The rumors about Benjamin quickly swirled around campus. Very attractive, he was every woman’s dream man. Tall, muscle, six pack abs, strong handsome face, dark wavy hair, he had it all. Benjamin was an anomaly though as he did not have sex with women (and he was DEFINITELY not Gay), made even more ironic as he was also spectacularly endowed. He grew up in a very strict household and was taught (beaten into him actually) that spilling his demon seed outside of his bride on his wedding night was a one-way ticket to hell so not only did Benjamin not have sex with women (which he greatly wanted to) he also did not jack off. His pent up lust caused his balls to ache all the time with this very heavy burden he had to carry.
He cursed himself every time he had an ‘accident’ in his sleep since his Very strict mother had beaten him seriously anytime she discovered he had soiled his sheets with an uncontrolled nocturnal emission. Whenever this would happen she would say “Boys are fullof the devil, and sometimes the devil sneaks out.”
When the inevitable did happen and his boiling cum spilled into his sheets, his misguided mother would force him to wear a chatity belt for a few weeks, both as a punishment for his “sin” but also to prevent any unauthorized leakage in the future. Now with her only son away from home, she worried greatly about his chatity while at college since being surrounded by all of those nubile young girls was enough to tempt a saint and she knew her boy was no saint.
Dispite all this, Benjamin was popular with the other guys, and quickly pledged a fraternity. His father had told him that the ties he made in a fraternity would serve him well for the rest of his life so he eagerly pledged. Being a normal hormonely supercharged American male, he attempted to date the girls he met on campus, but eventually things would progress too far and he would back off. Ironically enough, his resistance to their female charms only made him moreAttractive to them, which tended to piss his brothers at the frat house off immensely.
Whispers about Benjamin were ripe around Delta Pi, the sister sorority to his fraternity. When they found out that not only did he never have sex, but according to his roommate, never even jacketed off, the girls were very intrigued. When it accidentally slipped out form one of his frat brothers that not only was he chaste, but he had a huge cock, they were beside themselves with lust. Now they must have this boy and break him to their will. This was their mission and nothing on earth would stop them.
Despite his will, and most likely because of his constant self-denial, Benjamin was constantly horny. Once the rumors about him got out, he found himself constantly subjected to female assault, each wanting to be the one to Take his “cherry”. Scantily clad women would grope his ass, or rub their oh so tight curvy bodies over his aching groin, causing his cock to almost rip through the denim inHis jeans. Perpetual displays of cleavage and delicious little toes peaking out from those flip flops filled his brain with increasingly perverted fans and he now had sex on the brain 24/7. Each day when he would go to class, it seemed as if every girl in sight would target him for special attention. Blowing into his ear, texting him naked pictures of themselves (which he would desperately try not to look at before Deleting) and generally keeping him constantly, hopelessly and impotently aroused.
Nights were the worst for Benjamin as he would lay in his bed at the frat house, staring at his giant throbbing cock tenting his sheets, desperate for relief. If only his motal soul was not at stake he would just grab it and milk it for all its worth, or better yet, plumge it into some hot co-ed and spew his 18 years worth of cum all up inside them. As the months went by in college he was becoming more and more distracted as dirty and filterthy thoughts filled his mind constantly andhe thought he would go insane! This was a typical evening for him, and as his mind played porn movies of his own making in his head, he finally drifted off to sleep. The erotic dreams continued until he was suddenly and rudely awoken at 2 AM.
“OK Fuckers WAKE UP! Tonight is hell night, and time for your initiative!” yelled the very belligerent and quite drunk president of the Frat. “Get Your asses down to the living room in 2 minutes, naked as the day you were born and ready to enter into a world of pain.”
Benjamin, as well as all of the other pledges, had dreaded this night for weeks, but at least their pledge period was almost over. After tonight he would be a full brother, and all would be all set. He had heard about these initiative ceremonies before, and figured it would just be Some humiliating stunts he would have to perform, probably get paddled a few times and then it would be over but when he was handcuffed behind his back, NAKED, and had a hood pulled over his head, he began to get worried. When he felt himself being led outside, the gravel in the parking lot cutting his bare feet, he began to really get filled with fear. As he was shoved into the trunk of the car and driven off, fear rapidly turned to blind panic.
For what seemed like hours, but was in reality only 10 minutes, Benjamin was driven off into the night. When the car finally stopped, several unfamiliar hands grabbed him and frog marched him into an unknown building. Hooded as he was, he had no idea where he was and when he was roughly pushed onto a couch his wrists and feet were quickly bound to the sides. In this position he had no way of covering himself, or even moving very much, so whoever else was in the room was obviously seeing every inch of his naked body and there was nothing he could do about it.
He Couldn’t tell who else was there, but from the little sounds he could pick up (his hearing greatly enhanced by not being able to see) he knew there was at leasta small crowd. Hearing footsteps leave and a door opening, his stomach fell as he also heard the car, his recent prison but now his only method of escape, peal out of the driveway. His face turned beet red with shame as he then realized that whatever else was going to happen to him that night, several strangers were going to see him naked. Sweat began pouring off of him and he started to shake and to his horror, he also began to get hard and his cock started to throb.
