whining moans as his thoughts slowly swirled back into his head.

Ashley got off her prey and pressed a button beside the door Bryan walked through. Vergil came through a few seconds later to help her safely untie Bryan. Ashley held Bryans’ back as he sat upright, her hands propping him up by his shoulder as Vergil as removed the gag and headphones. Bryan felt a calming number as sound whooshed back into existence and the cool breeze brushed past his hot ears. He took long, blowing breaths as the gag was removed, slightly surprised there was any drool left. The pressure off his teeth felt wonderful. He would never take breathing through his mouth for granted ever again.

Vergil and Ashley helped unravel the blindfold. As it slipped off, he realized his eyes were wet. He must have been leaking tears towards the end. “Eyes closed! They need a second before they can see light.” Vergil warned as she worked, then asked, “Are both of you comfortable doing aftercare here, or would you like to Leave the room?” Bryan felt for the hand on his shoulder, Ashley quickly gave it to him.

“Uhm-” he felt his tongue free in his mouth, feeling rushing back to his jaw, “I’m good here.” He turned and gave the hand a soft squeeze. He heard a relieved sight behind him.

“I’m fine here too.” Ashley said. Vergil smiled and left the room to get a weighed blanket and two cups of hot chocolate, ‘my specialty’ she chirped as she left.

Bryan crawled away from Ashley’s rest, turning so he could face her. He tested his eyes, slowly fluttering his lids to see how the light felt. When he was comfortable enough, he finally opened them. He’d seen Ashley’s face plenty of times, through pictures and an unflattering laptop camera, but in person, he couldn’t contain a soft gasp. He barely noticed her lipstick smeared across her face. He fell into her eyes, her calming and concerned syrupy eyes, like he was falling into an ocean as soon as he saw them. He reached a hand out to her face. She took it and guided it to her cheek. He stammered for a second and finally said “Hey” with a goofy chuckle. She chuckled back and turned bright red. “Hey” she muttered back, covering her face. Ashe moved in closer, she guided his body to turn again, spooned into her shoulder, legs resting beside his and arms wrapped around his neck as he planted kisses along her embrace and gently stroked her thighs.

They both told together, wrapped in a cozy warmth that blanked them physically and emotionally. After Vergil came back with their drinks, Ashley asked, “I didn’t hurt your neck did I?” He nuzzled into her shoulder.

“No, not at all. I-” he chuckled again, blushing. “I didn’t know I had a spot like that. I didn’t think I had… Buttons.” She kissed the back of his head.

“I like pushing your buttons.” She giggled. “Are you sure it didn’t hurt?”

“It was just weirdly ticklish.” He smiled at her. “I loved it.” He relaxed back into her Shoulder, but feel that sink in his heart again. His face grow serious.

“I didn’t think I’d beg. That felt…” He trailed off as his hands lifted from her thighs, resting them close to his stomach. Ashley let go of his neck and tightly hugged his entire chest from his elbows.

“I wanted you to.” She whispered into the nape of his neck. “I-I wanted to feel that control, to make you that desperate-“

Before she could continue, he straightened out of her grasp and turned one last time, so he could face her, so he could hold her back. They stayed still for a moment, eye to eye, before he moved in, gently kissing her lips. She pulled him in deeper as a gentle peck became an incredible, slow embrace. He shifted back as he wrapped his arms around her waist. She pushed his head into her chest. They fell back into the bed together as he squeezed her with a light pressure, her hands playing with his hair. As they lay there, he felt her index finger on his check, tracing letters for the last time: ‘M-I-N-E’.


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