His ears attuned to any sound thought he heard the faith gasp of a female voice. His face turned even redder at that prospect as he realized that not only was he naked, but now it was probably that he was naked in front of a bunch of strange girls. As his mind raced to try and desperately think of a way out of this humiliating situation, the hood was violently ripped from his head. As his face was uncovered, his eyes squinted as they adjusted to the harsh light. Once they adjusted his pupils got big, VERY BIG, as heNow realized exactly where he was.
He was tied naked, completely with his legs spread out lewdly and wide and now with a huge throbbing erection in the living room of the sister sorority of his frat. Quickly looking around the room he counted, and realized that every member, all 30 of them, were in the room and staring silently and intently right at him in his naked state. Well, right at his cock, which twitched again unconsciously.
“Well Benjamin, tonight is your big night!” – said Sarah, the gorgeous President of the house. “Our sorority and your fraternity are based on the ideals of service to others and generosity to our fellow man, and from the looks of that magnificent piece of meat you have between your legs, you have holding out on us and not been generous with your GIFTS.”
Benjamin said nothing, but closed his eyes, somehow thinking that by blocking his sight of them, they wouldn’t be able to witness his shameful nudity.
She sashayed across the floor,removing her clothes as she went as Benjamin looked on, years of frustrated lust burning in his testicles, he could not look away. His cock, now hard as nails, stood up and throbbed to greet her as she reached his chair.
Slowly and languidly she slide her bare foot up his thigh and over his aching balls as she smiled at his desperate struggle to get away. He twitched, and without being able to help it, leaned in to get more friction, despite also extremely trying to run. Spreading her toes she ran them up one side of his cock, over its purple head and down the other as he just moaned and shuddered, helpless to stop her dispatch. Raising her foot up again she lifted it to his face, stopping mere centimeters from his lips. Without thinking and totally acting on hormoneally charged instinct, he reached out his lips and lightly kissed her soles as a wicked smile crossed her face. His reactions told her he was obviously cracking.
“OK Benjamin, you have pussy teased us enoughh with your monster package and singy ways. Here is the deal. We are not rapists, and certainly will never do anything to you that you don’t want us to. What we are going to do is try to convince you for the next hour that you should allow your beautiful cock out of its self imposed prison and allow us to partake.” Hearing another desperate moan erupt from his mouth she giggled. “I am quite positive we can convince you.” As she left him throbbing in his chair, she strolled over to the mantle and wound the timer. “NO!” Benjamin screamed with his mouth even as his cock screamed yes. “Please don’t make me spill my seed, I made a promise to my mother and to the Lord, please don’t make me”
Sarah lifted her toes up to his lips again and closed them with her cute lickable toes.
“Benjamin, it is your choice. My two best girls, Julie and Margaret are going to tease you for the next hour. We aren’t going to take your cum, you are going to give it to us. If you can make it the hour and not beg us to finish you off, we will let you go and you can go back to your frat and rejoin your brothers, no harm done.”
Benjamin looked relieved until she continued:
“But, if during that hour you beg (and trust me boy, you are going to beg) for us to finish you, well, you will have to stay here with us for some serious re-education.”
Julie spoke next.
“It won’t be so bad, but there will be some changes. You won’t be able to wear clothes anymore, as we all think it criminal that you hide that glorious cock of yours.”
“And of course, your days will be quite busy buried between our thighs.” laughed Margaret. “But think of it this way, you are going to make up for lost time in a big way.”
Benjamin was torn. His brain so wanted to keep his promise and stay champion but his hormones raged for relief. He knew this was going to be a battle, but, he planned on winning it.
Julie and Margaret quickly disrobed and sat on either side of him, slowly oiling their soft palms with coco butter, making them slippery and velvety soft as they quickly began to lightly stroke and tease Benjamin’s dick. He moaned softly as it got even harder and began to throb uncontrollable, trying hard to maintain his composition, it was useless as these girls were experts. They managed to keep him completely horny and desperate but right on the edge of cumming, never QUITE stimulating him enough to actually release. His brain was frying and his will was crumbling, and for the first time of the night he thought all was lost.
After 50 minutes he was panting and smoking uncontrollably but the end of his ordeal was in sight. He only had to hold out a few more minutes and he gritted his teeth, trying desperately to hold on as his toes curled and sweat poured off of his hard cut body. Finally the Reptilian part of his brain took over and smoked his superioro to smithereens. He was now all ID and out of control and in total desperation he screamed.
“FORGOD SAKES FINISH ME, PUMP MY SEED, MAKE ME CUM! I CAN”T STAND ANYMORE!!!” he shrieked, tears of frustration clouding his eyes as he spasmed and shrieked in a mixture of torque and ecstasy.
The girls wounded at one another and looked relieved. If he had known he only had 45 seconds to go he might have be able to hold on, but it was too late and they had won. They then increased the speed of their stroke and the firmness of their grip and within seconds, 18 years of pent up sperm came bursting out like a geyser in a full, growing toe curling gasping orgasm. All of the girls witnessing this gasped in glee, some of them shifting uncomfortable in their seats trying to hide the wetness that was gushing out of them as he hosted his load high into the air.
Right as the last spurt hit the floor the buzzer rang indicating his hour was up. Benjamin just stared ahead in disbelief as his cum soaked body shook in relieved exhaust but now he wondered what future awaited him. When Julie gently grabbed his head and began to direct it to her open pussy, he had his answer as College was going to be a lot different for him than he had originally thought.
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